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Over the last decade, cap-and-trade emissions schemes have emerged as one of the favoured policy instruments for reducing GHG emissions. An inherent design feature of cap-and-trade schemes is that, once the cap on emissions has been set, no additional reductions beyond this level can be provided by the actions of those individuals, organizations and governments within the covered sectors. Thus, the emissions cap constitutes an emissions floor. This feature has been claimed by some to have undesirable implications, in that it discourages ethically motivated mitigation actions and preempts the possibility that local, state and national governments can take additional mitigation action in the context of weak national or regional targets. These criticisms have become prominent in Australia and the US within the public debate regarding the adoption of an emissions trading scheme (ETS). These criticisms and their potential solutions are reviewed. A set-aside reserve is proposed to automatically retire ETS permits, which would correspond to verified and additional emissions reductions. This minimizes the possibility that ethically motivated mitigation actions are discouraged, allows for additional action by other levels of government, while providing transparency to other market participants on the level of permit retirements.  相似文献   
The available literature on marine debris from Latin America and the Wider Caribbean Region was collected and linked, reviewing their methodologies and principal results (quantities, composition and spatial-temporal patterns). The study region comprises 52 coastal countries of which only 14 had registers of works on marine debris. A total of 70 works were available and 69 had their full contents accessed. Brazil dominated the available literature with 70% of the documents. Beaches were the most studied environment, and plastics the prevalent form of contamination in the whole region. The exposure of marine biota (species, type of contact, consequences) was highlighted. The studied region, although still little exploited by this sort of research, shows the same contamination patterns observed world-wide. We also contacted 40 researchers in the area, collecting scientific contributions, opinions and suggestions for improvement of this research field. Further advances and new (urgently needed) lines of research are also discussed.  相似文献   
基于SOA的数字城市公共平台设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨丽娜  彭玲  池天河  孙旭 《测绘科学》2011,36(6):230-232,186
针对城市信息化建设中存在的建设周期长、开发成本高、运行维护困难等问题,本文从软件架构、系统功能、服务性能等方面进行研究,设计并开发基于SOA的数字城市公共平台。平台采用松散耦合的WebSer-vices、Ajax等技术,结合数据资源控制访问、平台架构分离等策略,实现对多源异构空间数据的分布式集中管理和授权共享,封装形成统一的服务接口及应用框架,辅助业务系统的快速搭建与无缝集成;并在二维GIS基础上扩展添加三维GIS服务。  相似文献   
公租房是解决新就业职工、城市困难家庭等住房困难的一种产品。在公租房项目的建设过程中,需要经过立项、选址、报建、建设、竣工验收等多个环节。本文以全国首批开工建设、首批交付使用的的公租房项目———重庆市公租房民心佳园一期为工程实例,介绍了现代测绘技术在公租房建设各个环节中的应用。  相似文献   
"十三五"期间, 公益性油气调查立足支撑国家能源安全保障工作定位, 针对新区、新层系、新类型、新领域开展基础地质调查和战略选区评价, 相继在长江经济带页岩气、松辽盆地陆相页岩油气、北方新区新层系油气, 以及煤层气等非常规油气地质调查领域取得了突破性成果, 解决了一批油气基础地质问题和工程技术难题。初步构建起长江经济带页岩气勘探开发新格局, 有力推动了松辽盆地陆相页岩油气勘探开发进程。优选的勘查区块有效支撑国家油气勘查开采体制改革, 助推形成了多处油气页岩气资源基地。"十四五"时期, 油气地质调查需要依靠科技创新和信息化两大引擎, 突出大型盆地整体结构调查和综合评价, 聚焦非常规、深层油气, 优选优质勘查区块, 着力支撑油气勘查开采体制改革与矿产资源管理改革, 推动构建公益性与商业性油气勘探有效衔接新机制, 服务油气资源产业高质量发展。  相似文献   
基于城市公共交通的长春市医院可达性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
侯松岩  姜洪涛 《地理研究》2014,33(5):915-925
城市公共交通的可达性体现了公共交通系统的发展水平,该研究为制定城市公共交通规划、优化社会服务设施空间布局等城市发展问题提供了有利的科学支撑。借助ArcGis 软件,采用网络分析法,生成了长春市公共交通网络图;以最短可达时间和公共交通的服务频次作为评价指标,将非高峰和高峰时段作为时态的划分依据,探讨了长春市各居住小区和医院之间的可达性的时空分布特征。结果表明:长春市居住小区的平均可达时间等级整体水平较高,且非高峰时段优于高峰时段;居住小区的平均可达时间等级在空间上分异显著,呈现出不连续的圈层式分布;可达时间等级越高的居住小区,周边的公共交通服务频次等级越高,但两个等级间并不存在完全的一致性,且高峰时段的公交服务频次明显高于非高峰时段;各医院在非高峰时段的时间可达性较好,而在高峰时段有了较为显著的下降,不同等级医院的平均可达时间各不相同,但其差异并不显著。在上述分析的基础上,进而探讨了长春市公共交通存在的问题及原因,并提出了优化建议。  相似文献   
社交媒体数据可以为台风灾害追踪、灾时救援和灾情评估提供及时有效的信息。现有研究常采用主题建模和情感分析等技术对台风期间社交媒体平台(如新浪微博等)舆论话题和情感变化进行研究。在省域范围内以小时为时间粒度的多维度有效性论证尚有欠缺,且在舆情分析时未能区分用户群体差异。本文以台风“利奇马”为例,在浙江省域范围内,以新浪微博数据为研究对象,首先从词频分析、台风关注度时空变化以及特定灾害事件响应3个角度探讨了微博数据对台风灾情响应的有效性;其次采用隐含狄利克雷分布(Latent Dirichlet Allocation,LDA)主题模型技术挖掘微博文本主题信息,并根据Louvain算法对主题社团进行划分;然后开发了一种基于自定义情感词典的情感分析方法用于情感指数计算,与SnowNLP相比情感倾向性预测精度得到了提高;最后分析了台风期间官方和民众在新浪微博平台上的话题关注以及情感演变差异。结果表明:① 在省级范围内,微博数据能有效反映台风动态和灾害时空分布;② 台风事件微博文本的主题变化反映了灾情不同阶段舆论关注点的动态变化;③ 官方微博文本比民众微博文本具有更明确的主题社团结构;④ 台风事件相关微博文本中的消极情绪在台风登陆后显著增加,其中民众微博文本对台风灾害的情绪响应更及时,官方微博文本中的情感表达始终相对积极。  相似文献   
为改变目前GPS观测数据邮递的数据传递方式,研究用公用电话网进行GPS观测数据传递的传输技术。通过实验以及联调证明此项传输技术不仅传输速度高,而且传输准确,使用方便,系统功能强,还可服务于工程监测、自然灾害防御、地震前兆监测等需数据通信的领域  相似文献   
罗桑扎西  甄峰 《地理研究》2019,38(7):1594-1608
针对已有公共空间活力评价方法存在视角单一,对活力多样性体现不足的问题,本文在深入理解活力内涵与特征的基础上,探讨了多维视角下的公共空间活力评价方法。从个体行为、空间活动、空间交互联系网络的复合视角,围绕活力的核心,综合考虑活动类型及空间联系,提出了重访性、混合性、网络交互中心性三项测度评价指标,在此基础上构建了公共空间活力评价方法框架。以南京市公园为例,采用手机大数据,进行了公园活力的综合评价。分析表明:手机数据可从多个维度快速准确的识别城市公共空间活力现状,并展开综合评价。同时,可进一步参照活力不同维度特征的测度结果,提出具有针对性的活力营造及提升策略与路径指导,体现了本方法对已有评价方法具有一定修正和延展作用。  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a reflexive examination of how and why we, an academic and a practitioner, arrive at different evaluations of collaborative progress in natural resource management. We situate this examination in our long-standing involvement in designing, adaptively managing, and participating in the Uncompahgre Plateau collaborative forest restoration project in western Colorado, USA. Drawing on the concept of “positionality” in qualitative social science research, we disclose our respective motivations, assumptions, roles, and power relative to the collaborative process. The differences in evaluating collaborative progress stem from our respective professional positionality. For the academic, the guiding interest was to test theory and promote success for his applied research institute; for the practitioner, the motivation was to build trust to allow her field staff the flexibility to implement management actions and demonstrate effectiveness as an agency line officer. These epistemological differences draw attention to the importance of transdisciplinary approaches to producing knowledge from shared practice, starting with efforts to explicitly disclose and honor differing interests, assumptions, and frames of reference stemming from each party’s personal and professional biographies and institutional norms. This reflexivity is essential to advancing knowledge about collaboration in natural resource management.  相似文献   
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