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A 3D model of deep crustal structure of the Archaean Karelia Craton and late Palaeoproterozoic Svecofennian Accretionary Orogen including the boundary zone is presented. The model is based on the combination of data from geological mapping and reflection seismic studies, along profiles 1-EU, 4B, FIRE-1-2a-2 and FIRE-3-3a, and uses results of magnetotelluric soundings in southern Finland and northern Karelia. A seismogeological model of the crust and crust–mantle boundary is compared with a model of subhorizontal velocity-density layering of the crust. The TTG-type crust of the Palaeoarchaean and Mesoarchaean microcontinents within the Karelia Craton and the Belomorian Province are separated by gently dipping greenstone belts, at least some of which are palaeosutures. The structure of the crust was determined mainly by Palaeoproterozoic tectonism in the intra-continental settings modified by a strong collisional compression at the end of the Palaeoproterozoic. New insights into structure, origin and evolution of the Svecofennian Orogen are provided. The accretionary complex is characterized by inclined tectonic layering: the tectonic sheets, ~15 ​km thick, are composed of volcanic-sedimentary rocks, including electro-conductive graphite-bearing sedimentary rocks, and electro-resistive granitoids, which plunge monotonously and consecutively eastward. Upon reaching the level of the lower crust, the tectonic sheets of the accretionary complex lose their distinct outlines. In the seismic reflection pattern they are replaced by a uniform acoustically translucent medium, where separate sheets can only be traced fragmentarily. The crust–mantle boundary bears a diffuse character: the transition from crust to mantle is recorded by the disappearance of the vaguely drawn boundaries of the tectonic sheets and in the gradual transition of acoustically homogeneous and translucent lower crust into transparent mantle. Under the effect of endogenic heat flow, the accretionary complex underwent high-temperature metamorphism and partial melting. Blurring of the rock contacts, which in the initial state created contrasts of acoustic impedance, was caused by partial melting and mixing of melts. The 3D model is used as a starting point for the evolutionary model of the Svecofennian Accretionary Orogen and for determination of its place in the history of the Palaeoproterozoic Lauro-Russian intracontinental orogeny, which encompassed a predominant part of the territory of Lauroscandia, a palaeocontinent combining North American and East European cratons. The model includes three stages in the evolution of the Lauro-Russian Orogen (~2.5, 2.2–2.1 and 1.95–1.87 ​Ga). The main feature of the Palaeoproterozoic evolution of the accretionary Svecofennian Orogen and Lauroscandia as a whole lay in the causal link with evolution of a superplume, which initiated plate-tectonic events. The Svecofennian–Pre-Labradorian palaeo-ocean originated in the superplume axial zone; the accretionary orogens were formed along both continental margins due to closure of the palaeo-ocean.  相似文献   
Besides classical imaging techniques, full-waveform inversion is an increasingly popular method to derive elastic subsurface properties from seismic data. High-resolution velocity models can be obtained, and spatial sampling criteria are less strict than for imaging methods, because the entire information content of the seismic waveforms is used. As high operational costs arise from seismic surveys, the acquirable data volume is often limited by economic criteria. By selecting optimal locations for seismic sources, the information content of the data can be maximized, and the number of sources and thus the acquisition costs can be reduced compared with standard acquisition designs. The computation of such optimized designs for large-size 3D inverse problems at affordable computational cost is challenging. By using a sequential receiver-wise optimization strategy, we substantially reduce the computational requirements of the optimization process. We prove the applicability of this method by means of numerical 3D acoustic examples. Optimized source designs for different receiver patterns are computed for a realistic subsurface model, and the value of the designs is evaluated by comparing checkerboard inversion tests with different acquisition designs. Our examples show that inversion results with higher accuracy can be obtained with the optimized designs, regardless of the number of sources, the number of receivers, or the receiver distribution. Larger benefits of the optimized designs are visible when a sparse receiver geometry is used.  相似文献   
震相识别在地震学中是一项非常重要的工作,也是经验性很强的工作,只有通过对大量的震例进行分析研究,才能具备较强的震相分析经验.Dzku数字地震震相集系统的研制,为广大地震工作者提供了一个提高地震分析能力、积累分析经验的平台.  相似文献   
海洋中尺度涡与内波的地震图像   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
海洋反射地震通常用于调查、研究海底地质构造,勘探油气与天然气水合物资源.近期研究表明多道反射地震方法也可以对水柱的热盐细结构成像.中尺度涡与内波是重要的物理海洋现象,但是常规的物理海洋调查是在间隔若干公里的离散测站上进行的,水平分辨率较低,因此对中尺度涡的结构与内波的横向分布了解较差.本文利用在大西洋东部、南海采集的地震数据给出了低频反射地震可以对中尺度涡与内波清晰成像的新的证据.反射地震方法较传统海洋观测手段,具有明显的优势,主要体现在高的水平分辨率和短时间内对整个海水剖面进行成像方面.从地震剖面上,能够清楚地观测到中尺度涡、内波造成的反射特征变化,从而有助于改进对能量在不同尺度的海水运动之间传递过程的认识.  相似文献   
横波地震基本理论的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The people have highly attached importance to the technipues of S-wave seismics. It is basic
premise of S一wave exploration or combining S-wave and P-wave study the basic theory for S-wave seismics. In the basic theory,especially,seismic-wave velocities(Vp,Vs) and its ratio(Vp,Vs) must be studied.
Multi‐offset phase analysis of seismic surface waves is an established technique for the extraction of dispersion curves with high spatial resolution and, consequently, for the investigation of the subsurface in terms of shear wave velocity distribution. However, field applications are rarely documented in the published literature. In this paper, we discuss an implementation of the multi‐offset phase analysis consisting of the estimation of the Rayleigh wave velocity by means of a moving window with a frequency‐dependent length. This allows maximizing the lateral resolution at high frequencies while warranting stability at the lower frequencies. In this way, we can retrieve the shallow lateral variability with high accuracy and, at the same time, obtain a robust surface‐wave velocity measurement at depth. In this paper, we apply this methodology to a dataset collected for hydrogeophysical purposes and compare the inversion results with those obtained by using refraction seismics and electrical resistivity tomography. The surface‐wave results are in good agreement with those provided by the other methods and demonstrate a superior capability in retrieving both lateral and vertical velocity variations, including inversions. Our results are further corroborated by the lithological information from a borehole drilled on the acquisition line. The availability of multi‐offset phase analysis data also allows disentangling a fairly complex interpretation of the other geophysical results.  相似文献   
琼东南盆地北礁凹陷梅山组顶部丘形反射特征及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
南海琼东南盆地北礁凹陷中中新统梅山组顶部丘形反射目前引起广泛关注,前人推测为生物礁、重力蠕动与底流叠加成因、等深积丘等。本文通过钻井资料、二维、三维地震资料精细刻画丘形反射(残丘)和丘间水道特征及其成因。残丘及水道在北礁凸起不发育,在边缘斜坡中部和高地较发育,且有向高地两边规模减小趋势,不具对称性,残丘和水道呈平行-亚平行近E-W向展布,局部有合并分叉现象,与北礁凸起走向呈一小角度;丘宽562~1 223 m,丘高29~87 m,丘长10 km左右,存在丘翼削蚀,水道底蚀现象。地震属性分析表明三维工区西南部残丘间水道由砂泥岩互层充填,形成长条形强振幅,而残丘为中-低振幅;地震、钻井资料分析表明丘形反射(残丘)由钙质泥岩和泥岩组成,属于半深海沉积,且残丘内部波阻抗为5.0×106~6.5×106kg/m3·m/s,低于火山岩、灰岩波阻抗,属于砂泥岩地层范畴;根据梅山组下段水道由西向东强振幅变弱、分叉、前积反射和海山附近底流(等深流)沉积剥蚀特征综合判定底流古流向自西向东,根据海山两翼地震反射特征推测底流可追溯至晚中新世早期(11.6 Ma BP),综合分析认为,研究区中中新统梅山组丘形反射是晚中新世早期底流切割梅山组地层形成的残丘。  相似文献   
Borehole guided waves that are excited by explosive sources outside of the borehole are important for interpreting borehole seismic surveys and for rock property inversion workflows. Borehole seismograms are typically modelled using numerical methods of wave propagation. In order to benchmark such numerical algorithms and partially to interpret the results of modelling, an analytical methodology is presented here to compute synthetic seismograms. The specific setup is a wavefield emanating from a monopole point source embedded within a homogeneous elastic medium that interacts with a fluid‐filled borehole and a free surface. The methodology assumes that the wavelength of the seismic signal is much larger than the borehole radius. In this paper, it is supposed that there is no poroelastic coupling between the formation and the borehole. The total wavefield solution consists of P, PP, and PS body waves; the surface Rayleigh wave; and the low‐frequency guided Stoneley wave (often referred as the tube wave) within the borehole. In its turn, the tube wave consists of the partial responses generated by the incident P‐wave and the reflected PP and PS body waves at the borehole mouth and by the Rayleigh wave, as well as the Stoneley wave eigenmode. The Mach tube wave, which is a conic tube wave, additionally appears in the Mach cone in a slow formation with the tube‐wave velocity greater than the shear one. The conditions of appearance of the Mach wave in a slow formation are formulated. It is shown that the amplitude of the Mach tube wave strongly depends on Poisson's ratio of the slow surrounding formation. The amplitude of the Mach tube wave exponentially decreases when the source depth grows for weakly compressible elastic media with Poisson's ratio close to 0.5 (i.e., saturated clays and saturated clay soils). Asymptotic expressions are also provided to compute the wavefield amplitudes for different combinations of source depth and source‐well offset. These expressions allow an approximate solution of the wavefield to be computed much faster (within several seconds) than directly computing the implicit integrals arising from the analytical formulation.  相似文献   
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