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海岛(礁)、滩涂和水下地形DLG数据库是重要的测绘成果,为开展海洋综合调查工作提供了数据基础。然而,现有的三库测绘成果是分阶段采集的,数据精度和数据模型不一致,且存在大量重复采集的情况,最终成果也是分库存储的,这使其无法进行统一管理和更新。为此,本文对多源海洋基础空间要素数据的融合方法进行了研究,首先采用矢量数据匹配技术获取对应实体,然后通过本文提出的属性融合技术和基于中误差与对应点的几何信息融合技术对三库DLG数据进行融合,以实现三库数据的属性共享、几何精度的改进和数据冗余的减少。最后,我们还基于.NET和Arc GIS Engine组件开发了海洋基础空间要素数据融合系统,用于浙江省海岛(礁)、滩涂和水下地形基础空间要素数据的融合。  相似文献   
This work aimed to evaluate, in vitro, the capability of roots of two salt marsh plants to release low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs) and to ascertain whether Cu contamination would stimulate or not organic acids exudation. The sea rush Juncus maritimus and the sea-club rush Scirpus maritimus, both from the lower Douro river estuary (NW Portugal), were used. Plants were collected seasonally, four times a year in 2004, during low tide. After sampling, plant roots were washed for removal of adherent particles and immersed for 2 h in a solution that matched salinity (3) and pH (7.5) of the pore water from the same location to obtain plant exudates. In one of the seasons, similar experiments were carried out but spiking the solution with different amounts of Cu in order to embrace the range between 0 and 1600 nM. In the final solutions as well as in sediment pore water LMWOAs were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Plants were able to release, in a short period of time, relatively high amounts of LMWOAs (oxalate, citrate, malate, malonate, and succinate). In the sediment pore water oxalate, succinate and acetate were also detected. Therefore, plant roots probably contributed to the presence of some of these organic compounds in pore water. Exudation differed between the plant species and also showed some seasonally variation, particularly for S. maritimus. The release of oxalate by J. maritimus increased with Cu increase in the media. However, exudation of the other LMWOAs did not seem to be stimulated by Cu contamination in the media. This fact is compatible with the existence of alternative internal mechanisms for Cu detoxification, as denoted by the fact that in media contaminated with Cu both plant species accumulated relatively high amounts (29–83%) of the initially dissolved Cu. This study expands our knowledge on the contribution of globally dominant salt marsh plants to the release of LMWOAs into the environment.  相似文献   
地下水数学模型是用数学方法表述,经过概化地下水系统,在系统分析地下水补、径、排的基础上,对地下水预测分析的一种有效方法.随着南干渠灌区建成后水量的变化,本文通过选用适宜的数学模型,对灌区地下水资源量进行模拟计算,根据模拟计算结果对灌区地下水升幅进行预测,对灌区生态环境的变化做出评价.  相似文献   
The strength and architecture of roots and other below-ground organs of riparian and aquatic plants affect plant resistance to uprooting and contribute to reinforcing river bank, bar and bed materials. Therefore, root properties are an important element in models for estimating river bank stability and such models may focus on the role of plants by using root strength–diameter relationships for the particular plant species that are present. Here we explore the degree to which there appear to be significant differences in strength–diameter relationships between and within species-specific data sets obtained for two riparian tree/shrub (Populus nigra, Salix alba) and two emergent aquatic macrophyte (Sparganium erectum, Phalaris arundinacea) species in different European river environments. While the analysed data sets were not specifically collected to answer these research questions, the results are sufficiently compelling to make the case for the collection of a more comprehensive data set and its rigorous analysis. This would allow recommendations to be made on the degree to which (i) species-specific or more general relationships between root/rhizome strength and diameter are appropriate, (ii) such relationships are applicable within and between rivers in different geographical regions and subject to different local environmental conditions, and (iii) further (minimalist) field observations are needed to calibrate such relationships for investigations of new locales or species. © 2018 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
陈亮 《东北测绘》2012,(10):25-27
及时准确获取灌区小麦分布和面积,可以为流域水量调度、抗旱减灾提供数据支持。本文利用多时相HJ-1号卫星数据分析人民胜利渠灌区小麦生长期影像特征,研究灌区小麦快速提取方法。研究结果表明,利用灌区小麦越冬前多时相HJ-1号卫星影像NDVI数据进行小麦提取,能够准确获取小麦分布和面积信息,精度达到90%以上。  相似文献   
利用L波段探空资料的相对湿度值及温度值计算水汽压时,由于探空测量的是相对于水面的相对湿度,只能用相对于水面的饱和水汽压公式来计算,低温时用相对于冰面的饱和水汽压公式计算水汽压可能不正确.对水相和冰相的不同处理所带来的偏差进行了分析和讨论.以CIMO规定的温度-45℃和0℃为界,分别计算了用相对于冰面的饱和水汽压公式和相对于水面的饱和水汽压公式得到的水汽压值,并进行了比较.结果表明,在计算实际水汽压的过程中,用不同的饱和水汽压公式所产生的绝对偏差虽然不大,但相对偏差最大可能达到50%,不容忽视,对确定对流层上部的气候效应可能产生影响.  相似文献   
云南白水台钙华水池中水化学日变化及其生物控制的发现   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为弄清云南白水台泉及其下游钙华水池中水化学的日变化,选取1号泉及其流经的两个钙华水池(6号和10号)作为研究对象并对其水温、pH值和电导率进行了自动监测.根据Ca2+、HCO3-与电导率存在的线性关系,用WATSPAC软件计算了水中方解石的饱和指数和Pco2.监测发现:泉水不存在显著的水化学日动态变化,而两个钙华水池表现出显著的日动态变化.其中10号钙华水池在白天温度较高时水中的CO2大量逸出并通过水下水生植物的光合作用加速了水中碳酸钙的沉积.6号钙华水池水生植物生长茂盛,其叶片和部分枝干露出水面,因而光合作用主要发生在空中,所以此处水化学表现为白天pH值降低和电导率升高的反常现象,即由温度主导的根呼吸作用,在白天释放更多的CO2进入水体而使沉积下来的碳酸钙重新溶解.  相似文献   
扰动生物作为生态系统工程建造者,通过对沉积底质的改造直接影响沉积物和水体之间的相互作用(营养物质的循环、迁移和存储),对底栖生态系统工程有重要的影响.遗迹化石作为底栖生物活动的载体,为研究寒武纪大爆发之后底栖生态系统工程建造者的演化规律,并评价底栖生态系统工程建造者对生态系统工程产生的影响提供了依据.对河南地区8个寒武...  相似文献   
主要从大比例尺航测成图质量评定角度出发,提出了既要满足相应规范和用户要求,又要最大限度的发挥航测成图的优势,对产品质量做出公正、客观、正确的质量评价方法。  相似文献   
内蒙古河套灌区浅层地下水化学特征和灌溉适宜性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着黄河流域水资源供需矛盾加剧,我国特大型灌区——内蒙古河套灌区开始采用黄河水与地下水相结合的方式进行农业灌溉。本研究采集河套灌区内499组地下水样品和1组黄河水样品,在分析地下水和黄河水样品的水化学特征基础上,运用钠吸附比(SAR)、渗透指数(PI)、钠含量(SC)和残余碳酸钠(RSC)以及《农田灌溉水质标准(GB 5084—2021)》对地下水和黄河水的灌溉适宜性进行对比分析。结果表明,地下水与黄河水均为弱碱性水,Ca2+和HC03-为优势离子,Gibbs图显示地下水受到岩石风化淋溶和蒸发浓缩的双重影响,对灌溉适宜性影响较大的钠盐主要来自岩盐溶解。灌溉适宜性分析结果表明,从SAR、PI和RSC指标来看,地下水的灌溉适宜性较好,从SC指标来看,不适宜灌溉的地下水主要分布在灌区北部总排干和灌区南部黄河沿岸;根据农田灌溉水质标准分析,除总砷和氯化物两项指标外,其余指标适宜灌溉样品占比均高于90%,综合评价全区共231组地下水样品适宜灌溉。地下水与黄河水灌溉适宜性对比表明,黄河水的SAR和SC指标灌溉适宜性分析结果较好,地下水的PI和RSC指标灌溉适宜性分析结果较好,根据灌溉水质标准显示黄河水所有指标均适宜灌溉。本研究为日后内蒙古河套灌区合理选用灌溉水源提供数据支撑,为该区域地下水的治理与防控提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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