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Division of sedimentary strata according to groundwater chemistry is discussed with implications for petroleum reservoir potential. It is suggested to process multiparametric water chemistry data from West Siberia using formalized clustering techniques. The efficiency of this approach has been tested for Neocomian clinoform reservoirs with reference to regional-scale appraisal and subregional petroleum division.  相似文献   
应用农田水量平衡模型估算土壤水渗漏量   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
建立了一个农田水量平衡模型。并据于模型假设的条件,模拟计算了在冬小麦-夏玉米及冬小麦-裸地条件下历年1m土层土壤水渗漏量。结果表明,土壤水渗漏量与季节内降水量呈正相关,但在不同作物种植制度下有不同的相关关系式。不同水文频率年型下的渗漏量具有明显的差异,湿润年型下比干旱年型下的渗漏量多70~140mm,冬小麦-裸地比冬小麦~夏玉米种植条件下的渗漏量多30~50mm。  相似文献   
兴文世界地质公园拥有全国及世界重要意义的"地球特大漏斗"、"中国最大的石海"和"中国最长的游览洞穴"等景观。采用SWOT分析法,对兴文石海世界地质公园的内部优势、劣势和外部机遇、挑战进行分析,提出了适宜的旅游产品营销战略,以改进其旅游产品和客源市场的开发。  相似文献   
南水北调中线工程不同调水规模对汉江中下游影响分析   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
沈大军 《地理学报》1998,53(4):341-348
南水北调中线工程是解决我国北方地区水资源紧缺的重大战略措施。但调水将给汉江中下游的水文情势及用水带来一定的影响。文章分析了丹江口水库不同调水方案对汉江中下游水位、流量及灌溉和航运的影响,并提出补偿工程措施。调水60×108m3对汉江中下游的影响较小,可基本不予补偿;调水150×108m3的影响稍重,但对航运和灌溉用水的影响不大,适当补偿可以解决;调水230×108m3对汉江中下游水位流量及用水的影响十分严重,必须全部渠化并修建江汉运河。  相似文献   
日本海域地壳结构基本特征及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
利用日本海域内完成的多条地震测深剖面及其它地球物理资料.综合分析该域地壳结构特点以及Benioff带特点.日本海域地壳结构具有陆壳、洋壳区别和两分、三分两类;Benioff带在不同方向上具有不同倾角,延伸深度差别较大;日本海开裂的动力源自太平洋板块西向俯冲所产生的多期挤压和引张应力场.  相似文献   
数字摄影测量,应用计算机技术、数字影像处理、影像匹配、模式识别等理论与方法,以计算机视觉代替人眼的立体观测,其产品与中间数据的记录以及处理的原始资料均是数字的,较之常规的(传统的)数字产品的生产方法,具有自动化程度高、速度快、成果多样化等优点。两次外业和两次内业,是∶地形图数字摄影测量的主要作业流程,第二次外业调绘作为1500数字摄影测量的主要外业工作与常规调绘方法有一定的区别。∶地形图数字摄影测量适合于1500大面积数字化测图。  相似文献   
本文介绍了一种面向数字测图系统的摄影测量数据库,着重讨论了该数据库的基本框架及数据结构。尤其是对数据块动态串作了深入的探讨。实践表明,这种数据库的设计方案是可行的。  相似文献   
We applied an image correlation method to Japanese Earth Resources Satellite-1 (JERS-1) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data obtained from 1996 to 1998 to examine flow velocity within Shirase Glacier, Antarctica. From the grounding line to the downstream region of the glacier, the obtained ice-flow velocity was systematically higher on the western streamline than the eastern. The differences between the two streamlines were 0.31 km/a in 1996 and 0.37 km/a in 1998, significantly larger than the error estimate of 0.03 km/a. The direction of ice flow was about 312° at the grounding line and changed to 327° at 10 km, 346° at 20 km and 2° at 30 km downstream from the grounding line. The total accumulated deflection is 50° to the east. Under the assumption of the conservation of ice mass across the glacier, the observed eastward change in flow direction can be explained by an asymmetric deepening of bedrock topography, that is, across the 8 km width of the glacier, the eastern side is 50 m (10%) deeper than the western side. This eastward turning of flow direction appears to be accelerated by tributary inlets, that flow to the north and northeast at 60–75% of the velocity of inlets on the western streamline.  相似文献   
An algorithm for retrieving polarimetric variables from numerical model fields is developed. By using this technique, radar reflectivity at horizontal polarization~ differential reflectivity, specific differential phase shift and correlation coefficients between the horizontal and vertical polarization signals at zero lag can be derived from rain, snow and hail contents of numerical model outputs. Effects of environmental temperature and the melting process on polarimetric variables are considered in the algorithm. The algorithm is applied to the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) model simulation results for a hail storm. The spatial distributions of the derived parameters are reasonable when compared with observational knowledge. This work provides a forward model for assimilation of dual linear polarization radar data into a mesoscale model.  相似文献   
针对锦屏二级水电站深埋长大隧洞围岩在开挖过程中呈现明显的流变劣化特征,基于分数阶微积分理论,用Abel黏壶替换西原模型中的牛顿黏壶,推导出基于分数阶导数的蠕变本构方程,同时考虑岩石在蠕变过程中,尤其是所受应力超过其长期强度时,蠕变参数是非定常的特征,把蠕变参数的非定常性引入本构方程中,建立了基于分数阶导数的非定常蠕变本构模型。结合锦屏二级水电站引水隧洞主要围岩之一的大理岩的室内剪切蠕变试验的结果,对模型中的参数进行反演,结果表明,基于分数阶导数的非定常蠕变本构模型能够在蠕变初期和拐点处与试验结果很好地吻合,并且可以克服西原模型不能反映蠕变第3阶段的不足。通过对模型中参数的敏感性进行分析,得出分数阶阶数、非定常参数对岩石蠕变的影响规律。研究结果表明,提出的基于分数阶导数的非定常蠕变模型能够很好地反映大理岩的蠕变全过程。  相似文献   
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