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Book Reviewed in this article: Redundant Spaces in Cities and Regions? Studies in Industrial Decline and Social Change . J. Anderson, S. Duncan and R. Hudson. eds. The Social Consequences and Challenges of New Agricultural Technologies . Gigi M. Berardi and Charles C. Geisler, eds. Determinants of Fertility in Developing Countries, Vol. I, Supply and Demand for Children . Rodolfo A. Bultao and Ronald D. Lee, eds. Computer Mapping: Progress in the‘80s . James R. Carter. Washington: Colonial Africa . A. J. Christopher. Geography of the Soviet Union . J. P. Cole. Chicago Mapmakers, Essays on the Rise of the City's Map Trade . Michael P. Conzen, ed. Changes in the Land: Indians, Colonists and the Ecology of New England . William Cronon. Mizner's Florida: American Resort Architecture . Donald W. Curl. Geographical Studies on the Soviet Union: Essays in Honor of Chauncy D. Harris . George Demko and Roland J. Fuchs, eds. Fluvial Hydrology . S. Lawrence Dingman. Pueblo Indian Water Rights: Struggle For a Precious Resource . Charles T. DuMars, Marilyn O'Leary and Albert E. Utton. Women in the Cities of Asia: Migration and Urban Adaptation . James T. Fawcett, Siew-Ean Khoo, and Peter C. Smith, eds. America's National Parks and Their Keepers . Ronald A. Foresta. Neighborhood Revitalization and the Postindustrial City . Dennis E. Gale. China in Canada: A Dialogue on Resources and Development . R. Louis Gentilcore, ed. China: The 80s Era . Norton Ginsburg and Bernard A. Lalor, eds. Boulder, CO: Global Resources: Challenges of Interdependence . Martin I. Glassner, ed. River Networks . Texas: A Geography . Terry G. Jordan with John L. Bean, Jr. and William M. Holmes. The American Frontier: An Archaeological Study of Settlement Pattern and Process . Kenneth E. Lewis. Water Resources, Geography and Law . Olen Paul Matthews. A Field Guide to American Houses . Virginia and Lee McAlester. Population: Patterns, Dynamics, and Prospects . James L. Newman and Gordon E. Matzke. Wood, Brick, and Stone, The North American Settlement Landscape, Vol. 1: Houses . Allen G. Noble. Historical Analysis in Geography . William Norton. The Displaced Worker and Community Response: Case Study of Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio . H. Milton Patton and Janet W. Patton. Disaster Management: Warning Response and Community Relocation . Ronald W. Perry and Alvin H. Muskatel. The Anthropology of Space: Explorations into the Natural Philosophy and Semantics of the Navajo . Rik Pinxten, Ingrid van Dooren, and Frank Harvey. What STYLE Is It? A Guide To American Architecture . John C. Poppeliers, S. Allen Chambers, Jr., and Nancy B. Schwartz. Appalachia: A Regional Geography—Land, People and Development . Karl Raitz and Richard Ulack. An Introduction to Urban Geography . John R. Short. Ford, A Village in the West Highlands of Scotland: A Case Study of Repopulation and Social Change in a Small Community . John B. Stephenson. Income and Jobs: USA Diagnosing the Reality . George Sternlieb and James W. Hughes. Weather and Climate of the Antarctic . W. Schwerdtfeger. History and Ecology: Studies of the Grassland, James C. Malin . Robert P. Swierenga, ed. Optimal Control of Spatial Systems . K. C. Tan and R. J. Bennett. Social Science and Revolutions . Stan Taylor. The Global Textile Industry . Brian Toyne, Jeffrey S. Arpan, David A. Ricks, Terence A. Shimp and Andy Barnett. Integrated Water Development: Water Use and Conservation Practice in Western Colorado . James L. Wescoat, Jr. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Maps and Graphics for the Visually Handicapped . Joseph W. Wiedel, ed.  相似文献   
李鲁奇  孔翔 《地理科学》2021,41(5):797-803
智能体模型用于自下而上模拟城市系统.当前综述性研究多关注其原理和缺陷等,而对研究内容演化的梳理尚不够细致.故运用主路径和冲积图分析,基于文献引用网络和关键词共现网络,梳理了国外城市系统智能体模型的研究脉络.结果 表明,土地利用是核心研究领域,居住隔离、城市增长和交通等亦是重要应用主题;元胞自动机、网络分析等方法在200...  相似文献   
通过对边缘化理论和内涵的阐述,在中部崛起和中原城市群这一经济发展战略背景下,以河南省黄淮四市为例,分析边缘化地区的特征及其形成机制,认为区域交通条件和行政区划分割造成发展"交易成本"过高,落后的经济基础成为边缘化的历史原因,并在全球化、市场化和区域政策的作用下,通过"路径依赖"机制不断强化,最终导致发展的边缘化。基于此,从发挥边缘效应、调整产业结构、构建区域中心城市和制度创新等角度提出发展对策。  相似文献   
选用新疆16个主要旅游城市1961-2012年的逐日平均气温和水汽压等资料,根据饱和水汽压与温度的关系计算出在不同温度下的相对湿度,以学者Terjung WH [1]提出的舒适度指数和四川省地方标准规定的9个等级划分方法为基础,根据新疆地区独特的的气候特点,对舒适度指数的区段进行重新划分,计算出各个地区的舒适度指数;其次,分析各个地区各年各月的舒适度变化规律,得出如下结果:(1)新疆主要城市的气候舒适度大小在25~75之间,与新疆的气候条件比较吻合;(2)乌鲁木齐1-3月和11-12月比较寒冷,基于温湿指数旅游舒适度指数较低,夏季5-9月凉爽舒适,适宜旅游;(3)吐鲁番以南的城市,适宜旅游的时间多出现在春季的4-5月以及秋季的9-10月,舒适度指数高,有利于发展旅游业;1-2月和12月天气冷或偏冷、6-8月天气炎热,旅游舒适度指数相对较低。吐鲁番5-8月舒适天数虽然相对较少,但是以酷热火焰山著称,也易发展旅游业。(4)南疆地区适宜旅游的时间是4-10月,1-2月和12月天气寒冷又干燥,基于温度湿度的旅游舒适度指数较低。(5)16座城市的舒适度比较高的时间集中在4、5、9、10月;(6)新疆的舒适天数正在逐年增加,不舒适天数正在逐年减少;(7)将16个城市舒适度指数的月变化用饼状图标注在新疆地图上,为希望到新疆游玩的旅客提供了时间和地点的选择依据。  相似文献   
连蓉  丁忆  罗鼎  魏文杰  李朋龙  林熙 《测绘通报》2017,(11):128-132
无人机倾斜摄影实景三维模型是一种能够对复杂山地环境较好感知和表达的有效手段之一。本文针对复杂山地城市开展倾斜摄影实景三维存在的问题,提出了适应于山地区域的多尺度的影像获取策略,并通过与近景摄影测量融合建模的方法,实现了对山地城市倾斜摄影实景三维模型精细化建模的目的;同时,对实景三维模型的单体化方法进行了介绍及对比分析,对后期山地城市开展倾斜摄影提供了一定的技术参考。  相似文献   
利用2010-2015年楚雄市城市和郊区共10个气象站点的降雨量资料,采用城市和郊区对比等方法分析楚雄市的降雨特征,运用灰色关联度分析各气象因子、人文因子与雨岛强度的关联程度。结果表明:楚雄市近年来雨岛效应明显,降雨中心主要位于城市及其下风方向的苍岭;当出现小雨和中雨,大尺度大气环流场比较弱的条件下,楚雄市城市雨岛强度较强;楚雄市干湿季分明,月降雨量主要集中在雨季,城市雨岛效应在雨季更显著。影响楚雄市雨岛强度的因素中,关系最为密切的人文因子则为城区面积,而关系最为密切的气象因子是日照时数,且人文因子占较大比重。  相似文献   
Book Reviewed in this article:

Geographical Aspects of Health and Disease in India. Rais Akhtarand A.T.A. Learmonth, eds.

Antarctic Treaty System: An Assessment. Proceedings of a Workshop at Beardmore South Field Camp, Antarctica.

American Electoral Mosaics. J. Clark Archerand Fred M. Shelley.

Kompas op Suidwes-Afrika/Namibie. W.S. Barnard, ed.

Jerusalem in the 19th Century: The Old City. Yehoshua Ben-Arieh.

The World as a Total System. Kenneth E. Boulding.

A Social History of Housing 1815–1985, Second Ed. John Burnett.

Human Migration. W.A.V. Clark.

Regional Population Projection Models. Andrei Rogers.

The State of Population Theory: Forward from Malthus. David Colemanand Roger Schofield, eds.

Imagining Tomorrow: History, Technology and the American Future. Joseph C. Corn, ed.

Swidden Agriculture in Indonesia: The Subsistence Strategies of the Kalimantan Kantú. Michael R. Dove.

Glacial Geologic Processes. David Drewry.

Physics of Desertification. Farouk El-Bazand M.H.A. Hassan, eds.

Housing the Homeless. Jon Ericksonand Charles Wilhelm, eds.

Settlement Patterns in Missouri: A Study of Population Origins, with a Wall Map. Russel L. Gerlach.

Desert Development: Man and Technology in Sparselands. Yehuda Gradus, ed.

Nuclear Winter. The Evidence and Risks. Owen Greene, Ian Percivaland Irene Ridge.

The Take-off of Suburbia and the Crisis of the Central City. Günter Heinritzand Elisabeth Lichtenberger, eds.

Regional Input-Output Analysis. Geoffrey J. D. Hewings.

Spatial Transportation Modeling. Christian Werner.

The Atlas of Georgia. Thomas W. Hodlerand Howard A. Schretter, eds.

Latin America. 5th ed. Preston E. Jamesand C.W. Minkel.

Applied Remote Sensing. C.P. Lo.

Localities, Class, and Gender. The Lancaster Regionalism Group.

Urban Social Movements: The City after Castells. Stuart Lowe.

Politics and Method. Doreen Masseyand Richard Meegan, eds.

Land Use. A. S. Mather.

The Kingdom of Coal. Donald L. Millerand Richard E. Sharpless.

The Presidio and Militia on the Northern Frontier of New Spain, A Documentary History, Vol. 1: 1570–1700. Thomas H. Naylorand Charles W. Polzer, S.J., comps. andeds.

Nuclear Power: Siting and Safety. Stan Openshaw.

The Central African Republic: The Continent's Hidden Heart. Thomas O'Toole.

Environmental and Dynamic Geomorphology. Márton Pécsi, ed.

Remote Sensing Principles and Interpretation. Floyd F. Sabins, Jr.

Acid Rain and Friendly Neighbors: The Policy Dispute between Canada and the United States. Jurgen Schmandtand Hilliard Roderick, eds.

Earth's Changing Surface: An Introduction to Geomorphology. M.J. Selby.

International Migration: The Female Experience. Rita J. Simonand Caroline B. Brettell, eds.

On Geography and Its History. D.R. Stoddart.

Transportation Networks: A Quantitative Approach. D. Teodorovic.

Processes in Physical Geography. R.D. Thompson, A.M. Mannion, C.W. Mitchell, M. Parry, J.R.G. Townshend.

Imaging Radar for Resources Surveys. J.W. Trevett.

Dominance and Affection: The Making of Pets. Yi-Fu Tuan.

Capturing the Horizon. The Historical Geography of Transportation since the Transportation Revolution of the Sixteenth Century. James E. Vance, Jr.

Nations at Risk: The Impact of the Computer Revolution. Edward Yourdon.  相似文献   
城市滨水空间转型发展是促进城市空间优化和产业结构调整的关键方式,已成为当前国际城市更新与再开发的主要组成部分,相关研究也大量涌现,有必要进行归纳和总结。论文以Web of Science和Science Direct数据库1988—2020年间相关文章为分析对象,从滨水空间转型发展的过程、模式、动因与机制、效应等方面对其研究内容和主要结论进行了归纳分析。结果表明,国外滨水空间转型发展研究多采用定性方法对案例地开展描述性分析,研究主题从关注实践需求转向探讨深层次学术问题并逐渐多元化,研究视角越发强调人本主义和公平理念。最后,结合国外研究经验和中国实际指出:未来中国应转变研究视角和研究对象,重视不同区域多案例的对比研究,再现城市滨水空间转型的过程,模拟城市滨水空间转型的机制,全面评估城市滨水空间转型的效应,以优化和完善中国城市滨水空间的研究体系。  相似文献   
李倢 《地理研究》2008,27(3):659-671
近年来,随着城市竞争力概念的兴起,城市排序及城市排行榜成为各界瞩目的焦点。本文首先指出盲目追求城市排名的危害,之后从理论角度论述造成城市简单排序误区的根本原因在于对城市所属区域以及城市体系的忽视,提出应在对各城市进行定量评估的基础上,将城市发展优势与地域空间以及城市体系相结合,在地域空间中确定各城市功能定位。并以我国三大都市密集地区为实例,运用因子分析法对各城市发展优势进行定量评估。以实例阐明城市发展优势应在所属地域空间与其城市体系紧密结合,对城市简单排序提出了反驳。通过三大都市密集地区之间不同城市体系结构及其变化的比较研究,对城市集群的形成及其发展理论做了积极的探索。  相似文献   
Book Reviewed in this article: The City in Cultural Context . John Agnew, John Mercer, David Sopher, eds. Soils and Geomorphology Peter W. Birkeland. Urbanization and Settlement Systems, International Perspectives . L. S. Bourne, R. Sinclair, and K. Dziewoński. eds. An Introduction to Urban Historical Geography . Harold Carter. Overshoot, The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change . William J. Catton, Jr. Rivers of the World . Eberhard Czaya. Jewish Communities in Frontier Societies: Argentina, Australia and South Africa . Daniel J. Elazar with Peter Medding. Color in Public Spaces: Toward a Communication-Based Theory of the Urban Built Environment. Kenneth E. Foote. Spatial Statistics and Models. Gary L. Gaile and Cort J. Willmott, eds. Mega-Geomorphology. Rita Gardner and Helen Scoging, eds. Technological Change and Regional Development. Gillespie, ed. The Arid Lands: Their Use and Abuse. R. L. Heathcote. The Location of Industry in Britain. A. G. Hoare. Groundwater as a Geomorphic Agent . R. G. LaFleur, ed. Rural Public Services: International Comparisons. Richard E. Lonsdale and Gyorgy Enyedi, eds. Saving Water in a Desert City. William E. Martin, Helen M. Ingram, Nancy K. Laney, and Adrian H. Griffin. Water Resources: Distribution, Use and Management. John R. Mather. Transnationals and the Third World: The Struggle for Culture. Armand Mattelart. South Hadley, MA: USGS Digital Cartographic Data Standards. R. B. McEwen, R. E. Witmer, and B. S. Ramey, eds. The Ecosystem Concept in Anthropology. Emilio F. Moran, ed. Boulder, CO: Women, Men, and the International Division of Labor. June Nash and Maria Patricia Fernandez-Kelly, eds. Nuclear Power: Assessing and Managing Hazardous Technology. Martin J. Pasqualetti and K. David Pijawka, eds. Mary Somerville and the Cultivation of Science 1815-1840. Elizabeth Chalmers Patterson. An Introduction to Coastal Geomorphology. John Pethick. Late Quaternary Environments of the United States , Vol. 1, The Late Pleistocene. Stephen C. Porter, ed. Planning and Ecology. R. D. Roberts and T. M. Roberts, eds. Regionalism and the Pacific Northwest. William G. Robbins, Robert J. Frank, and Richard E. Ross, eds. Environment and Health. Anthony J. Rowland and Paul Cooper. Sunbelt/Snowbelt: Urban Development and Regional Restructuring. Larry Sawers and William K. Tabb, eds. The Bad Earth. Environmental Degradation in China. Vaclav Smil. Armonk, NY: Voyage into Substance: Art, Science, Nature, and the Illustrated Travel Account, 1760–1840. Barbara Maria Stafford. The Institute of British Geographers: The First Fifty Years. Robert W. Steel. Visions of the Past. Christopher Taylor and Richard Muir. Glacial Lake Agassiz. J. T. Teller and Lee Clayton, eds. The Tule Breakers: The Story of the California Dredge. John Thompson and Edward A. Dutra. The Balkan City 1400–1900. Nikolai Todorov. Explanation, Prediction and Planning: the Lowry model. Michael J. Webber. Mercedes Reales: Hispanic Land Grants of the Upper Rio Grande Region. Victor Westphall. The World Atlas of Revolutions. Andrew J. M. Wheatcroft. The West European City, A Social Geography. Paul White. Urban Elites and Mass Transportation. J. Allen Whitt. Princeton, NJ: Urban Life In Contemporary China. Martin King Whyte and William L. Parish. The Demand for Energy in the Soviet Union. David Wilson. London and Canberra: Rethinking Geographical Inquiry. J. David Wood, ed.  相似文献   
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