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Seamounts are an integral part of element recycling in global subduction zones. The published trace element and Pb-Sr-Nd isotope data for basaltic lavas from three key segments (Central Lau Spreading Ridge (CLSR), Eastern Lau Spreading Ridge (ELSR), and Valu Fa Ridge (VFR)) of the Lau back-arc basin were compiled to evaluate the contribution of Louisville seamount materials to their magma genesis. Two geochemical transitions, separating three provinces with distinct geochemical characteristics independent of ridge segmentation, were identified based on abrupt geochemical shifts. The origin of the geochemical transitions was determined to be the result of drastic compositional changes of subduction components added into the mantle source, rather than the transition from Indian to Pacific mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) mantle, or due to variable mantle fertilities. The most likely explanation for the drastic shifts in subduction input is the superimposition of Louisville materials on ‘normal’ subduction components consisting predominantly of aqueous fluids liberated from the down-going altered oceanic crust and minor pelagic sediment melts. Quantitative estimation reveals that Louisville materials contributed 0–74% and 21–83% of the Th budget, respectively, to CLSR and VFR lavas, but had no definite contribution to the lavas from the ELSR, which lies farthest away from the subducted Louisville seamount chain (LSC). The spatial association of the subducted LSC with the Louisville-affected segments suggests that the Louisville signature is regionally but not locally available in the Tonga subduction zone. Besides, the preferential melting of subducted old Cretaceous LSC crust instead of the old normal Pacific oceanic crust at similar depths implies that elevated temperature across the subduction interface or seamount erosion and rupture were required to trigger melting. A wider implication of this study, thus, is that seamount subduction may promote efficiency of element recycling in subduction zones.  相似文献   
杨凯  戴紧根  沈洁  张文仓  赵玲玲 《地质学报》2022,96(12):4149-4166
蛇纹岩对地球深部和浅部的元素循环以及氧化还原状态调节具有非常重要的作用。蛇纹岩中的流体活动性元素(fluid-mobile element, FME)是揭示地幔岩石水化、脱水以及元素循环的关键。本文系统收集和分析了前人报道的不同构造环境的蛇纹岩矿物化学、全岩微量元素和非传统稳定同位素(Fe、Zn、Cu)的组成特征,试图从多个角度总结蛇纹岩脱水过程的元素迁移规律及流体性质。蛇纹岩主要矿物蛇纹石微量元素含量具有以下主要特征:(1)不同变质程度的蛇纹岩中的蛇纹石既包含轻稀土元素(light rare earth element, LREE)富集,又包含LREE亏损的特征;(2)纤蛇纹石的REE和微量元素分布在利蛇纹石和叶蛇纹石的范围内,利蛇纹石重稀土元素(heavy rare earth element, HREE)整体上略高于叶蛇纹石且更加富集FME;(3)通过中度不相容元素与REE含量相结合,能够较好地区分橄榄石和辉石蛇纹石化所形成的蛇纹石,即辉石形成的蛇纹石富集相容元素(如Sc、Zn、Cr、Y和Ti等)并具有较高的HREE,而橄榄石形成的蛇纹石则表现为平坦且整体较低的REE分布型式。在...  相似文献   
循环经济——资源合理开发与利用的科学基础   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
樊琦  刘恩举 《地质与资源》2005,14(4):310-313
世界经济的持续增长带来的“资源危机”或“资源安全”问题,促使人们寻求资源集约型经济和循环经济的新理念.本文根据生态学规律,指出按照资源-生产/消费-再生资源的循环经济模式发展经济,是缓解中国资源压力和经济持续发展的基本模式,阐释了循环经济的概念与基本特征,论述了发展循环经济以实现我国资源可持续利用的必要性和可行性,并对我国资源利于如何发展循环经济提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   
报道和总结了近期陕西汉中碑坝和西乡地区重要地质体系统同位素年代研究成果,在重新厘定的年代学基础上,就扬子克拉通北缘同位素特征及其地质意义进行剖析,依据该区岩浆作用的上地幔源区性质及演化规律,提出了中、新元古代扬子克拉通北缘存在与现代板块运动类似的洋壳俯冲和壳幔再循环作用的同位素地球化学证据  相似文献   
以古交镇城底煤矿生活污水处理厂二级出水为研究对象,采用F/BF净化工艺,进行了污水深度处理的生产性试验。研究表明,该工艺对二级处理后的生活污水具有稳定、高效的净化能力,出水水质基本达到地面水Ⅳ类标准,可用于工业冷却水和低压水暖锅炉补充水,具有显著的经济效益和环境效益。试验还对不同滤料进行了分析,认为作为工业废料的炉渣是一种廉价、高效的新型生物膜过滤材料。  相似文献   
Abstract The initial volcanic phase of Cretaceous island arc strata in central Puerto Rico, at the eastern end of the extinct Greater Antilles Arc, comprises a 6‐km thick pile of lava and volcanic breccia (Río Majada Group). Preserved within the sequence is a conspicuous shift in absolute abundances of the more incompatible elements, including Th, Nb, and the light rare earth elements (LREE: La, Ce, Pr and Nd). The compositional shift is marked by a decrease in La/Sm from averages of 2.11 in the lowest third of the pile (Formation A) to 1.48 at the top (Formation C), and by a distinctive flattening of LREE segments of chondrite‐normalized REE patterns. i87Sr/86Sr and ?Nd average about 0.7035 and 8.2, respectively, in early Formation A basalts. These ranges normally overlap samples from later Formations B and C. Isotope compositions of the latter group are more variable, however, and several samples are considerably more radiogenic than Formation A basalts, such that i87Sr/86Sr averages almost 0.7042 while ?Nd‐values decrease to 7.5 in Formation B and C basalts. Theoretical models of non‐modal melting processes in both amphibole peridotite and spinel lherzolite sources provide insight into the origin of depleted Th, Nb, and LREE abundances in Puerto Rican basalts. Low Nb concentrations less than normal mid‐oceanic ridge basalts in Formation A basalts indicate the wedge was slightly depleted by low‐volume decompression fusion due to induced convection in the back‐arc region prior to entry of the source into the arc melting zone. However, depleted patterns in Formation C basalts cannot be generated by relatively greater degrees of decompression fusion in the back‐arc, because addition of the La‐enriched slab‐derived component to more depleted source material invariably produces elevated rather than decreased La/Sm. Refluxing of Formation A harzburgitic residua is similarly precluded. In contrast, the observed patterns are readily reproduced by multistage melting models involving hybridized sources containing normal Formation A lherzolite source material blended with recycled, unrefluxed harzburgite residua. Successful models require hybrid sources containing large volumes of recycled harzburgite (up to 50%) during generation of Formation C basalts. Slightly elevated radiometric Sr and Nd isotopes in a few flows from Formation C are attributed to partial refluxing of the hybrid sources within the wedge.  相似文献   
We present the results of a comprehensive major element, traceelement and Sr–Nd–Pb–O isotopic study of post-glacialvolcanic rocks from the Neovolcanic zones on Iceland. The rocksstudied range in composition from picrites and tholeiites, whichdominate in the main rift systems, to transitional and alkalicbasalts confined to the off-rift and propagating rift systems.There are good correlations of rock types with geochemical enrichmentparameters, such as La/Sm and La/Yb ratios, and with long-termradiogenic tracers, such as Sr–Nd–Pb isotope ratios,indicating a long-lived enrichment/depletion history of thesource region. 87Sr/86Sr vs 143Nd/144Nd defines a negative array.Pb isotopes define well-correlated positive arrays on both 206Pb/204Pbvs 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb diagrams, indicating mixing ofat least two major components: an enriched component representedby the alkali basalts and a depleted component represented bythe picrites. In combined Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic spacethe individual rift systems define coherent mixing arrays withslightly different compositions. The enriched component hasradiogenic Pb (206Pb/204Pb > 19·3) and very similargeochemistry to HIMU-type ocean island basalts (OIB). We ascribethis endmember to recycling of hydrothermally altered upperbasaltic oceanic crust. The depleted component that is sampledby the picrites has unradiogenic Pb (206Pb/204Pb < 17·8),but geochemical signatures distinct from that of normal mid-oceanridge basalt (N-MORB). Highly depleted tholeiites and picriteshave positive anomalies in mantle-normalized trace element diagramsfor Ba, Sr, and Eu (and in some cases also for K, Ti and P),negative anomalies for Hf and Zr, and low 18Oolivine values(4·6–5·0) below the normal mantle range.All of these features are internally correlated, and we, therefore,interpret them to reflect source characteristics and attributethem to recycled lower gabbroic oceanic crust. Regional compositionaldifferences exist for the depleted component. In SW Icelandit has distinctly higher Nb/U (68) and more radiogenic 206Pb/204Pbratios (18·28–18·88) compared with the NErift (Nb/U 47; 206Pb/204Pb = 18·07–18·47).These geochemical differences suggest that different packagesof recycled oceanic lithosphere exist beneath each rift. A thirdand minor component with relatively high 87Sr/86Sr and 207Pb/204Pbis found in a single volcano in SE Iceland (Öræfajökullvolcano), indicating the involvement of recycled sediments inthe source locally. The three plume components form an integralpart of ancient recycled oceanic lithosphere. The slope in theuranogenic Pb diagram indicates a recycling age of about 1·5Ga with time-integrated Th/U ratios of 3·01. Surprisingly,there is little evidence for the involvement of North AtlanticN-MORB source mantle, as would be expected from the interactionof the Iceland plume and the surrounding asthenosphere in formof plume–ridge interaction. The preferential samplingof the enriched and depleted components in the off-rift andmain rift systems, respectively, can be explained by differencesin the geometry of the melting regions. In the off-rift areas,melting columns are truncated deeper and thus are shorter, whichleads to preferential melting of the enriched component, asthis starts melting deeper than the depleted component. In contrast,melting proceeds to shallower depths beneath the main rifts.The longer melting columns also produce significant amountsof melt from the more refractory (lower crustal/lithospheric)component. KEY WORDS: basalts; trace element and Sr, Nd, Pb, O isotope geochemistry; Iceland plume; isotope ratios; oceanic crustal recycling; partial melting; plume–ridge interaction  相似文献   
After almost a decade of intensive regulatory activities focused on ship-recycling around the world, special reference is made to combating the problems of ship dismantling practices on the shores of Southern Asian countries. “The Hong Kong International Convention” was adopted in 2009, to provide a uniform shipbreaking management approach. However, in globalised maritime transport, with the majority of shipowners using Open Registries, the European Union has prepared a common approach considering the implementation of a new legal framework. Regulation 1257/2013 implemented by the EU on ship-recycling should be more rigorous than those in the rest of the world. In this article, stakeholder perceptions of this Regulation are presented, based on an online survey. The results show significantly different perceptions in the ship-recycling industry regarding the developing ship-recycling measures within the EU.  相似文献   
Mineralogical and textural analyses of 45 undisturbed short cores and 80 grab sediment samples, collected from five frequently dredged navigational areas within harbors and water pathways of the Nile delta littoral system, were utilized for evaluation of these sediments as potential source of economic heavy minerals (EHMs). Results of mineralogical characterization indicate that the average total heavy mineral (HM) concentrations are as follows: Abu Qir Bay (1.7%), Rosetta estuary (3.1%), Burullus fishing port (4.5%), Damietta Harbor (2.9%), and El Gamil lagoon inlet (1.9%). Assessment of HM grades indicates predominance of magnetite, ilmenite, hematite, leucoxene, garnet, zircon, and rutile. Results of the feasibility analysis indicate that dredged sediments at these study areas are considered as a potential source of EHMs and economically promising to be mined for HMs. The present study suggests a practical operative plan of two successive phases for HMs recycling: (1) in-situ initial separation of HMs on the dredger deck using wet-gravity spirals, then (2) transportation of the recovered HM concentrates to an onshore processing plant to selectively separate individual HMs via wet and dry magnetic and electrostatic separators. Alternatively, dredged sediments can be directly pumped to a nearby onshore area as stockpile to be recycled afterward in inland processing plant.  相似文献   
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