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李鑫 《地质与勘探》2024,60(4):724-734
我国铅锌浮选尾矿堆存量大,综合利用率低,存在环境污染风险与安全隐患。为推动铅锌尾矿开发利用的技术进步与实践生产,本文系统梳理我国铅锌尾矿资源化利用的研究进展,概述尾矿再选利用与尾矿再加工利用制备水泥、砖、微晶玻璃和胶凝材料等综合利用方法和途径,并重点比较两种方法的优缺点,尾矿再选利用可对其中有价金属提取富集,但成本较高且工艺复杂,且再选后仍存在大量尾矿。而铅锌尾矿中含有硅(Si)、钙(Ca)、铝(Al)和铁(Fe)等氧化矿物可替代黏土、页岩和水泥等原材料通过再加工制备高附加产值的材料,可实现对铅锌尾矿的大量消纳且成本低廉。提出建议提前做好矿区尾矿经济价值评价,以加强对铅锌尾矿的绿色再加工利用,以期实现对矿山尾矿的资源化、无害化和减量化利用。  相似文献   
Continental recycling and true continental growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Continental crust is very important for evolution of life because most bioessential elements are supplied from continent to ocean. In addition, the distribution of continent affects climate because continents have much higher albedo than ocean, equivalent to cloud. Conventional views suggest that continental crust is gradually growing through the geologic time and that most continental crust was formed in the Phanerozoic and late Proterozoic. However, the thermal evolution of the Earth implies that much amounts of continental crust should be formed in the early Earth. This is “Continental crust paradox”.Continental crust comprises granitoid, accretionary complex, and sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. The latter three components originate from erosion of continental crust because the accretionary and metamorphic complexes mainly consist of clastic materials. Granitoid has two components: a juvenile component through slab-melting and a recycling component by remelting of continental materials. Namely, only the juvenile component contributes to net continental growth. The remains originate from recycling of continental crust. Continental recycling has three components: intracrustal recycling, crustal reworking, and crust–mantle recycling, respectively. The estimate of continental growth is highly varied. Thermal history implied the rapid growth in the early Earth, whereas the present distribution of continental crust suggests the slow growth. The former regards continental recycling as important whereas the latter regarded as insignificant, suggesting that the variation of estimate for the continental growth is due to involvement of continental recycling.We estimated erosion rate of continental crust and calculated secular changes of continental formation and destruction to fit four conditions: present distribution of continental crust (no continental recycling), geochronology of zircons (intracontinental recycling), Hf isotope ratios of zircons (crustal reworking) and secular change of mantle temperature. The calculation suggests some important insights. (1) The distribution of continental crust around at 2.7 Ga is equivalent to the modern amounts. (2) Especially, the distribution of continental crust from 2.7 to 1.6 Ga was much larger than at present, and the sizes of the total continental crust around 2.4, 1.7, and 0.8 Ga became maximum. The distribution of continental crust has been decreasing since then. More amounts of continental crust were formed at higher mantle temperatures at 2.7, 1.9, and 0.9 Ga, and more amounts were destructed after then. As a result, the mantle overturns led to both the abrupt continental formation and destruction, and extinguished older continental crust. The timing of large distribution of continental crust apparently corresponds to the timing of icehouse periods in Precambrian.  相似文献   
桐柏北部黄岗侵入杂岩岛弧构造环境的厘定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
出露于北秦岭桐柏北部的黄岗侵入杂岩形成于早古生代 ,有超基性、基性和中酸性岩石产出 ,以中酸性岩石为主。主量元素和微量元素地球化学特征显示 ,黄岗侵入杂岩是同源岩浆分异结晶的产物 ,同位素示踪反映岩浆中含有一定比例的陆壳物质。分析表明 ,黄岗侵入杂岩形成于类似大洋板块俯冲的岛弧构造环境 ,与二郎坪弧后盆地向北的俯冲消减有密切联系 ,其中的陆壳物质来自俯冲板上陆壳沉积物的再循环。  相似文献   
张立军 《铀矿地质》2011,(5):316-320
利用地学统计中的变差函数,采用循环采样法对敦煌辐射校正场表面反射比的空间分布特征进行了测量和分析,结果表明,其可见光光谱区表面反射比的空间变程约为20~50 m。目前使用的同步测量采样范围(〈5 m)明显小于光谱数据的空间变程,使得测量数据的随机性误差较大,不能准确地代表大尺度的平均反射比。为了减少测量尺度差异造成的偏差,地表同步反射比测量的空间采样范围应该不小于卫星光谱测量数据的空间变程。  相似文献   
针对我国凹凸棒石黏土开发利用现状、存在的主要问题和循环经济的要求,分析探讨了我国凹凸棒石黏土开发利用研究中实行循环经济的途径。结果表明,重视凹凸棒石黏土物化性能和有益有害元素的检测、表征与评价,实行绿色设计、清洁生产,提高科技含量,开发环境友好产品,加强和重视矿山综合性开采与资源的合理化利用技术、环境无害化技术、废弃物综合利用技术、矿山复垦生态环境技术等是实行循环经济的重要途径。  相似文献   
This paper discusses some major research to be carried out in the next five years in the newly established Laboratory of Ocean Lithosphere and Mantle Geodynamics. By using our existing sample collections of global mid-ocean ridge basalts, gabbros and abyssal peridotites from the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans, the research includes: ①Using Ti-Zr-Hf stable isotope methods to test the hypothesis that the observed huge Nb-Ta and Zr-Hf fractionations result from mass-dependent fractionation under mantle magmatic conditions; ②Using a MORB sample suite of uniform ratios of incompatible elements and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes with large major element compositional variation to test the common hypothesis of iron isotope fractionation, i.e, the affinity of heavy Fe with ferric Fe (Fe3+), and both heavy Fe and ferric Fe (Fe3+) being more incompatible than light Fe and ferrous Fe (Fe2+) during magma evolution; while using an incompatible trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope highly variable MORB suite to test the same hypothesis during low-degree mantle melting (i.e, the effect of mantle metasomatism); ③Proposing and testing the hypothesis that the high oxygen fugacity of the Earth’s mantle is a consequence of plate tectonics by subducting partially serpentinized oceanic mantle lithosphere with abundant ferric Fe (e.g. Fe3+/SFe>2); ④The recent work by Andersen et al. (Nature, 2015) is a milestone contribution by using U isotope variation in oceanic basalts to hypothesize that the O2-rich atmosphere since the late Archean (abont 2.4 Ga) mobilized the water soluble U (6+ vs. 4+) from continents, transported to the ocean and subducted with sediments to the upper mantle, which explains the low Th/U in MORB (<2.5) and the high Th/U (>3.5) ocean island basalts (OIB) do not see such U addition effect probably because OIB source materials are all ancient (> abont 2.4 Ga) if there were subducted component. The Cenozoic alkali basalts from eastern China are ideal materials for evaluating the significance of the subducted seafloor materials for the petrogenesis of OIB and enriched MORB by using the U isotope approach, which is expected to revise and improve the Andersen et al hypothesis.  相似文献   
研究了采用石灰中和+化学絮凝沉淀、有机复合脱氮剂分质处理钽铌钨锡多金属矿分离加工产生的酸性和碱性废水,氟化物、氨氮去除率可达到99.9%以上,重金属离子去除率可达到99%以上,氨回收率可达到98%以上。该处理工艺可实现废水资源化,回收的稀氨水可返回生产工艺再利用,具有良好的环境效益和经济效益。  相似文献   
Detrital zircon (DZ) geochronology has become a popular tool in provenance studies during the past two decades. However, similar zircon crystallization ages from different source regions greatly hamper the interpretation of sediment dispersal and recycling processes. The Alleghenian–Ouachita–Marathon (AOM) foreland and vicinity in North America is a region where some dominant DZ age groups could come from both the southern Appalachians in the eastern United States and the Gondwanan terranes in Mexico. In this study, we present 1045 new DZ U–Pb ages and 81 DZ core–rim age pairs in lower Permian sandstone in the Permian Basin and Miocene sandstone in the eastern Gulf of Mexico (GOM). These new data were integrated with published DZ single U–Pb age and core–rim ages from syn- to post-orogenic strata in the Permian Basin, Marathon foldbelt, southern Appalachian foreland basin and eastern GOM to interpret the sediment-dispersal models in the AOM foreland and eastern GOM. Our models show that during the Leonardian Stage, sediments derived from the Appalachians were first delivered to the US midcontinent and then recycled to the Permian Basin; during the Miocene, sediment from the Appalachians fluxed to the eastern GOM, with no longshore mixing from the western GOM. These models based on the integration of single U–Pb and core–rim ages are consistent with published results that used other methods, including zircon single U–Pb age, zircon Hf isotopic data, zircon (U–Th)/He age, sedimentology and stratigraphy. Our results demonstrate that although some limitations exist, zircon core–rim age is a powerful tool, adding an extra constraint on the interpretation of sediment-dispersal systems. This tool is particularly applicable to the post-orogenic stage, during which the sediment pathways are more complicated because of the dominant input from distal sources. Insights gained in this study imply that this novel strategy of using core and rim ages could be integrated with other methods to better understand sediment dispersal.  相似文献   
正Qaidam Basin in Qinghai Province has rich multiple complex resources with salt lakes as the core.These resources form a special condition for the development of green economy,having rare and particular nature.The  相似文献   
总结了应用同位素地球化学填图和化学地球动力学研究东秦岭造山带的初步经验,并以较成功的实例来说明,内容包括:(1)华北和扬子克拉通幔源和壳源岩石化学和Nd、Pb同位素组成及壳幔演化差异的确定;(2)南秦岭前寒武纪基底应归属于扬子陆块构造-地球化学省的地球化学论证;(3)关于东秦岭蛇绿岩铅同位素的Dupal型特征及其同三江地区(属古特提斯范围)蛇绿岩的相似性的揭示;(4)北秦岭元古宙基底可能为古洋岛型微陆块的地球化学证据;(5)东秦岭新元古代和早古生代洋壳俯冲消减及聚汇带壳-幔再循环的地球化学证据;(6)关于陆-陆碰撞过程中杨子陆块边缘(南秦岭)俯冲于华北陆块边缘(北秦岭)之下,从碰撞型花岗质岩浆源区地球化学研究获得的直接证据。这些初步成果说明同位素填图与化学地球动力学在造山带研究中是具有重要前景的技术途径。  相似文献   
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