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针对三维激光点云数据生成360°全景深度图像存在像素分辨率不均匀的问题,提出一种顾及目标量测精度及可见度的全景深度图像生成方法,在保证全景影像表达地物的完整性的前提下提高其数据的存取精度。通过坐标转换和投影变换生成与全景影像匹配的全景深度图像;基于摄影成像原理分析摄影中心高度、深度值和像素分辨率之间的关系,得到不同深度处目标分辨率随摄影中心升高趋于一致的结论;综合分析地面目标分辨率和杆状目标尤其是树冠对树干的遮挡问题,确定特定场景下生成全景深度图像的最佳摄影中心位置并重新生成深度图像。实验分析表明,该方法能够在保证杆目标可见度的前提下提高地面目标量测精度。  相似文献   
张勤  黄观文  杨成生 《测绘学报》2017,46(10):1300-1307
21世纪以来,随着世界环境恶化和人类活动剧烈,地质灾害呈现频发态势,精密对地观测技术成为其监测预警的重要手段。本文首先介绍了常见地质灾害特点和监测方法,并对InSAR、LiDAR、高分遥感和GNSS 4种技术在地质灾害监测预警中的技术特点及应用进行了阐述,其次对高精度空间监测技术融合进行了综述和展望,最后对未来地质灾害监测预警技术趋势进行了总结。  相似文献   
Atmospheric surface layer (ASL) experiments over the past 10 years demonstrate that the flux-variance similarity functions for water vapour are consistently larger in magnitude than their temperature counterpart. In addition, latent heat flux calculations using the flux-variance method do not compare as favorably to eddy- correlation measurements when compared to their sensible heat counterpart. These two findings, in concert with measured heat to water vapour transport efficiencies in excess of unity, are commonly used as evidence of dissimilarity between heat and water vapour transport in the unstable atmospheric surface layer. In this note, it is demonstrated that even if near equality in flux-profile similarity functions for heat and water vapour is satisfied, the flux-variance similarity functions for water vapour are larger in magnitude than temperature for a planar, homogeneous, unstably-stratified turbulent boundary-layer flow.  相似文献   
Calibration of tipping bucket rain gauges in the Graz urban research area   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Institute of Urban Water Management and Landscape Water Engineering of the Graz University of Technology (Austria) operates a hydrological research area in the City of Graz. In this urban research area precipitation and runoff data are collected by order of the municipality of Graz. At present precipitation data are measured by seven tipping bucket rain gauges. Comparative measurements have shown a deviation between the recorded and the actual precipitation intensity. This made the institute calibrate the rain gauges periodically. In the middle of the 1990s, the development of a field calibration kit was started. Based on the experiences with the first field calibration kit, a microprocessor controlled device was developed. With this calibration device, the tipping bucket rain gauges are calibrated at regular intervals. In this paper the calibration process and the current results for seven rain gauges are discussed. The calibration process is dynamic calibration and uses a peristaltic pump. Not all of the tipping buckets investigated underestimate the rain intensity in the whole measuring range. Several rain gauges have a positive relative deviation, not exceeding 22%, in the low intensity range up to 0.5 mm/min. Positive deviation can be explained by retention of water in the buckets between tips. The reason for the negative deviation is the loss of water during the tips. It leads to the underestimate of the actual intensity. The largest relative deviation in the range of underestimate exceeds 30%. In the range of extreme intensities, the larger buckets (5 cm3) show a lower relative deviation than the smaller (2 cm3) buckets. The gauge characteristic can change in favourable or unfavourable directions after several years. Therefore, the calibration of tipping buckets is recommended at least every 2 to 3 years.  相似文献   
非单一水平均匀下垫面空气动力学参数的确定   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
文章介绍了一种利用单一高度风速、温度湍流资料确定空气动力学参数的方法。该方法无须进行风速廓线的测量,可以应用于非单一水平均匀下垫面和非中性层结,避免了主观性。用该方法计算了北京城市北部边缘325 m气象塔附近的零值位移d和地表粗糙 z0。结果表明:该处下垫面零值位移d和地表粗糙度z0与风向有很强的依赖关系,与气象塔周围的城市建设相对应。  相似文献   
Townsend's hypothesis states that turbulence near a wall can be divided into an activepart that transports momentum, and an inactive part that does not, and that these twokinds of turbulence do not interact. Active turbulence is generated by wind shear and has properties that scale on local parameters of the flow, while inactive turbulence isthe product of energetic processes remote from the surface and scales on outer-layerparameters. Both kinds of motion can be observed in the atmospheric surface layer, soMonin–Obukhov similarity theory, which is framed in terms of local parameters only,can apply only to active motions. If Townsend's hypothesis were wrong, so that activeand inactive motions do interact in some significant way, then transport processes nearthe ground would be sensitive to outer-layer parameters such as boundary-layer depth,and Monin–Obukhov theory would fail.Experimental results have shown that heat transport near the ground does depend onprocesses in the outer layer. We propose a mechanism for this whereby inactive motionsinitiate active, coherent ejection/sweep structures that carry much of the momentum andheat. We give evidence that the inactive motions take the form of streak patterns of fasterand slower air, and argue that these are induced by the pressure effects of large eddiespassing overhead. The streak pattern includes regions where faster streams of air overtakeand engulf slower-moving streaks. Transverse vortices form across the spines of the streaksat these places and some of them develop into horseshoe vortices. These horseshoe vorticesgrow rapidly and are rotated forward in the sheared flow so they soon contact the ground,squirting the air confined between the legs of the horseshoe vortex outwards as a forcefulejection. This model is consistent with a wide range of results from the field and laboratoryexperiments. Heat transport is significantly affected, so undermining the dimensionalassumptions of Monin–Obukhov similarity theory.  相似文献   
山东省产业重心转移与可持续发展研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
 本文利用经济空间结构的重心研究方法,分析了山东省近八年来产业重心的转移,提出了山东省产业可持续发展战略  相似文献   
SO4^2—、NO3^—对氯同位素测定的干扰及其消除   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在石墨存在下用正热电离质谱法测定 Cs2 Cl+正离子是氯同位素测定的最佳方法 ,但实验过程中发现 ,SO42 - 和 NO3- 的存在对测定的干扰较严重。在系统地研究了 SO42 - 和 NO3- 对氯同位素测定影响的基础上 ,定性地给出了在 SO42 -和 NO3-影响下 ,部分仪器聚焦参数的变化 ,并对影响的机理做了一些解释。着重探讨了不产生影响的 SO42 - 和 NO3- 的最高浓度及 SO42 - 和 NO3- 的消除方法 ,以期指导相关的工作  相似文献   
井下钻探是煤矿日常生产中获取地质资料及消除安全隐患的技术手段。而现阶段煤矿生产中施工的钻孔多不进行钻孔轨迹测量,造成地质资料误判、安全措施客观上不到位的情况时有发生。为根本解决这一问题,根据钻孔轨迹测量原理研发出基于航姿参考系统的电磁波无线随钻轨迹测量系统。该系统具有成本低、方便应用的特点,且能满足无线随钻测量的要求。井下实验证明,该系统可以高效地完成随钻钻孔轨迹测量,提高钻进效率。  相似文献   
基于地质力学模型试验的相似理论,针对寒区岩体工程,分别制作了5种不同孔隙率的页岩相似材料,进行冻融循环试验,探究不同孔隙率的页岩相似材料在冻融前后,其主要物理力学参数的变化规律。试验研究表明:在冻融循环后,页岩相似材料的单轴抗压强度、三轴抗压强度、弹性模量、粘聚力、内摩擦角有不同程度的减小,孔隙率、泊松比有不同程度的增大。页岩相似材料的物理力学参数受冻融循环的影响随孔隙率的增大先增大后减小,孔隙率处于9.4%~13.6%时,受冻融循环影响最大;孔隙率处于5.8%~9.4%时,受冻融循环的影响随孔隙率的增大有增大的趋势;孔隙率处于13.9%~19.1%时,受冻融循环的影响随孔隙率的增大有减小的趋势。研究结果可以为西部寒区的岩土工程建设和减灾提供相关的科学依据。  相似文献   
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