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王学松  秦勇 《地球化学》2007,36(1):98-102
城市土壤指示了城市环境中重金属污染的状况.为了更好地评价人为因素对城市土壤的影响强度,确定城市土壤重金属元素的地球化学背景值是十分必要的.以徐州城市表层土壤中Pb、Cu、Zn、V、Se和Ti等重金属为例,利用对数正态分布图区分了不同元素的来源,其中Ti和V主要来自土壤母质的分化,而Pb、Cu、Zn和Se等的来源则比较复杂,表现为受人为因素作用强烈.这些结果与利用多元统计方法(如聚类分析和主成分分析)获得的结果一致.利用对数正态分布图获得了Pb、Cu、Zn、V、Se和Ti等元素的地球化学背景值.  相似文献   
By use of an observational experiment at the village of Tianwei, Haikou, Hainan province in 1990,characteristic turbulence values such as velocity component spectra and turbulence intensity are studied.The data were mostly obtained in cloudy condition, so that the stability parameter (L) and thermal flux (wt) did not vary diurnally while the turbulent energy and mean-temperature did. The basic characteristics of turbulence spectra are similar to those with fine weather, hems close to local isotropy in the inertial subrange. The velocity spectra agree with the law of "-2/3 th power"in Kolmogrov's similarity theory. The relationship between turbulent intensity of components δi/U (i=u,v,w) and stability Z/L is studied follow ins the Monim-Obukhov(M-O) similarity theory. It is shown that the two observe the law of "1/3 th power", though the turbulent intensity and energy are generally larger than those on the flat underlying topography.  相似文献   
应用岩石热解数据S2-TOC相关图进行烃源岩评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用岩石热解数据评价烃源岩的传统方法具有一定的局限性。由于矿物基质的吸附或“死碳”的影响,有机质类型的“范氏图解”往往夸大烃源岩有机质类型的非均质性。对松辽盆地上白垩统不同有机质丰度和有机质类型的烃源岩生烃动力学研究表明,它们具有相似的生烃动力学特征,说明尽管有机质丰度存在较强的非均质性,但其有效源岩类型(区别于应用范氏图划分的有机质类型)是一致的。这些烃源岩的岩石裂解烃(S2)与有机质丰度(TOC)的相关系数很高,与生烃动力学的分析结果一致,表明应用S2-TOC相关图划分烃源岩的有机质类型可以更真实地反映烃源岩的有效源岩类型,S2-TOC相关图是评价烃源岩有效源岩类型的有效手段。过去岩石热解数据用于反映烃源岩成熟度的主要指标是tmax,tmax对于偏Ⅱ/Ⅲ型的烃源岩比较适用,而对于Ⅰ型烃源岩,由于生油窗内变化不明显,tmax不能完全反映有机质的成熟过程;而且tmax也受运移油等其他因素影响。不同成熟度的烃源岩的S2-TOC图分析结果显示,随着成熟度的增加,S2-TOC的回归斜率和TOC逐渐减小;利用不同成熟度的烃源岩建立的S2-TOC图可用于评价烃源岩的成熟度。松辽盆地不同沉积相中烃源岩的S2-TOC相关图的特征表明。只要有有利的有机质保存条件,各沉积相下均可发育优质的烃源岩;S2-TOC相关图可以反映烃源岩形成的沉积环境和有机质保存条件。  相似文献   
高佳佳  杜军 《冰川冻土》2021,43(2):580-588
为了解雅鲁藏布江流域汛期极端降水的变化规律,推算一定重现期的极端降水量分位数,通过百分位法、Hill图法、年交叉率法选取阈值,借助广义帕累托分布函数(GPD)对流域极端降水频率进行了分析。结果表明:99百分位时的阈值为流域内各站点的最佳阈值,且各站点超阈值序列通过了M-K的平稳性检验,无明显突变。拟合效果通过K-S检验,各站点拟合的极端降水理论频数和实测频数基本相符。尺度参数的大值区位于流域下游,表明该地区的极值波动大;形状参数正值区位于流域中上游地区,说明发生破纪录降水事件的概率较大,拟合结果与实际观测一致。从5年一遇和10年一遇的极端降水值来看,雅江流域除拉孜站外,其他地区降水极值均超过30 mm,日喀则地区的降水极值达50 mm;各地区20年一遇和30年一遇的降水极值增长的非常缓慢。通过与实际极端降水值对比分析得出,GPD拟合计算出的重现期水平基本符合实际,即具有一定的合理性。  相似文献   
地图综合的本质是一种空间相似变换,制图者在相似原则的指导下实施概括,读图者从包含相似性的地图中形成心象地图、重构现实世界。因此,多尺度地图空间中的相似关系研究非常重要。然而,由于相似的可计算性差,且其计算的目的在于揭示更深层次的信息,地图综合中相似关系尤其是语义相似关系的研究相对较少。针对这一问题,本文以语义功能区约束下的大比例尺街区式居民地合并(1∶1750至1∶4000)为例,基于匹配距离模型计算建筑物合并中的语义相似度,得到语义相似度在关键比例尺节点的值,并对结果进行分析、评价。试验表明,语义功能区约束下的建筑物合并符合读图者的地图认知需求,本文所述方法有助于地图更好地发挥信息传输载体的作用。  相似文献   
In order to study the overall deformation of geotechnical model conveniently, the worksite of landslide bridge foundation reinforced by the front and rear row anti-slide piles in Chenglan railway was taken as an example. On the basis of shaking tabe test of a 1/40 reduced scale model, the landslide deformation caused by vibration waves was monitored through burying self-made phosphor bronze strips in soil. Combined with the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the bending strain points on the phosphor bronze strips, the digital matrix was converted by applying Renka Cline random matrix generation method, and the two-dimensional contour plots were drawn based on it. The results showed that the two-dimensional contour plots reflected the basic law of landslide deformation reasonably, and it revealed the evolution process of landslide deformation and failure. The research conclusions were consistent with the test phenomenon, which met the basic requirements of overall deformation analysis of landslide model. This proposed method can monitor multiple cross sections and was practical for model test.  相似文献   
武周虎 《水科学进展》2014,25(6):864-872
以排污口为坐标原点,通过数学推证了岸边排放时P(x,y)点与中心排放时Q(x/4,±y/2)点的污染物浓度对应相等.通过计算实验和曲线拟合,分别给出了中宽河流污染混合区最大长度、最大宽度和相应的纵坐标、面积等参数以及河流中心线和两岸线沿程浓度分布的实用化公式,给出了污染混合区的近似外边界曲线方程.对中宽河流污染混合区范围的计算和环境敏感点的浓度预测,具有重要实用价值,为工程技术人员提供了准确、简便、快捷的实用化方法.  相似文献   
Two kinds of observational data,fluctuation and mean profile measurements,from a 325 m meteorological tower in Beijing,China,are used to evaluate local scales of velocity and temperature for higher heights by flux-gradient mean profiles and eddy-correlation techniques.A comparison of these methods each other was made in terms of vertical turbulence fluxes for momentum and beat at the same heigbt.The vertical profiles of non-dimensional second moments.such as vertical turbulent fluxes of momentum and heat.velocity and temperature standard deviations,were derived by local similarity theory.The local similarity relations expressed that the vertical distributions of non-dimensional second moment variables were found to be functions of z/Λ and z/h in the stable boundary layer and the function of z/Zi for the convective boundary layer,where A the local Monin Obukhov(M-O) length. h the height of stable boundary layer and Zi the height of mixed-layer.These relations are shown to agree well with the observational data.  相似文献   
The regional variation of the seismic velocity-ratio () over a 200 km long traverse has been studied by means of microearthquake surveys. The Wadati-plot method is used with a minimum of four P and S arrivals for each of 49 earthquakes. The area as a whole is found to be characterized by a value of 1.74–1.76 for earthquakes of depth 12–40 km, except in a 50 km long section near Wellington, where is low at 1.60. This low has been attributed to the fault zones in the region. A small change of is observed between the upper crust (5 km) and lower crust (12 km), but there is no change of between the lower crust and uppermost mantle.  相似文献   
The presence of a low-level, capping inversion layer will affect the height and structure of the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Results from models of varying levels of sophistication, including analytical, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), second-order closure (SOC), large-eddy simulation (LES) and direct numerical simulation (DNS) models, are used to investigate this influence for the neutral, barotropic PBL. Predicted and observed profiles of stress and geostrophic departure components, and integral measures, such as the parameters of Rossby-number similarity theory, are compared for the KONTUR, Marine Stratocumulus, JASIN, Leipzig, Pre-Wangara and Upavon field experiments.Analytical models of the equilibrium value of inversion height zi, which depend on the surface friction velocity u*, and both the Coriolis parameter f and the free-flow Brunt-Väisälä frequency N, are found to give reasonable estimates of the PBL height. They also indicate that only the KONTUR and Marine Stratocumulus experiments were strongly influenced by N. More quantitative comparisons would require larger, more comprehensive datasets. The effects of the presence of a capping inversion on the profile structure were found to be insignificant for h* = |f|zi/u* > 0.15.The simple analytical model performed quite well over all values of h*; it predicted the profiles of the longitudinal stress component (in the direction of the surface stress) better than the lateral component. The more advanced models performed well for small values of h* (for flow over the sea), but systematically underestimated the cross-isobaric angle for flow over land. These models predicted the profiles of the lateral stress component better than the longitudinal component. The profiles of the analytical model agreed with those of the advanced models when the constant eddy viscosity of the outer layer was increased.Agreement with DNS was achieved by increasing the eddyviscosity of the analytical model by a factor of 5.Zilitinkevich and Esau(2002, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 104, 371–379)suggest that the neutral, barotropic values of A and B of Rossby-numbersimilarity theory are not universal constants, but depend on the ratio N/|f|. The dependence for A and B is calculated using the analytical model and TKE models. Over the sea (h* 0.1; N/|f| 100, where we have used the Zilitinkevich-Esau relation to convert between h* and N/|f|) there is agreement between the model predictions and observations; however over land where the equilibrium boundary-layer height is greater (h* 0.35; N/|f| 10) the inconsistency between the advanced model predictions (TKE, SOC, LES, and DNS) and observations, as noted previously by Hess and Garratt, still exists. We attribute this disagreement to violations of the strict assumptions of steady, horizontally homogeneous, neutral, barotropic conditions implicit in the observations. At small values of zi and a strongly stable background stratification (h* 0.04; N/|f| 1000) both the TKE and analytical models predict that A and B depend significantly on h*, however observations are unavailable to confirm these predictions. Zilitinkevich and Esau call this case the `long-lived near-neutral PBL', and state that it is found in cold weather at high latitudes.  相似文献   
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