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Public participation is commonly advocated in policy responses to climate change. Here we discuss prospects for inclusive approaches to adaptation, drawing particularly on studies of long-term coastal management in the UK and elsewhere. We affirm that public participation is an important normative goal in formulating response to climate change risks, but argue that its practice must learn from existing critiques of participatory processes in other contexts. Involving a wide range of stakeholders in decision-making presents fundamental challenges for climate policy, many of which are embedded in relations of power. In the case of anticipatory responses to climate change, these challenges are magnified because of the long-term and uncertain nature of the problem. Without due consideration of these issues, a tension between principles of public participation and anticipatory adaptation is likely to emerge and may result in an overly managed form of inclusion that is unlikely to satisfy either participatory or instrumental goals. Alternative, more narrowly instrumental, approaches to participation are more likely to succeed in this context, as long as the scope and limitations of public involvement are made explicit from the outset.  相似文献   
本地居民对居住地景观的审美感知水平对于区域大尺度景观的保护与持续利用具有重要影响,这在相对欠发达但具有较高审美价值景观资源的地区意义更为重大。本文以云南省怒江傈僳族自治州为例,基于620份针对当地居民的调查问卷与现场调研,通过构建Logistic回归模型,分析了怒江州本地居民对居住地景观的审美感知状况及相关影响因素。结果表明,怒江州本地居民对于居住地景观的审美感知水平较高,有75.81%的受访者认为居住地周边景观是美的。对这一审美感知具有影响的因素共有8项,在直接影响因素中,是否在保护区内、行政村周边高程标准差具有正向影响;行政村到最近县城距离、是否认为近年生态环境恶化、是否认为旅游开发存在不好的影响、是否希望进入城市生活具有负向影响。在间接影响因素中,包括住房类型和家中是否有电视都具有正向影响。本文据此尝试提出提高怒江州居民对居住地景观审美感知水平、促进当地景观保护与持续利用的相关政策建议。  相似文献   
This paper examines the relevance of a perception-based regional level mapping tool in rural Niger. Two regions in Niger are examined. Results permit to assume that such a tool helped to fill several gaps: (i) a scale gap between local and nation wide studies; (ii) a scientific gap between biophysical and socio-anthropological sciences; and (iii) a methodological gap of integration between data sources. Moreover, this method is fast, cheap and action-oriented. Data are easily understandable and usable both by rural communities and development agencies. It provides information about human dynamics at a regional level, which cannot be achieved by other methods.  相似文献   
福建永定土楼居民旅游感知与态度研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以永定土楼为例.采用问卷调查和现场访谈相结合的方法,通过SPSS16.0对收回的有效问卷进行分析。得出结论:永定土楼居民对旅游影响的正面感知强于负面感知,总体上对旅游业发展持积极的态度:目前永定土楼居民可聚类成“热情的支持者”、“矛盾的支持者”和“强烈的反对者”三类.以“热情的支持者”所占比重最大:不同人口统计学特征、不同空间和不同发展程度下的旅游感知存在差异:通过分析希望健全社区参与和利益分配机制从而促进旅游业的可持续发展。  相似文献   
Research on international student’s post migration plans treats migration as a binary stay-return category and focuses on push-pull factors as the cause of this migration. In this paper we expand the definition of migration and consider the role of life experiences and aspirations, particularly the concept of home. We ask, what are the different conceptualizations of home and how are these tied to differential migratory plans? We analyze data from 232 interviews with international students from more than 50 countries who attended a flagship public university in Canada from 2006–2013.We find that students have four ways of thinking about home: as host, as ancestral, as cosmopolitan, and as nebulous. These understandings of home correspond to particular post-migration plans. While students who view home as a host plan to stay, and those who view home as ancestral plan to return, those with cosmopolitan and nebulous conceptions of home have more open migration plans.  相似文献   
To fulfil international conservation commitments, governments have begun to recognise the need for more proactive marine planning policies, advocating sensitive engineering design that can deliver secondary benefits above and beyond the primary purpose of developments. In response, there is growing scientific interest in novel multi-functional coastal defence structures with built-in secondary ecological and/or socio-economic benefits. To ensure research efforts are invested effectively, it is first necessary to determine what secondary benefits can potentially be built-in to engineered coastal defence structures, and further, which of these benefits would be most desirable. It is unlikely that secondary benefits are perceived in the same way across different stakeholder groups. Further, their order of priority when evaluating different options is unlikely to be consistent, since each option will present a suite of compromises and trade-offs. The aim of this study was to investigate stakeholder attitudes towards multi-functional coastal defence developments across different sector groups. A preliminary questionnaire indicated unanimous support for implementing multi-functional structures in place of traditional single-purpose ones. This preliminary survey informed the design of a Delphi-like study, which revealed a more nuanced and caveated level of support from a panel of experts and practitioners. The study also elicited a degree of consensus that the most desirable secondary benefits that could be built-in to developments would be ecological ones – prioritised over social, economic and technical benefits. This paper synthesises these findings, discusses the perceived barriers that remain, and proposes a stepwise approach to effective implementation of multi-functional coastal defence developments.  相似文献   
旅游地居民感知与态度研究是旅游地理学研究的重要主题之一, 居民感知的跨区域、 跨文化的共时性分析是该领域研究未来努力的方向之一。选择世界遗产地西递和九寨沟为研 究案例, 进行旅游地居民旅游影响感知的比较研究。结果显示: ① 两地居民对旅游发展均表 现出积极态度, 但九寨沟居民的响应程度和支持程度更为强烈, 其旅游经济收入上要远高于 西递。② 九寨沟居民在旅游经济收益、旅游社会文化影响、旅游环境影响的上的感知均明显 强于西递, 同时在旅游经济成本感知上也明显强于西递。③ 相关分析和回归分析分别从样本 基本特征中识别了西递和九寨沟居民支持旅游发展态度的相关因素和判别指标。分析结果表 明, 不同类型的旅游地具有不同的旅游社区特征, 在旅游地性质、对旅游业的依赖程度、经 济发展水平、旅游资源产权归属、旅游管理体制、主客文化差异等社区特征上不同的东道主 社区应该有着不同的旅游感知。按照社会交换理论, 无论是从资产的收益权还是从受干扰补 偿方面, 西递古村落居民相对九寨沟风景区居民具有更高的收益期望, 这也导致了其实际获 益远低于期望收益, 故相对九寨沟居民, 西递表现出低估旅游经济收益、社会收益而高估社 会成本的倾向。  相似文献   
以入境游客、旅游企业、居民、政府4个利益主体为研究对象,基于设计的22项关于旅游供需协调的测量条款数据,采用均值和方差分析法,对西安市旅游供需协调的感知及其差异进行分析。结果表明:(1)四大利益主体对旅游吸引物要素中的城市风光、旅游景区价值和类型以及民俗风情感知度普遍较高。(2)入境游客与旅游企业、居民间的感知差异较显著。(3)四大利益主体对旅游接待设施的感知差异较小。(4)旅游企业与居民在市内交通和景区内部交通感知差异显著。  相似文献   
Recent attempts to conduct experiments in climate ‘geoengineering’ have demonstrated the deeply controversial nature of this field of scientific research. Social scientists have begun to explore public perceptions of geoengineering, and have documented a significant degree of concern over the effective governance of research and experimentation in this area. Yet, public perception on what constitutes a legitimate geoengineering experiment and how it should be governed remains under-researched. In this article we report on a series of experimental deliberative workshops with members of the public designed to elicit and explicate diverse understandings of geoengineering experiments and their governance. In contrast to previous methods of invited public deliberation, which privilege egalitarian-consensual models of discourse and decision-making, we test a novel approach that places majoritarian, individualistic, and consensual forms of public deliberation on an equal footing. Our study suggests that the perceived controllability of experimental interventions is central to public views on their acceptability, but that controllability is itself a complex, multifaceted quality, drawing together a set of heterogeneous concerns about the purpose and repercussions of scientific work. The citizens who participated in our workshops employed four criteria to adjudicate the acceptability of geoengineering experiments: (1) the degree of containment; (2) the uncertainty surrounding experimental outcomes; (3) the reversibility of impacts; and (4) the scientific purity of the enterprise. We theorize that the public legitimacy of geoengineering experiments depends on variable, context-specific combinations of these criteria, and that technical determinations of the proper ‘scale’ or ‘location’ for geoengineering research will be poor predictors of the sorts of public concerns that will be triggered by further experimentation in this area.  相似文献   
根据可持续旅游理论设计了一组游客行为评价指标,并以此为基础在香港居民中进行了问卷调查,以了解香港居民对内地游客在港旅游行为的认知。结果表明:香港居民对内地游客在港行为的认知比较负面,这有可能会影响到香港旅游的可持续发展。这种以可持续旅游和游客行为为基础的新视角可以更为深入地了解目的地居民对旅游发展的认知。  相似文献   
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