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黄河河口延伸与下游淤积关系研究中的问题分析 总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1
阐明了黄河河口延伸与下游淤积关系问题的实质,指出了黄河河口延伸与下游淤积关系对时间尺度的依赖性,进而深入探讨了以前研究这一问题所用论据的合理性题。分析结果揭示,那种认为黄河下游淤积由河口延伸控制和河口延伸作用局限于近口河段的说法都缺乏令人信服的证据。 相似文献
面向自动综合的河系结构化模型研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对地图上河流的自动综合,建立了基于河段的河系结构化数据模型,该模型充分考虑了河段与河段、河段与面状水系要素之间的空间关系,以及河系河段的层次关系;建立了一种面向自动综合的河系结构化数据模型,模型包含了大量水系综合所需要的信息.基于上述数据模型,设计了一种方便快捷的河系结构化算法,该算法较好地克服了现有河系结构化算法只针对河流以及只适用于形态相对简单的河系的缺陷,较为全面地考虑了河系结构中出现的各种复杂问题,具有较强的实用性. 相似文献
以天山北坡头屯河流域为例,在对山区不同海拔的降水特征、侵蚀产沙情势以及河流水沙运移特点分析的基础上,详尽就山区降水对河流水沙情势的年际变化、年内变化以及月变化的影响进行了分析研究,并就降水对不同海拔的河流水沙情势的影响强度及相互关系作了探讨. 相似文献
河西黑河(弱水)水系的变迁 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
中更新世晚期以来黑河流量逐渐减少,由外流河变为内流河,由统一水系变为各自的独立水系,中、下游由地面水和地下水相互转化,不少河道随流量变化及新构造运动影响而改道,从而沿岸新老绿洲互不相连。 相似文献
The river centerline is a basic hydrological characteristic. Most prior studies have used remote sensing data to extract the river centerline from the open water region in a pure water pixel region. Extracting this type of river is relatively easy. However, extracting the centerline of a micro-river, which is mainly composed of mixed water pixels, is challenging. This paper presents a novel method, called the Multiple Direction Integration Algorithm (MDIA), to extract the river centerline using an image-enhancing method combined with river morphology. MDIA can be applied to regions mainly composed of pure water pixels, as well as to regions consisting of mixed water pixels in the index image. The method first calculates the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and enhances the river linear structure using a Hessian matrix. Second, a small window is constructed as a circular structural element. In the window region, the local threshold is automatically obtained using water-oriented clustering segmentation and prior river knowledge to judge the pixel type. After completing the river centerline extraction in the current window, the next detecting window is generated to continue judgment. The structural element automatically executes river centerline judgment until the entire river centerline is extracted. The Landsat 8 images of six regions with different geomorphologies were chosen to analyze the method’s performance. The test sites include high mountain region, low mountain region, plains region with farmland and a residential region. The experimental results show that the optimal threshold of the processing results ranged from 0.2 to 0.3. In this range, the user’s accuracy is 0.813 to 0.997, and the producer’s accuracy is 0.981 to 1. The MDIA effectively and correctly extracts the river network in mixed-pixel regions. The presented method provides an effective algorithm for river centerline extraction that can be used to expand and update river datasets and provide reliable river centerline data for relevant hydrology studies. 相似文献
Vitaly Salnikov Galina Turulin Svetlana Polyakov Marat Moldahmetov Lyazzat Mahmudova 《寒旱区科学》2013,5(1):0109-0113
Methods of calculating the basic hydrological characteristics of a water resource assessment, as well as the planning and management
of their long-term use are based upon the concept of stationarity of long-term flow fluctuations. However, data of researches
by hydrologists and climatologists clearly indicate that there are long-period changes in the characteristics of precipitation and river
flow. This article discusses the variations of annual precipitation and river flow in the Ishim River Basin in Kazakhstan, based
on the W, C and E classification developed by G.Y. Vangengeim who analyzed the long-term variability of anomalies by the number
of days with some form of atmospheric circulation. From this study, the largest anomaly of the macro-circulation processes
was revealed, and a comparative analysis of the number of days with various forms of atmospheric circulation and precipitation
anomalies was made. It was demonstrated that the nature of atmospheric circulation depends on the distribution of precipitation;
however, precipitation is also highly dependent on local physiographic conditions. The analysis of anomalous precipitation during
the maximum number of days of positive anomalies with various forms of atmospheric circulation was also carried out. This study
presents some results from the preliminary analysis of annual river flow linked with forms of atmospheric circulation. 相似文献
曲流河地层内部结构复杂,岩性界面具有穿时性,传统的地震相分析法不能满足油藏开发地质研究中对储层内部结构精细解释的需要,急需探索有效的地震解释方法。采用基于探地雷达的露头探测、点坝复合体三维正演模拟和实际地震资料相结合的方法,分析了地震资料频率和地层厚度对曲流河内部结构地震反射特征的影响,研究了利用地层切片解释曲流河沉积结构的原理和方法,建立了开发尺度的曲流河内部结构地震沉积学解释技术。研究发现:(1)高频地震资料中地震反射能够反映曲流河侧积复合体边界,而低频地震资料中反射同相轴与岩性界面一致;(2)不同厚度的点坝侧积单元地震反射特征存在差异,造成反射剖面的多解性。同时指出曲流河内部结构地震沉积学解释的技术关键:(1)发挥地震资料平面与剖面信息的相互约束和补充;(2)将地质体作为三维空间发育的成因体,利用其平面与剖面特征的成因联系指导解释;(3)级次化解释方法,在不同级次上采用针对性的解释方法。将该方法应用于墨西哥湾新近系地震沉积学解释,实现了曲流河点坝复合体内部结构的三维刻画。 相似文献
以长春岭油田C107区块扶余油层为例,综合应用岩心、录井、动态及测试等资料,按层次分析的思路对曲流河储层进行了构型分析。在井上单河道砂体识别的基础上,采用相控对比方法进行了单河道砂体的井间对比。基于现代沉积,提出了\"S\"型、同向式、背向式和切割式4类点坝砂体的组合模式,结合点坝砂体厚度特征以及与其紧邻废弃河道分布特征,在研究区识别出8个点坝砂体,单个点坝砂体面积在0.02~0.16km2。综合录井、岩心和测井等资料,在单井侧积层识别的基础上,结合对子井分析法,计算出侧积层的倾角为5°左右,侧积体的宽度为25~70m,建立了点坝砂体内部构型定量模式。应用曲流河构型分析成果,指导了热采动态分析。 相似文献
鄂西清江流域滑坡崩塌致灾背景及成灾模式 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
鄂西清江流域是我国滑坡崩塌地质灾害易发区。在该区域11个县市地质灾害详细调查成果基础上,运用归纳和类比等方法,对区内2 276个滑坡和567个崩塌(危岩)的要素数据进行统计分析;归纳总结了区域滑坡崩塌的基本发育特征和分布规律,并从构造作用、岩性组合、河流地貌演化、人类活动、降雨等几个方面,分析多种致灾背景对滑坡崩塌的不同影响和控制作用;继而根据主控因素归纳分析了区内滑坡具有的降雨型、箱形(紧窄)背斜型、宽缓向斜型和水库型等4类主要成灾模式,以及崩塌(危岩)具有的宽缓向斜型和岩溶石柱型两类主要成灾模式;指出了今后需要重点防控的三种类型滑坡崩塌风险。 相似文献