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尹志杰  王容  李磊  赵兰兰 《水文》2019,39(2):86-91
2017年6月下旬至7月初,受持续强降雨影响,长江发生中游区域性大洪水。以实时报汛数据为基础,分析长江"2017·07"暴雨洪水特性,依据洪峰水位判断,强降雨导致洞庭湖水系湘江发生超历史最高水位特大洪水,资水、沅江发生超保证水位大洪水,洞庭湖超过保证水位;鄱阳湖水系乐安河上游发生超历史最高水位特大洪水,昌江、乐安河中下游、修水发生10a一遇较大洪水,鄱阳湖超过警戒水位;长江干流莲花塘以下江段全线超过警戒水位。在应对此次洪水过程中,长江上中游重点水库防洪效益十分明显,有效避免中游干流莲花塘至螺山江段超保,缩短洞庭湖城陵矶站超保时间6d左右。  相似文献   
郑斌嵩  牟传龙  梁薇  陈超 《地质学报》2018,92(7):1524-1540
在扬子地台东南缘,下寒武统龙王庙阶清虚洞组主要由浅水碳酸盐岩组成。在野外露头剖面实测和室内镜下薄片观察的基础上,大量风暴沉积被发现于不同剖面清虚洞组的不同层位中,同时大量风暴诱发形成的沉积构造被识别出来,包括侵蚀基底、粗粒滞留沉积、粒序层理、平行层理、丘状交错层理(少见并且值得怀疑)以及沙纹层理,组成了多种类型的风暴沉积序列。结合更靠扬子东南缘的深水剖面中重力流沉积的缺乏,可以推断早寒武世龙王庙期扬子地台的沉积模式为碳酸盐缓坡。结合风暴的形成机制以及清虚洞组风暴沉积的发育特征(尤其是粗粒滞留砾屑的定向排列和典型丘状交错层理的缺乏),可以推断研究区风暴沉积形成于强烈的冬季风暴作用,并且早寒武世龙王庙期华南的古地理位置应当位于中纬度地区,这一结论对一些著名的全球古地理重建方案提出了质疑。同时中纬度地区大规模发育蒸发岩和碳酸盐岩还佐证了寒武纪地球处于热室(Hothouse)时期。  相似文献   
广义的风暴沉积是自然界内外地质营力促使海水产生足够大的漩涡流,对海底及海岸冲蚀形成的一种事件沉积。徐州赵圩地区发育丰富的晚元古代风暴沉积记录,通过野外露头剖面岩性观察与室内整理,划分出7种不同水深的风暴沉积序列类型。根据冲刷面、滞积层、丘状交错层理(HCS)、液化卷曲层理等典型风暴特征,可将这7种序列与浅海陆棚边缘-台地前缘缓斜坡-台前潮上环境的连续沉积相对应。据此分析了风暴沉积序列与水深的关系,并针对本区的沉积特点对风暴沉积成因进行探讨。  相似文献   
渭干河流域"2002·7"特大洪水分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄健  毛炜峄  李燕  王顺德 《冰川冻土》2003,25(2):204-210
渭干河是塔里木河流域第六大源流, 位于天山西部南麓, 渭干河干流起点有新疆最大的流域性控制工程--克孜尔水库. 2002年7月下旬天山中西部山区出现大暴雨(雪)过程, 渭干河流域山区降水持续时间长达30 h以上, 山区降水量50 mm左右, 导致5条支流和渭干河干流出现有水文记录以来的最大洪峰, 流量超过警戒流量和危险流量的2~3.5倍, 暴雨(雪)过程结束之后, 融雪型洪峰长时间居高不下. 洪水过程中, 各支流以及暴雨与融雪等多种洪峰遭遇现象很明显. 克孜尔水库入库洪峰流量达3 660 m3*s-1, 经水库调洪错峰, 出库峰值流量为1 000 m3*s-1, 削峰率72.7%.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地柳林地区早奥陶世冶里期沉积以浅灰色中薄层泥质白云岩为主,发育大量竹叶状碳酸盐岩。不同类型的竹叶状碎屑反映了不同的沉积环境。笔者对研究区剖面内的竹叶状碎屑进行分析和研究后认为,竹叶状石灰岩的形成可以分为早期沉积物的形成和早期沉积物的破碎、搬运和再沉积两个阶段。  相似文献   
This paper is a partial discussion of a four-year study that investigated the vulnerability of the people living in the Cairns region to the tropical cyclone hazard. The longitudinal case study, focussing on the Cairns Northern Beaches area, was unique in that it included a social and societal `pre-cyclone impact' evaluation of various resident communities within the region, and then two consecutive `post-cyclone impact' studies. The primary research method supported an inductive qualitative approach to the collection and analysis of survey data. Some quantitative methods were invoked to support qualitative research findings. Survey data was collected in five separate questionnaire-based social surveys that were administered between 1996 and 2000. During the study, residents experiencedthe direct impact of two land-falling tropical cyclones. In addition to this, targeted andfocussed tropical cyclone awareness education was made increasingly available withinthe community. The social and demographic attributes that influence the individual'sperception of risk and contribute to our understanding of community vulnerability were examined and evaluated. Changes in the residents' attitudes, cyclone preparednessbehaviours and willingness to respond to cyclone warnings were monitored and measured. Analysis of early survey data indicated that community residents generally had some knowledge of cyclones but a limited understanding of cyclone processes and very little direct personal experience of the cyclone hazard. Individually and collectively, residents frequently demonstrated a biased perception of the risks associated with cyclones. The resident community was shown to be fragmented, with limited support being available to individual households. Initially, residents were found to be poorly prepared for cyclones and unlikely to respond to warnings appropriately. It appeared that, in the event of a land-falling tropical cyclone impacting the area, the community was highly vulnerable to unnecessary loss of property, livelihood and – in extreme circumstances – life. By 2000, Cairns community residents were somewhat better informed about cyclones and certainly more experienced. This paper provides some insight into how cyclone experience and education may synergisticly have contributed to a change in risk perceptions and a reduction in the vulnerability of Cairns residents to the tropical cyclone and storm surge hazards.  相似文献   
新元古代末期是生命演化的关键转折期,也是以微生物占主导的生态系统向显生宙以后生动物占主导的生态系统的转变期,埃迪卡拉纪大型软躯体生物以固着、底栖、食悬浮为特色,普遍缺乏运动能力。作为这一时期特殊代表的高家山生物群,是目前新元古代唯一一个以黄铁矿化三维保存的管状和锥管状化石为主导,兼有骨骼生物、原生动物、钙化蓝细菌类及遗迹化石的多门类生物组合,是研究埃迪卡拉纪末期生命演化和生态系统演变十分重要的载体。本文通过对高家山生物群古生态学的初步研究,揭示出在前寒武纪—寒武纪之交,生态系统已显示一定的多样性。为适应平底面上(level-bottom)微生物席的发育,高家山生物群的许多生物采取了适应性的生存策略,通过黏附或插入微生物席中,营底栖固着食悬浮(如CloudinaConotubus)或化学共生(可能的Shaanxilithes)或平躺(如GaojiashaniaSinotubulites)食碎屑生活。底内遗迹化石表明存在可能的表栖和半内栖、可自由运动、食碎屑的造迹生物。Conotubus中常见的“回春”或“复苏”现象,GaojiashaniaSinotubulites的身体扭转或生活姿态调整则是对频繁风暴事件的被动适应。  相似文献   
The 1.2 Ga-old Koldaha shale, central India reveals three orders of depositional cyclicities in its basal storm-dominated shelf succession. Visual appraisal as well as Fourier and MEM analyses concurs in this respect. Only the major storm events at intervals of a few thousands of years have left recognizable imprints. Interbedding of storm sandstones and fairweather shales is apparently climate-controlled. Packaging of about seven such climatic cycles results the second-order cyclicity befitting eccentricity cycles of contemporary scale. Nonetheless, for the erratic storm bed-thickness trends within the cycles some other factor/s might have played a role. The third order cycles are, more dominantly, correlatable with basinal tectonics.  相似文献   
While earthquakes generate about 90% of all tsunamis, volcanic activity, landslides, explosions, and other nonseismic phenomena can also result in tsunamis. There have been 53 000 reported deaths as a result of tsunamis generated by landslides and volcanoes. No death tolls are available for many events, but reports indicate that villages, islands, and even entire civilizations have disappeared. Some of the highest tsunami wave heights ever observed were produced by landslides. In the National Geophysical Data Center world-wide tsunami database, there are nearly 200 tsunami events in which nonseismic phenomena played a major role. In this paper, we briefly discuss a variety of nonseismic phenomena that can result in tsunamis. We discuss the magnitude of the disasters that have resulted from such events, and we discuss the potential for reducing such disasters by education and warning systems.  相似文献   
本文根据层序地层学的基本原理,立足东部箕状断陷盆地的特点,以冀中拗陷和二连盆地为重点研究对象,提炼出陆相断陷盆地层序地层学模式,在缓坡带,以风暴浪基面作为“陆架边角”的参照物,层序地层特征相似于海相被动大陆边缘背景;在陡坡带则截然不同,并以湖面与边界断裂的交点取代“陆架边角”,各体系域所含沉积体系与海相模式不尽相同,在盆地形成初期的层序,低水位体系域发育,湖泊消亡以后,主要发育高水位体系域。此外,本文还探索了层序地层与油气赋存的关系,指出富砂的“盆底扇”是今后勘探开发的重要方向。  相似文献   
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