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滇中引水工程香炉山隧洞为特长深埋隧洞,起点位于冲江河右岸石鼓镇,终点位于洱海边的长育村,此前已对该段进行东、中、西等多方向的较大范围线路比选[1]。通过已有地质资料进行线路对比,提出了8条比选线路,从各线路长度和形态,存在的主要工程地质问题,隧洞地质、施工条件等进行比较、分析、研究,最终选定中4线为推荐方案。论文简要介绍了隧洞线路选线方案、比选的思路和方法,以期为相关工程的规划设计提供参考。  相似文献   
在地震波数值模拟中,为提高算法精度,需要使用高阶时间更新格式,而普通的非分裂完全匹配层(PML)吸收边界局限于低阶时间格式。辅助微分方程完全匹配层(ADE PML)是一种可以适应任意阶时间格式的非分裂完全匹配层技术,且可以直接应用复频移拉伸算子以提高PML在高角度入射时的效果。作者将ADE PML应用于声波方程四阶Runge Kutta时间格式的数值模拟中,对其吸收效能进行了检验。数值模拟表明,复频移ADE PML在高角度入射时表现优于非复频移ADE PML。另外,不同辅助变量更新格式的吸收效果存在微小差异,显格式下计算结果与解析解吻合较好。长时间能量衰减计算表明ADE PML可以稳定至2 × 105时间步。  相似文献   
This study is devoted to application of the fourth-order compact MacCormack scheme to spatial differencing of the conservative form of two-dimensional and non-hydrostatic equation of a dry atmosphere. To advance the solution in time a four-stage Runge–Kutta method is used. To perform the simulations, two test cases including evolution of a warm bubble and a cold bubble in a neutral atmosphere with open and rigid boundaries are employed. In addition, the second-order MacCormack and the standard fourth-order compact MacCormack schemes are used to perform the simulations. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the numerical results for different test cases exhibit the superiority of the fourth-order compact MacCormack scheme on the second-order method.  相似文献   
李术才  丁万涛 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):243-248
通过对国内外海峡海底隧道的调研分析,归纳得到三种确定最小岩石覆盖厚度的方法——挪威经验公式法、日本最小涌水量预测法以及国内顶水采煤经验法。利用上述三种方法,对象山港海底某公路隧道的最小岩石覆盖层厚度进行工程类比。综合考虑三种方法的分析结果,结合隧道地质条件,获得最优的岩石覆盖厚度。结合隧道海底的地形及地质条件,选择一个剖面作为控制剖面,根据隧道的设计坡度分别得到隧道底板线的位置及各个剖面在设计坡度下的岩石覆盖厚度,并与工程类比厚度比较。根据分析比较结果,调整隧道底板线部分段的坡度,使得隧道在满足安全的条件下,得到最短的隧道线路,从而决定隧道的最优选线方案。  相似文献   
Characteristics of the total clear-sky greenhouse effect (GA) and cloud radiative forcings (CRFs), along with the radiative-related water vapor and cloud properties simulated by the Spectral Atmospheric Model developed by LASGIAP (SAMIL) are evaluated. Impacts of the convection scheme on the simulation of CRFs are discussed by using two AMIP (Atmospheric Model Inter-comparison Project) type simulations employing different convection schemes: the new Zhang-McFarlane (NZH) and Tiedtke (TDK) convection schemes. It shows that both the climatological GA and its response to El Nio warming are simulated well, both in terms of spatial pattern and magnitude. The impact of the convection scheme on GA is not significant. The climatological longwave CRF (LWCRF) and its response to El Nio warming are simulated well, but with a prominently weaker magnitude. The simulation of the climatology (response) of LWCRF in the NZH (TDK) run is slightly more realistic than in the TDK (NZH) simulation, indicating significant impacts of the convection scheme. The shortwave CRF (SWCRF) shows large biases in both spatial pattern and magnitude, and the results from the TDK run are better than those from the NZH run. A spuriously excessive negative climatological SWCRF over the southeastern Pacific and an insufficient response of SWCRF to El Nio warming over the tropical Pacific are seen in the NZH run. These two biases are alleviated in the TDK run, since it produces vigorous convection, which is related to the low threshold for convection to take place. Also, impacts of the convection scheme on the cloud profile are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on a case study of an 'alternative' food network based in the Abruzzo National Park, Italy, to explore how ideas of sustainable farmland management can be expressed through broader understandings of developing networks of care concerned with local economies and societies, high-quality specialist food products, particular 'traditional' farming practices and livestock breeds, as well as the ecology of a farmed landscape. The scheme allows customers, internationally as well as in Italy, to 'adopt' a milking sheep on a large mountain farm. In return, adopters are sent food products from the farm. The adoption scheme is inter-twined with an agri-tourism project which provides accommodation, runs a restaurant and engages in educational activities. The scheme is the result of the individual initiative of its founder, and is associated with a strongly expressed ethical position concerning the value of sustaining valued local rural landscapes and lifestyles, and the importance of 'reconnecting' urban dwellers with rural areas, farming and 'quality' food production. Yet the localness of the scheme is sustained through wider national and international networks: volunteer and paid workers are drawn from several European countries, funding has been acquired from the EU LEADER programme, and internet and transport technologies are essential in connecting with and supplying an international customer base. The broader economy of care instanced in this case study draws attention to a need to develop strategies for sustainable farmland management constructed around wider programmes of social, economic and cultural, as well as environmental, concern.  相似文献   
根据海水温度和盐度平流扩散方程给出一种数值计算方案并采用混合长度理论给出垂直涡动粘性系数的计算方法。对于温度和盐度方程,其平流过程采用了Lax-Wendroff格式,水平扩散采用显格式,垂直扩散采用隐格式。时间步长主要受平流过程的Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy条件限制。垂直涡动粘性系数计算依据Prandtl混合长度理论,并考虑了海水层化的抑制作用,因而其数值与流场及密度场结构有关。温度、盐度及垂直涡动粘性系数的计算与动力方程中内模态的计算同步进行。应用本模式模拟渤、黄、东海由潮流、密度流和风海流迭加而成的综合海流,得出了良好的结果。  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONGlobal change research involves much geo-objectsand geo-process, such as climate and environmentalchange, substance and energy cycling, land-use/land-cover change (LUCC), interactivity between human and nature, etc.. So it need cooperation frommany research communities including international research programs groups such as IGBP (InternationalGeosphere-Biosphere Programme IPCC (Intergovemmental Panel on Climate Change), IHDP (InternationalHuman Dimension Program o…  相似文献   
南京长江三桥是我国首座主塔采用钢结构形式的特大型斜拉桥。根据钢索塔拼装测量的精度要求,介绍了该桥首级控制网的概况,对钢索塔架设专用控制网的网形选择、方案设计、观测方法和数据处理进行了探讨。实践证明,所采取的专用控制网布设方法和测量方案是合理的,对今后类似工程具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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