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冯健  黄琳珊  董颖  宋蕾蕾 《地理学报》2012,67(12):1645-1656
城市犯罪的时空模式是地理学“格局”和“过程”研究的重要课题.本文以北京城八区财产类犯罪为研究对象,利用GIS工具获取和处理空间数据,探讨城市犯罪的时空格局和时空模式,并建立时空机制模型.研究发现:北京城市犯罪总体上呈现多中心分布格局,在商业繁华地带和对外交通运输区存在明显的高强度带;各种犯罪类型空间格局既有共同性又有差异性;城市犯罪嫌疑人数量存在季节分异特点,但同一区域的犯罪地点数目具有一定的稳定性;就时空机制而言,场所的时空特征作用于财产犯罪参与者,进而作用于犯罪要素并影响犯罪实施成功与否,而不同类型的财产犯罪对场所时空特征要求不同,这些要求一旦与北京城市环境的特有属性耦合,便产生犯罪高发地段和高发时段,最终影响城市空间结构特点.  相似文献   
In this study we analyzed the diurnal spatial patterns of cycles of ozone (O3) and respirable suspended particulate (RSP) matter in Hong Kong between 2001 and 2011. We used harmonic analysis to reveal the diurnal cycle in the seasonal-level spatial patterns. The diurnal cycle of O3 is stronger in the northeast rural areas of Hong Kong than in the urban center due to the lower titration effects of nitric oxide in the rural areas. For RSP, the southern sections show the strongest diurnal cycle and the northeastern sections show the weakest diurnal cycle, which could be explained by the heavy vehicular traffic in the southern urban areas and light vehicular traffic in the northeast rural areas. The diurnal patterns of O3 and RSP both show stronger cycles in the summer months, which might be related to the diurnal rainfall pattern. The time of maximum for O3 is around 1400 Local Standard Time (LST) in the afternoon in summer, whereas a wider range in the time of maximum, between 1100 and 1400 LST, was observed in winter. The spatial pattern of the time of maximum for RSP showed a gradual progression from the center of the city to the west, between 1300 and 1700 LST, which is consistent with rush hour traffic.  相似文献   
The expansion of Choctawhatchee sand pine (Pinus clausa) into longleaf pine forests (Pinus palustris) has been widespread on the Florida Panhandle since the early 1900s. This study examines the population-level processes of this sand pine invasion. Expansion of sand pine started by 1920, but rapidly increased in the 1940s. Population establishment and growth in invasive stands has been rapid, with establishment of many sand pine pioneer individuals followed by rapid infilling as these individuals reached reproductive maturity. Both noninvasive and invasive stands had numerous sand pine seedlings and saplings. Sand pine will likely persist in these communities in the near future. Analyses of hemispherical canopy photographs and regeneration patterns illustrate the ability of sand pine to establish under a variety of light conditions. Radial growth analysis of incremental tree cores highlights the importance of episodic wind disturbances in maintaining these sand pine populations. [Key words: sand pine, longleaf pine, Pinus clausa, Florida, pine invasion, Pinus palustris.]  相似文献   
粤港澳大湾区是全球高度城市化地区之一。本文引介巨型城市区域理论来审视粤港澳大湾区的空间结构发展,从边界、功能、核心区、区域基础设施4个维度进行分析。未来粤港澳大湾区将呈现四大发展趋势:一是去边界化趋势显著,大湾区内部边界地区将快速发展;二是产业区将成为网络化的功能区块,并取代城市成为地区参与全球竞争的基本单元;三是广佛、港深两大核心区将形成;四是轨道公交化趋势,大湾区共享交通枢纽与公服设施。按发展趋势预测,未来粤港澳大湾区空间结构将形成“两核+若干功能区”的新格局。  相似文献   
中国特大城市空间形态演变研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2008年全国52个百万人口以上的特大城市为样本,分析了1990-2008年中国特大城市空间形态在形状指数、空间紧凑度和空间破碎度方面的演变特征。研究表明:1)中国特大城市空间形态趋向带状特征,形状率和圆形率指数均呈下降趋势,下降幅度最大的是西北部、西部和东部地区的城市;2)空间紧凑度下降,面积-周长紧凑度和面积-轴线紧凑度指数均呈下降趋势,下降幅度最大的是西部地区的城市;3)空间破碎度趋于增强,分形维数呈上升趋势,上升幅度最大的是西南和东南部地区的城市;4)影响中国特大城市空间形态特征变化的因素主要有城市规模的扩大、新型城市空间要素的出现和城市空间结构的多中心化。  相似文献   
基于P2P的空间数据操作分布技术研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
分布在不同节点的空间数据库通过P2P协作共同完成复杂的空间应用任务。提出一种基于P2P的空间数据操作分布的引擎设计:引擎根据空间应用任务的解析,在P2P网络中动态地选择最佳的执行引擎,通过P2P的消息和通信机制进行协作,共同完成复杂的空间计算和空间查询任务。P2P的执行机制避免了集中式执行引擎带来的网络拥塞和单点失效问题,提高了空间数据资源和计算资源协作的可靠性和可用性。  相似文献   
城市为旅游发展提供支撑,其韧性水平对区域旅游发展具有重要的影响。论文利用长三角城市群各地区2004—2018年的面板数据,在定量测算城市韧性的基础上,借助空间面板杜宾模型揭示城市韧性对旅游经济的空间溢出效应。结果显示:长三角各地区城市韧性水平空间差异显著,但总体上韧性水平呈现上升趋势。城市韧性与旅游经济之间存在较强的空间相关性,城市韧性对旅游经济具有显著的空间溢出效应(ρ=0.444,P<0.01)。其中,城市经济韧性和城市生态韧性对旅游经济具有正向溢出效应,城市社会韧性和城市工程韧性对旅游经济具有负向溢出效应。未来城市旅游发展需要关注城市韧性水平,注重城市韧性的空间溢出效应,避免虹吸效应,同时还需要加强长三角城市群区域间交流合作,促进旅游经济高质量发展。  相似文献   
环渤海地区共157座城市,约占全国城市的四分之一,陆地面积112万平方公里,约占全国国土面积13.31%,总人口2.6亿,占全国总人口22.2%。全区交通便利,人均收入水平高,旅游资源丰富,类型多样,是集山、泉、林、岛、江、河、湖、海为一体的自然景观和古代文明与现代艺术相结合的人文景观构成的旅游大区。点轴系统理论对旅游区域开发研究具有十分重要的指导意义,以环渤海地区为研究对象,使用旅游区位熵和城市流,从理论上分析并归纳了环渤海地区概况,并据此确定了环渤海地区四个等级的重要发展节点,二个等级的旅游发展轴线以及三大旅游区,构建了环渤海地区“点—线—面”的区域旅游空间结构体系,合理的空间结构可以促进全区发展,带动环渤海地区各市旅游业繁荣。  相似文献   
Water pollution in the Taihu Lake Basin has been the focus of attention in China and abroad for a long time, due to its position in the forefront of urban development in China. Based on data gathering and processing from 84 monitoring sections in this heavily polluted area, this study first analyzes spatial patterns of urbanization and the distribution of river water pollution, and then uses the GeoDa bivariate spatial autocorrelation model to investigate the spatial correlation between urbanization and river water pollution at the scale of township units. The results show that urbanization has adverse impacts on water pollution, and the influence varies in different levels of development areas. The urban township units have the highest level of urbanization and highest pollution, but the best water quality; the suburban units have lower level of urbanization, but higher pollution and worse water quality; however the rural units have the lowest level of urbanization and lowest pollution, mainly affected by upstream pollution, but worst water quality. Lastly, urban and rural planning committees, while actively promoting the process of development in the region, should gradually resolve the issue of pollution control lagging behind urban life and urban develop- ment, giving priority to construction of centralized sewage treatment facilities and associated pipeline network coverage in the rural areas and suburban areas.  相似文献   
薛德升  黄鹤绵  王阳 《地理科学》2014,34(6):687-695
世界城市历史研究作为新兴的研究领域,虽然突破了世界城市经典理论的“现代主义”视角,证明全球化对城市空间转变的作用具有长期性,但仍局限在“经济主义”的分析范畴之内,将经济因素视为决定性动力。20世纪初期,广州东山地区完成由“乡村地区”向“社会精英阶层居住地”的空间转变,促使城市空间格局由“东村西富”变为“东贵西富”。这场具有历史意义的空间转变是教会、华侨、政府、官僚4种动力相互作用、相继推动的结果。东山地区的发展历史表明,除经济联系外,城市的全球文化联系对空间转变同样具有重要推动作用。在一些特定的城市或城市中的特定地区,社会文化动力对城市空间转变具有决定性的作用。  相似文献   
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