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We present the excitation energies and lifetimes for the  3 s 3 p 3 d  4 F  7/2,9/2  levels for five aluminium-like ions of the iron group. Apart from the wavelengths, this also includes the transition probabilities and branching ratios for the electric-dipole allowed (E1) and forbidden (M1, E2, M2) lines into the energetically lower lying levels of the  3 s 23 d , 3 s 3 p 2  and  3 s 3 p 3 d   configurations. Applying systematically enlarged multiconfiguration Dirac–Fock (MCDF) wavefunctions, here the effects of relativity and the electron–electron correlation are treated within the same (computational) model.  相似文献   
N同位素质谱分析及其数据处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩友科  安娜 《地球学报》1997,18(Z1):290-292
本文论述了N同位素质谱分析原理和钢瓶高纯氮标定方法。同时对影响N同位素分析分馏因素作了相应讨论,指出钢瓶子高纯氮同位素标定,要用纯化后的大气氮定值。  相似文献   
以高斯理论为基础计算弯曲钻孔节点空间坐标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了拟合出更加接近钻孔实际的曲线,结合钻孔测斜实际,以严密的高斯理论为基础,给出了以钻孔天顶角和倾角为参数的弯曲钻孔的参数方程。并在此基础上,推出了钻孔曲线各点的计算公式,更准确地描述了钻孔的实际情况,为后续工作剖面图的绘制和储量计算提供了基础。这里使用高斯和折线法作为一个实例,对比计算了赤土店铅锌矿区ZK13002钻孔。计算结果表明:在钻孔曲线形状、累计弧长、插值点特征等多个方面的高斯法都优于折线法,而因算法的改变引起的工作量又是很小的。  相似文献   
化石数据是了解地球历史以及深时生命演化的重要信息来源。通过数百年的积累,古生物学家已经发表了海量的古生物学数据。过去三、四十年里,随着计算机、数据库和互联网技术的快速发展,国内外涌现出大量的古生物学数据库,彼此间的目标、体系架构、数据组织方式和服务对象通常存在显著差异,呈现百花齐放的特点。文章系统介绍了古生物学领域主要数据库的发展历史、数据表结构、数据特征和数据量等建设情况,对比分析了其数据整理方式、核心在线功能、数据共享特点和数据质量控制措施。同时,结合近年来数据驱动下的古生物学领域的科学研究实例,提出一站式全生态链数据平台的建设设想,为深时数字地球(DDE)建设多学科融合、数据开放与共享的大数据平台提供参考。  相似文献   
苏北废黄河三角洲海岸时空演变遥感分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于遥感与地理信息系统技术,使用苏北废黄河三角洲海岸地区1978,1987和2000年的Landsat卫星遥感数据,选取岸线指标与波段,提取岸线信息,生成1978-1987年和1987-2000年海岸土地增减时空变化分布图,建立岸线变化距离及增速衡量指标,定量分析了废黄河三角洲海岸面积变化特征,以及灌河口-中山河口、中山河口-扁担港口和扁担港口-双洋河口以南岸段的时空变化格局与分布特征.研究结果表明,废黄河三角洲海岸的自然侵蚀速率呈减小趋势,但侵蚀作用仍在继续.侵蚀强度以废黄河口地区为中心,向南北两侧逐渐减弱.人工保滩护岸措施在一定程度上影响着自然侵蚀格局.其内部各岸段分别呈现缓蚀、侵蚀和基本侵淤平衡的变化格局.  相似文献   
With the development of modern oceanic observation technologies,coastal survey data have been experiencing a substantial growth.The integration management of the data from different disciplines,different sources and different formats has become a major research field in coastal geomorphology by using Geographic Information System (GIS).This paper puts forward a new methodology framework of GIS techniques in coastal ocean geomorphology,including data acquisition,process,analysis,and representation.It focuses on some major GIS techniques to study the land-ocean interaction mechanism,such as spatial analysis,submarine topography model and three-dimension (3D) visualization,and apply its result to coastal urban planning,harbor site selection and geomorphology environment about coral reef and islands on the continental shelf.The case studies cover the whole coastal ocean to serve the social community,economical development and diplomatic rights for decision-making all round in the coastal zone.The research shows clearly that the application of coastal multi-source geospatial platform has changed the traditional coastal geomorphology science dramatically from its research scope,fields and methods,however,as made clear in this paper,extracting accurate information from remote sensing data and GIS databases for coastal geomorphological applications is a nontrivial challenge that requires the combined knowledge and skills of information scientists and geomorphologists.  相似文献   
Due to the geological complexities of ore body formation and limited borehole sampling, this paper proposes a robust weighted least square support vectormachine (LS-SVM) regression model to solve the ore grade estimation for a seafloor hydrothermal sulphide deposit in Solwara 1, which consists of a large proportion of incomplete samples without ore types and grade values. The standard LS-SVM classification model is applied to identify the ore type for each in complete sample. Then, a weighted K-nearest neighbor (WKNN) algorithm is proposed to interpolate the missing values. Prior to modeling, the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to obtain an appropriate splitting for the training and test data sets so as to eliminate the large discrepancies caused by randomdivision. Coupled simulated annealing (CSA) and grid search using 10-fold cross validation techniques are adopted to determine the optimal tuning parameters in the LS-SVM models. The effectiveness of the proposed model by comparing with other well-known techniques such as inverse distance weight (IDW), ordinary kriging (OK), and back propagation (BP) neural network is demonstrated. The experimental results show that the robust weighted LS-SVM outperforms the othermethods, and has strong predictive and generalization ability.  相似文献   
针对海洋数据格式与海洋信息应用系统的异构性,提出一种基于移动代码(Mobile code)的海洋大数据处理软件体系结构。首先,利用统一的网络服务接口与数据交换格式,规范海洋信息应用系统之间的数据访问与共享。其次,通过移动代码将海洋大数据的处理过程移至云端,提高信息处理效率。应用示例实现了异构海洋信息应用系统间的互操作,并且缩短了海量数据的处理时间,验证了该体系结构在海洋大数据处理中的通用性与有效性。  相似文献   
基于最小平方的Fourier地震数据重建方法最终转化为求解一个线性方程组, 其系数矩阵是Toeplitz矩阵,可以用共轭梯度法求解该线性方程组.共轭梯度法的迭代次数受系数矩阵病态程度的影响,地震数据的非规则采样程度越高,所形成的系数矩阵病态程度越高,就越难收敛和得到合理的计算结果.本文研究了基于Toeplitz矩阵的不同预条件的构造方法,以及对共轭梯度法收敛性的影响.通过预条件的使用,加快了共轭梯度法的迭代速度, 改进了共轭梯度算法的收敛性,提高了计算的效率.数值算例和实际地震数据重建试验证明了预条件共轭梯度法对计算效率有很大的提高.  相似文献   
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