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Coring tips     
This commentary is intended as a practical guide for the non-motorized use of piston corers to obtain undisturbed sections of lake sediments. Good recovery is essential for accurate reconstruction of environmental and limnological history. Emphasis is placed on the square-rod piston corer, which is widely used for acquisition of sediment cores in meter-long sections from lakes as much as 30 m deep. Coring platforms for open water can be easily prepared on pairs of boats or canoes or (in water depth up to 15 m) even a single small rubber raft, but firm anchoring is essenial to maintain the vertical position of the casing and to assure re-entry into a single hole. Incomplete recovery on individual drives is not a result of sediment compaction but rather the build-up of friction on the tube interior, by which the core forms a plug that prevents further recovery.Short cores of soft sediment for the study of recent changes in lakes are also best acquired with a piston corer, for a gravity corer without a piston may be subject to the same type of plug formation. In cases in which the structure of the sediment must be preserved (e.g. annual laminations), freezing the sediment in place with a dry-ice solution is the best procedure.  相似文献   
光学卫星影像云覆盖时空特征评估是衡量其作为重要遥感监测数据源的前提。Sentinel-2 A/B影像因其免费获取、多光谱(红边)、更高时空分辨率等优势,已在全球不同尺度陆面植被与生态监测中受到重视。相较于Landsat等同类影像产品,有关Sentinel-2 A/B的云覆盖分析还未见报道。本文利用2016—2018年老挝北部所有5288景Sentinel-2 A/B影像(Granule/Tile)的云覆盖元数据,基于不同云覆盖阈值(0~100%)水平下的影像获取概率差异确定了影像获取概率分析的云覆盖适宜阈值,并揭示了云量特征阈值水平下的影像获取概率时空差异。主要结论如下:① Sentinel-2 A/B影像获取概率分析云覆盖适宜特征阈值为20%(即云覆盖≤20%),该阈值水平下老挝北部Sentinel-2 A/B影像的逐月累积平均获取概率最高(约27.41%);② 在20%云覆盖阈值水平下,老挝北部Sentinel-2 A/B影像逐月累积平均获取概率差异在时间上与旱季(11月—次年4月)雨季(5月—10月)的时间分布较为吻合。旱季获取概率约为42.91%,3月概率(50.27%)最大,4月与2月次之,时间上与刀耕火种焚烧与橡胶林落叶特征吻合;雨季相应概率约为11.81%,6月最低(约1.26%);③ 老挝北部Sentinel-2 A/B影像逐月累积平均获取概率在空间上存在东西差异,旱季西部省域单元(如琅南塔)影像获取概率远高于东部,雨季西部地区影像获取概率则略低于东部地区。本研究既可为后续开展大区及全球Sentinel-2 A/B影像云量分析提供借鉴,也对开展联合国减少森林砍伐和退化排放(UN-REDD)计划引发的土地利用变化如刀耕火种农业演变、橡胶林扩张等遥感监测有指导意义。  相似文献   
This paper proposes a promising seismic isolation method particularly suitable for developing countries, which makes use of rubber–soil mixtures. Apart from reducing the level of shaking in the horizontal direction, the distinctive advantage of the proposed method is that it can also significantly reduce the shaking level of vertical ground motion, to which an increasing attention has been paid in the earthquake engineering community. On the other hand, the use of scrap tires as the rubber material can provide an alternative way to consume the huge stockpile of scrap tires all over the world. Moreover, the low cost of this proposed seismic protection scheme can greatly benefit those developing countries where resources and technology are not adequate for earthquake mitigation with well‐developed, yet expensive, techniques. The proposed method has been demonstrated through a series of numerical simulations and a parametric study has also been carried out. Lastly, five important issues regarding the concept and feasibility have been discussed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
海南岛橡胶割胶期的气候适宜度变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取海南省18个市县气象站19612017年逐日气象资料,构建逐月橡胶割胶单要素(温度、日照时数、降水量和降水日数、风速)和综合气候适宜度模型,分析其时空变化特征。结果表明:1)海南岛天然橡胶单要素适宜度对比排序:日照适宜度最高,降水和风速适宜度次之,温度适宜度最低。2)橡胶割胶气候适宜度为0.43~0.80,其中411月较高,适宜割胶;12月至次年3月较低,不适宜割胶。3)天然橡胶割胶适宜度高值区主要分布在海南岛中部地区,该区温度适宜度较高,降水量充足,年平均风速小;低值区主要分布在西部和北部沿海地区,该区主要因为年平均风速大,降雨量不足,易造成干旱;其余地区为适宜度次高值区,该区热量和降水都比较充足,但也容易受高温干旱或风害影响,应予以重点防范。4)19612017年海南岛橡胶割胶期气候适宜度总体呈明显增大趋势,气候倾向率为0.009/10a。  相似文献   
This paper concerns the seismic response of structures isolated at the base by means of High Damping Rubber Bearings (HDRB). The analysis is performed by using a stochastic approach, and a Gaussian zero mean filtered non‐stationary stochastic process is used in order to model the seismic acceleration acting at the base of the structure. More precisely, the generalized Kanai–Tajimi model is adopted to describe the non‐stationary amplitude and frequency characteristics of the seismic motion. The hysteretic differential Bouc–Wen model (BWM) is adopted in order to take into account the non‐linear constitutive behaviour both of the base isolation device and of the structure. Moreover, the stochastic linearization method in the time domain is adopted to estimate the statistical moments of the non‐linear system response in the state space. The non‐linear differential equation of the response covariance matrix is then solved by using an iterative procedure which updates the coefficients of the equivalent linear system at each step and searches for the solution of the response covariance matrix equation. After the system response variance is estimated, a sensitivity analysis is carried out. The final aim of the research is to assess the real capacity of base isolation devices in order to protect the structures from seismic actions, by avoiding a non‐linear response, with associated large plastic displacements and, therefore, by limiting related damage phenomena in structural and non‐structural elements. In order to attain this objective the stochastic response of a non‐linear n‐dof shear‐type base‐isolated building is analysed; the constitutive law both of the structure and of the base devices is described, as previously reported, by adopting the BWM and by using appropriate parameters for this model, able to suitably characterize an ordinary building and the base isolators considered in the study. The protection level offered to the structure by the base isolators is then assessed by evaluating the reduction both of the displacement response and the hysteretic dissipated energy. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper presents experimental and numerical studies of a full‐scale deformable connection used to connect the floor system of the flexible gravity load resisting system to the stiff lateral force resisting system (LFRS) of an earthquake‐resistant building. The purpose of the deformable connection is to limit the earthquake‐induced horizontal inertia force transferred from the floor system to the LFRS and, thereby, to reduce the horizontal floor accelerations and the forces in the LFRS. The deformable connection that was studied consists of a buckling‐restrained brace (BRB) and steel‐reinforced laminated low‐damping rubber bearings (RB). The test results show that the force–deformation responses of the connection are stable, and the dynamic force responses are larger than the quasi‐static force responses. The BRB+RB force–deformation response depends mainly on the BRB response. A detailed discussion of the BRB experimental force–deformation response is presented. The experimental results show that the maximum plastic deformation range controls the isotropic hardening of the BRB. The hardened BRB force–deformation responses are used to calculate the overstrength adjustment factors. Details and limitations of a validated, accurate model for the connection force–deformation response are presented. Numerical simulation results for a 12‐story reinforced concrete wall building with deformable connections show the effects of including the RB in the deformable connection and the effect of modeling the BRB isotropic hardening on the building seismic response. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
硅橡胶作为特种橡胶体系的一个重要成员,以其耐高温、耐寒、耐候及电气特性等优良品质得到国防、航天航空、电子、医疗卫生等行业的青睐[1]。然而,目前工业上主要采用价格昂贵的气相白炭黑作硅橡胶的增强剂,使硅橡胶制品成本偏高,限制了硅橡胶的普及应用,阻碍了硅...  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONBiologicalfoulingonthehullsofshipsandothersubmergedmarinestructurescausesgreatha~s.Inadditiontodecreasingship'sspeed,andincreasingitsfuelconsumption,biologicalfoulingalsoincreasestheweightofnavigationalbuoys,interfereswithoperatingequipmentandsounddevices,clogsseawaterpipingsystems,adverselyaffectsheat-exchangerperformance,andpromotescorrosionofmetalsurface(HuangandCat,1984).UPtothepresent,antifoulingpaintshaveachievedtheireffectivenessbyreleasingattheirsurfacebiocides,allcom…  相似文献   
橡胶颗粒改良粉煤灰土的动力特性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李长雨  刘寒冰  魏海斌 《岩土力学》2011,32(7):2025-2028
对橡胶颗粒改良粉煤灰土的动强度、动模量、黏聚力和内摩擦角进行了动三轴试验研究,并将试验结果与粉煤灰土的动力特性加以对比,分析表明:粉煤灰土及橡胶颗粒改良粉煤灰土在同一围压下动强度均随破坏周数的增加而减小;在同一破坏周数下动强度随着围压的增加而增加;粉煤灰土的黏聚力为203.73 kPa,内摩擦角为11°;橡胶颗粒改良粉煤灰土的黏聚力为227.26 kPa,内摩擦角为17°,橡胶颗粒改良粉煤灰土的黏聚力增大了23.53 kPa,提高了11.55%;粉煤灰土的初始切线模量及平均动模量高于橡胶颗粒改良粉煤灰土的初始切线模量及平均动模量。研究表明,橡胶颗粒改良后的粉煤灰土具有动强度高、黏聚力和内摩擦角大的特点,从而说明橡胶颗粒改良后的粉煤灰土可以作为季冻区路基冷阻层材料  相似文献   
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