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郭文 《地理研究》2020,39(3):508-526
近年来,西方社会文化地理学新范式在中国地理学界受到“热捧”,但也有学者对此存有分歧、质疑、困惑和焦虑,认为新范式“缺少地理味”“跑偏了”。在梳理西方人文地理学派思想及其范式演变的基础上,对新范式的出场背景、基本议题和内涵及意义进行了剖析。研究认为:① 西方社会文化地理学新范式倡导的“人之主观意念”“理论转向”“空间间性关联”“伦理道德及本体生成”,既是对以计量革命为特征的实证主义和空间科学,以及伯克利学派“文化超有机体”的反思,也是对第二次世界大战以来日益凸显的增长全球化和全球本土化,引致的复杂社会空间和文化认知的新阐释。② 在研究视角和对象上,新范式倡导“人之主观意念”,并确立“人”在地理学中的位置和对“地”的人文主义说明;通过社会文化等“理论转向”滤镜,预见社会空间的可能性,以及社会文化的意义和价值;通过“空间间性关联”滤镜,引导人们对多种空间,尤其是空间关系的关注;通过“伦理道德及本体生成”滤镜,强化社会文化地理的道德实践和人性提升,重构人与自我、人与社会、人与自然环境的和谐共生;③ 新范式用一种独特的方式,阐释地理环境和人类活动空间进程和交织的社会经济及文化发生动因,是人类对社会文化和自然环境实践认知演变中的一次重大变革,代表一种新的地理学哲学观和思维观。④ 中国学术界对新范式之所以存在不同声音,原因之一是研究者对新旧人文地理学范式的哲学认知缺乏深度对话,另一原因是学术界针对新范式的理论阐释不足。未来社会文化地理学的中国学派,需要主动拥抱并吸收西方前沿理论的合理内容,在此基础上参与建构新的学科范式,积极回应反映时代中国和世界的重大问题。  相似文献   
高铁通过改变城市间的连接性和联系强度来影响城市网络的结构、功能和关系。随着中国高铁网络的延伸与升级,基于高铁流来认识和解构城市网络成为了重要的途径之一。论文从高铁流出发,借助2008—2018年高铁客运班次数据和社会网络分析方法,对中国县域网络结构特征和演化进程进行分析。结果表明:① 高铁网络密度逐年提高。东中部地区的中心度值较高,枢纽地位明显,多条高铁干线的核心交汇点易生成高中介度节点。② 多重网络结构层级性辨识出具有演化分异的层级特征和复杂多样的联系格局。第一、第二层级节点效应显著,区位优势明显;第三层级是网络的延伸和细化。③ 地域邻近程度和空间联系强度决定了凝聚子群的构成,受高铁线路布局的影响,子群呈现“多核化”趋势,具体表现为延伸、合并和新增3种演化类型。  相似文献   

This study compares the efficiency of two analytic approaches—qualitative and quantitative—to social network analysis for identifying stakeholder groups. Social network data were collected from 23 water and agriculture stakeholders in Arizona, USA, and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Analysis of the sample in the original order of data collection found qualitative analysis was more efficient, in that it yielded a stable result—the identification of four stakeholder groups—within 16 interviews. In contrast, the quantitative analysis did not produce a stable result after 23 interviews. Repeated analyses with randomized order and reverse order samples found qualitative approaches yielded more stable results, took about the same number of interviews to yield results, and produced slightly fewer stakeholder groups compared to quantitative approaches. Our findings suggest that, in resource-constrained projects, qualitative social network analysis for identifying stakeholder groups can provide an efficient alternative to conventional quantitative social network analysis.  相似文献   
姜杉钰  王峰  樊笑英 《地质论评》2023,69(3):69031105-69031110
通过对当前地质工作转型升级时期的资金投入分析,梳理了财政投入和社会资金的现状特征和问题,进而提出了对策建议。研究结果显示,中国的地质工作正处于转型升级期,在资金投入上主要表现出资金投下滑总体趋势放缓、矿产勘查资金供需矛盾突出、新旧动能转换引领投资分化、科技和信息化投入仍需提升、投入空间格局正发生转变五大特征。研究认为,为进一步优化资金投入以适应新的发展形势,应该以中长期战略引领投资布局,强化两级财政的协同配合,多措并举吸引社会资本注入,完善财政投入评估调整机制。  相似文献   
中国经济地理学研究进展与展望   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
经济地理学是地理学最重要的分支学科之一,在社会实践中发挥着重要作用。长期以来,中国经济地理学的发展可以用“以任务带学科”来概括,形成了具有中国特色的“实践派”经济地理学。近年来,中国经济地理学发展的突出特点表现为:规划导向、综合导向、“区域主义”、基于GIS的空间分析和可视化表达愈来愈普遍、国际化趋势明显。在研究方向上,除了传统优势领域得到强化外,出现了若干新的研究方向,包括功能区划分、能源与碳排放、全球化与外资外贸、生产性服务业、信息技术与互联网,以及农区地理与农户区位研究等。在人地系统与区域可持续发展,区域发展新因素与新格局,产业集群与产业集聚,全球化、跨国公司及外资,交通运输地理与空间组织,资源型城市及老工业城市转型,应对气候变化与低碳经济,海洋经济地理,地域空间规划方法等领域取得了较为显著的进展。在国家重大地域空间规划中发挥了重要的技术支撑作用,包括主体功能区划、东北振兴规划、西部大开发战略实施、中部崛起规划、资源枯竭型城市规划、生态区域建设规划,以及长江三角洲地区、京津冀地区、成渝地区等重点区域规划。未来经济地理学的发展既拥有机遇、也面临着挑战。在满足国家重大需求的同时,需要更加重视理论总结和人才培养。  相似文献   
In the US, the Ford Foundation’s Community-based Forestry Demonstration Program (2000-2005) promoted an internationally prominent model of community forestry centered on the simultaneous, balanced pursuit of ecological, economic and social goals (often symbolized as the “three-legged stool,” or “triple bottom line”). This paper develops an alternative framework for analysis that emphasizes the causal precedence of shifts in power relations, specifically the devolution of resource access and decision-making authority, rather than environmental, social and economic outcomes. These outcomes are not necessarily beneficial, and any benefits realized seldom occur simultaneously. Rather, they can be envisioned as the floors of a house erected sequentially on a foundation of resource access and control. While no universal claim is made, the “house” model proves an apt fit for many community-based forestry initiatives, including the two case studies presented. Who among the differentiated social groups within a community gained access to resources and decision-making influence largely predicted who gained individually. Nonetheless, indirect benefits felt at community and higher scales were significant. The findings further indicate that community forestry generally will not advance social equity unless it specifically targets marginalized groups. Crucially, equity is understood to embrace not only distributional justice, but also capacity-building and empowerment.  相似文献   
Agricultural, forestry-impacted and natural catchments are all vectors of nutrient loading in the Nordic countries. Here, we present concentrations and fluxes of total nitrogen (totN) and phosphorus (totP) from 69 Nordic headwater catchments (Denmark: 12, Finland:18, Norway:17, Sweden:22) between 2000 and 2018. Catchments span the range of Nordic climatic and environmental conditions and include natural sites and sites impacted by agricultural and forest management. Concentrations and fluxes of totN and totP were highest in agricultural catchments, intermediate in forestry-impacted and lowest in natural catchments, and were positively related %agricultural land cover and summer temperature. Summer temperature may be a proxy for terrestrial productivity, while %agricultural land cover might be a proxy for catchment nutrient inputs. A regional trend analysis showed significant declines in N concentrations and export across agricultural (−15 μg totN L−1 year−1) and natural (−0.4 μg NO3-N L−1 year−1) catchments, but individual sites displayed few long-term trends in concentrations (totN: 22%, totP: 25%) or export (totN: 6%, totP: 9%). Forestry-impacted sites had a significant decline in totP (−0.1 μg P L−1 year−1). A small but significant increase in totP fluxes (+0.4 kg P km−2 year−1) from agricultural catchments was found, and countries showed contrasting patterns. Trends in annual concentrations and fluxes of totP and totN could not be explained in a straightforward way by changes in runoff or climate. Explanations for the totN decline include national mitigation measures in agriculture international policy to reduced air pollution and, possibly, large-scale increases in forest growth. Mitigation to reduce phosphorus appears to be more challenging than for nitrogen. If the green shift entails intensification of agricultural and forest production, new challenges for protection of water quality will emerge possible exacerbated by climate change. Further analysis of headwater totN and totP export should include seasonal trends, aquatic nutrient species and a focus on catchment nutrient inputs.  相似文献   
城市地质具有很广的工作范畴,其定义一般认为是在城市及其周围地区或潜在城市化的特定空间范围内,综合考虑各种地质要素(岩石与构造、水文与工程、矿产与建材等),研究其对城市发展所提供的资源、所施加的约束条件及城市发展对其产生的影响,为城市规划、建设和管理服务的地质工作。上海城市地质工作始终以服务城市发展、保障城市安全为首要任务,矿产资源普查、工程勘察、地面沉降调查、环境地质调查、工程地质调查等地质工作内容曾分别成为不同年代城市地质工作的主要内容。2004年启动的上海市三维城市地质调查工作,开启了地质工作社会化服务的新篇章,目前项目的有关成果已经在城市的规划、建设与管理中得到了应用。  相似文献   
Qualitative methods are important to gain a deep understanding of complex problems and poorly researched areas. They can be particularly useful to help explain underlying conservation problems. However, the significance in choosing and justifying appropriate methodological frameworks in conservation studies should be given more attention to ensure data are collected and analysed appropriately. We explain when, why, and how qualitative methods should be used and explain sampling strategies in qualitative studies. To improve familiarity with qualitative methods among natural scientists, we recommend expanding training in social sciences and increasing collaboration with social scientists. Given the scale of human impacts on the environment, this type of nuanced analytical skill is critical for progressing biodiversity conservation efforts.  相似文献   
Harold A. Perkins 《Geoforum》2011,42(5):558-566
The US Department of Agriculture Forest Service and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources coordinate the distribution of urban forestry grants to nonprofits and citizen groups. These granting agencies increased state funding during a period of neoliberal, fiscal austerity in order to channel ecosystem services provided by urban forests. Increased funding is an instance of rollout neoliberalism whereby the fiscally austere state builds market capacity to harness these services as part of an ecologically modernist agenda. A Gramscian perspective and data gathered from 20 in-depth interviews with foresters are used in this paper to theorize how rollout policy is deployed through urban forestry to extend market hegemony to new geographies. This is anything but a smooth process because the public’s perception of urban trees is highly varied. State bureaucracies must build civil sector capacity to educate people about the ecosystem services trees provide as market commodities. In doing so the state’s market-oriented regulatory legitimacy is consolidated through the apparently benign act of promoting urban forestry. This dialectical process limits participation in urban forestry because markets are inherently selective. Yet it potentially gives rise to an alternative political ecology of praxis beyond market ideology when grant recipients participate in the production of urban ecology and recognize their relationship with nature.  相似文献   
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