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借助空间自相关分析方法分析了陕西省人口的空间分布模式和空间关联关系。结果表明,陕西省人口分布呈现显著的空间集聚现象,在整体上具有较强的正相关性。在西安市附近存在几个非常明显的"高-高"集聚;同时,延安市和安康市分别出现"低-低"集聚。陕西省人口重心从2002年的礼泉县移动至2009年的泾阳县,向东北移动约3.3 km。  相似文献   
澳门海洋空间资源利用研究——澳门的填海造地工程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
澳门原系海中孤岛,由于利用了自然条件,进行填海造地工程,使孤岛相连,土地面积扩大,城市发展,交通改善,经济增长,成为利用海洋空间资源的典型地区。文章论述了澳门有利于填海工程实施的自然条件,海洋空间利用的发展过程,及填海造地工程的巨大作用和深远意义。  相似文献   
基于GIS的陕西省旬阳地区滑坡灾害危险性区划   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
西部地区是我国地质灾害的重灾区。随着西部大开发战略的实施,该地区即将开展大规模的基础建设、能源开发等。区域内的经济发展与地质灾害的矛盾将不可避免地暴露出来。为解决这一问题,论文选取中国滑坡重灾区的江汉流域开展灾害危险性区划应用研究。研究区选在旬阳地区的县城近郊,通过MAPGIS软件平台及其二次开发的滑坡灾害分析系统,采用规则网格单元划分方法,运用信息量模型对该区斜坡稳定性进行了.空间定量预测,并依信息量法的结果编制了该区的危险性预测分区图。为政府部门进行土地规划决策、避免在地质灾害易发区进行大规模土地开发和工程建设提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
Recently,the expertise accumulated in the field of geovisualization has found application in the visualization of abstract multidimensional data,on the basis of methods called spatialization methods.Spatialization methods aim at visualizing multidimensional data into low-dimensional representational spaces by making use of spatial metaphors and applying dimension reduction techniques.Spatial metaphors are able to provide a metaphoric framework for the visualization of information at different levels of gran...  相似文献   
The dynamic response of tall civil structures due to earthquakes is very important to civil engineers. Structures exposed to earthquakes experience vibrations that are detrimental to their structural components. Structural pounding is an additional problem that occurs when buildings experience earthquake excitation. This phenomena occurs when adjacent structures collide from their out‐of‐phase vibrations. Many energy dissipation devices are presently being used to reduce the system response. Tuned mass dampers (TMD) are commonly used to improve the response of structures. The stiffness and damping properties of the TMD are designed to be a function of the natural frequency of the building to which it is connected. This research involves attaching adjacent structures with a shared tuned mass damper (STMD) to reduce both the structures vibration and probability of pounding. Because the STMD is connected to both buildings, the problem of tuning the STMD stiffness and damping parameters becomes an issue. A design procedure utilizing a performance function is used to obtain the STMD parameters to result in the best overall system response. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Street patterns reflect the distribution characteristics of a street network and affect the urban structure and human behavior. The recognition of street patterns has been a topic of interest for decades. In this study, a linear tessellation model is proposed to identify the spatial patterns in street networks. The street segments are broken into consecutive linear units with equal length. We define five focal operations using neighborhood analysis to extract the geometric and topological characteristics of each linear unit for the purpose of grid-pattern recognition. These are then classified by Support Vector Machine, and the result is optimized based on Gestalt principles. The experimental results demonstrate that our method is effective for mining grid patterns in a street network.  相似文献   
中国建设用地与区域社会经济发展关系的空间计量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶浩  张鹏  濮励杰 《地理科学》2012,(2):149-155
利用空间计量模型,对中国大陆地区的30个省、市、自治区2008年的建设用地面积与社会经济发展之间的关系进行了研究。研究表明:30个省、直辖市和自治区地区建设用地面积、GDP、总人口和城市化率都有显著的空间相关特征,一个区域社会经济的发展不仅会驱动自身区域建设用地的扩张,而且会带动邻近区域的建设用地的增长。传统上只从时间维度出发的研究思路,忽视空间维度的相关性和异质性,低估了区域社会经济发展对建设用地增长的作用,必须在普通面板线性回归模型中描述的基础上引入空间变量进行修正。计量模型检验表明,城市化水平对建设用地总规模的影响不甚显著。说明中国大部分省份的农村居民点用地的利用效率普遍偏低。因此,农村居民点用地的调整与优化已迫在眉睫,从长远看来,提高城市化水平,打破城乡二元化的土地制度,建立统一的土地市场,是缓解土地资源紧缺、提高土地利用效率的有效途径。  相似文献   
In this study, a novel and enhanced soil–structure model is developed adopting the direct analysis method using FLAC 2D software to simulate the complex dynamic soil–structure interaction and treat the behaviour of both soil and structure with equal rigour simultaneously. To have a better judgment on the inelastic structural response, three types of mid-rise moment resisting building frames, including 5, 10, and 15 storey buildings are selected in conjunction with three soil types with the shear wave velocities less than 600 m/s, representing soil classes Ce, De and Ee, according to Australian Standards. The above mentioned frames have been analysed under two different boundary conditions: (i) fixed-base (no soil–structure interaction) and (ii) flexible-base (considering soil–structure interaction). The results of the analyses in terms of structural displacements and drifts for the above mentioned boundary conditions have been compared and discussed. It is concluded that considering dynamic soil–structure interaction effects in seismic design of moment resisting building frames resting on soil classes De and Ee is essential.  相似文献   
地下管网空间数据模型的建立与应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
谭斌 《四川测绘》2001,24(1):16-19
城市综合地下管网系统作为城市地理信息系统的重要组成部分是城市科学规划,管理和辅助决策等工作的重要工具,本文结合昆明市综合地下管网信息系统设计和开发的实际工作,探讨了地下管网空间数据模型的建立和应用。  相似文献   
James  Hibbard  Daniel  Karig Asahiko  Taira 《Island Arc》1992,1(1):133-147
Abstract The Late Oligocene-Early Miocene Nabae Sub-belt of the Shimanto Accretionary Prism was created coevally (ca 25-15 Ma) with the opening of the Shikoku back-arc basin, located to the south of the southwest Japan convergent margin. The detailed geology of the sub-belt has been controversial and the interaction of the Shimanto accretionary prism and the opening of the Shikoku Basin has been ambiguous. New structural analysis of the sub-belt has led to a new perception of its structural framework and has significant bearing on the interpretation of the Neogene tectonics of southwest Japan. The sub-belt is divided into three units: the Nabae Complex; the Shijujiyama Formation; and the Maruyama Intrusive Suite. The Nabae Complex comprises coherent units and mélange, all of which show polyphase deformation. The first phase of deformation appears to have involved landward vergent thrusting of coherent units over the mélange terrane. The second phase of deformation involved continued landward vergent shortening. The Shijujiyama Formation, composed mainly of mafic volcanics and massive sandstone, is interpreted as a slope basin deposited upon the Nabae Complex during the second phase of deformation. The youngest deformational pulse involved regional flexing and accompanying pervasive faulting. During this event, mafic rocks of the Maruyama Intrusive Suite intruded the sub-belt. Fossil evidence in the Nabae Complex and radiometric dates on the intrusive rocks indicate that this tectonic scheme was imprinted upon the sub-belt between ~23 and ~14 Ma. The timing of accretion and deformation of the sub-belt coincides with the opening of the Shikoku Basin; hence, subduction and spreading operated simultaneously. Accretion of the Nabae Sub-belt was anomalous, involving landward vergent thrusting, magmatism in newly accreted strata and regional flexing. It is proposed that this complex and anomalous structural history is largely related to the subduction of the active Shikoku Basin spreading ridge and associated seamounts.  相似文献   
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