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AMS radiocarbon age dating of planktonic foraminifera in volcaniclastic deposits on Loihi Seamount yields ages ranging from 590 years before present (y BP) at 10 cm depth to 5,880 y BP at 1,007 cm depth in an 11-m-thick section exposed along inward facing, caldera-bounding faults on the eastern side of Loihi’s summit. The accumulation rate of the deposit was about 0.37 cm/y from 5,880 to 3,300 y BP and it consisted of subequal amounts of alkalic and tholeiitic fragments. The rate slowed dramatically at about 3,300 y BP to an average 0.04 cm/y and the particles that have accumulated since consist mostly of alkalic glass fragments. The decrease in accumulation rate could indicate a decrease in volcanic activity at Loihi beginning about 3,300 y BP. This lower level of activity appears to be continuing today.  相似文献   
In a dry valley near Ventnor, Isle of Wight, thick subaerial slope deposits of Devensian Late-glacial age overlie the Chalk. The deposits are crudely stratified chalk muds and rubble produced by frost-shattering, and moved downslope by the release of water from melting snow-fields and frozen ground. A laterally extensive humic horizon of a rendzina soil occurs within the sequence, clearly reflecting a period of relative slope stability. In places this horizon divides and its upper surface appears to have been disturbed, possibly by cryoturbation. Micromorphological and other analyses confirm the pedogenic origin of this humic horizon, but also demonstrate the occurrence of pedological features both above and below it. The humic horizon therefore is not a ‘buried’ soil in the strictest sense, but is part of a vertical sequence representing a single complex soil with transported, accretionary and welded components. Molluscan analyses reveal that the sequence can be divided into four local mollusc zones, showing a progressive increase in faunal diversity throughout the profile. This succession is broadly similar to other Late-glacial sequences described from south-east England. Minute fragments of charcoal from the lower part of the humic horizon have yielded an AMS date of 11690 ± 120 vr BP, demonstrating formation during the ‘Allerød phase’ of the Late-glacial Interstadial. This humic horizon is correlated provisionally with the ‘Pitstone Soil’, even though existing dates from its type-site in Buckinghamshire are somewhat younger.  相似文献   

Gullies are common erosional features in the Piedmont of North Carolina that have often been studied as indicators of poor land-management practices. However, the timing of gully formation, and thus the specific practices that caused their formation, has been largely overlooked in the literature. Here, we use the timing of gully formation to examine the geomorphic and anthropogenic triggers for erosion in the Piedmont. To do this, we mapped 74 gullies in the landscape and found that most contained alluvium within the gully or in alluvial fans. Soil pits were dug at a subset of the gully sites (16 in alluvium, 1 in colluvium, and 1 upland comparison) and examined for soil development, organic content, and particle size. Seven charcoal fragments were sampled from the soil pits and were radiocarbon dated. Radiocarbon ages cluster in the late 1700s, which suggests that early European settlers had an immediate impact on the landscape through deforestation and agriculture. The swift response of the landscape to deforestation and agriculture indicates that the argillic Piedmont soils are pre-disposed to erosion. Our results highlight the importance of erosion prevention as reforested farmland is cleared during urban expansion.  相似文献   
西江和北江及珠江三角洲西北部汇流区广泛发育全新世的泥炭-淤泥腐木地层,结合剖面的沉积相特征和14C测年数据,对全新世沉积环境和含腐木地层的分布和环境变化进行探讨,获得以下认识:1)在西江和北江下游海侵北界以上的陆相沉积序列中,厚层泥炭主要形成于中晚全新世(7.5―1.5 cal. ka B.P.),集中堆积时间为5.0―1.5 cal. ka B.P.;2)珠江三角洲全新世海侵对三角洲边缘区陆相泥炭沼泽的形成起决定性作用,早全新世(约9―7 cal. ka B.P.)三角洲西北端的高速率河口相粉砂黏土沉积为后来的半咸水沼泽发育奠定了淤泥深厚的物质基础,而西江―北江下游陆相洪冲积或河漫滩沉积则在8 cal. ka B.P.左右开始发育,也为之后的水松泥炭沼泽繁盛奠定了基础;3)三水西南一带是中全新世西江―北江下游泛滥平原至古河口湾的过渡区,潮汐流与河流的双重作用是造成三角洲边缘区大面积泥炭沼泽湿地形成的主要原因;4)泥炭湿地生态环境大多在2.0―1.5 cal. ka B.P.前后在西江和北江被高位洪水平流沉积物埋藏,而在三角洲区域多被泛滥平原洪积物覆盖。多数剖面泥炭腐木迁移的原因与三角洲的快速加积作用导致的潮流与河流空间位置平衡被破坏和水文条件改变有关,晚全新世不断增强的人类农业活动和森林破坏与水土流失也是导致三角洲天然沼泽湿地消失的重要原因。  相似文献   
In 1995 and 2000, the radiocarbon ratio (Δ14C) of total dissolved inorganic carbon was measured in the Japan Sea where deep and bottom waters are formed within the sea itself. We found that (1) since 1979, the Δ14C in bottom water below about 2000-m depth in the western Japan Basin (WJB) had increased by about 30‰ by 1995, and (2) the bottom Δ14C in the WJB did not change between 1995 and 2000. The former finding was due to penetration of surface bomb-produced radiocarbon into the bottom water owing to bottom ventilation, whereas the latter was caused by stagnation of the bottom ventilation there. In the eastern Japan Basin (EJB), the bottom Δ14C also increased by about 30‰ between 1979 and 2002. Recent stagnation of the bottom ventilation in the EJB is also suggested from analyses of constant bomb-produced tritium between 1984 and 1999. The temporal variations of Δ14C, tritium, and dissolved oxygen in the bottom waters indicate that: (1) new bottom water is formed south of Vladivostok in the WJB only in severe winters; and (2) the new bottom water then follows the path of a cyclonic abyssal circulation of the Japan Sea, which results in the increases in dissolved oxygen and the transient tracers in the bottom waters in the EJB and Yamato Basin with an approximate 3-to 6-year time lag. This process is consistent with the spatial variations of Δ14C, bomb-produced 137Cs, and chlorofluorocarbon-11 in the bottom waters of the Japan Sea.  相似文献   
The NE-trending Hinagu fault zone, length 81 km, is one of the major active faults in Kyushu, Japan. From north to south, it is divided into three segments based on geomorphic features and paleoseismic behavior: the Takano-Shirahata, Hinagu, and Yatsushiro Sea segments. The 2016 Kumamoto earthquake produced a 6-km-long surface rupture with a dextral strike-slip displacement on the northern part of the Takano-Shirahata segment. Surface rupture, a faint east-side-up flexure with a vertical offset of less than 8 cm, was observed near the middle of the Takano-Shirahata segment. To examine past surface-rupturing earthquakes on the Takano-Shirahata segment, including rupture frequency and timing, we conducted a paleoseismic study with boring and trenching at Yamaide. A trench across the surface rupture exposed multiple fault strands associated with multiple surface-rupturing events that deformed several strata of fine-grained sediments. By structural and stratigraphic interpretation, high-density radiocarbon dating and tephra analysis, and Bayesian modeling, we constrained the timing of seven events, Events 1–7, to 0.84–1.25, 1.31–7.06, 9.99–11.0, 10.8–12.1, 12.0–13.0, 14.2–15.1, and before 14.8 kcal BP. Slip during Events 1–6 was obviously larger than the 2016 slip. The estimated average recurrence interval was about 2596–2860 years, but the interval between Events 2 and 3 was much longer than other intervals. Moreover, the vertical throw associated with Event 2 was larger than that of other events. This implies that the Takano-Shirahata segment has a period with rare larger earthquakes and a period with frequent smaller earthquakes. Some events might have produced ruptures on both the Takano-Shirahata and the northern part of the Hinagu segments simultaneously or in a short time. The variety of recurrence intervals suggests that the seismic activity has been affected by one or both activities of the Futagawa fault zone and the Hinagu segment.  相似文献   
Coastal change during the Mid- to Late Holocene at Luce Bay, South West Scotland, is examined using morphological, stratigraphic and biostratigraphical techniques supported by radiocarbon dating. Deglaciation left extensive sediments, providing a source for depositional coastal landforms. Glacio-isostatic uplift resulted in the registration of evidence for former relative sea levels (RSLs), which support the pattern of Holocene RSL change for the northern Irish Sea as determined by shoreline-based Gaussian trend surface models. The rate of RSL rise was rapid from before ca. 8600 to ca. 7800 cal a bp , but then slowed, changing by <3 m over the next 3000 years, a pattern reflected in the convergence of shorelines predicted in the models. By ca. 4400 cal a bp RSL was falling towards present levels. As these changes were taking place, coastal barriers developed and dunes formed across them. In the West of the Bay, a lagoon forming to landward of the barriers and dunes acted as a sediment sink for dune sand. Changes in the coastal landscape influenced the occupation of the area by early human societies. This study illustrates the value of combining an understanding of process geomorphology, RSL and archaeology in studies of coastal change.  相似文献   
Replicate cores of annually laminated (varved) sediments have been used to test the accuracy and precision of chronologies of lake sediment accumulation over the last 1000 years, based on AMS 14C measurements. The internally consistent results show that in the case of the soft-water lake sediments studied (Kassjön, northern Sweden), all the organic fractions that include aquatic components give significantly older dates than expected. Only the single terrestrial macrofossil and the fine, unidentified residual particulate fraction provide dates close to the true age of the sediments. The results also show that age discrepancies for some fractions are not constant over time. The age discrepancies may arise from some carbon reservoir effect within the aquatic ecosystem, from resuspension and focusing of older marginal organic material into the deepest part of the lake or from some combination of these processes. More work is needed on the 14C age of organic fractions in varve-dated sediments from a range of lake types.  相似文献   
Abrupt climate change revisited   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Taken together, evidence from east Greenland's mountain moraines and results from atmospheric models appear to provide the answer to a question which has long dogged abrupt climate change research: namely, how were impacts of the Younger Dryas (YD), Dansgaard–Oeschger (D–O) and Heinrich (H) events transmitted so quickly and efficiently throughout the northern hemisphere and tropics? The answer appears to lie in extensive winter sea ice formation which created Siberian-like conditions in the regions surrounding the northern Atlantic. Not only would this account for the ultra cold conditions in the north, but, as suggested by models, it would have pushed the tropical rain belt southward and weakened the monsoons. The requisite abrupt changes in the extent of sea ice cover are of course best explained by the turning on and turning off of the Atlantic's conveyor circulation.  相似文献   
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