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分水岭迁移的结果必然会引起河流的袭夺,这是水系演变中的客观规律。分水岭之所以会发生迁移,关键在于分水岭两侧分别存在着高位河流与低位河流,这就使得分水岭两侧的侵蚀能量有差异。分水岭的被切穿主要是由于低位河流溯源侵蚀较强,迫使分水岭向高位河流的一例移动,并最终袭夺高位河流。  相似文献   
Traditional agricultural land use systems in the humid tropics of the Southwest Pacific are, as elsewhere, affected by globalization processes. This paper analyzes the directions of change in the land use system of Bellona, a small outer island in the Solomon Islands. We focus on the human–environmental interaction that shapes land use patterns and practices in the context of theoretical lines of thought concerning intensification of agricultural systems in the tropics. Aerial photography from 1966 and satellite imagery from 2006 in conjunction with studies from the 1960s and a contemporary household survey reveal only minor changes in the agricultural system. Land use and land cover dynamics are related to agricultural strategies, demographic factors, institutional actors as well as biophysical drivers or constraints. Local agricultural production still contributes significantly to local subsistence but imported food has also become a major food source. Hence, land use has become partially disconnected from the local population pressure and therefore remains relatively stable while the larger livelihood portfolio has undergone significant diversification. At present, the agricultural system is a supplement to a range of strategies supporting the increasing number of people on the island. This explains why land use patterns continue relatively unchanged while livelihood and food supply strategies have changed.  相似文献   
The problem of cost shifting from higher tiers of government to local councils in Australia is widely recognised and has been investigated by several official inquiries. However, it has thus far been difficult to gather reliable estimates of the magnitude of the problem. Quite apart from the taxing definitional and data problems associated with the phenomenon, these difficulties have been compounded by the fact that very few attempts have been made to measure the impact of specific instances of cost shifting in Australian local government, especially its spatial impact. In an attempt to remedy this neglect, this paper seeks to measure the spatial effects of pensioner rate concession rebates on local councils in New South Wales.  相似文献   
山东东平湖的变迁与黄河改道的关系   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据历史文献以及巨野、梁山、戴庙钻孔剖面的分析与研究及对东平湖底沉积的调查,确定了大野泽、梁山泊、安山湖、东平湖的沉积记录,提出东平湖由大野泽、梁山泊、安山湖演化而来。通过对东平湖演化与黄河决口和改道关系的分析与对比,指出历史时期东平湖演化历程与黄河关系密切,经历了黄河决口注入和改道流经湖区,河水注入、湖面扩大,河徙水退、湖面萎缩。黄河第一次大改道期间注入和一次改道流经大野泽。黄河第二次大改道期间两次注入、其中一次改道流经大野泽,水面北侵形成梁山泊。黄河第三次大改道期间三次决口注入,两次改道流经梁山泊,湖面进一步扩大成“八百里梁山泊”,之后黄河仅数次决入,水源短缺,湖面萎缩。黄河第四次大改道期间未流入梁山泊,湖面进一步缩小。黄河第五次大改道期间曾两次注入梁山泊,湖面又扩大成为一片泽国,而后断绝黄河水源,被分成安山湖等北五湖,梁山泊岁久填淤,变湖为陆。黄河第六次大改道期间黄河水源断绝,北五湖水面北移,逐渐萎缩消失,仅安山湖经历一次黄河决入,并淤塞而成东平湖,黄河水断绝时湖底干涸,黄河大汛期曾倒灌入湖。  相似文献   
在传统差值扩张水印算法的基础上,对水印嵌入和数据恢复公式进行了改进,无需计算顶点对之间的均值,即可在提取水印的同时,实现数据的完整恢复。仿真实验结果表明,与传统算法相比,改进的差值扩张和平移算法具有更大的嵌入容量和有效信息载荷,数据误差更可控,保密性更好。  相似文献   
阐述延边地震台形变观测站水管倾斜仪观测常见干扰及仪器维护经验.通过对非映震干扰因素的进一步认识,提高前兆数字化观测数据分析预报水平,并为今后的仪器维护提供经验.  相似文献   
根据1842—2004年海图资料分析发现,南汇边滩存在近百年尺度的强烈冲刷—淤积旋回。长江主泓走南港或北港是造成冲刷期"北滩、东滩淤积,南滩、过渡带冲刷"或淤积期冲淤态势反相的主要原因;冲刷期内风暴强度和频数明显多于淤积期,造成冲刷期滩面叠置记忆的是暴风浪成因的"高滩冲刷、低滩淤积"的冲淤态势,而淤积期保存的是弱风浪成因的"高滩淤积、低滩冲刷"叠置增强的剖面特征。尽管三角洲整体冲淤态势的转变主要受流域来沙量的控制,但不同岸段受河口河势分水分沙作用、潮流和波浪等共同作用,明显存在此冲彼淤、冲淤动态调整等特征。已有的入海泥沙含量阈值研究以点代面或以局部代整体,这是造成阈值估算偏高的主要原因。2003年三峡水库开始蓄水后平均年输沙量154 Mt/a已低于低阈值184 Mt/a,但三角洲尚未如预测那样发生由净淤积向净侵蚀的转变。已有的河口水文观察资料显示,水体含沙量也未发生明显下降,这可能是潮控型三角洲潮流对泥沙在河口的再分配起主导作用,并可能由此延长三角洲冲淤转变对入海泥沙量减少的滞后。今后需进一步加强潮控型河口复杂过程的综合研究,提高对泥沙含量阈值估算和应对可能面临的海岸侵蚀及其相关的环境地质灾害的能力。  相似文献   
在黄骅港附近岸段开展了岸线实地调查和潮间带年际监测,并结合历史资料和图鉴对比等手段,对黄骅港两侧岸线变迁及滩面-浅海区形态变化过程及其趋势进行了综合研究。结果显示:(1)黄骅港附近的岸线(老狼坨子岸段、大口河岸段)在过去50余年间普遍经历了岸线的蚀退过程。但进入20世纪80年代、特别是90年代黄骅港建设以来,建港及围海造陆工程使老狼坨子-冯家堡段的海岸线人为向海推进,而大口河岸段因人类活动较少、以及黄骅港防砂堤对沿岸流的阻隔,其岸线仍基本保持蚀退状态。(2)黄骅港建港对北侧的老狼坨子潮间带影响明显,造成该区现代沉积作用极为活跃,2004-2006年的滩面监测结果显示,其总体上保持淤高的趋势。南侧的大口河潮间带,2005-2007年的滩面监测结果显示,潮间带上部未见明显的变化、潮间带下部明显淤高。与80年代数据对比显示,这两个滩面的坡度均变缓。(3)近30年来,黄骅港海域河流作用日益减弱,海洋动力不断增强,塑造了废弃三角洲中-晚期地貌组合和潮道-泻湖沉积体系。1995年黄骅港建港以来,海洋水动力发生局部变化,并参与了对部分浅海区海底形态的塑造,但现有的数据表明,其影响仅限于潮间带和港口-航道防砂堤附近。  相似文献   
A Study on Soil Erosion in Pasighat Town (Arunachal Pradesh) India   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Tewari  Prakash 《Natural Hazards》2004,32(2):257-275
Pasighat which lies on the foothills of the Himalayas is one of the important townsof Arunachal Pradesh. A very turbulent river named Siang flows through the townand causes frequent flash floods, inundating the low-lying areas. This river and townis also under threat due to continuous soil erosion. This soil erosion affects theneighbouring state of Assam as well. Due to the soil erosion this river known asBrahmaputra in Assam is constantly changing its course making a large numberof water channels with sand bars thus inundating vast cultivable land every year.The study analyses the cause of the problem at Pasighat in the backdrop of theexisting river system, morphology and the geographical evolution of the TransHimalayas.  相似文献   
纵弯褶皱叠加机制和类型的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叠加褶皱的研究是以叠加机制和叠加类型为基础的。从变质岩构造研究中形成的叠加褶皱理论是以剪切褶皱为基础,而沉积岩的纵弯褶皱叠加机制和类型均与之不同。国外有学者分别指出再褶皱时的斜纵弯褶皱机制和早期褶皱枢纽的迁移机制以及四种基本叠加类型。我国有人论述了早期褶皱的枢纽、拐线的迁移是正纵弯再褶皱的一种机制,依此提出了正纵弯叠加褶皱的三种基本类型。本文对这些成果的主要认识和依据予以介绍。  相似文献   
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