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Travel behavior of the present generation of youths is being increasingly explored due to their relevance in shaping future accessibility needs and mobility habits. The present study offers an original perspective on this topic by identifying territorial disparities that emerge in youth mobility patterns in rural and urban areas. Unlike most previous research, we propose taking a global view on mobility by analyzing all trip purposes and transportation modes. This is conducted by analyzing a comprehensive mobility survey in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region, which provides data on mobility engagement, trip purposes, modal split, travel times and territorial differences. In general, youngsters account for larger daily travel times than older adults, present a higher attachment to public transportation and walk less on a daily basis. These differences are enhanced in rural territories, where while older adults overcome accessibility issues with higher use of the private vehicle, youngsters are more likely to invest larger travel times on transit.  相似文献   
In the twenty-first century, there are three American Wests, which cut across cultural, political, physical, and economic boundaries. Parts of the West are booming, building homes, and adding population; others are legally off limits to such development; and much of the West has been bypassed by such development and growth. These are called here the Booming West, Protected West, and Bypassed West. Maps of climate, political boundaries, ethnic and racial identities, or presidential voting patterns do not match these three Wests. Each West has a different relationship to the others and might see them as threats or opportunities, and each West can be expected to grow in different areas at the expense of other Wests. The boundaries between the three Wests could be important locations; sharp transitions can exist between Wests, perhaps nowhere more so than where a fast growing metro area abuts a national park or forest boundary. Finally, the effects of climate change cut across the three Wests and have different implications for their future. Continued population growth will further emphasize the boundaries between each of the three Wests and raise the stakes for their control.  相似文献   
黄淮海地区乡村人—地—业协调发展格局与机制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
程明洋  刘彦随  蒋宁 《地理学报》2019,74(8):1576-1589
乡村在社会中占有重要地位,但乡村衰败目前已成为世界性问题,因此,乡村振兴需破解乡村病问题。现有乡村研究主要关注乡村单一系统、乡村转型或乡村特定问题的研究,对乡村系统自身、乡村各子系统之间关系及其驱动乡村发展逻辑的研究则显匮乏。基于黄淮海地区县域数据,选取乡村人—地—业3个子系统,利用耦合协调度模型刻画了乡村内部系统耦合协调度的空间格局,并对人—地—业驱动乡村发展的内在逻辑进行了探讨。结果发现:① 黄淮海地区大部分县域乡村人—地—业发展处于高水平耦合阶段,在空间格局上形成了4条明显的高值轴带,且乡村系统发展水平呈逐年上升趋势。② 黄淮海地区乡村耦合协调水平整体较高,但大部分处于勉强协调或初级协调阶段,耦合协调水平较高的县域主要集中在经济较发达地区。③ 黄淮海地区乡村耦合协同关系可分为低协调水平—土地发展领先型、中协调水平—人口发展领先型和高协调水平—人业发展引领型3种类型,其中产业在黄淮海地区乡村协调发展中至关重要。④ 乡村人—地—业的协调发展可有效激活“四力”,为乡村可持续发展奠定了基础。本研究为理解乡村系统自身、破解乡村问题及实现乡村可持续发展提供了参考。  相似文献   
This article explores the suitability of Ostrom and colleagues' social-ecological systems framework (SESF) for the study of resource-dependent communities in Canada. Through a broad literature about resource-dependent communities in Canada, three main approaches are identified, named staples research, rural development, and sustainability studies. Each of these research traditions is analyzed with regards to a common set of criteria – focus, scale, methods, treatment of institutions, and treatment of environmental dimensions. Research in each category is compared and contrasted with the SESF approach, to identify areas of overlap and divergence. Results indicate that the SESF is unlikely to provide additional benefit in terms of in-depth of social analysis, however, it does provide a unique contribution in terms of its coupled approach to conceiving social and ecological systems and its ability to operationalize these relationships through structured variables.  相似文献   

Tenure security is commonly recognized as an important factor in stimulating long-term investments in land. Recent studies suggest that a distinction between legal, actual and perceived tenure security needs to be made in analyzing tenure security. This study discusses the relationships between legal, actual and perceived land tenure security in rural China, and empirically examines the impact of actual on perceived land tenure security by applying Probit models to household and village survey data collected in four provinces. Using household expectations about the absence of land reallocations within the next five years as the dependent variable, we find that tenure security is positively affected by the possession of land certificates in villages that periodically reallocated land but not in villages that did not do so. The estimated impact is larger for land certificates issued in the new round of land certification than for land certificates that were issued earlier.  相似文献   
居民幸福感研究日益受到重视,以往研究多是从自然环境、社会人文环境和城市化进程等方面探讨大尺度空间环境因素对城市居民幸福感的影响。结合乡村旅游的角度探讨城市居民幸福感的影响研究,目前还较少。运用SEM分析方法,探究处于多维压力之下的城市居民旅游者如何通过前往乡村进行旅游休闲活动提升幸福感,进行模型构建与分析,结果显示:① 压力源对调适策略有显著正向影响,对休闲参与不显著,但不同群体影响差异显著,压力调适对休闲参与有显著正向影响;② 休闲参与对心流体验和幸福感具有显著正向关系,且心流体验对幸福感具有显著正向影响;③ 心流体验对休闲效益具有正向显著影响,且休闲效益对幸福感具有正向显著影响;④ 心流体验在休闲参与对幸福感、休闲效益在心流体验对幸福感均具有显著中介效应;⑤ 旅游者不同背景变项在压力调适、休闲参与及幸福感等分别呈现不同程度的显著差异。  相似文献   
冯应斌  龙花楼 《地理研究》2019,38(11):2606-2623
贫困与地理环境之间交互耦合形成了空间贫困陷阱,本文在对贵州50个国家级贫困县乡村人口转移减贫效应和松桃、威宁、望谟3个典型县域贫困村贫困发生率与农村道路可达性指数空间耦合关系进行实证研究基础上,阐释了破解空间贫困的作用机理,并构建相应政策体系。结果表明:① 贵州国家级贫困县乡村户籍人口向县内城镇转移和县外转移具有显著的减贫效应,但县内城镇转移比县外转移减贫效应的作用力更大。② 松桃县、望谟县极度贫困、可达性较差型和深度贫困、可达性较差型贫困村所占比例在15%左右,威宁为10%左右,对该类型贫困村实施整村易地搬迁和村庄撤并;对具有自然历史文化特色资源的深度贫困、可达性中等型和一般贫困、可达性中等型贫困村应进一步扩展道路宽度,打通断头路,形成网络,增强通行能力。③ 应坚持以县城为中心的就地城镇化和发达地区中心城市、省会城市等异地城镇化并重,加强对转移劳动人口的技能培训,提升其城镇生存能力。继续加大对具有自然历史文化特色资源的保护类村庄的“通村、通组、通户”道路拓宽、硬化等措施,逐步完善自来水、宽带等较为薄弱的基础设施投入力度,推进贫困村基本公共服务均等化;通过发展山区“绿水青山”内生性和外生性产业,引导贫困人口提升自我发展能力。  相似文献   
田玲玲  张晋  王法辉  李响  郑文升  罗静 《地理科学》2019,39(9):1455-1463
公共服务资源的空间配置问题一直存在效率与公平价值导向的博弈,空间综合人文社科的兴起,使其演化成一个空间优化问题。医疗资源空间配置的规划注重决策连续性,据此提出改进空间可达性的两步优化法。在农村地区资源有限的情况下,以空间可达性为主要指标,建立公平与效率导向下的二次规划模型,通过重新选址和设定规模以保证居民获得就医机会的最大公平和效率,并以湖北省仙桃市为案例进行应用研究。结果表明,新选地址和规模优化结果能使仙桃市医疗资源空间配置的公平性和效率性得到显著提高,2个步骤相结合,使其成为真正的混合优化模型,达到效率和公平平衡的双重目标。  相似文献   
刘璐璐  李锋瑞 《中国沙漠》2019,39(6):192-199
测度退耕还林农户的恩格尔系数并分析其显著影响因素及差异性,对于完善退耕还林政策、巩固退耕还林成果、改善退耕农户贫困状况具有重要的现实意义。选取位于黄土高原丘陵沟壑区的会宁县和定西市安定区退耕户跟踪数据,基于收入、政策、家庭因素等多个层面构建相关经济指标,揭示两个区域退耕户恩格尔系数呈现的基本特征、显著影响因素及其差异性。结果表明:首先,由于自然地理环境和区位相近,会宁县和安定区退耕户恩格尔系数呈现出较为一致的高位波动趋势,消费需求弹性较弱是主要影响因素;其次,退耕还林户补贴率对会宁县恩格尔系数有显著的负向影响,说明退耕还林政策对当地居民经济生活具有显著影响,安定区退耕还林户补贴率对恩格尔系数有显著的正向影响,主要原因是退耕还林补贴额在家庭收入中所占比重较少;最后,会宁县和安定区农户退耕率对恩格尔系数有显著影响,这意味着退耕户的主要收入来源于农业收入。  相似文献   
乡村人居环境是一复杂巨系统,其可持续发展力是各子系统间物质、信息与能量相互流通与交换的结果,本文从经济发展、生产生活、生态环境3个子系统入手构建乡村人居环境可持续发展力的评价指标体系,以1997—2015年重庆市37个区县的面板数据为数据源,运用发展水平(衡量乡村人居环境可持续发展态势)、发展效率(反映乡村人居环境发展趋向可持续的快慢程度)和协调指数(反映各子系统发展水平均衡程度)构建乡村人居环境可持续发展力测度模型,分析了乡村人居环境可持续力并探究其时空分异特征,为因地制宜践行《农村人居环境整治三年行动方案》提供策略支持。结果表明:1997—2015年,乡村人居环境可持续发展力时序上总体态势向好,其中发展水平逐步上升,发展效率波动剧烈,协调性稳步提高,各子系统间可持续发展力差异性较大;乡村人居环境可持续发展力在空间上总体呈现西高东低、“中心-边缘”的分异格局,区县间差异性明显,其中经济发展子系统呈“多级核心-外围”辐射圈层式差异化增长格局、生产生活子系统呈自西向东扩散式增长格局,生态环境子系统总体上先降后升,呈波浪式不均衡增长格局;从政府“制导引导”、城乡“双轮”联动、“点-极-核”整治模式等方面提出了相关整治策略。  相似文献   
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