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Valentina Krysanova Fred Hattermann Shaochun Huang Cornelia Hesse Tobias Vetter Stefan Liersch 《水文科学杂志》2013,58(4):606-635
AbstractThe Soil and Water Integrated Model (SWIM) is a continuous-time semi-distributed ecohydrological model, integrating hydrological processes, vegetation, nutrients and erosion. It was developed for impact assessment at the river basin scale. SWIM is coupled to GIS and has modest data requirements. During the last decade SWIM was extensively tested in mesoscale and large catchments for hydrological processes (discharge, groundwater), nutrients, extreme events (floods and low flows), crop yield and erosion. Several modules were developed further (wetlands and snow dynamics) or introduced (glaciers, reservoirs). After validation, SWIM can be applied for impact assessment. Four exemplary studies are presented here, and several questions important to the impact modelling community are discussed. For which processes and areas can the model be used? Where are the limits in model application? How to apply the model in data-poor situations or in ungauged basins? How to use the model in basins subject to strong anthropogenic pressure?
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor C. Perrin 相似文献
Gilles COLINET Keiko KOULOS 吴伯志 李永梅 Daniel LACROIX 苏友波 Jean CHAPELLE Michael A. FULLEN Trevor HOCKING Laurent BOCK 《资源与生态学报(英文版)》2011,(4):353-361
作为元阳水稻梯田农业生态系统可持续性评价的一部分,本文调查了箐口流域梯地的自然生物环境,评价了农业土壤的土壤肥力,采用地质—地貌—土壤信息相结合的方法建立了土壤—景观之间的组合模式。研究确定了人为、气候、地形因素为影响土壤形成的主要因素,评价了土壤潜在生产力以及相关的限制因子,并根据FAO体系,确定并划分了主要的土壤类型。研究结果表明:土壤肥力的空间分布相当均一;土壤属酸性,阳离子代换量和养分储量总体较低;农业生态系统在较大程度上受哈尼群众人为活动的影响,成功维持了相对活跃的养分循环系统。目前的研究集中在:(1) 本研究区域在整个哈尼梯田系统中的代表性评价;(2) 田间水平上的养分循环研究;(3) 土壤特性对作物产量的影响;(4) 将田间水平的研究结果应用于更大的空间单元。 相似文献
为了确定沿江断裂在南京长江第四大桥桥址区的位置及对设计和施工的影响,根据遥感、物探及钻探等多种方法取得的有关沿江断裂的资料,归纳出断层破碎带的各种不同特征,较为准确地确定了断层破碎带的具体位置、产状及规模。根据断层破碎带的特征,进行了科学评价,提出了工程设计和施工措施建议,对涉及断层破碎带的工程设计和施工具有一定的指导意义。 相似文献
Reports of abruptly declining flows of Canada's Athabasca River have prompted concern because this large, free‐flowing river could be representative for northern North America, provides water for the massive Athabasca oil‐sands projects and flows to the extensive and biodiverse Peace–Athabasca, Slave and Mackenzie River deltas. To investigate historic hydrology along the river and its major tributaries, we expanded the time series with interpolations for short data gaps; calculations of annual discharges from early, summer‐only records; and by splicing records across sequential hydrometric gauges. These produced composite, century‐long records (1913–2011) and trend detection with linear Pearson correlation provided similar outcomes to nonparametric Kendall τ‐b tests. These revealed that the mountain and foothills reaches displayed slight increases in winter discharges versus larger declines in summer discharges and consequently declining annual flows (~0.16% per year at Hinton; p < 0.01). Conversely, with contrasting boreal contributions, the Athabasca River at Athabasca displayed no overall trend in monthly or annual flows, but there was correspondence with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation that contributed to a temporary flow decline from 1970 to 2000. These findings from century‐long records contrast with interpretations from numerous shorter‐term studies and emphasize the need for sufficient time series for hydrologic trend analyses. For Northern Hemisphere rivers, the study interval should be at least 80 years to span two Pacific Decadal Oscillation cycles and dampen the influence from phase transitions. Most prior trend analyses considered only a few decades, and this weakens interpretations of the hydrologic consequences of climate change. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
在河北邯邢西石门及周边铁矿区系统地采集了各类生态环境地球化学样品,包括土壤(n=242)、玉米(n=110)、地表水(n=37)、地下水(n=31)和水系沉积物(n=81)。通过对矿区各样品元素含量特征和元素富集程度的研究,利用区域地球化学基准值和地质累积指数定量评价了矿山污染扰动程度。研究表明,矿区土壤、玉米、地表水、地下水、水系沉积物中相对富集较高的与成矿作用有关的元素及主要的伴生元素,部分重金属元素超标,土壤和水系沉积物中Se、As、Cd、Cu、As、Cd、Cu、Co元素超标,玉米中F、Cr、Cd元素接近食品卫生限值,地表水和地下水部分指标浓度接近三类水质限值。研究表明,造成污染的主要来源是铁矿尾矿沙和煤矸石中的硫化物发生氧化作用,导致重金属淋滤转移,另一来源是燃煤降尘的积聚。 相似文献
为了探讨南洞流域东部重点区石漠化现状及其治理对策,通过遥感数据分析结果并结合地面实地调查验证,对云南南洞流域东部重点区石漠化分布特征、成因、危害及其区域林地生态环境质量状况进行了分析。结果表明,南洞流域东部重点区石漠化面积占岩溶区面积的17.2%,集中分布于大庄盆地西北部,以轻度石漠化为主,轻度、中度、重度石漠化的面积比例约为7∶3∶1,石漠化与水土流失问题突出,岩溶区林地生态环境质量等级以三级、四级为主,占区域总面积的53.77%,整体水平较低,且明显低于区内的非岩溶地区林地。粗放型畜牧和农耕方式是导致区内石漠化形成和加剧的最重要因素。提出休垦弃焚、恢复次生植被、合理开发利用土地资源、优化农林畜牧产业结构,实施林草建设工程、草食畜牧业工程、水利水保设施工程,建立保障制度和监督机制,开展全面的石漠化综合治理对策,以确保区域生态恢复、农林畜牧经济健康发展及南洞地下河流域生态安全和水资源开发利用。 相似文献
青海沱沱河地区水系密布、河网交织,沿主干水系河流阶地发育.对沱沱河沿岸不同地段河流阶地进行物质成分及古植物孢粉进行研究,确定了自63.1 kaB.P.(ESR)以来的晚更新世草本植物与木本植物两个古植被演化阶段,相应气候由温凉较干向温和较湿转变.详细的测年(TL、ESR)数据显示,位于基座阶地之上的阶地堆积物为晚更新世97.78 KaB.P.以来堆积而成,推断长江水系在研究区的形成与外泄地质时期为晚更新世早期. 相似文献