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The synthetic amphibole Na0.95(Li0.95Mg1.05)Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 was studied in situ at high-T, using IR OH-stretching spectroscopy and synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction. At room-T the sample has P21 /m symmetry, as shown by the FTIR spectrum. It shows in the OH region two well-defined and intense absorptions at 3,748 and 3,712 cm−1, respectively, and two minor bands at 3,667 and 3,687 cm−1. The main bands are assigned to the two independent O–H groups in the primitive structure. The two minor bands evidencing the presence of small amount of vacant A-site (A0.05). With increasing T, these bands shift continuously and merge into a unique absorption at high temperature. A change as a function of increasing T is revealed by the evolution of the refined unit-cell parameters, whose trend shows a transition to C2/m at about 320–330°C. The spontaneous scalar strain, fitted with a tricritical 2–6 Landau potential, gives a T c of 325(10)°C (β parameter = 0.27). Comparison with the second-order P21 /mC2/m phase transition at 255°C for synthetic amphibole ANa0.8B(Na0.8Mg1.2)CMg5Si8O22(OH)2 indicates that the substitution of Na with Li at the B-sites strongly affects the thermodynamic character and the T c of the phase transition. The comparison of LNMSH amphiboles with cummingtonitic ones shows that the high-T thermodynamic behaviour is affected by A-site occupancy.  相似文献   
造山带中残存有许多前寒武纪地质体,其中一些被当作前寒武纪基底用于探讨所在微陆块的大地构造属性。由于微陆块属性对于造山带结构和演化具有重要意义,以及所讨论的前寒武纪地质体蕴含地球早期历史演化信息,对微陆块属性的厘定成为造山带研究的重点和难点问题之一。笔者等以中亚造山带南缘中段的微陆块为例,总结梳理了微陆块厘定的相关依据:岩石组合和变质变形特征,碎屑锆石谱峰显示的源区时代特征,地质事件序列,前寒武纪地壳演化信息,继承锆石、捕获锆石和古生代侵入体同位素显示的深源地壳信息,以及地球物理等方面的特征。由于不同学者采用的厘定依据不同,对微陆块属性认识争论不断,即使相同依据也有一定的差异,从而影响对造山带结构和演化的认识。基于以上原因,笔者等认为前寒武纪基底的亲缘性探讨不仅要注重岩石组合和形成时代,还要在精细野外解剖和高精度年代学工作基础上,注意其变质—变形特征、接触关系、源区时代特征、岩石成因和构造环境、地壳增生信息和深源地壳信息等的综合对比分析,以得到较全面依据,探讨其构造属性。当获得一组前寒武纪地质体信息时,可先进行同构造单元内对比,再与其他构造单元对比。当特征相异时则需进行构造单元拆分或考虑构造就位的可能(包括但不限于推覆体、走滑外来体、俯冲刮削的构造岩片);当特征相似时,可能指示了相同微陆块的裂解或破坏或者不同的微陆块共同经历了相似的前寒武纪演化历程。  相似文献   
随着第一次地理国情普查与监测、第三次全国土地调查等重大自然资源调查类项目的实施,以无人机作为搭载平台的遥感影像获取手段在不断发展并深入应用,特别是无人机航测技术和地理信息技术的结合应用越来越紧密.本文以不动产调查为例,重点论述结合无人机三维倾斜摄影测量技术在内的测绘地理信息新手段的作业原理及应用情况,并对其优缺点进行总...  相似文献   
Abstract: Major and rare earth element contents are reported for Late Archean banded iron formations (BIFs) in the Bababudan Group of the Dharwar Craton, South India. The BIFs are mostly composed of SiO2 (average1ρ = 54.88.1 wt%) and Fe2O3* (44.38.2 wt%). The Al2O3 and TiO2 contents are remarkably low, suggesting that detrital components were starved during the BIF deposition. The BIFs have a LREE-enriched pattern with a relatively high (La/Yb)N (6.644.07). Total REE concentrations (RE) vary from 5.2 to 65.3 ppm. The REE patterns are characterized by the presence of a very large negative Ce anomaly (Ce/Ce*: 0.13-0.83) and a positive Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu*: 0.96-2.45). The Eu/Eu* decreases and (La/Yb)N increases with a increase of RE. These correlations of REE indices are similar to those of modern hydrothermal iron-rich sediments near a mid-ocean ridge (MOR). Greenstones associated with the BIFs have MORB-like geochemical features. These geochemical and geological lines of evidence indicate that the depositional site of the BIFs was remote from a continent and/or island arc and that the BIFs were in situ hydrothermal sediments near a MOR. A striking negative Ce anomaly in the BIFs indicates that oxygenated deep-sea environments emerged at 2.9-2.7 Ga. The existence of contemporaneous Mn deposits in the Dharwar Craton supports this assertion. Our scenario of oxygen in the Earth's surface of the Late Archean is different from long-held notion that the atmosphere and ocean were persistently anoxic throughout the Archean.  相似文献   
阿克苏附近所发现的元古界阿克苏群为一完整的蓝片岩-绿片岩系列,我们通过野外调查肯定了这一认识,并认为它是高压-温相的变质块体,长40km,宽约2.5km.该变质岩由强烈片理化的绿泥石-黑硬绿泥石石墨片岩、黑硬绿泥石-多硅白云母片岩、绿片岩、蓝片岩及少量石英岩、变铁质岩组成.原岩包活泥质岩、砂岩、基性玻屑凝灰岩、块状熔岩、枕状熔岩及少量深海沉积物.蓝片岩的矿物组合:青铝闪石-绿帘石-绿泥石-钠长石-石英-阳起石.阿克苏群为世界上真正的前震旦纪蓝片岩之一,其变质年龄至少有800Ma.  相似文献   
王泽九  黄枝高 《地质论评》2006,52(6):747-756
近10余年来,特别是2000年召开第三届地层会议后,中国年代地层研究得到很快发展。首先,在全国地层委员会主持下,经各断代工作组专家们的共同努力,编制完成了《中国区域年代地层(地质年代)表》,系统建立了从震旦系至第四系中共102个阶(其中包括52个陆相地层区的阶)和新建3个系级单位。从2001年开始,在中国地质调查局的大力支持下,由全国地层委员会主持,组织全国知名地质科研院所、高校和部分地质调查院的专家,围绕中国区域年代地层表,开展了系统的建阶研究。5年来,共涉及45个阶,9个界线层型和2个新建系及2个统级单位的研究,取得重要进展。先后已有4个全球界线层型(GSSPs)被国际地质科学联合会批准建立在中国,还有3~4个全球界线层型正待国际地质学科学联合会批准建立在中国,另有3~4个界线层型剖面有望争取成为全球的界线层型。其他研究所涉及到的阶、系、统等单位,也有明显进展,成熟度明显提高,为《中国区域年代地层(地质年代)表》的广泛应用奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   
西藏甲玛-卡军果推-滑覆构造系特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过矿区填图和路线调查,结合室内研究,指出:①甲玛-卡军果推-滑覆构造系由印度-欧亚板块碰撞引发,具有递进变形、自盆地中心向边部推覆、新盖老等特点,强变形于50Ma±。②推覆体下盘为叶巴组构造岩系;推覆体由上侏罗统和下白垩统碳酸盐-碎屑沉积岩系构成,主体为轴面北倾的复式褶皱,自南而北分为前部带、中部带和后部带。滑覆构造系推覆形成的复背斜轴部高位岩块失稳向北滑覆形成,自南而北分为后部带、中部带和前部带。③导致矿区蚀变的主要岩浆活动发生于推覆强变形后的松弛期,上侵受近南北向基底断裂和推覆断裂联合控制,就位受控于前部带推-滑覆褶断系,其后发生多次构造-岩浆-成矿液叠加,造就甲玛铜多金属矿床。  相似文献   
舒适度测量仪探测系统主要由采集器、传感器、支架、供水系统、通信模块、数据采集软件6个部分组成.除通信模块之外,其他5个部分都是全新设计.采集器是系统的核心,负责数据的采集、处理和传输;数据采集软件安装在中心服务器上,负责数据的采集、处理、显示和存储,并能远程监测和遥控探测现场的设备.此外,对舒适度的相关理论进行分析,给出适合广州地区的舒适度指数分级标准,并对舒适度测量仪探测数据进行分析.近一年的试运行表明,系统运行稳定、探测数据可靠、适合业务组网的要求.  相似文献   
This study examines the removal of dissolved metals during the oxidation and neutralization of five acid mine drainage (AMD) waters from La Zarza, Lomero, Esperanza, Corta Atalaya and Poderosa mines (Iberian Pyrite Belt, Huelva, Spain). These waters were selected to cover the spectrum of pH (2.2–3.5) and chemical composition (e.g., 319–2,103 mg/L Fe; 2.85–33.3 g/L SO4=) of the IPB mine waters. The experiments were conducted in the laboratory to simulate the geochemical evolution previously recognized in the field. This evolution includes two stages: (1) oxidation of dissolved Fe(II) followed by hydrolysis and precipitation of Fe(III), and (2) progressive pH increase during mixing with fresh waters. Fe(III) precipitates at pH < 3.5 (stages 1 and 2) in the form of schwertmannite, whereas Al precipitates during stage 2 at pH 5.0 in the form of several hydroxysulphates of variable composition (hydrobasaluminite, basaluminite, aluminite). During these stages, trace elements are totally or partially sorbed and/or coprecipitated at different rates depending basically on pH, as well as on the activity of the SO4= anion (which determines the speciation of metals). The general trend for the metals which are chiefly present as aqueous free cations (Pb2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+) is a progressive sorption at increasing pH. On the other hand, As and V (mainly present as anionic species) are completely scavenged during the oxidation stage at pH < 3.5. In waters with high activities (> 10−1) of the SO 4= ion, some elements like Al, Zn, Cd, Pb and U can also form anionic bisulphate complexes and be significantly sorbed at pH < 5. The removal rates at pH 7.0 range from around 100% for As, V, Cu and U, and 60–80% for Pb, to less than 20% for Zn, Co, Ni and Mn. These processes of metal removal represent a significant mechanism of natural attenuation in the IPB.  相似文献   
孟庆敏 《物探与化探》1998,22(4):241-246
1997年9月23日~10月8日,在甘肃省安西—敦煌地区用Y11B航空物探(电/磁)综合站和GPS导航定位进行了地下水勘查试生产工作。用均匀大地模型,结合已知的水文地质资料,初步圈定了淡水区、过渡类型水区、咸水区和苦水区及泉水湖。所推断的水质和土壤含盐量与大的水文地质单元和1:20万水文地质普查报告都吻合得很好,且细节更为清楚。对差异较大的地方做了分析和解释。  相似文献   
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