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内藏X形软钢板铅复合耗能器的力学性能及减震分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在内藏X形软钢板铅复合耗能器和软钢耗能器低周反复荷载试验研究基础上,进行了理论分析,理论计算滞回曲线与实测滞回曲线吻合较好。建议了恢复力模型。将内藏X形软钢板铅复合耗能器应用到了悬挂减震结构中,进行了地震反应时程计算分析,计算结果表明,装有内藏X形软钢板铅复合耗能器的结构具有良好的减震性能。  相似文献   
Geological mapping, interpreted cross sections, structural analyses and residual thickness maps were used to characterize the evolution of stress setting, structure and stratigraphic distribution of the Chepaizi Uplift, which is a NW-SE trending structure located in the Western Junggar Basin. The NS-trending faults show an important transpressional phase during the Late Permian, as demonstrated by tectonic stress field and stratigraphic thickness variations. A major compressional thrusting and strike-slip phase during the Late Jurassic created a series of NW-SE faults that originated by the large-scale uplift event in the Northern Tianshan. Faults were reactivated as thrust and dextral strike-slip faults. In addition, the angular unconformity observed between Jurassic and Cretaceous provide evidence of this tectonic event. Lots of normal faults indicate that the area records southward tilting and regional derived extensional stress that took place during the Neogene. Before that, thick Early Cenozoic strata are widely deposited. The balanced cross-section highlights the evolution of stress setting and stratigraphic distribution of the Chepaizi Uplift.  相似文献   
试验井位于汕头市衡山路,观测系统为井下宽频地震计TBG-60B和地面宽频带地震计TDV-60B,频带为60S~50 Hz,选取的地面观测数据与对应的井下观测数据都是同一时间的,使用童汪练研究员的地噪声分析软件和MATLAB绘图工具,研究台站环境地噪声随观测井深度的变化特征,得到井深与观测地噪声之间的对比关系,为井下地震台站勘选和工程建设提供基础数据。发现地噪声水平从覆盖层进入到基岩有很大变化,从强风化层进入到中微风化层也有明显变化,考虑钻井建设成本和台站建设地噪声水平要求之间的综合效益,在粤东地区典型的地质结构条件,较佳的平衡点应该是至少需要进入完整中微风化层基岩10 m。  相似文献   
This paper describes a sort of new method identifying seismic phase by the name of wavelet packet transform. Perfectness and development of the wavelet packet transform is based upon the idea of its multiscale analysis. The method of wavelet packet transform can depict the anomalous changes information of transient spectra of seismic wave onset, and come true the target of identifying seismic phase especially weak seismic phase. Then this paper presents discriminating examples of simulating digital signals and actual seismic phase. Compared with conventional seismic phase discrimination, studied results show that the wavelet packet transform method is an available tool of weak signal analyses, and have unexampled merits and attractive application foreground. This research gets hold of Higher School Doctor Scientific Research Foundation (No. 157 WJ0704 9435611) and supported by the National Natural Science Foundation (No. 49474211).  相似文献   
‘No portion of the American continent is perhaps so rich in wonders as the Yellow Stone’ (F.V. Hayden, September 2, 1874)Discoveries from multi-beam sonar mapping and seismic reflection surveys of the northern, central, and West Thumb basins of Yellowstone Lake provide new insight into the extent of post-collapse volcanism and active hydrothermal processes occurring in a large lake environment above a large magma chamber. Yellowstone Lake has an irregular bottom covered with dozens of features directly related to hydrothermal, tectonic, volcanic, and sedimentary processes. Detailed bathymetric, seismic reflection, and magnetic evidence reveals that rhyolitic lava flows underlie much of Yellowstone Lake and exert fundamental control on lake bathymetry and localization of hydrothermal activity. Many previously unknown features have been identified and include over 250 hydrothermal vents, several very large (>500 m diameter) hydrothermal explosion craters, many small hydrothermal vent craters (1–200 m diameter), domed lacustrine sediments related to hydrothermal activity, elongate fissures cutting post-glacial sediments, siliceous hydrothermal spire structures, sublacustrine landslide deposits, submerged former shorelines, and a recently active graben. Sampling and observations with a submersible remotely operated vehicle confirm and extend our understanding of the identified features. Faults, fissures, hydrothermally inflated domal structures, hydrothermal explosion craters, and sublacustrine landslides constitute potentially significant geologic hazards. Toxic elements derived from hydrothermal processes also may significantly affect the Yellowstone ecosystem.  相似文献   
叠前深度偏移述评   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
叠前深度偏移是理想的改善复杂地区和强横向速度变化的地震资料成像技术,笔者就4种典型叠前深度偏移方法的理论基础与技术特点,存在的问题及国内外最新进展进行了讨论.  相似文献   
The VRANCEA99 seismic refraction experiment is part of an international and multidisciplinary project to study the intermediate depth earthquakes of the Eastern Carpathians in Romania. As part of the seismic experiment, a 300-km-long refraction profile was recorded between the cities of Bacau and Bucharest, traversing the Vrancea epicentral region in NNE–SSW direction.

The results deduced using forward and inverse ray trace modelling indicate a multi-layered crust. The sedimentary succession comprises two to four seismic layers of variable thickness and with velocities ranging from 2.0 to 5.8 km/s. The seismic basement coincides with a velocity step up to 5.9 km/s. Velocities in the upper crystalline crust are 5.96.2 km/s. An intra-crustal discontinuity at 18–31 km divides the crust into an upper and a lower layer. Velocities within the lower crust are 6.7–7.0 km/s. Strong wide-angle PmP reflections indicate the existence of a first-order Moho at a depth of 30 km near the southern end of the line and 41 km near the centre. Constraints on upper mantle seismic velocities (7.9 km/s) are provided by Pn arrival times from two shot points only. Within the upper mantle a low velocity zone is interpreted. Travel times of a PLP reflection define the bottom of this low velocity layer at a depth of 55 km. The velocity beneath this interface must be at least 8.5 km/s.

Geologic interpretation of the seismic data suggests that the Neogene tectonic convergence of the Eastern Carpathians resulted in thin-skinned shortening of the sedimentary cover and in thick-skinned shortening in the crystalline crust. On the autochthonous cover of the Moesian platform several blocks can be recognised which are characterised by different lithological compositions. This could indicate a pre-structuring of the platform at Mesozoic and/or Palaeozoic times with a probable active involvement of the Intramoesian and the CapidavaOvidiu faults. Especially the Intramoesian fault is clearly recognisable on the refraction line. No clear indications of the important Trotus fault in the north of the profile could be found. In the central part of the seismic line a thinned lower crust and the low velocity zone in the uppermost mantle point to the possibility of crustal delamination and partial melting in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

In the new trend of seismic design methodology, the static pushover analysis is recommended for simple or regular structures whilst the time‐history analysis is recommended for complex structures. To this end, the applicable range of the pushover analysis has to be clarified. This study aims at investigating the applicability of pushover analysis to multi‐span continuous bridge systems with thin‐walled steel piers. The focus is concentrated on the response demand predictions in longitudinal or transverse directions. The pushover analysis procedure for such structures is firstly summarized and then parametric studies are carried out on bridges with different types of superstructure‐pier bearing connections. The considered parameters, such as piers' stiffness distribution and pier–0.5ptdeck stiffness ratio, are varied to cover both regular and irregular structures. Finally, the relation of the applicability of pushover analysis to different structural formats is demonstrated and a criterion based on the higher modal contribution is proposed to quantitatively specify the applicable range. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用冲沟、山脊等断错构造地貌的DEM影像资料和详实的野外踏勘,详细分析了昔格达断裂的晚第四纪活动特征。结果显示:断裂线两侧的河沟和山脊地貌呈"S"或反"Z"形或以多个首尾连接的"S"形雁列式斜列,断裂活动为左行左列式,断层上发育多个拉分盆地和断裂湖;该断裂最新活动时间晚于(12.83±1.09)ka,为全新世走滑活动断裂,倾滑分量不大,倾向总体西倾,且晚更新世以来的左旋走滑速率约为1.70 mm/a;依据断裂线地震遗迹及断裂活动特征,断裂强活动复发间隔大致为10~12 ka或更短。  相似文献   
地震易损性分析方法研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结构的地震易损性分析对于预测结构的抗震性能、进行结构的抗震设计、加固和维修决策具有重要的应用价值。本文将对近几十年来地震易损性评估方法领域内的重大发展做全面综述,并对易损性分析方法的类别和优缺点及其应用作了总结和讨论。  相似文献   
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