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以兰州-西宁城市区域交通路网为例,基于空间句法模型、日常可达性模型和等时圈通过特征点算法,试图运用GIS技术将节点、轴线和域面结合起来对通达性进行全面阐述,多视角综合测度区域路网通达性的空间格局。研究结果表明:1.区域路网体系较为完善,路网线段集聚相对明显;线段式空间伸展格局呈"点-轴"状,轴线式空间伸展格局呈"干-枝"状,初步形成核心、过渡、外围三大等级圈层以及"X"字型路网骨架,区域交通运输与城镇发展水平表现出较强的共轭协同发展关系。2.等时圈沿国道、省道、县道扩散表现连续,沿封闭铁路、高速公路扩散出现跳跃,其等时圈空间特征多呈现"枝-叶"状。城镇日常可达性在较大程度上取决于区域中心性、周边路网发达程度和城镇密集程度,区域路网单中心极化现象比较明显,兰州市对整个区域路网的控制作用较为突出。3.区域通达度空间分布各异,核心板块破碎而外围板块连片。区域通达性差异极其显著,出现极高值区和极低值区;兰州与西宁通达度中高值区出现断裂,区域南部通达度极低值区连片成带。因此,应当构建兰州地区绕城高速和环状路网,实现路网交通的适度分流;加快兰州-西宁高等级快速交通建设,推进兰州-西宁区域一体化进程;建设兰成铁路和兰州至云南磨憨口岸高速通道,培育临夏为南部区域性中心城市。  相似文献   
Spatial data can be represented at different scales, and this leads to the issue of multi-scale spatial representation. Multi-scale spatial representation has been widely applied to online mapping products (e.g., Google Maps and Yahoo Maps). However, in most current products, multi-scale representation can only be achieved through a series of maps at fixed scales, resulting in a discontinuity (i.e., with jumps) in the transformation between scales and a mismatch between the available scales and users' desired scales. Therefore, it is very desirable to achieve smoothly continuous multi-scale spatial representations. This article describes an integrated approach to build a hierarchical structure of a road network for continuous multi-scale representation purposes, especially continuous selective omission of roads in a network. In this hierarchical structure, the linear and areal hierarchies are constructed, respectively, using two existing approaches for the linear and areal patterns in a road network. Continuous multi-scale representation of a road network can be achieved by searching in these hierarchies. This approach is validated by applying it to two study areas, and the results are evaluated by both quantitative analysis with two measures (i.e., similarity and average connectivity) and visual inspection. Experimental results show that this integrated approach performs better than existing approaches, especially in terms of preservation of connectivity and patterns of a road network. With this approach, efficient and continuous multi-scale selective omission of road networks becomes feasible.  相似文献   
在综合整理公元前1831年-公元1980年中国地震灾害资料的基础上,运用GIS技术,着重探讨了中国地震灾害的时空特征以及中国地震灾害对交通影响的空间分布与类型分析。中国地震灾害记载的时间分布不平衡,是随时间的推移而逐渐呈现上升趋势;其空间分布也不平衡,元代以前集中于山西、河南、陕西一带,明清时期西南和台湾地区有所增加,民国及1949-1980年主要集中于西南、西北及台湾地区。中国地震灾害对交通影响的空间分布也集中于西北、西南地区,特别是云南、四川和新疆,通过地震烈度的空间分布,可知高烈度的地震对新疆的交通系统影响较大,云南和四川较低烈度的地震对其交通系统的影响也比较大,这是因为3省皆分布于中国强震带内,且四川和云南地形复杂,多山地丘陵,其交通线的分布多沿山川行进,故较易受地震影响。然后,依据破坏程度、次生灾害、交通构筑物破坏可将地震灾害对交通的影响划分为不同的影响类型。  相似文献   
基于核密度估计的广佛都市区路网演变分析   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
根据1957年与1982年2个时期的地形图并结合1995年与2008年的遥感卫星影像提取路网专题信息,利用ArcGIS建立广佛都市区路网数据库。采用GIS空间分析中的核密度估计方法并结合各个方位道路密度,分析广佛都市区的路网时空演变。分析表明,近50 a来广佛都市区的路网发展总体是以广州市的越秀区和佛山市的禅城区双核为中心不断向外蔓延,次一级核相继出现并不断扩大发展的过程。空间上,路网的演变也呈现出一定的方向特性,正北,西南和正西方向一直是路网密度较高的地区,但路网发展最快的是西南和正东方向。路网密度内部差异逐年递减, 路网系统发育不断成熟。  相似文献   
王丽  曾辉 《地理研究》2012,31(5):853-862
本文以我国典型快速城市化地区深圳市为例,综合使用GIS技术、道路网络结构特征分析、景观格局分析和相关分析方法研究其道路网络结构特征的成因及其景观生态效应。在确定了24个独立的空间研究单元的基础上,重点分析了深圳市道路网络结构特征的相关关系、城市化水平差异对道路网络结构特征的影响和道路格局特征的景观整体及重要组分的格局效应。结果表明:城市建设用地密度的增加导致交通用地密度、节点和廊道储量增加,道路网络结构复杂程度、格局指数降低;资源条件、环境和生态保护约束是导致道路网络复杂性增加、结构发育水平下降、网络格局指数不断降低的主要原因;深圳市的道路网络格局特征对全市景观整体格局没有表现显著的约束性影响,对建设用地显示出环境保护约束和空间吸引两个方面的综合效应,对于林地则表现出生态保护约束、空间排斥和物理分割三个方面的综合效应。  相似文献   
陈晓萍  周素红  李秋萍  詹文 《地理研究》2021,40(6):1652-1666
社会空间分异是人文地理学研究的重要议题,以往研究主要聚焦基于居住地和活动地的分异现象,缺乏对道路网社会空间分异的关注。本文以广州市中心区域为例,结合日常活动空间理论和空间分析方法,基于手机轨迹大数据,研究不同性别群体日常出行的城市道路网社会空间分异现象及其影响因素。结果显示:基于性别差异的城市道路网社会隔离指数高于居住地、低于就业地,在14:00—15:00时段达到峰值;不同性别群体在路网中的分布总体呈现不均衡的集聚特点,其中女性集聚程度更高;不同性别群体的出行分布和分异受到路网周边建成环境因素的影响;物流运输业就业密度的提高、小学数量的增多或道路等级的提高都会显著提高男性相对出行量,而社会服务业就业密度的提高、菜市场数量或公交站点数量的增多以及到市中心距离的减少都会显著提高女性相对出行量,这些与个体家庭和职业分工的性别差异有一定的关系。本文通过理论假设和实证分析,验证了家庭和职业的分工决策是影响道路网出行分布性别分异的深层次原因,也是解释社会空间分异的重要理论视角。研究结果有助于认识和挖掘基于城市道路网的社会分异现象及其影响机制,并为完善道路网络及周围设施的布局与建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

A typical diachronous breakup developed in the South China Sea (SCS); the breakup has been unequivocally identified, and gradually decreases in age from NE to SW. To illustrate the influence of a diachronous breakup on hydrocarbon accumulation, we used seismic profiles from CNOOC, and analysed crustal extension characteristics, sedimentary style and source rock accumulation. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Because of the diachronous breakup in the SCS, various tectonic units developed in different positions on the northern continental margin with different degrees of extension. The Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB) is closer to the central sea basin of the SCS and has been affected by regional tension stress for a longer time. Tectonic units of proximal domain, necking zone, and distal margin types developed, and the crust structure thinned from the land towards the sea. The Qiongdongnan Basin (QB) is closer to the Southwest Sub-basin. There are symmetrical proximal domains on the southern and northern sides of the QB, with a necking zone in the central part. It presents as an abandoned passive continental margin. (2) The PRMB exhibited rifted cells first, followed by canyon type extensional faulting and horizontal axial transportation, and then by a longitudinal shelf-slope sedimentary style. But the QB has only rifted cells and canyon type faulting stages, no longitudinal shelf-slope sedimentary stage. The major source rocks in the northern SCS become younger from east to west, and the sedimentary facies change from lacustrine facies to marine-continental transitional facies. (3) The diachronous breakup process ultimately affecting oil and gas migration and accumulation process. The PRMB is dominated by deep-water shelf break accumulation with deep-water fan reservoir bodies. The QB is dominated by canyon type accumulation with channels.  相似文献   
郑文龙 《地质与勘探》2016,52(5):931-936
CCSD-SK2井是一口钻穿松辽盆地白垩纪陆相沉积地层的中国大陆科学钻探井。二开段先以216mm口径钻至2806.20m,然后进行444.5mm口径扩孔。泥页岩地层大井眼钻进过程中粘土矿物含量高且易造浆,砂砾岩层渗透性强易粘卡,井壁稳定控制与钻屑携带难度大。选用了钾铵聚合物钻井液体系和聚磺钻井液体系,通过正交实验确定了钻井液配方。将钻井液控制在合适的密度、较低的失水量以及较强的封堵性,有效实现了井壁稳定;保持适当的环空返速、较高的动塑比以及定期打稠塞举砂等措施,有效实现了井眼净化。1086.45m~1147.56m与1182.74m~1256.01m井段累计收获岩心130.90m,取心率达到97.41%,平均机械钻速为0.84m/h;最终顺利钻至2806.20m。  相似文献   
It is very important to establish cooperative mechanism to guarantee all members to develop their e-conomies in the Yellow Sea Rim. In this paper, the development strategies ofshipplng centers and transportation networkare discussed based on economic giobalization tendency. The results argue that a united transportation network should bebuilt in order to promote the economic competition of Northeast Asia in the world. As a key component of the economiccooperation, a hierarchical shipping centers network should be established with Hong Kong, Shanghai, Pusan, Koho,and Tokyo as cores. The authorities of China, Japan, R. O. Korea and D. P. B. Korea should make more efforts tobuild a set of cooperation institutions based on raising the transportation efficiency.  相似文献   
道路建设中,测设填挖线是经常遇到的问题,就此提出了TPS(全站仪)在任意控制点设站、测定辅助点和填挖点的放样方法。该方法的关键之处是,利用曲线要素推算各放样点的坐标,然后在道路施工现场附近选择一视野开阔的控制点安置TPS,一次性放样出全视野内的辅助点和填挖点,并连接填挖点组成填挖边线。为保证各阶削坡的精度,应注意保护各辅助点的平面位置,正确地削出最上阶平台,以控制以下各阶削坡。而以往的放样方法是抬竿法,需要在逐个横断面多次设站,用定向、量距、抬高的方法放样填挖点。这种方法的缺点是:效率低下,作业难度大,累计误差大。显然,用TPS一次设站,放样若干横断面填挖点的方法,提高了施工效率,降低了作业难度,且提高了放样点的精度。  相似文献   
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