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一种新的可靠度计算方法及其在工程中的应用   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
胡强  刘宁  李锦辉 《岩土力学》2004,25(4):632-636
利用神经网络拟合极限状态方程、几何法计算结构可靠度,并推导了基于神经网络的几何法计算公式。最后比较了该法与其他可靠度计算方法的精度以及计算效率,并将该法应用于实际工程当中。  相似文献   
高能级强夯在大型石化工程中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
高广运  水伟厚  王亚凌  李伟 《岩土力学》2004,25(8):1275-1278
大面积的多孔隙、粗颗粒非饱和土地基的加固处理宜采用强夯法。加固深厚地基,特别是大孔隙湿陷性地基、山区大厚度非均匀块石回填地基和抛石填海地基,应该施加高能级强夯进行处理。我国的高能级强夯主要用于石化工程施工中的生产装置和大型储罐地基。结合青岛重交沥青有限公司4座5万m3原油储罐和配套附属设施地基处理工程,对高能级强夯的关键技术、检测方法和综合评价进行了阐述,可供强夯设计施工参考。  相似文献   
As gravity field,magnetic field,electric field and seismic wave field are all physical fields,their object function,reverse function and compound function are certainly infinite contiuously differentiable func-tions which can be expanded into Taylor (Fourier) series within domain of definition and be further reduced in-to solving stochastic distribution function of series and statistic inference of optimal approximation,This is the basis of combined gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic inversion built on the basis of separation of field and source gravity-magnetic difference-value(D-value)trend surface,taking distribution-independent fault sys-tem as its unit,depths of seismic and electric interfaces of interests as its corresponding bivariate compound re-verse function of gravity-magnetic anomalies and using high order polynomial(high order trigonometric func-tion)approximating to its series distribution,The difference from current dominant inversion techniques is that,first,it does not respectively create gravity-seismic,magnetic-seismic deterministic inversion model from theoretical model,but combines gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic stochastic inversion model from stochastic model;second,after the concept of equivalent geological body being introduced,using feature of independent variable of gravity-magnetic field functions,taking density and susceptibility related to gravity-magnetic func-tion as default parameters of model,the deterministic model is established owing to better solution to the con-tradictioc of difficulty in identifying strata and less test analytical data for density and susceptibility in newly explored area;third,under assumption of independent parent distribution,a real modeling by strata,the prob-lem of difficult plane closure arising in profile modeling is avoided,This technology has richer and more detailed fault and strata information than sparse pattern seismic data in newly explored area,successfully inverses and plots structural map of Indosinian discontinuty in Hefei basin with combined gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic inversion,With development of high precision gravity-magnetic and overall geophysical technology,it is certain for introducing new methods of stochastic modeling and computational intelligence and promoting the develop-ment of combined gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic inversion to open a new substantial and promoting the develop-ment of combined gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic inversion to open a new substantial path.  相似文献   
Summary Laboratory model test results are presented that determine the effectiveness of using layers of geogrids as reinforcement in sand to reduce the settlement of square surface foundations subjected to transient loading. The model tests were conducted with only one type of geogrid at one relative density of compaction of sand. The maximum intensity of the transient load applied always exceeded the static ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation when supported by unreinforced sand. The settlement reduction factors for various depths of reinforcement have been determined.  相似文献   
The texture of digital rock images, as recorded, for instance, with borehole imaging devices, is shown to reflect different bedding types. Textural segmentation of borehole images, therefore, subdivides the recorded sequence into bedding units. We show that a textural segmentation algorithm based on the concept of texture energy achieves good results when compared with synthetic as well as real data in which petroleum geologists have performed zonations on cores. Texture energy involves filtering of the original image with a set of texture sensitive masks. The filtering is done as a finite convolution over the size of the masks. On the resulting images the variance is computed over a relatively large sliding window, which, in its practical implementation, covers the full width of the image. The resulting nine one-dimensional curves are then clustered hierarchically into a user-determined number of image texture or lithological bedding classes. Principal component analysis previous to clustering can be used to reduce redundancy in the data. A recurring and relatively ill-defined problem in this field are macro-textures, i.e., the cyclic interbedding of two or more bedding types. We show that sliding Fourier transforms and variable mask scale can successfully address the zonation of macro-textures. In general, the method gives best results with mask sizes equivalent to 2–4 centimeters, reflecting the length scale at which the investigated geological bedding seems to have its highest variation.  相似文献   
角度域照明可以更加细致地对地下复杂地质体进行照明分析。提出了一种适用于起伏地表条件下的角度域照明分析方法,其主要过程是利用局部倾斜叠加技术分解波场,对起伏地表处采用加权函数判定局部时窗内的振幅包络位置,以区分其位于地表之上或之下;并引入相似系数函数计算反假频局部平面波场,根据局部斜率与平面波场入射角关系,得到局部角度域地震波场;根据帕斯瓦尔等式下的时间-角度域照明关系式,计算得出角度域照明强度。通过起伏地表高速侵入矿体模型试算,得到给定观测系统下角度域照明强度与地下分析点照明随炮点、波场入射角的变化关系。此方法可用于起伏地表条件的观测系统优化、叠前AVA分析等方面。  相似文献   
月面环境与月壤特性研究的主要问题探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
月面环境与月壤特性是月球探测和月球科学研究的重要基础,对它们的研究一直在不断加深,本文对月球表面地形地貌、热环境以及月壤特性三个方面的研究现状进行了总结,初步分析了这三个方面研究目前存在的一些主要问题:(1)地形地貌对月球定量遥感的影响以及南极艾特肯(SPA)盆地等地貌单元的年代学划分和成因演化;(2)月面热辐射、月表物理温度和热流等月面热环境特征的进一步探测和全面分析,以及其对地球反照率变化的响应;(3)月壤形成演化过程及空间风化作用,月球极区氢富集机制和水冰探测,以及月球资源开发利用。  相似文献   
同震地表破裂带是地震破裂最直观的表现。地表破裂带的精细填图对理解地震破裂过程及发震机理有着重要意义。我们对5.12汶川地震映秀-北川同震破裂带南部的虹口乡区段开展了较为精细的填图工作,该区段地表破裂带的平面几何和同震位移特征沿走向均显示出公里尺度的横向变化和复杂性。根据同震破裂不连续性特征可把地表破裂分为4段,自南向北依次为深溪沟段、庙坝段、高原新村段和八角庙段。其中,深溪沟段和八角庙段同震垂直位错较大,达.5~6m;庙坝段同震垂直位移量普遍较低,1~2m或更低;  在高原新村附近,地表破裂带分为近平行的南北两支,北支以右旋走滑为主,南支以南东盘逆冲抬升为主,这与与映秀-北川同震破裂总体北西盘抬升的性质相反。本文对高原新村附近的反向陡坎进行了深入的探讨,并综合前人的研究结果,认为是破裂在从深部往上扩展的过程中,在浅表部位顺着发育在虹口东南部的大鱼洞-龙溪飞来峰后缘的具南东倾向的断面继承而成。与北川沙坝附近的反向陡坎一样,说明老断裂带构造几何特征对单次地震破裂的扩展有牵引作用。最后,讨论了八角庙有切割关系的两组断层擦痕的地震学和地质学意义,指出可能指示了映秀-北川断裂面上局部区段震前的初始应力水平较低。  相似文献   
应用遥感方法研究黄河三角洲地表蒸发及其与下垫面关系   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
文中主要应用遥感方法计算了黄河三角洲地表蒸发量及其地表特征参数。地表特征参数及其合理组合揭示出黄河三角洲下垫面的基本特征:农田植被指数和天然植被的植被指数有不同的变化规律,下垫面覆盖度低,裸地较多,地表较湿润,蒸发量较大。蒸发量时空分布主要受下垫面条件控制,滨海裸地和受人类活动影响较大的农田等地蒸发量较大,年际平均蒸发量在570~860 mm之间。  相似文献   
渤海湾周缘高温地热异常区是华北重要的地热资源区,研究其浅层高温地热异常及深层高温地热结构,是解决中国东部高温地热勘查开发瓶颈的重要基础,对加快构建东部现代能源体系、推进“双碳”目标进程具有重要的科学意义。利用最新的中国大陆岩石圈速度模型USTClitho2.0和航磁资料,在大地热流资料约束下,本文计算了渤海湾周缘浅层与深层高温热结构,结果表明:该区居里面平均深度20.8km,居里温度420℃,中、上地壳高温热结构与居里面起伏形态密切相关。上地壳生热率随深度增大而递减,反映了放射性生热元素向上迁移、在浅层富集的垂向分异特征。Moho面温度在600~800℃之间,岩石圈底界面1300℃等温面深度在66.3~97.5 km之间,平均值为76.8 km。依据USTClitho2.0模型Vp、Vs速度结构,本文修正了前人的地壳分层结构及上地壳生热率,计算了研究区内全部91个大地热流点的壳幔热流比,结果表明:Qc/Q=56.4%、Qm/Q=43.6%, Qc/Q>Qm/Q,显示该区为“热壳”结构。前人认为此区是“冷壳热幔”型热结构,本文的计算结果修正了前人的认识,指出上地壳层热流在地表总热流...  相似文献   
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