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地理国情普查在批而未用土地监测中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
主要介绍了基于地理国情普查和历史高分辨率遥感影像数据,对已批建设用地红线内批而未用土地进行监测的总体技术路线,并综合运用GIS空间叠置与转置分析法,研究地理国情普查试点区红线范围内地表覆盖变化特征。研究结果表明:土地供应数量呈下降趋势,城市外延扩张式土地利用模式已不可持续,内部潜力挖掘是今后的重点;试点区批而未建红线范围内主要地类为草地,开发潜力大。地理国情普查为已批建设用地监测提供了数据基础,本文设计的监测方法简便易行,结果可靠。 相似文献
在位于吕梁山西部山前山西柳林卫家洼红粘土层下部发现了一套特殊的水成砂砾层,组成该砂砾石层的碎屑主要是红粘土团块及钙质结核。沉积学的研究表明红粘土和钙质结核碎屑具有不同程度分选性和磨圆度,作为碎屑的钙质结核不再具有不规则的“生姜”状外形而呈典型的圆状或次圆状,这是经过搬运碎屑的典型特征。垂向上自下向上变细的沉积序列,部分层位中埋藏有动物化石都是典型水成堆积物的特征。磁性地层学研究表明其形成于8 Ma前。这种特殊水成堆积物的发现可为红粘土的成因解释提供新资料。 相似文献
Subhasish DEY 《国际泥沙研究》2003,18(3)
The Reynolds stress and bed shear stress are important parameters in fluvial hydraulics. Steady-nonuniform flow in open channels with streamwise sloping beds having upward seepage through loose beds is theoretically analyzed to estimate the Reynolds stress and bed shear stress. Equations of the Reynolds stress and bed shear stress are developed, assuming a modified logarithmic velocity distribution law due to upward seepage, and using the Reynolds and continuity equations of two-dimensional flow in open channels. 相似文献
贵州红粘土工程地质特征探讨 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
贵州为典型的喀斯特地貌,广泛分布的碳酸盐岩,亚热带的温湿季风气候,为红粘土的形成提供了良好条件,在地表除基岩裸露地段外,普遍分布着一层棕红、褐黄色高塑性红粘土。红粘土是一种区域性特殊土,具有表面收缩、上硬下软、裂隙发育的特征。这类土虽然具有较高的天然含水率及孔隙比大的弱点,但也具朋较高的地基强度与较低的地基压缩性,是良好的建筑基础。 相似文献
The factors governing deposition of silica, organic carbon, and phosphate-rich sediments in high-productivity marine settings are complex. Many fundamental questions regarding seafloor oxygen levels at the time of deposition remain unclear for both modern and ancient examples. This study explores the macrobenthic paleontologic evidence for bottom-water conditions, especially seafloor oxygen levels, across a Cretaceous high-productivity tract in Israel. The lithologic composition, bed thicknesses, macrofaunal content, ichnofabric and bioclastic fabric of a paleohigh, paleolow, and three paleointermediate sections of the Upper Campanian Mishash Formation of southern Israel were described and sampled to establish a regional paleoecologic-paleoceanographic reconstruction.Both fine- and coarse-scaled (order of magnitude larger) cyclicity was recognized. Fossil-rich beds (often capped by or containing coarse phosphorites) are stratigraphically positioned at the top boundaries of the fine-scale cycles, which have a thickness of between 1–9 m and contain, in addition, organic-rich carbonates, porcelanites and cherts. Going up-cycle, there is an increase in both grain size and intensity of shell packing, consistent with an increase in bottom water energies or a relative shallowing-up cycle. The up-cycle trend of increasing bioturbation and faunal diversity and abundance observed within the Mishash small cycles reflects an increase in bottom oxygen levels or increase in the duration of individual aerated events associated with variations in upwelling intensity, or both.The geographic proximity to the center of the high productivity cell, as well as the nature of the topographic barriers, is represented in two end member basins. The fossiliferous Qazra sub-basin demonstrates the variability of the system moving from laminated barren layers to densely packed ones, whereas the Zin sub-basin (albeit laminated layers) is burrowed and bioturbated, making for the only solid evidence of past macrobenthic life in this setting that lacks shelly intervals.The macrofaunal analysis indicates a higher degree and longer duration of seafloor oxygen and energy events than previously recognized from sedimentology/geochemistry alone. Specifically, the macrofaunal remains suggest that seafloor oxygen levels were dysaerobic to fully aerobic. Also, water-energy levels were higher than previously recognized, showing an intensity of seafloor disturbance similar to that of the above storm wave base.This new, detailed examination of high-productivity deposits thus reveals the highly dynamic and spatially heterogeneous nature of the Mishash upwelling system. Contrary to thinking of such settings as “dead zones”, there is abundant body and trace fossil evidence throughout the record for variable oxygen and variable water energy levels.Both the ecologic and the taphonomic utility of macrobenthos are displayed as paleo-seafloor indicators of upwelling regions. Combining all the biogenic constituents observed along the facies tract with taphonomic and the more typical sedimentologic information provides a better tool for reconstruction of the past environment in high-productivity settings. 相似文献
赣南红层盆地分布区一直被认为是地下水严重缺水区,各城镇饮用水源均为地表水体。随着经济发展、社会进步,人民对美好生活的需要不断提升,优质、稳定的饮用水成为老区人民需求增长最快的民生问题之一。中国地质调查局根据原国土资源部的统一部署,于2017年启动了赣南七县水文地质调查扶贫找水解困工作。本文通过精准式地下水勘查实例分析和大比例尺水文地质调查成果总结,采用基岩山区气象补水、地貌汇水、地层蓄水、构造导水、钻探取水的实践理念综合分析,梳理总结了兴国县存在季节型、水质型、工程型缺水的主要原因,并创新提出了补给-滞留型、植被涵养型、侵入扩张输导型3种基于地下水驱动力的蓄水构造模式,进一步丰富了蓄水构造理论,分析总结了不同含水岩组分布区风化裂隙水、溶蚀裂隙孔隙水、层间裂隙水、构造裂隙水、古河道孔隙水5种缺水区找水方向。蓄水构造模式和找水方向经实践证明,在严重缺水的红层分布区可以快速确定找水靶区,找水成效显著。 相似文献
The mobility of Cu2+, Zn2+, Ni2+, and Cd2+ in soils treated with red mud was experimentally studied to explore the feasibility of remediation of smelter-contaminated soils. Red mud samples were collected with the Bayer process (BRM) and confederate process (CRM) in the Aluminous Plant of Guizhou Province. Two farmed soil samples were collected from the Niujiaotang mining area, Guizhou Province, Southwest China. One sample was weakly polluted by fly ash; and the other was polluted severely by waste water from the smelter. For evaluating the potential of remediation, the concentrations of free metal ions and the distributions of metals in the soil were determined. The concentrations of free metal ions were measured by using the Donnan Membrane Technique, and the contributions of soil sorbents to the heavy metals adsorptions were calculated with Equilibrium Calculation of Speciation and Transport (ECOSAT). BRM reduced the concentrations of free metal ions in two kinds of soils, while CRM only favored the decrease of the concentrations of free metal ions in seriously contaminated soils. The experimental data also showed a tendency that the concentrations of free metal ions decreased proportionally with the amount of added red mud, which resulted from the increasing adsorption of heavy metal ions in the form of metal ion hydroxides. 相似文献
Ranjit?Kumar Abha?Rani K.?Maharaj?Kumari S.?S.?SrivastavaEmail author 《Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry》2005,50(3):243-261
This paper presents dry deposition flux and deposition velocity of atmospheric particles on white marble and red stone at Dayalbagh, a suburban site of semi arid region, which is 10 km away from the industrial sector of the Agra city where due to agricultural practices vegetation predominates. The wind speed at Agra is mostly in the range of 1–2 m s–1. The atmospheric calm conditions at Agra in summer, monsoon, and winter seasons are 47%, 35%, and 76%, respectively. Industrial areas of the city are away from Dayalbagh and are located in the NE, E, SE, and SW sectors. The main industrial activities, which are in operation in Agra city and its outskirts, are foundry and forging industry. The other industrial activities in Agra are rubber processing, lime oxidation and pulverization, chemicals, engineering and brick refractory kilns. Dry deposition samples were collected on dry days on white marble and red stone (0.224 m × 0.224 m × 0.02 m) using surface washing method. Both slabs were fixed to an iron stand (1.5 m height) at an angle of about 80 from the horizontal and exposed for 24 h on the roof of the faculty building. The order of deposition flux on white marble is NH4+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > Na+ > Cl– > K+ > NO3– > SO42– > F– and that on red stone is NH4+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > SO42– > Na+ > NO3– > K+ > F– > Cl–. Average dry deposition flux of major ions varies from 3.4 to 128.5 M m–2 d–1. The sum of major cations on white marble and red stone are 516.4 and 450.4 eq m–2 d–1, respectively while sum of major anions are 425.3 and 400.4 eq m–2 d–1 on white marble and red stone, respectively. Higher deposition of all ions was observed when wind blows from NE as most of the Agra Iron foundries and Ferozabad glass industries lie in this direction. The mean values of dry deposition velocity of ions vary between 0.22 cm s–1 to 1.49 cm s–1. Deposition velocity for all ions is higher on white marble than red stone inspite of rougher surface of red stone as compared to white marble. This could be due to the chemical nature of white marble, which is made of dolomite and hence adds significant amount of ions by dissolution during washing. Seasonally the deposition velocity was highest in winter. 相似文献
在分析鄂州市生态环境矛盾和生态服务需求的基础上,根据生态红线原理和目标,提出较为完整的生态红线划定方法,保障生态系统完整性及连续性,维护区域生态系统安全。从生态环境敏感性评价、生态服务功能重要性评价、生态灾害危险评价等3方面构建生态适宜性评价体系,展开生态适宜性分析。在GIS与RS支持下,创建了鄂州市网格空间属性数据库,采用层次分析法确定指标权重,运用叠加分析、空间分析等技术方法最终完成生态适宜性评价,将鄂州市划分为红线、黄线、蓝线、绿线等4个区域,同时,叠加整合已有的重要生态功能区,并将红线区划分为一级管控区和二级管控区,明确重点保护方向,确定生态红线管控体系。 相似文献