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唐承财  肖小月  秦珊 《地理研究》2023,42(2):332-351
推动冰雪旅游高质量发展践行了“冰天雪地也是金山银山”发展理念,助推着体育强国、健康中国建设,满足了人民日益增长的美好生活需要。中国冰雪旅游历经三十多年的发展,已形成规模化、整体化发展格局;北京冬奥会的筹办更是给冰雪旅游带来重大发展契机,利好政策陆续出台,消费热情不断高涨。与此同时,冰雪旅游相关研究也持续涌现,取得了丰厚研究成果。文章以“内涵辨析-脉络梳理-体系构建”为逻辑主线,从冰雪旅游基础概念、发展脉络演进、研究内容、研究方法及区域等方面对中国冰雪旅游展开分析和评述。研究表明:冰雪旅游内涵丰富,学者们从资源、动机以及季候等视角展开了概念界定;冰雪旅游研究历经4个阶段,研究与实践联系日益紧密,产业发展受资源、政策、市场等因素驱动;研究内容已形成一定体系,与国家、产业发展战略的结合有待加强;以定性研究为主,缺乏定量、纵深研究;研究区域高度集中在东北、华北地区,且视角较为宏观。最后提出从理论构建及研究视角、研究内容、研究方法、区域等方面进行未来研究的创新。以期推动中国冰雪旅游研究的理论化和体系构建,引领和指导未来冰雪旅游领域研究,推进中国后冬奥时代冰雪旅游高质量发展。  相似文献   

下川遗址流水腰地点(35°23'13"N,111°58'46"E)位于山西省垣曲县历山镇文堂村东北约1500 m处,海拔1554.9 m,发掘面积为12 m2,其中上文化层的年代约为17 cal.ka B.P.,石制品共计1182件。石制品原料以燧石为主,脉石英次之,还有一些硅质泥岩、玛瑙等。细石核以船形石核为主,兼有少量的半锥形石核。工具以刮削器、圆头刮削器、楔形析器为主,雕刻器、两端尖状器、两面尖状器很有特色。根据这些出土遗物的特征,该地点上文化层的文化性质为典型的以船形石核为主的细石叶文化,主要来源于下川遗址细石叶文化早期传统,同时受到来自吕梁山区和泥河湾盆地同期文化的影响。流水腰地点的发掘为研究山区旧-新石器时代过渡阶段的文化演变提供了新材料。

李法礼  韩万围  王智 《四川测绘》2010,33(4):176-177
用全站仪检测工业设备时经常需要移站测量,本文根据移站前后两个公共点利用后方交会求取移站后测站点坐标,通过解平面三角形求取测站点平面坐标,采用距离进行加权平均求取高程值,通过实验验证了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   
基于SaaS的区域非职业体育赛事云服务平台的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与传统软件架构模式相比,云计算具有综合成本较低、部署快速、规模调整灵活等优势,针对区域非职业体育赛事在信息采集、组织管理、赛果处理与发布等赛事运营、组织、管理等方面存在的不足,从平台构建的可行性、架构与功能等方面,讨论并实现了一种基于SaaS模式的非职业体育赛事云服务平台,最后从使用效益等方面总结该平台对于提升区域非职业体育赛事组织与管理所取得的促进作用。  相似文献   
Micromine软件是制作矿床三维立体模型的基础,三维立体模型的建立,有利于矿山进行资源储量的动态管理,实现矿山的"数字化"。应用澳大利亚Micromine软件,结合制作矿山模型,并实施在地质采矿中的应用。  相似文献   
The successful bid for the Beijing Winter Olympics has brought historic opportunities for the development of ice and snow tourism in China. An index system for the evaluation of tourist satisfaction in ice and snow tourism destinations was constructed from the target layer-factor layer-index layer approach in this paper. Taking tourists with ice and snow tourism experience as the research object, and integrating a questionnaire survey and the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) method, a total of 840 valid questionnaires were collected to assess the satisfaction of tourists in snow and ice tourism destinations, and the promotion model of tourist satisfaction in ice and snow tourism destinations was put forward. This process led to three main results. (1) Ice and snow tourists in China are characterized as young and better-educated, with college students aged 19 to 25 as the main consumer group. More than 70% of ice and snow tourists are pretty satisfied with the current development of ice and snow destinations in China, and are willing to participate again. (2) Other than “ice and snow souvenirs”, tourists’ perceptions of importance are all higher than the level of perceived satisfaction, and the importance values of the 13 indicators including “Scenic spot security” and “Diversity of ice and snow entertainment and sports” are especially high, showing that tourists have high expectations and demands of the destinations. However, the perceived satisfaction level of tourists for all indexes is generally low, mostly at the general satisfaction level, indicating that ice and snow tourism destinations have only partially met the demands of ice and snow tourists, and there is still much room for improvement. (3) After IPA analysis, five suggestions for improving the satisfaction of tourists in ice and snow tourism destinations were put forward, including diversification of the tourism business model, construction of tourism facilities, a market diversified cultivation model, a humanized mode of tourism service and a refined management model. The results of this study will help to enrich the theory of ice and snow tourist satisfaction and promote the high-quality development of China's ice and snow tourism in the post-Winter Olympics era.  相似文献   
胡良平  骆秉全  张晚萌 《地理科学》2021,41(12):2117-2126
运用文献资料、问卷调查和数理统计、应用因子分析方法,结合北京区域滑雪场空间分布情况,对比居民冰雪运动参与倾向和频率,发现北京区域居民参与冰雪运动及消费的主要影响因素为性别、年龄、距离、收入水平和政策红利;分析得出雪场密度和区域经济水平、性别等对参与冰雪运动消费特征的影响。归纳4个主要影响北京区域居民参与冰雪运动的公共因子,分别是冰雪运动基础因子、冰雪运动信息因子、冰雪运动距离因子以及冰雪运动友谊因子。提出不断提升冰雪运动产品服务质量,出台鼓励性冰雪运动消费政策,完善冰雪运动消费环境,创新冰雪运动消费内容,逐步扩大冰雪消费规模等建议。  相似文献   
简要介绍曼地亚红豆杉的生物学特性、生态学特性,及其很高的经济价值和良好的生态价值,指出发展曼地亚红豆杉产业,可以实现生态、经济、社会三大效益共赢。分析了江西省莲花县曼地亚红豆杉产业现状及规划。提出江西省发展曼地亚红豆杉产业的三项建议:要进行引种曼地亚红豆杉的气候可行性与不可行性论证,要采取多种科学措施保证曼地亚红豆杉引种成功,必须形成产业链或产业集群。  相似文献   
We conducted an analysis of heavy metals content, including As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn in sediments from aquatic ecosystems in China measured in recent publications. Then, we evaluated the extent of heavy metal pollution in these ecosystems in seven different industrial districts in China (Dongbei, Huabei, Huazhong, Huanan, Huaxik, Xibei, and Huadong) with the potential ecological risk index. We found that Cd was the most concentrated pollutant, followed by Hg and As, while Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn were found in low concentrations in sediments from all types of aquatic ecosystem in China. Sediments collected from all seven industrial districts were heavily polluted, and the sequence, from most to least polluted was Dongbei>Huabei>Huazhong>Huanan>Huaxi>Xibei>Huadong. All four types of aquatic ecosystem were found to be seriously polluted and the sequence, from most to least polluted was: river>sea>lake>wetland. Specifically, Cd and Hg were the most serious pollutants in all four aquatic ecosystems, and As was also a serious pollutant in rivers. For the seven industrial districts studied the sea was the most polluted ecosystem in Dongbei, the river was the most polluted ecosystem in Huabei, Huanan, Huazhong, and the lake was the most polluted in Huadong, Huaxi, and Xibei.  相似文献   
西方国家办公空间研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章分别从区位论、城市空间结构理论等角度入手,总结了西方早期上述理论体系中办公空间研究的相关内容,并从办公空间的区位特征、集聚与扩散及其空间结构形成机制等方面对西方战后在办公空间方面的研究进展进行了综述,还对西方办公空间的研究方法进行了总结,最后结合我国的实际情况对西方的研究进行了述评,以期为我国相同领域研究的开展提供一点启示。  相似文献   
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