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贝尔凹陷构造演化及其对沉积和油气的控制作用   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
贝尔凹陷是海拉尔盆地南部的一个次级凹陷,凹陷内蕴藏着丰富的油气资源,是海拉尔盆地重要的油气探区之一。贝尔凹陷经历了三期构造演化,形成了三期不同类型的原型盆地,自下而上分别为下部伸展断陷盆地、中部裂后热沉降盆地和上部构造反转盆地。复杂的构造演化形成了复杂的断裂系统,贝尔凹陷纵向上主要发育了两套断裂系统,分别是发育于下部断陷盆地的下部断裂系统和发育于中部热沉降盆地的上部走滑断裂系统,上部构造反转盆地内断裂不发育。复杂的构造样式对凹陷内沉积体系的配置也起着很重要的控制作用。本文从贝尔凹陷构造演化和构造特征研究出发,分析了沉积作用对构造活动的响应,初步探讨了贝尔凹陷构造对油气藏形成的控制作用。  相似文献   
为了预测砂体分布规律与岩性圈闭有利区带,指导下一步勘探,采用微观组分特征、岩石结构、粒度分布特征和沉积微相分析等方法,分析研究了高青砂岩体的沉积模式。研究表明,高青砂岩体的沉积微相有水下分流河道、河口砂坝、前缘席状砂沉积、砂泥互层沉积、前扇三角洲深水湖泊沉积。砂岩体的沉积模式分为三种:下部(G3)属(扇)三角洲水下部分沉积,中部(G2)属三角洲水下部分沉积,但湖泊中心和沉积中心进一步向南东方向迁移,上部(G1)与中部相似,但水下主分流河道以向南南东方向展布为主。根据高青砂体所处的构造位置及砂体与围岩的相互关系,确定了砂岩体的沉积环境为扇三角洲前缘与前扇三角洲。  相似文献   
通过对黔北铝土矿含矿岩系下伏灰岩中丰富的筵类化石和含矿岩系中大量的植物化石的鉴定和研究。结合对黔北地区沉积旋回和古气候的分析,认为黔北铝土矿含矿岩系的下伏灰岩为黄龙组地层。而上覆于黄龙组之上的铝土岩系,其沉积时代应为早二叠世马平组沉积期的晚期,层位相当于Pseudoschwagerina化石带。  相似文献   
渤海湾盆地深部有利储层发育的主控因素   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文主要从沉积、成岩方面及与之相关的因素来分析渤海湾盆地深部有利储层发育的主控因素。研究认为,除了沉积作用外,低地温梯度、高沉积速率、高加热速率、高生烃强度和异常压力等因素影响了成岩作用的进程和强度,对深部储层原生孔隙的保存和次生孔隙的形成产生积极的作用,造成了中部黄骅坳陷深层相对高孔高渗储层发育层段多,物性好,而东部辽河坳陷次之,西部冀中坳陷最差。  相似文献   
水库淤积形态是影响库容分布、水库排沙的一项重要因素。小浪底水库近坝段淤积泥沙粒径极细,具有流动性,针对其细颗粒泥沙淤积特点,揭示了水库细颗粒淤积物的流变特性与流型特征;通过引入水、淤积物、床面之间的界面受力分析,构建了细颗粒淤积物失稳流动描述模式,并与水沙输移模型相耦合,建立了考虑细颗粒淤积物流动特性的水库淤积形态模拟方法,在此基础上对小浪底水库淤积形态进行了验证分析。研究结果表明:低密度细颗粒淤积物为宾汉型流体,淤积平衡坡降较小,当其密度大于1.25 g/cm 3后,流动性快速减弱;考虑细颗粒淤积物流动特征的水库淤积形态模拟结果与实测结果吻合较好。研究成果可为水库淤积形态形成机理及其对水沙调控的响应研究提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
对长江口及附近海域的16根重力柱样进行了210Pb沉积速率测试, 结合以往成果, 揭示了该区现代沉积速率分布格局, 对其控制因素以及其对认识长江入海泥沙去向的指示意义进行了探讨.沉积速率最高值分布在南支口外、杭州湾口群岛北部的前三角洲地区, 最高可达6.3m/a, 总体上在3cm/a以上; 次高值分布在杭州湾北部, 约1.7~3.0cm/a, 南部略低, 约0.4~1.0cm/a; 长江口水下负地形北部海域存在小片沉积速率较高的区域, 最高值达2.58cm/a; 低值主要分布在苏北辐射沙洲、过渡沉积区以及浅海陆架的大片区域, 基本保持在1cm/a以下.研究表明, 长江泥沙出口门后主要在水下三角洲地区进行了堆积, 其次有相当部分在涨潮流顶托下进入杭州湾, 进入杭州湾南部的泥沙又在落潮流作用下经杭州湾南侧向舟山海域方向输运; 长江入海物质向外海的扩散基本被控制在123°E以西, 苏北辐射沙洲、过渡沉积区以及浅海陆架的大片区域缺乏现代长江物质供应; 长江悬浮泥沙对研究区东北部陆架区影响较小, 废黄河口被侵蚀物质和黄海悬浮物质为其较高沉积速率的主要贡献者.   相似文献   
Ocean convection in the Antarctic has been studied many times and has been revealed to be responsible for ice-cover reduction. In the Arctic, proof of that phenomenon has not been documented. It is believed that this phenomenon happens on a smaller scale in the Arctic when local circulation of deep warmer water melts and slows ice production. An example of this is the North Water (NOW) polynya in northern Baffin Bay. A polynya is an area of open water in an otherwise ice-covered area. As ice forms under the fast ice near the boundary of the polynya, ocean salts (brine) are ejected from the newly formed ice. This water, which has an increased concentration of salt, sinks and is replaced by warmer water from below, and this slows ice formation. In our study a coupled one-dimensional thermodynamic snow–fast ice model incorporating ocean heat flux input via a shallow convection model was used. Ice thickness was calculated using a thermodynamic model that included a current-induced entrainment model and a convection model to account for brine rejection during ice growth. Atmospheric observations from Grise Fiord and Thule and ocean profiles around the NOW polynya near these sites were used as input to the model. This purely thermodynamic study enables us to obtain ice thickness values that can be compared with qualitative observations. This modelling study compares two sites related to the NOW polynya. The results indicate that the shallow convection model simulates the reduction of fast ice near Thule but not near Grise Fiord.  相似文献   
银川盆地第四纪地球化学元素特征及沉积环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过分析银川盆地Y1孔地球化学元素含量及其分布规律,参考地层岩性等因素,确定了该盆地第四系地层地球化学元素的分带。依据地球化学元素分布,结合孢娄分析成果探讨了银川盆地第四纪中、晚期以来的沉积环境和古气候及其演化规律。  相似文献   
海拉尔盆地是叠置于内蒙-大兴安岭古生代碰撞造山带之上的中新生代盆地,总体上呈北东向展布,由3坳、2隆5个一级构造单元组成,自西向东依次为扎贲诺尔坳陷、嵯岗隆起、贝尔湖坳陷、巴彦山隆起和呼和湖坳陷, 其中贝尔凹陷是贝尔湖坳陷南部的1个二级构造单元。贝尔凹陷的控陷断层为1个上凸、2个上凹断层转折组合构成的犁式正断层,在深部发育伸展双重构造。在犁式正断层上盘由于上凸断层转折产生的活动轴面与断层面为同旋向剪切,而上凹断层转折产生的活动轴面与断层面为反旋向剪切,在断层上盘形成2个背斜中间夹1个向斜的构造组合。由活动轴面与固定轴面之间滚动面的宽度确定控陷断层F1在早白垩世南屯期晚期的水平伸展量为6 850 m。贝尔坳陷伸展断层转折褶皱的几何学和运动学特征,反映了断层滑移速率、构造沉降速率和沉积速率对凹陷内沉积地层变形特征的影响和构造活动对沉积作用和油气地质条件的制约。贝尔凹陷南屯组上段内部角度不整合的形成与变形作用中的剥蚀作用和沉积间断无关,而是由于半地堑从略欠补偿充填向过补偿充填状态转变时,沉积速率相对于构造沉降速率显著增加所致。  相似文献   
The precise constraints on the timing of metamorphism of the Changhai metamorphic complex is of great importance considering the prolonged controversial issue of the north margin and the extension of the Sulu–Dabie HP–UHP Belt. While the monazite U–Th–Pb and muscovite 40Ar/39Ar techniques are widely accepted as two of the most powerful dating tools for revealing the thermal histories of medium–low grade metamorphic rocks and precisely constraining the timing of metamorphism. The Changhai metamorphic complex at the SE Jiao–Liao–Ji Belt, North China Craton consists of a variety of pelitic schist and Grt–Ky-bearing paragneiss, and minor quartzite and marble. Analyses of mineral inclusions and back-scattered electric (BSE) images of monazites, combined with LA–ICP–MS U–Th–Pb ages for monazites and 40Ar/39Ar ages for muscovites, provide evidence of the origin and metamorphic age of the Changhai metamorphic complex. Monazites separates from various Grt–Mus schists and Grt–Ky–St–Mus paragneisses exhibit homogeneous BSE images from cores to rims, and contain inclusion assemblages of Grt + Mus + Qtz ± Ctd ± Ky in schist, and Grt + Ky + St + Mus + Pl + Kfs + Qtz inclusions in paragneiss. These inclusion assemblages are very similar to matrix minerals of host rocks, indicating they are metamorphic rather than inherited or detrital in origin. LA–ICP–MS U–Th–Pb dating reveals that monazites of schist and paragneiss have consistent 206Pb/238U ages ranging from 228.1 ± 3.8 to 218.2 ± 3.7 Ma. In contrast, muscovites from various schists show slightly older 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 236.1 ± 1.5 to 230.2 ± 1.2 Ma. These geochronological and petrological data conclude that the pelitic sediments have experienced a metamorphic event at the Mid–Late Triassic (236.1–218.2 Ma) rather than the Paleoproterozoic (1950–1850 Ma), commonly regarded as the Precambrian basement for the Jiao–Liao–Ji Belt. Hence, the Changhai metamorphic complex should be considered as a discrete lithotectonic group.This newly recognized Mid–Late Triassic metamorphic event (236.1–218.2 Ma) for the Changhai metamorphic complex is coeval with the HP–UHP metamorphic event (235–220 Ma) for Sulu–Dabie rocks. This leads us to speculate that the metamorphism of the Changhai complex belt along the SE margin of the North China Craton was genetically related to the Mid–Late Triassic collision of the North China and South China cratons. By the same token, the Sulu–Dabie HP–UHP Belt may have extended through Yantai, and the southern Yellow Sea, and to the southern side of the Changhai metamorphic complex.  相似文献   
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