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Scholars have proposed that the Protection Motivation Theory provides a valuable framework to explain pro-environmental choices, by employing a wide set of predictors, such as the costs and benefits of current (maladaptive) behavior as well as prospective adaptive behavior. However, no comprehensive empirical tests of the Protection Motivation Theory in the slow onset environmental risk domain have been published yet to our knowledge. This paper aims at closing this gap. We first conceptualized the Protection Motivation Theory for the use in this environmental domain. Next, we present results of a questionnaire study among a large representative sample of Dutch drivers that showed that the Protection Motivation Theory is a relevant theory for modeling different indicators of full electric vehicle adoption. Notably, all theoretical antecedents proved to be significant predictors of different adoption indicators. Respondents were particularly more likely to adopt an electric vehicle when they perceived the negative consequences caused by conventional vehicles as more severe, and when they expected electric vehicles to decrease these consequences. The most important barriers for electric vehicle adoption were perceived high monetary and non-monetary costs of electric vehicles, and benefits associated with the use of a conventional vehicle. Interestingly, we found that environmental risks are more prominent in predicting close adoption indicators; while energy security risks are more prominent in predicting distant adoption indicators. As expected, our findings suggest that both collective concerns and individual concerns predict different indicators of adoption. Individual concerns (in particular perceived costs of driving an electric vehicle) played a more prominent role when predicting close measures of adoption, while collective concerns (e.g., perceived severity of environmental and energy security risks) played a somewhat more prominent role when predicting distant measures of adoption. Implications for research and practice are provided.  相似文献   
Biosecurity, in broad terms, aims to reduce the impact and incidence of threats to life through regulatory means. For reasons we raise in this paper, such regulation can often lead to the specification of disease free processes within the food and farming industry, with biosecurity success measured in terms of the degree of compliance with and allegiance to modern farming practice. We counter this progressive narrative in three ways. First we draw on UK-based qualitative fieldwork with vets, farmers and pigs to demonstrate how biosecure farming and disease freedom are translated and qualified, in practice, to pathogen free, pathogen management and ultimately to configuring health through immunity management. Second, these translations demonstrate how building health is dependent on spatial and microbiological diversity rather than uniformity. Crucially, health involves patch-work and situated knowledge practices that are under threat within an industry increasingly marked by control and homogeneity. Third, in conceptual terms, we argue that while pig farming is organised through both biosecurity and a biopolitical regulation of life, immunity opens up political space for exploring an alternative politics of life, one where farmers and others are not so much made responsible for disease prevention, but make valued contributions to understandings of animal health and food security.  相似文献   
人口迁移的时空分异与影响机制一直是人口学研究关注的焦点。本文基于社保关系转移视角,从时间和空间两个维度探究黑龙江省城镇工作人口省内的中长期迁移规律与时空分异特征,并且结合人口推拉理论与OD模型,综合考虑经济和就业政策因素,建立了能够反映以社保劳动关系转移为基础的中长期人口迁移动力学模型。研究结果表明:基于社保关系的城镇工作人口迁移符合截断指数幂律分布,呈现列维飞行特点;该省省内人口迁出呈现多层级跨区域分布格局,人口迁入呈现“四核心-环东南”格局,人口迁入与迁出空间格局具有一定程度的类似性;黑龙江省边境城市人口流失情况较为严重;城镇职工迁移行为的无序性不断加大,迁移的频率较高;但是经过通过模拟,该省城镇职工的迁移系统趋向于平衡发展。  相似文献   
云计算面临的最大挑战是安全问题。云计算应用的无边界性、流动性等特点,较之传统的IT模式有很大差异。在云计算环境下,服务方式发生变化,安全的责任主体也发生了根本改变。作为云计算服务提供商,需要建立安全的云计算平台,为云安全服务提供保障;同时,服务一定是开放的、安全的,要保护云用户敏感信息的安全。整合桌面安全管理技术是行之有效的。云安全应用研究主要是从云计算平台系统安全和网络安全设备、安全基础设施的“云化”突破几个方面展开。  相似文献   
孙健  吴康  杨宇 《世界地理研究》2022,31(6):1240-1250
随着全球原油贸易关系的复杂化和亚洲原油需求的上升,全球能源市场的“亚洲溢价”现象成为需要关注的议题。本文基于全球石油贸易网络复杂性视角,选取1993—2018年国际原油贸易数据进行样本数据考察,通过构建复杂网络模型和潜在竞争指数,对全球原油贸易网络中的亚洲溢价现象和中日印韩四国潜在竞争力进行分析。结果表明:全球原油贸易集团分化交融,中日印韩呈现出贸易集团化的趋势。从全球原油贸易网络指标来看,中日印韩四国在全球原油贸易网络地位和影响力不断提升,有力推动了全球原油消费中心向亚太地区转移。潜在竞争指数表明,中国与日本、印度、韩国的潜在原油竞争关系呈现出不同特征,中日表现出“先强后弱”的特点,而中印、中韩表现为整体持续增强的特征。  相似文献   
雅鲁藏布江-布拉马普特拉河是我国重要的国际河流,近年的水电开发活动,使其日益成为国内外国际河流研究关注的热点。本文基于国际关系研究中常用的事件分析方法,在构建事件数据库的基础上,从事件类型、涉及国别、事件频率、影响程度四方面进行分析,结果表明:水资源分配问题是雅江流域主要问题;中国在雅江国际河流问题上与下游国家的联系主要以与印度或孟加拉国的双边联系为主;随着时间的推移,雅江冲突与合作事件的频率都表现出增加的趋势;雅江围绕国际河流的国际关系局势大致可分为4个阶段:60年代的平稳阶段、70年代的紧张阶段、80年代的沉寂阶段、90年代后的持续关注阶段。  相似文献   
一种可证明安全的通用多信任域认证协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先抽象出一个多信任域模型,然后利用公钥加密和消息认证码技术,提出了一种通用的多信任域认证协议,并对该协议的安全性进行了详细分析。  相似文献   
对数字水印模型进行研究,提出了数字水印系统是一个证明系统。指出了有效、公平的数字水印系统的出错概率应满足的条件。利用码的结构性实现了数字水印系统分析,指出该方案具有很强的健壮性,可以通过使用扩展TPM技术来增强该方案的安全性。  相似文献   
苏长春 《四川测绘》2009,32(1):43-45
针对航测遥感网络生产过程中的数据安全问题,本文不仅提出了常用的网络生产安全解决措施,而且指出了使用航测遥感生产管理信息系统进行管理应当注意的问题和数据备份的注意事项。  相似文献   
治安问题防治是保障城市社会安全与稳定的重要环节。本文以兰州市主城区2014年警情数据为数据来源,选择发案率高且具有代表性的盗窃、两抢(抢劫类和抢夺类)、扒窃及诈骗4类案件为研究对象,运用空间面模式和空间点模式的GIS分析方法,分析了兰州市公共安全空间结构。结果表明:1)研究时段内,案发率呈季节性变化,夏秋季节案发率比较稳定,而冬春季节案发率变化幅度较大。2)4类案件总体在街道上表现为空间聚集分布。从区际尺度来看,城关区治安形势最为严峻;从街道尺度来看,张掖路、火车站等是案发"热点"区域;从案发点分布来看,西关十字、火车站等地属于犯罪"热点"。针对上述情况,宜加强热点附近的警力部署,加大巡逻力度,保障城市公共安全。  相似文献   
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