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辫状河油藏是我国主要油藏类型之一,目前普遍进入高含水期,层内非均质严重制约其高效开发. 本文以孔店油田馆陶组岩心、测井资料为基础,结合生产开发数据,分析了辫状河油藏层内非均质性及其对剩余油分布的影响. 结果表明:研究区储层成因为辫状河道及心滩. 辫状河道为正韵律,物性差异大,夹层薄;而心滩以复合正韵律为主,物性差异中等偏强,夹层厚. 由心滩对应的采油井夹层控制的剩余油较多,垂积体的上部易形成剩余油富集区,挖掘潜力大.  相似文献   
伍健恒  孙彩歌  樊风雷 《冰川冻土》2022,44(5):1523-1538
地表温度(land surface temperature,LST)是反映生态环境状况的重要指标。西藏作为气候变化的敏感地区,掌握其LST的时空变化有利于深入了解西藏热环境演化过程,为长期监测高原基础生态变化提供帮助。研究基于谷歌地球引擎获取西藏2000—2020年的MODIS LST数据,采用归一化分级方法对LST进行5个等级的划分,利用趋势分析、热力空间分析以及重心迁移等方法分析了研究区近20年来的LST时空演变特征。同时,选取归一化植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)、裸土指数(bare soil index,BI)、垂直不透水面指数(perpendicular impervious surface index,PISI)、湿度(WET)以及高程(digital elevation model,DEM)等5个影响LST的地表参数,结合多尺度地理加权回归,探讨了LST影响因子的作用尺度与作用效力。结果表明:2000—2020年,西藏LST均值由18.72℃上升至20.28℃,年均增长0.09℃,LST呈现微弱上升态势。2...  相似文献   
开展含水层非均质性数据融合研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出应大力开展含水层非均质性的数据融合研究。指出应充分吸收利用相邻学科已有的研究成果,从易到难,首先应将军事领域已相对成熟的数据融合技术移植过来,开展孔隙含水层非均质性的数据融合研究。论述了含水层非均质性数据融合研究的主要研究思路和研究内容,并展示了初步研究成果。  相似文献   
Observations of upper mantle reflectivity at numerous locations around the world have been linked to the presence of a heterogeneous distribution of rock types within a broad layer of the upper mantle. This phenomenon is observed in wide-angle reflection data from Lithoprobe's Alberta Basement Transect [the SAREX and Deep Probe experiments of 1995] and Trans-Hudson Orogen Transect [the THoRE experiment of 1993]. SAREX and Deep Probe image the Archaean lithosphere of the Hearne and Wyoming Provinces, whereas THoRE images the Archaean and Proterozoic lithosphere of the Trans-Hudson Orogen and neighbouring areas.Finite-difference synthetic seismograms are used to constrain the position and physical properties of the reflective layer. SAREX/Deep Probe modelling uses a 2-D visco-elastic finite-difference routine; THoRE modelling uses a pseudospectral algorithm. In both cases, the upper mantle is parameterized in terms of two media. One medium is the background matrix; the other is statistically distributed within the first as a series of elliptical bodies. Such a scheme is suitable for modelling: (1) variations in lithology (e.g., a peridotite matrix with eclogite lenses) or (2) variations in rheology (e.g., lenses of increased strain within a less strained background).The synthetic seismograms show that the properties of heterogeneities in the upper mantle do not change significantly between the two Lithoprobe transects. Beneath the Trans-Hudson Orogen in Saskatchewan, the layer is best modelled to lie at depths between 80 and 150 km. Based on observations from perpendicular profiles, anisotropy of the heterogeneities is inferred. Beneath the Precambrian domains of Alberta, 400 km to the west, upper mantle heterogeneities are modelled to occur between depths of 90 and 140 km. In both cases the heterogeneous bodies within the model have cross-sectional lengths of tens of kilometers, vertical thicknesses less than 1 km, and velocity contrasts from the background of − 0.3 to − 0.4 km/s. Based on consistency with complementary data and other results, the heterogeneous layer is inferred to be part of the continental lithosphere and may have formed through lateral flow or deformation within the upper mantle.  相似文献   
Plio-Pleistocene volcanism in the Golan and Galilee (northeasternIsrael) shows systematic variability with time and location:alkali basalts were erupted in the south during the Early Pliocene,whereas enriched basanitic lavas erupted in the north duringthe Late Pliocene (Galilee) and Pleistocene (Golan). The basaltsshow positive correlations in plots of ratios of highly to moderatelyincompatible elements versus the concentration of the highlyincompatible element (e.g. Nb/Zr vs Nb, La/Sm vs La) and indiagrams of REE/HFSE (rare earth elements/high field strengthelements) vs REE concentration (e.g. La/Nb vs La). Some of thesecorrelations are not linear but upward convex. 87Sr/86Sr ratiosvary between 0·7031 and 0·7034 and correlate negativelywith incompatible element concentrations and positively withRb/Sr ratios. We interpret these observations as an indicationthat the main control on magma composition is binary mixingof melts derived from two end-member mantle source components.Based on the high Sr/Ba ratios and negative Rb anomalies inprimitive mantle normalized trace element diagrams and the moderateslopes of MREE–HREE (middle REE–heavy REE) in chondrite-normalizeddiagrams, we suggest that the source for the alkali basalticend-member was a garnet-bearing amphibole peridotite that hadexperienced partial dehydration. The very high incompatibleelement concentrations, low K content, very low Rb contentsand steep MREE–HREE patterns in the basanites are attributedto derivation from amphibole- and garnet-bearing pyroxeniteveins. It is suggested that the veins were produced via partialmelting of amphibole peridotites, followed by complete solidificationand dehydration that effectively removed Rb and K. The requirementfor the presence of amphibole limits both sources to lithosphericdepths. The spatial geochemical variability of the basalts indicatesthat the lithosphere beneath the region is heterogeneous, composedof vein-rich and vein-poor domains. The relatively uniform 143Nd/144Nd(Nd = 4·0–5·2) suggests that the two mantlesources were formed by dehydration and partial melting of anoriginally isotopically uniform reservoir, probably as a resultof a Paleozoic thermal event. KEY WORDS: basanites; lithospheric heterogeneity; magma mixing; amphibole peridotite; pyroxenites  相似文献   
Quantifying preferential flow in soils: A review of different techniques   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Preferential flow (PF) in soil has both environmental and human health implications since it favours contaminant transport to groundwater without interaction with the chemically and biologically reactive upper layer of soil. PF is, however, difficult to measure and quantify. This paper reviews laboratory and field techniques, such as breakthrough curves, dye tracing, and scanning techniques, for evaluating PF in soil at different scales. Advanced technologies, such as scanning techniques, have increased our capability to quantify transport processes within the soil with minimal soil disturbance. Important issues with respect to quantifying PF concern large-scale studies, frozen soil conditions, tracing techniques for particles and gases, a lack of simple mathematical tools for interpreting field data, and the lack of a systematic approach for comparing PF data resulting from different measurement techniques. Also, more research is required to quantify the relative importance of the various PF processes that occur in soil rather than the integrated result of all PF processes in soils.  相似文献   
The formal solutions of displacement field to the problem of elastic wave scattering and diffraction due to an infinitely long rigid cylinder embedded in an infinite elastic medium by an impulsive point source have been obtained in the integral form. The integrals for the reflected and the diffracted waves both in the shadow zone and in the illuminated zone are evaluated asymptotically for the early time motion by the Reisdue-Cagniard method and the Saddle-point-Cagniard method.Numerical results of the diffractedP, S andPS waves at a fixed circum-distance from the surface of the rigid cylinder show noticeably that (1) the energy partition for the diffractedS wave is small in comparison with that for the diffractedP wave, (2) the wave form of the diffractedS wave is broader and more diffused than that of the diffractedP wave, (3) the direction of the radial motions of the diffractedP andS waves varies as a function of the observational point, and (4) the energy partition for the diffractedP wave is much smaller than that for the direct or the reflectedP waves.This paper has been presented at the 46th Annual International Meeting of Society of Exploration Geophysicists in Houston, Texas, Oct. 28, 1976.  相似文献   
The determination of hydraulic properties in non-stationary experiments is suspected to be affected by dynamic effects. This is based on thermodynamic considerations on the pore scale displacement of wetting and non-wetting phase. But also macroscopic heterogeneities at the continuum scale may influence the dynamics of water during drainage and wetting. In this paper we investigate both aspects. Firstly, we present the results of typical multi-step outflow experiments in heterogeneous sand columns which are compared with two-step outflow experiments covering the same pressure range. The discrepancies caused by pressure steps of different size reveal the impact of dynamic effects due to the non-stationarity of the experiments.  相似文献   
The exploration conducted in the Bohai Bay basin, eastern China has demonstrated that the abundant petroleum resources have close affinities to the hydrocarbon kitchen with rich organic matter. A number of oil-generating associations with various characteristics of organic geochemistry and assemblages of multiple reservoir facies are developed due to the multi-center sedimentation, multi-source supply and multi-cycle evolution of filling, which have resulted in the formation of multiple oil and gas accumulation zones of various layers and trap styles. Among them the Paleogene Shahejie Formation is the most important hydrocarbon accumulation combination in the Dongying sag. Heretofore, its proved reserve has reached nearly 1.8×109t, which accounts for more than 90% of the total proved reserves of the Dongying sag. Based on previous studies, more than 600 source rock samples and 186 crude oil samples of the Shahejie Formation, collected from 30 oilfields, have been treated with organic geochemical testing  相似文献   
均匀半无限体中表面源激发近表面波场由瑞利波主导,当浅部存在异质体,前行瑞利波发生散射,异质体周围表面波场响应谱发生变化。当异质体长度相对波长较大时,由异质体上方表面质点响应谱提取绕射波频散曲线可分析异质体与周围介质刚度差异对绕射波传播特性的影响。与含软层或硬层半无限体中瑞利波特性比较,可以发现绕射波具有与瑞利波类似的传播特性。异质体上方谱变化特征与异质体和周围介质间刚度差异有关,本研究基于异质体绕射波与入射瑞利波位移结构差异解释谱变化现象。结果表明:异质体上方谱与周围谱明显不同,在偏移距−波长域,相对于前方波场,软质体上方谱密度整体呈减弱趋势,硬质体上方谱密度整体呈增强趋势。根据谱密度变化对应偏移距、波长及谱密度强弱,可以预估异质体在传播方向的位置、埋深,并识别异质体类型。  相似文献   
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