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从资源、市场、政策、产业转移等角度,结合区位熵、半结构式企业访谈和案例分析等定量与定性研究方法,探讨清远市再生有色金属产业集群的发展历程、现状、存在问题及其成长机制,提出在产业集群的演化过程中,其成长的动力机制随着经济和社会环境的变化也在不断地演变。在产业集群的形成初期,除了传统要素外,历史偶然性和市场自发性为集群的产生提供了可能性;而在中后期,政府作为制度的提供者在集群的发展和演变中扮演着重要角色。具体而言,巨大的有色金属再生资源蓄积量和庞大的劳动力资源等内生资源优势,加上政府对再生资源产业和集群的政策扶持、跨区域产业转移的制度安排、有意识地引进和培育龙头企业等外生制度优势,内源和外源动力共同促成高端要素的集聚发展、产业集群转型升级、集群化生产网络和专业化分工的形成。这种欠发达地区经济崛起的内生性推动力,能为其他城市发展再生资源产业提供重要的经验借鉴。  相似文献   
A novel method has been put forward to retrofit the wet ammonia desulfurization process to realize the combined removal of sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide by introducing soluble cobalt(II) salt into aqueous ammonia solution. The active constituent of scrubbing NO from the flue gases is the produced by ammonia coordinating with Co2+. The regeneration of can be realized under the catalysis of activated carbon so as to sustain a high NO removal efficiency for a long time. In this paper, the adsorption–reduction behavior of on activated carbon has been researched using scanning electron microscopy, X‐ray diffraction, and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy. A conclusion can be drawn from the results that cobalt ions in the aqueous solution are adsorbed by activated carbon and most of them are reduced to Co2+ ions, and some of the Co2+ ions are further reduced into metallic cobalt. The results also demonstrate that the functional groups on the surface of carbon take part in this redox reaction. The C? H groups on the carbon surface are oxidized into C? OH, and then some of the hydroxyl groups are further oxidized into carbonyl or carboxyl groups.  相似文献   
Collections of mature medusae from Lake Rotoiti proved all to be male and provide further evidence that the origin of the species in New Zealand was from a very limited introduction.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地塔中地区下古生界二次生烃的类型及其特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
塔中地区下古生界碳酸盐岩烃源岩中的干酪根、吸附有机质、包裹体有机质和晶包有机质,可以成为二次生烃的物质来源。该地区存在两类二次生烃——构造运动二次生烃和碳酸盐岩深埋二次生烃,二者所形成的包裹体在类型、数量、大小、气液比、荧光颜色及强度等方面均有明显不同。通过对塔中地区多口探井和人工井的埋藏史和生烃史研究,表明塔中北斜坡下古生界碳酸盐岩可以二次生烃,面积约9000km^2,生烃时代主要为中新生代。此外,还利用逐级升温爆破—气相色谱方法,测定了高过成熟碳酸盐岩烃源岩中吸附有机质、包裹体有机质以及晶包有机质的数量和释放过程,以评价高过成熟碳酸盐岩烃源岩的生烃能力。研究塔中地区的二次生烃,对深部油气勘探有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
棚户区改造的目的是为了改善城市面貌和居民居住环境,提高城市品位和居民生活质量.目前,我国城市开展了大规模棚户区改造工程,然而大多数改造工作重心仍以拆建房屋为主,对棚户区的系统改建不足.针对这一问题,从棚户区改造与城市再生的关系入手,结合国内外大量棚户区改造的经验与教训,强调棚户区的改造不仅是单纯意义上的物质再生,更是涵盖经济复兴、社区重构、文化重建的社会再生.以辽宁省阜新市棚户区改造作为实证案例进行分析,指出当前棚户区改造中存在的诸多问题.在棚户区改造中,需要将建筑、就业、环境、文化、社会等因素融合一起,以促进城市再生与可持续发展.  相似文献   
In Singapore, owners of private housing estates reaping windfalls through collective sales have been subject to the news media's sensational coverage of the topic. While collective sales will give rise to new developments that regenerate the country's landscape to reflect the image and identity of an entrepreneurial city, efforts to resist this wealth generating urbanism are subject to erasure. Instances of minority owners disinterested in profit-making using the courts to save their homes from the collective sale juggernaut are certainly emblematic of the inherent tension between one's home as housing and home as investment repository. Drawing upon ethnographical experiences from a housing estate built for public officials in Singapore, this article's use of the Lefebvrian theory of spatial production sheds light on how minority owners unmotivated by monetary windfalls (re)produce spaces of their homes that are overtly inimical to the impulses of majority owners to monetize their homes at high premiums.  相似文献   
二次生烃机理在中下扬子高演化烃源岩评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在野外地质观察、油气地球化学和样品分析的基础上,通过总结二次生烃特征和生烃机理,将其应用到中下扬子区海相高演化烃源岩生烃潜力的评价。模拟实验结果表明,二次生烃具有明显的迟缓现象,也仍具有相对的生烃高峰,二次生烃量与一次生烃量的总和小于连续热演化的生烃量,这些特征都与一次生烃的演化程度密切相关,初始演化程度成为评价高演化烃源岩二次生烃潜力的关键因素。中下扬子区中—古生界发育的6套烃源岩中,下二叠统、下志留统和下寒武统烃源岩具有较强的生烃能力,是主要的烃源层。下古生界烃源岩进入生烃时间较早,在强烈的构造运动背景下,生成的油气难以保存;上古生界烃源岩热演化程度相对较低,燕山—喜山期的再次沉降地区成为二次生烃的供源区。因此,下古生界台地相区和上古生界烃源岩具有一定的二次生烃潜力。  相似文献   
研究了顶芽、节数和埋藏深度对穗花狐尾藻、黑藻、篦齿眼子菜、菹草、金鱼藻和轮藻等6种沉水植物断枝再生能力的影响.结果表明,顶芽显著抑制了菹草的断枝再生能力,但是对其它5种植物没有显著影响;随着节数增加,断枝萌生再生枝和根的能力显著增强,总体上,5节以上的断枝具有明显更强的再生能力;穗花狐尾藻和6节以下的黑藻在埋藏条件下没...  相似文献   
The results from four cruises(Nov.1991—Jul.1992)to examine fluxes of ammonium uptake andregeneration in the surface layer of Jiaozhou Bay are presented.Seasonal variations of the two fluxeswere in the order:summer>spring>autumn>winter.Diel patterns were characterized by higher uptake inthe daytime and higher regeneration at night.Averaged uptake and regeneration fluxes on an annual scalewere 0.073 and 0.053 μmol·L~(-1)·h~(-1)respectively.Regeneration fluxes were always less than uptakefluxes throughout the year.The longest turnover time was 16.34 d(in winter),and the shortest one was0.68 d(in summer).The major uptake flux was contributed by the smallest fraction-picoplankton.Theextents of light-dependence of ammouium uptake by different size fractions were in the order:netplankton>nanoplankton>picoplankton..  相似文献   
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