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1986—1988年,福建省地震局在福州盆地及其周围地区完成了五条地震测深剖面:宁德—永春剖面;洪懒—宁德剖面;莲峰—福州(尚干)剖面;南平—永泰—平潭非纵剖面;并在宁德—古田—嵩口首次试验扇形剖面观测系统,结果表明,扇形剖面对确定断裂是有效的. 根据对地震波走时的正、反演计算,用理论地震图和射线追踪方法进一步修改和完善,得到了福州盆地及其周围地区地壳深部为高、低速相间的速度分布特征.地壳介质速度为6.40km/s,在中地壳普遍发育一层速度为5.80—5.90 km/s、厚度约5.0 km的低速层.Moho面深度30—33 km,福州盆地为一Moho面隆起区,隆起幅度达3.0 km.北西向断裂发育,其中,闽江断裂在纵剖面和扇形剖面均有明显的反映,并切割到Moho面2.0—3.0 km. 反射波谱频方法计算得到福州盆地地壳Q值仅120—150,比邻近地区明显偏低,中地壳低速层Q值为40—80,是一典型的低速—高导—低Q(高衰减)结构层,此层上界面埋深14—15 km,与居里面埋深较一致.这些结果为福州地区的地热资源远景预测和开发提供了地壳深部结构和某些地球物理场背景.  相似文献   
A half‐space finite element and a transmitting boundary are developed for a water‐saturated layered half‐space using a paraxial boundary condition. The exact dynamic stiffness of a half‐space in plane strain is derived and a second‐order paraxial approximation of the stiffness is obtained. A half‐space finite element and a transmitting boundary are then formulated. The development is verified by comparison of the dynamic stiffness of impermeable and permeable rigid strip foundations with other published results. The advantage of using the paraxial boundary condition in comparison with the rigid boundary condition is examined. It is shown that the paraxial boundary condition offers significant gain and the resulting half‐space finite element and transmitting boundary can represent the effects of a water‐saturated layered half‐space with good accuracy and efficiency. In addition, the numerical method described herein maintains the strengths and advantages of the finite element method and can be easily applied to demanding problems of soil–structure interaction in a water‐saturated layered half‐space. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
隧道可液化土层围岩对地震动作用非常敏感,可液化土层动孔压的产生和发展使得地下结构受到上浮作用,从而影响地下结构的稳定性.通过对可液化土层中隧道动力响应计算,研究了不同静应力场隧道围岩动孔压场分布、围岩液化区域分布以及衬砌结构仰拱底与拱顶的动孔压差变化.研究结果表明,不同静应力场对围岩可液化土的动孔压分布、液化区域分布及...  相似文献   
The change in community diversity and structure of the indigenous, dominant, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-degrading bacterial genera, Sphingomonas and Mycobacterium, due to contamination in the environment is not very well known. A combination of PCR-DGGE with specific primers and a cultivation-dependent microbiological method was used to detect different populations of Sphingomonas and Mycobacterium in mangrove sediments. The structure of the entire bacterial community (including Sphingomonas) did not show a shift due to environmental contamination, whereas the diversity of Mycobacterium populations in mangrove sediments with higher PAH contamination increased from exposure between Day 0 and Day 30. The isolated Mycobacterium strains migrated to the same position as the major bands of the bacterial communities in Mycobacterium-specific DGGE. A dioxygenase gene system, nidA, which is commonly found in PAH-degrading Mycobacterium strains, was also detected in the more highly contaminated sediment slurries. The present study revealed that Mycobacterium species were the dominant PAH-degraders and played an important role in degrading PAHs in contaminated mangrove sediments.  相似文献   
竖向质量分布对框架结构动力特性影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在框架结构动力分析中,往往是把填充墙质量集中在楼层处进行求解.文中考虑填充墙实际分布对结构自振特性的影响,通过传递矩阵法求解结构自振频率和振型,并进一步分析了高阶频率的分布规律.结果表明,与采用集中质量模型的振型叠加法相比,填充墙的竖向质量分布会对框架结构高阶频率产生很大影响;框架结构的高阶模态具有局部性和密集分组的特...  相似文献   
某超高层钢管混凝土框架-混凝土核心筒结构因指标超限在设计中采用了耗能减震技术,为了检验该减震结构的抗震性能,制作了1/35的缩尺模型,通过在钢管混凝土框架设置阻尼器或不设置阻尼器,进行模拟地震振动台对比试验,研究了模型结构的动力特性和不同烈度地震作用下的加速度、位移和应变响应。研究结果表明:地震作用下,该钢管混凝土框架-混凝土核心筒减震结构与钢管混凝土框架-混凝土核心筒结构相比,位移、加速度和应变响应均有一定程度的降低;罕遇地震作用下,通过设置耗能减震构件,层间位移角最大值从超过规范要求的1/84减低至满足规范要求的1/130,表明该减震结构具有更优良的抗震性能。  相似文献   
At present, methods based on allowable displacements are frequently used in the seismic design of earth retaining structures. However, these procedures ignore both the foundation soil deformability and the seismic amplification of the soil placed behind the retaining wall. Thus, they are not able to predict neither a rotational failure mechanism nor seismic induced lateral displacements with an acceptable degree of accuracy for the most general case. In this paper, a series of 2D finite-element analyses were carried out to study the seismic behavior of gravity retaining walls on normally consolidated granular soils. Chilean strong-motion records were applied at the bedrock level. An advanced non-linear constitutive model was used to represent both the backfill and foundation soil behavior. This elastoplastic model takes into account both the stress dependency of soil stiffness and coupling between shear and volumetric strains. In unloading–reloading cycles, the non-linear shear-modulus reduction with shear strain amplitude is considered. Interface elements were used to model soil–structure interaction. Routine-design charts were derived from the numerical analyses to predict the lateral movements at the base and top of gravity retaining walls located at sites with similar seismic characteristics to the Chilean subduction zone. Thus, wall seismic rotation can also be obtained. The developed charts consider wall dimensions, granular soil properties, bedrock depth, and seismic input motion characteristics. As shown, the proposed charts match well with available experimental data.  相似文献   
云南小江流域为典型干热河谷区,该区域干热少雨,流域内泥石流沟众多,生态环境十分脆弱.2017年4月和9月对小江流域的吊嘎河、蒋家沟、蓝泥坪沟、清水沟、陶家小河5条泥石流沟及小江干流开展了系统调查,旨在摸清5条泥石流沟及小江干流河流地貌、水环境及底栖动物群落现状,分析不同河床结构发育程度的泥石流沟间的底栖动物群落差异,揭示底栖动物对反映河床结构发育程度的河流地貌特征参数凹凸度的响应关系.调查期间于5条泥石流沟及小江干流中共采集到底栖动物70种,隶属于4门6纲38科69属,其中环节动物6种,软体动物2种,节肢动物61种,扁形动物1种.从种类类群来看,5条泥石流沟及小江干流的底栖动物物种数、密度、生物量上均以节肢动物占绝对优势,分别占总量的78.0%~92.5%、98.7%~100%、65.0%~100%.从功能摄食类群上来看,5条泥石流沟及小江干流底栖动物密度上均以直接收集者为主,占总量的74.3%~96.3%.回归分析表明,5条泥石流沟中底栖动物物种数、密度及生物量均与河流地貌特征参数凹凸度呈正相关关系,由此可见,发育良好的河床结构在维持河流地貌稳定和改善河流生态方面起着举足轻重的作用.本研究结果可为小江流域山区河流泥石流沟河床结构重建及生态修复提供科学依据.  相似文献   
沂沭断裂带重力场及地壳结构特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
沂沭断裂带为郯庐断裂带山东段,新构造运动显著,是华北地区的强震活动带之一。文中收集了该地区的布格重力数据,利用小波多尺度分析方法对重力场进行有效分离,研究区域地壳结构特征及断裂空间展布,并应用Parker变密度模型对区域莫霍面进行反演分析,得到以下几点结论:1)重力区域场显示,沂沭断裂带形成了NNE走向的大型重力梯度带,分隔了鲁西、鲁东地块,成为区域内重要的地球物理分界线。2)重力局部场显示,中上地壳结构复杂,沂沭带内部呈现两堑一垒的重力异常格局,5条主干断裂形成线性梯度带分布于东、西地堑内,鲁西块体的多条NW向活动断裂交切于沂沭断裂带,多数断裂只交切于西地堑,而蒙山山前断裂和苍尼断裂横穿沂沭断裂带;下地壳结构相对简单,发生明显的褶曲构造,表现出大规模高、低密度异常相间排列的典型特征。3)区域莫霍面形态东高西低,沂沭断裂带形成了莫霍面陡变带,造成了东西分异格局,潍坊东—莒县—临沂一线出现莫霍面上隆区,具有强震发生的深部孕震环境。4)区域内地震多发于高、低重力异常转化带之间,特别是活动断裂对应的重力梯度条带之上,地震的发生与断裂活动有着密切的关系,沂沭断裂带地震活动性最强,且东地堑强于西地堑。  相似文献   
杨军  苏有锦  李孝宾  叶泵  陈佳 《地震研究》2015,38(2):196-202,333
利用云南省地震台网的宽频带数据,采用CAP方法计算了2013年3月3日洱源MS5.5地震前后共10次ML≥3.4地震的震源机制解,分析了洱源MS5.5地震前后震源机制解的一致性变化特征,结合精定位结果、震后现场灾害评估报告及震区地质构造情况,判定维西—巍山断裂以西的苍山西麓炼铁盆地东缘主边界断裂带为洱源MS5.5地震的发震构造,震源机制解节面Ⅱ(走向160°、倾角48°、滑动解-99°)为其发震断层面。  相似文献   
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