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This article investigates regional distribution features of rainfall and vapor transport in Northwest China during 1961-2002, achieving that: (1) Three climate zones in this vast region differ in trends of annual precipitation, with rainfall in the westerly belt (denoted as zoneWB) exhibiting an increasing trend from the 1970s, rainfall in the East Asian monsoon belt (denoted as zoneMB) displaying a decreasing trend in the study period and the Qinghai Plateau zone (denoted as zoneQP) precipitation fluctuating roughly around the mean; (2) The net vapor fluxes (NVF) in zoneWB and zoneQP show an increasing trend as opposited to zoneMB, for which the reason may lie behind that the NVF increase in zoneWB and zoneQP is attributed to pronounced decrease in deficit of westerly NVF, whereas the decrease in zoneMB NVF is ascribed to the significant drop in meridional vapor transfer; (3) ZoneWB rainfall and atmospheric vapor transport change abrupt in 1990 and 1985, respectively, without such happening in zoneMB and zoneQP; (4) ZoneWB rainfall increase occurs when atmospheric vapor budget/NVF increases, so that the latter has to occur ahead of the former; zoneMB rainfall decrease relates to the decrease in atmospheric vapor budget after the 1990s,leading to (more and even) successive droughts in the east of Northwest China on a synchronous basis except zoneQP of which the precipitation factors include river evaporation, glaciers, and snow cover in addition to atmospheric vapor.  相似文献   
The Niers valley was part of the Rhine system that came into existence during the maximum Saalian glaciation and was abandoned at the end of the Weichselian. The aim of the study was to explain the Late Pleniglacial and Late Glacial fluvial dynamics and to explore the external forcing factors: climate change, tectonics and sea level. The sedimentary units have been investigated by large‐scale coring transects and detailed cross‐sections over abandoned channels. The temporal fluvial development has been reconstructed by means of geomorphological relationships, pollen analysis and 14C dating. The Niers‐Rhine experienced a channel pattern change from braided, via a transformational phase, to meandering in the early Late Glacial. This change in fluvial style is explained by climate amelioration at the Late Pleniglacial to Late Glacial transition (at ca. 12.5 k 14C yr BP) and climate‐related hydrological, lithological and vegetation changes. A delayed fluvial response of ca. 400 14C yr (transitional phase) was established. The channel transformations are not related to tectonic effects and sea‐level changes. Successive river systems have similar gradients of ca. 35–40 cm km?1. A meandering river system dominated the Allerød and Younger Dryas periods. The threshold towards braiding was not crossed during the Younger Dryas, but increased aeolian activity has been observed on the Younger Dryas point bars. The final abandonment of the Niers‐Rhine was dated shortly after the Younger Dryas to Holocene transition. Traces of Laacher See pumice have been found in the Niers valley, indicating that the Niers‐Rhine was still in use during the Younger Dryas. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
设计模式及其在J2ME中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
设计模式被描述为在一定的环境中解决某一类问题的方案.已成为现代软件系统设计的重要研究对象.介绍了J2ME体系结构,并深入探讨了3种典型设计模式在J2ME开发中的应用.  相似文献   
用综合信息矿产资源定量预测的理论和方法,系统研究了辽宁水泉金矿成矿规律及控矿因素,特别是对控矿构造特征作了深入的研究,并建立了研究区的综合信息找矿模型。对水泉金矿的区域成矿远景和深部成矿远景进行了综合预测。  相似文献   
This paper concerns analysis of the impact of construction of urban tunnels on adjacent pile foundations. It is carried out using an elastoplastic three‐dimensional finite element modelling. Numerical simulations are performed in two stages, which concern, respectively, the application of the pile axial loading and the construction of the tunnel in presence of the pile foundations. Analysis is carried out for both single piles and groups of piles. Results of numerical simulations show that tunneling induces significant internal forces in adjacent piles. The distribution of internal forces depends mainly on the position of the pile tip regarding the tunnel horizontal axis and the distance of the pile axis from the centre of the tunnel. Analysis of the interaction between tunneling and a group of piles reveals a positive group effect with a high reduction of the internal forces in rear piles. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
I.INT~IOWFOralOngthe,thesyStemofPermanentresidencempistrationhasdividedChineseampleintOthO8ewith"tirbanresidence"andthOSehaving"rUralresidence".TherationingsyStem,underwhichedibleoilandgrainwasdistributedonlytOthOSewith"urbanresidence"Calds,hasbeendondnant.Bothsystems,beingcentraltorestrictingthegrowthofurbanpopulation,havestagnatedrUral-tirbaningration.Duringthe30yearsbefore1978,thestatedidsPOnsorpopulationmovementsfromrUraltourbanareasbymeansofenrollingnewworkers,butingeneral,thiss…  相似文献   
数据挖掘在高校学生管理决策中的应用模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着因特网的广泛应用,各高校在开展现代远程教育过程中记录了大量复杂的学生信息,基于这些历程信息,在高校学生管理决策中利用数据挖掘技术,提出了现代高校学生管理工作的新模式,并就几个管理决策的应用模式进行了实例分析.  相似文献   
We present a model that describes Io's delayed electrodynamic response to a temporal change in Io's atmosphere. Our model incorporates the relevant physical processes involved in Io's atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere electrodynamic interaction to predict the far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation as Io enters Jupiter's shadow and re-emerges into sunlight. The predicted FUV brightnesses are highly nonlinear as the strength of the electrodynamic interaction depends on the ratios of ionospheric conductances to the torus Alfvén conductance, but the former are functions of electrodynamics and the atmospheric density, which decays rapidly upon entering eclipse. Key factors governing the time evolution are the column density due to sublimation and the column density due to volcanoes, which maintain the background atmosphere during eclipse. The plasma interaction does not react instantaneously, but lags to a temporarily changing atmosphere. We find three qualitatively different scenarios with two of them including a post-eclipse brightening. The brightness ratio of in-sunlight/in-eclipse coupled with the existence of a sub-jovian equatorial spot constrains the volcanic column density to several times 1018 m−2, based on the currently available observations. Thus in sunlight, the sublimation driven part of Io's atmosphere dominates the volcanically driven contribution by roughly a factor of 10 or more.  相似文献   
论地理科学体系建设   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文在论述重建地理科学体系必要性的基础上,提出和重点阐述一个新的地理科学体系的框架和内容,并由此分析我国未来地理科学学科建设的战略重点。  相似文献   
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