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工业用地是区域土地利用的重要组成部分,也是影响区域土地集约利用的关键因素。以江苏省阜宁经济开发区为例,从系统集约度及协调度出发,研究区域各工业行业的集约度及协调度,结果显示:阜宁经济开发区工业用地整体处于低效利用水平,工业土地利用协调性处于轻度失调状态;主导行业机械机电业用地的集约性、协调性都较差;电子电工、纺织服装及食品饮料业用地规模较大且集约性、协调性超过区域平均水平,可作为阜宁开发区未来重点扶持发展的行业。  相似文献   
This paper examines the increasing complexity of interactions between temporary staffing agencies and their client firms within the local labour market of Birmingham, UK. Temporary Staffing Agencies have been identified as active and influential agents in local, national and international labour markets. Their influence on local labour market functioning, national labour regulation and international regulatory frameworks is growing. Existing literature demonstrates the power of large multinational temporary staffing agencies in both established and emerging temporary staffing markets. Such analyses also contend that multinational agencies operate in very different ways to smaller independent ‘back-street’ temporary staffing agencies, with different types of clients and at different ends of the market. However, the research conducted in Birmingham, UK suggests that the reality is more complex. It is argued that there can be more subtle and intricate nuances of relevance to the temporary staffing industry in respect of the relationships that exist between large and small temporary staffing agencies, as well as between such agencies and their clients. We highlight how smaller agencies in Birmingham are utilising a variety of strategies and tactics to creatively ‘bolt-on’ to more formalised national agreements established by multinational agencies with their clients. Moreover, smaller agencies – in some instances – are able to exploit their knowledge of local labour markets to subvert, sabotage and/or infiltrate the activities of multinational agencies in increasingly astute ways. In turn, this generates a series of questions for understanding the nature of ‘market making’ associated with the temporary staffing industry more broadly.  相似文献   
Recent chemical accidents precipitated by natural disasters have prompted governments in the United States, Japan, and Europe, among other countries, to re-evaluate current practices in the design and risk management of industrial facilities. This paper presents an overview of natural hazard design considerations and external events risk management requirements in the industrial sector, with particular emphasis on industrial practices in the United States, Japan, and Europe. The analysis shows that although regulations exist to ensure industrial plant structures are built to resist natural hazards (up to the design level), there are few laws to address the performance of non-structural elements and safety and emergency response measures during a natural disaster. Laws usually also refer to natural hazards only indirectly, and provisions to prevent or respond to simultaneous disasters from single or multiple sources concurrent with the natural disaster are usually not present.
Ana Maria CruzEmail:
根据统计工作需要,设计和开发了河南省气象部门科技服务与产业统计报表处理系统。该系统集成了报表处理过程中所需要的各种功能,界面友好,操作简单。  相似文献   
榆林能源化工基地以其丰富的能源矿产资源为依托,集资源开发与加工转化为一体,探索出一条科技含量高、经济效益好、自然资源优势充分发挥的新型工业化道路。但由于基地内各个项目对水资源的依赖性极强,而受区位地理条件限制.未来十年供水缺VI巨大。在分析区域水文地质和资源勘探资料的基础上,提出了实施水源工程保障供给和水保工程涵养水源、完善供水管网布局、矿井水利用,以及增加供给、集约调配、珍惜善用的供水保障方式,为解决能源基地的供水问题指明了方向。  相似文献   
Environmental policy is touching on ever more aspects of corporate and individual behavior, and there is much debate over what combinations of top-down (government-imposed) and bottom-up (voluntary private sector) measures to use. In democratic societies, citizens’ preferences over such combinations are crucial because they shape the political mandates based on which policymakers act. We argue that policy designs that involve private-public co-regulation receive more citizen support if they are based on inclusive decision-making, use strong transparency and monitoring mechanisms, and include a trigger for government intervention in case of ineffectiveness. Survey experiments in Switzerland (N = 1941) provide strong support for these arguments. Our research demonstrates that differences in co-regulation design have major implications for public support. Another key finding is that there seems to be a contradiction between inclusiveness and democratic accountability for policy outcomes. The findings are surprisingly consistent across two very different green economy issues we focus on empirically (decarbonization of finance, pesticides). This suggests that our study design offers a useful template for research that explores public opinion on green economy policy designs for other issues and in other countries.  相似文献   
以英国为代表的发达海洋国家非常重视海洋能在应对全球气候变化、调整能源结构、培育新兴产业中的战略地位。在积极的海洋能政策和先进的海洋能基础设施支持下,英国海洋能技术和产业发展均处于国际领先地位,文章全方位分析了英国海洋能开发利用进展,并分析了其对我国海洋能技术产业化发展的借鉴意义,建议明确海洋能中长期发展目标,制定阶段性海洋激励政策,并提升海洋能基础设施能力。  相似文献   
旅游在社会经济发展和稳定奥运遗产中的作用,已被广泛讨论。北京作为“双奥之城”,北京冬奥会首次采用三赛区办赛,使其旅游遗产的研究备受关注。在遗产规划中,建设“京张体育旅游文化带”被提出,发展冰雪旅游,培育冰雪旅游市场,也在诸多政策文件和政府行动中得以体现。赛前的科学规划,为冰雪旅游遗产的可持续性发挥奠定良好基础。本研究将奥运遗产研究与旅游目的地理论相结合,重点研究与冬奥会直接相关的冰雪旅游,并重点关注赛前规划对于遗产保障的意义,同时将冰雪旅游目的地品质提升嵌入奥运前遗产升级中,并就如何确保赛后遗产的稳定性提出意见和建议。研究采用文献综述法和二手资料调查研究法,通过建立冰雪旅游遗产赛前评估模型,采用地理信息、政府报告、政策、公开发布的统计数据和新闻报道等,对北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会的冰雪旅游遗产进行赛前总结和归纳,并进行初步评估。研究发现北京冬奥会在有形遗产和无形遗产方面,都进行了较为完备的规划并取得初步成果,完备的旅游基础设施和良好的体育文化氛围,后疫情时代居民健康理念和体育意识的提升,都成为近年来京张地区冰雪旅游发展的助推器。  相似文献   
The article conducts a research through theoretical carding, framework construction, and calculation path selection, and concludes that the contribution of ecosystems to human activities mainly comes from the ecological service function. Therefore, based on the relationship between the natural capital stock and flow, ecological services value (ESV for short) or eco-exergy services value (EEV) reflects the output capacity of ecological services. Regional ecological services value is connected to GDP through property ownership and main pressure sources. GDP or the ecological services value reflects the pressure of man-made capital on natural capital. The article attempts to use the ecological services value, eco-exergy services value, and GDP to construct the ecological service output capacity index (R) and pressure index (U), and by introducing the decoupling theory, it proposes a method to “return” the re-coupling GDP to a decoupling state and calculate the sustainable economic scale. It takes Ningdong Energy-Chemical Industry Base in Ningxia as the subject, and has three findings. Firstly, from 2007 to 2017, the economic development and ecological services were in a re-coupling state and the sustainable economic scale was 2.33×109 to 64.3×109 yuan, which was significantly lower than the total industrial output value in the corresponding year. Although the base deploys protection during construction, the R index began to decline after 2015, and there exists a risk of degradation. Secondly, the method uses the “declining turning point” of the R index to mark the bottom line, and attempts to put forward a quantitative method of regional sustainable economic scale from the perspective of the internal generation principle of the ecological contribution of capital value, which is helpful to the analysis method of reasonable population size, green GDP and ecological compensation. Thirdly, combined with the decoupling theory, the method can analyze the boundary of economic scale under regional ecological constraints, which has certain application value to enrich evaluations methods on sustainability.  相似文献   
采用文献资料、OCAD(定向运动制图)软件路线分析和China heath定向运动计时系统法。以2011年云南省第6届大学生运动会定向越野非体育教育专业组女子短距离赛决赛前8名运动员比赛时间为研究对象。分析运动员在分段时间中的技能执行能力,结果显示:运动员之间体能差距主要呈现3个层次、比赛结果竞争激烈,比赛时间差距明显;技能训练安排不够系统、运动员选材范围受到局限,缺乏高水平的定向运动队员;运动员对偏向瞄准技术尚未完全吃透、简化读图技术不能准确把握;缺乏高水平的教练员队伍;缺乏高水平的且具有实践经验的教练员队伍。  相似文献   
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