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1961年以来海河流域干旱时空变化特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以干旱易发区海河流域为例,利用流域内及其周边地区58个气象站点1961-2010年逐日气象观测数据,结合累积相对湿润度指数和模糊集对评价法,考虑了干旱的累积效应以及评价标准等级边界的模糊性和评价因子的时程分配,分析了海河流域干旱时空变化特征。结果表明:①近50年来流域主要干旱类型为中旱和重旱,平均面积分别约为7.30万km2和7.78万km2,重旱面积呈现出显著的增加趋势;②近25年来,重旱易发区范围表现出扩张的态势,1985-2010年重旱易发区面积达到14.9万km2,为1961-1985年的1.6倍。  相似文献   
利用多源气象资料,对台风“温比亚”引发豫东降水的极端性特征及极端降水产生机制进行分析,提炼预报着眼点。此次降水是河南继驻马店“75·8”暴雨之后的又一次罕见特大暴雨,表现为过程雨量极大、破极值站数最多、降水强度极大、强降水时段集中的特征。结果表明:(1)高低空系统耦合为特大暴雨的发生发展创造了良好的环境条件,极端降水的产生主要受台风北侧螺旋云系影响,并有持续不断的强回波单体在同一个地点移动,冷空气与台风环流相互作用是重要的预报着眼点,重点分析台风和副热带高压的相对运动及西风带对台风的引导作用。(2)河南东部水汽输送条件一直处于较好的状态,这是降水维持较长时间的重要因素,急流中心区域和强度的变化对降水量多少有指示意义。(3)豫东地区对流不稳定和斜压不稳定均比较明显,低层MPV1<0、MPV2>0的区域与强降水落区有较好的对应关系。(4)强辐合中心位于台风中心的北侧,降水强度与辐合强度有较好的对应关系,螺旋度大值区分布对强降水的分布区域有较好的指示意义。  相似文献   
德庆  徐珺  宗志平  赤曲  罗布坚参  代华光 《气象》2015,41(9):1086-1094
利用NCEP/NCAR(2.5°×2.5°)再分析资料和常规、非常规观测资料,通过环境场和中尺度特征较全面细致地分析了孟加拉湾风暴费林(Phailin)对西藏特大暴雪的影响。研究表明:“费林”对强降水的影响主要是登陆减弱为低压后,低压云系分两个阶段形成三个中尺度对流云团,对流云团在南支槽的作用下上高原。而强降水的发生和南风风速的大小有直接的对应关系,西南低空急流建立后西藏南部才出现强降水,而低空急流的建立是靠南支槽的贡献。南风风速和强降水的这一重要关系为此类天气提供了预报着眼点。  相似文献   
根据河南省104个气象站1957 2000年降水量资料,以冬小麦全生育期降水负距平(%)为干旱指标,提取不同等级干旱的资料矩阵进行经验正交函数分解,并取主要模态特征向量值和时间系数进行分析,结果表明:河南省冬小麦干旱以轻旱和中旱为主要特征,40余年轻旱、中旱发生频率达59.71%和32.24%;各等级干旱的空间分布均表现为豫北、豫东以及豫西北的部分地区是干旱频发区,而豫西南和豫南地区则是干旱低发区;干旱的时间变化呈波峰波谷交替的振动形式,大规模轻旱2~3 a一遇,中旱3~4 a一遇,重旱约10 a一遇。降水负距平(%)平均值的分布特征可从总体上体现干旱的时空变化规律。  相似文献   
The drought of summer 2018, which affected much of Northern Europe, resulted in low river flows, biodiversity loss and threats to water supplies. In some regions, like the Scottish Highlands, the summer drought followed two consecutive, anomalously dry, winter periods. Here, we examine how the drought, and its antecedent conditions, affected soil moisture, groundwater storage, and low flows in the Bruntland Burn; a sub-catchment of the Girnock Burn long-term observatory in the Scottish Cairngorm Mountains. Fifty years of rainfall-runoff observations and long-term modelling studies in the Girnock provided unique contextualisation of this extreme event in relation to more usual summer storage dynamics. Whilst summer precipitation in 2018 was only 63% of the long-term mean, soil moisture storage across much of the catchment were less than half of their summer average and seasonal groundwater levels were 0.5 m lower than normal. Hydrometric and isotopic observations showed that ~100 mm of river flows during the summer (May-Sept) were sustained almost entirely by groundwater drainage, representing ~30% of evapotranspiration that occurred over the same period. A key reason that the summer drought was so severe was because the preceding two winters were also dry and failed to adequately replenish catchment soil moisture and groundwater stores. As a result, the drought had the biggest catchment storage deficits for over a decade, and likely since 1975–1976. Despite this, recovery was rapid in autumn/winter 2018, with soil and groundwater stores returning to normal winter values, along with stream flows. The study emphasizes how long-term data from experimental sites are key to understanding the non-linear flux-storage interactions in catchments and the “memory effects” that govern the evolution of, and recovery from, droughts. This is invaluable both in terms of (a) giving insights into hydrological behaviours that will become more common water resource management problems in the future under climate change and (b) providing extreme data to challenge hydrological models.  相似文献   
在收集处理了了1981~1994年连续504旬的由NOAA AVHRR第1、2通道的反射率计算得的NDVI时间系列数据,以及1980~1994年全国102个固定农气观测站的旬土壤湿度资料(-20cm)和相应测站的田间持水量资料基础上,分析了全国NDVI及植被状态指数VCI的时空变化特征,发现NDVI值随季节(旬)分别表现为“双峰型”和“单峰型”的变化,在第17~27旬之间达到极大值,并与作物生长有关,VCI的变化与NDVI的变化呈相反趋势;对资料因站点的分布和密度以及时序位相等差异可能影响资料代表性的探讨认为:因旱情发展有一个过程,故NDVI、SHI的时空特性应该不会影响其分析结果的代表性。综合分析了资料的时空代表性,为干旱遥感监测模型的建立作准备。  相似文献   
广西贺州地区气温和干旱的气候变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用近30年的实际观测资料,分析贺州地区年平均气温和干旱指数的变化特征,结果表明:(1)贺州地区年平均气温有增高趋势,冬季和春季较大幅度变暖,带来"暖冬",夏季反而稍微降温,出现"凉夏",秋季稍有增温,但不明显;(2)贺州地区的年平均气温存在11 a和4a左右的两个振荡周期;(3)在上世纪80年代初,贺州地区干旱指数有一次明显的年代际变化,由负值转为正值,干旱有加重的趋势,未来几年贺州地区干旱指数仍处于增强的趋势中,这与11~13 a左右的振荡周期处于正位相有关.贺州地区4个站的干旱指数都有一个11~13a左右的振荡周期和一个2~6 a左右的振荡周期.  相似文献   
2022年夏季,中国中东部发生了极端高温干旱气候异常,给经济、农业、人民生活造成了严重影响。本文回顾了此次高温干旱气候异常的时空特征,分析了其主要成因。2022年夏季,中国中东部区域平均的极端高温频次、日最高温度平均值、高温日数等指标均达到了1979年以来的最大值,区域平均降水则达到了1979年以来的最低值。此次气候异常主要是由于夏季中国中东部受强大的高压系统控制,与偏强的西太副高、中纬度的西风带扰动以及热带海温的影响有关。此外,本文探讨了全球增暖趋势对极端高温事件增多的影响,以及未来中国地区高温和干旱事件的可能变化。  相似文献   
The latent heat of evapotranspiration (ET) plays an important role in the assessment of drought severity as one sensitive indicator of land drought status. A simple and accurate method of estimating global ET for the monitoring of global land surface droughts from remote sensing data is essential. The objective of this research is to develop a hybrid ET model by introducing empirical coefficients based on a simple linear two-source land ET model, and to then use this model to calculate the Evaporative Drought Index (EDI) based on the actual estimated ET and the potential ET in order to characterize global surface drought conditions. This is done using the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Surface Radiation Budget (SRB) products, AVHRR-NDVI products from the Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS) group, and National Centers for Environmental Prediction Reanalysis-2 (NCEP-2) datasets. We randomly divided 22 flux towers into two groups and performed a series of cross-validations using ground measurements collected from the corresponding flux towers. The validation results from the second group of flux towers using the data from the first group for calibration show that the daily bias varies from −6.72 W/m2 to 12.95 W/m2 and the average monthly bias is −1.73 W/m2. Similarly, the validation results of the first group of flux towers using data from second group for calibration show that the daily bias varies from −12.91 W/m2 to 10.26 W/m2 and the average monthly bias is −3.59 W/m2. To evaluate the reliability of the hybrid ET model on a global scale, we compared the estimated ET from the GEWEX, AVHRR-GIMMS-NDVI, and NECP-2 datasets with the latent heat flux from the Global Soil Wetness Project-2 (GSWP-2) datasets. We found both of them to be in good agreement, which further supports the validity of our model's global ET estimation. Significantly, the patterns of monthly EDI anomalies have a good spatial and temporal correlation with the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) anomalies from January 1984 to December 2002, which indicates that the method can be used to accurately monitor long-term global land surface drought.  相似文献   
为了提高水文水井施工进度、降低施工成本、缩短水文水井施工周期。总结多年来施工水文水井的成功经验及不足,大胆引进新工艺一空气潜孔锤钻探技术及新设备-全液压履带式动力头DL-500型水并钻机、高风压空压机。在同样的钻进工艺下,通过使用DL-500型水井钻机及SPJ-300型水井钻机、XY-4型岩芯钻机施工水文水井的应用效果对比、分析,阐述了全液压履带式动力头DL-500型水井钻机的优越性。  相似文献   
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