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Regional survey courses are often perceived as ancillary to the systematic foci taught by geography programs. This situation stands in contrast to the recent recovery of place and region as key elements in the practice and theory of geography. In this article, I outline one possible approach for bridging the gap between regional geography's revival in theory and research and its instruction in the classroom. This approach is described in the context of a survey course about the former Soviet Union—a region where the conventional boundaries of place have been severely questioned by political, economic, and social upheavals.  相似文献   
Engineering geomorphology is concerned with the assessment of surface processes, sediment dynamics, landform changes and geomorphological hazards, which are related to civil engineering and construction. As an important planning component, it contributes significantly to the solution of societal problems on a dynamic earth surface. Unlike in the UK and other countries where it has become an independent sector within geotechnical engineering, the discipline has found little attention up to now in mid-European applied geosciences. This ESEX commentary discusses the under-representation and proposes an advancement of professional engineering geomorphology within the German-speaking countries. The relation to neighbouring disciplines and the history of the field are illustrated from the academic and practical perspectives. A brief outline of potential fields of activity, recent professional practice and requirements for academic training are presented to provide aspiring practitioners with an idea of their future prospects as engineering geomorphologists. As part of their qualification, teamwork with geologists and engineers must be considered a key aspect, involving mutual knowledge of methods, techniques and interfaces for the propagation of uncertainty. The discussion demonstrates ways engineering geomorphology could be implemented as an established profession/academic discipline in mid-Europe as part of physical geography, geosciences and neighbouring engineering disciplines.  相似文献   
本文提出了地理学最基本的特征之一─区域性的概念及其基本特征,从现代高技术战争的需要及地理环境系统的结构特点出发论述了军事地理加强区域研究的必要性,并讨论了军事地理区域研究与MGIS的关系。  相似文献   
西方超越人类的地理学研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卢薇  尹铎  朱竑 《地理学报》2019,74(10):2178-2191
随着现代科技发展与社会环境变化,人类与非人类的边界日益模糊,这使得以往研究中未能引起足够重视的非人类生命与物质逐渐引起学者们的关注。21世纪以来,在西方地理学界兴起的“回归唯物主义”思潮中,超越人类的地理学(MTHG)应运而生,并成为探索人类与非人类共同构成的世界的重要途径之一。通过对298篇相关期刊论文及著作的分析发现,超越人类的地理学主张“关系本体论”,其产生受到行动者网络理论、生物哲学与非表征理论的深刻影响,现有研究议题聚焦于新动物地理学与自然保护、城市社会文化与生态政治、物质性与商品经济、身体与生命健康、气候变化与环境问题等方面。本文通过梳理超越人类的地理学的理论源起并剖析各议题的经典研究案例,以期为中国地理学研究提供新的视域。  相似文献   
通过对地形、综合地层剖面年代、遥感影像、历史地图和历史文献等的分析,深入探讨了无定河上游历史时期河湖水系的情况。现今无定河上游,即萨拉乌苏河上游山区的水源地为袭夺无定河的另外一条支流芦河而来,且袭夺发生在北魏以后,明代之前。袭夺之前,东西向湖泽湿地的存在,影响了该区历史人类活动的空间分布,主要表现在人类聚落选址、交通通道等。本研究为重新认识《水经注》中有关奢延水的记载提供了新的地理参照,有助于重建无定河上游的历史景观,同时为理解黄土地区的历史河流演化提供了典型案例,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
21世纪以来,小城镇已成为东非快速城市化的重点区域。论文对坦桑尼亚、乌干达2个东非典型国家的城市进行了等级划分与数量统计,确定以10万人以下的城镇、小城市为研究对象。选取7个自然环境变量与6个社会经济变量,结合城市数据,构建最大熵模型。利用模型得到的平均生境适宜性指数(HSI)判别小城镇形成适宜度、划分潜力区,并与人口密度进行对比分析。研究发现:(1)距区域性主要交通干线距离、距全国性主要交通干线距离、归一化植被指数(NDVI)与距大城市距离对两国城镇、小城市的贡献率均较高;不同国家不同规模城市有其特有的高贡献率变量。(2)随城市规模增大,交通干线贡献率下降,自然环境变量贡献率上升。(3)坦桑尼亚北部HSI值整体高于南部,HSI高值区城镇呈团块状,小城市呈条带状。乌干达全境HSI较低,HSI高值区城镇以坎帕拉为起点呈放射网状,小城市为碎片状。两国HSI高值区基本位于路网、河流湖泊附近。(4)坦桑尼亚人口密度普遍小于乌干达,潜力区总面积则大于乌干达。潜力区与人口密度关系主要分为3种:比周边人口密度大,为历史悠久、经济实力强、靠近大中城市地区;与周边人口密度相近,为快速发展中的地区;比周边...  相似文献   
塔娜  申悦 《地理学报》2020,75(4):849-859
在流动性不断增强与居民活动模式日益多样化的背景下,城市社会空间分异与隔离的内涵不断扩展,居民在日常生活中面临的空间隔离受到关注。以活动空间为基础的社会空间分异研究快速兴起,以期从更加动态的视角理解城市社会空间。基于上海市郊区问卷调查数据,构建活动空间共享度指标,建立个体尺度的活动空间分异指数和孤立指数,刻画社区内不同收入群体的活动空间隔离状况,并建立活动空间共享度的多层模型分析活动空间隔离的影响因素。研究发现居住在同一社区的不同收入居民之间存在活动空间隔离,居民更愿意与其社会经济属性相似的人共享活动空间。活动空间隔离程度受到个体社会经济属性、社区设施状况、社区周边环境、社区人口密度和社会混合程度等因素的影响,居住在人口密度高、社会混合度高、社区商业配置良好、公共空间充足的开放社区能提高居民的活动空间共享度,增加不同群体社会接触的可能性。  相似文献   
In 1995 and 1996 we undertook surveys to identify the status, perspectives, and contributions of women and men in physical geography and geosciences/geology, and to study the evolution of our fields. This paper presents the results of the physical geography survey, and considers the following questions: How have academic men and women physical geographers' professional development experiences differed? Do men and women in physical geography emphasize different research areas? Do their research methods differ from one another? Gender differences were identified most strikingly in rank and tenure status, research topics and methodologies, and professional satisfaction. Generational differences by academic rank were identified in professional satisfaction and in pull factors. Minor gender differences were found in dual career couple status, but this status had major effects on career choices and opportunities for both men and women. This paper is part of our larger project aimed at comparing and contrasting geoscience/geology and physical geography, and at including the earth sciences in gender and science studies that have long focused on mathematics, chemistry, biology, and physics.  相似文献   
This article analyzes representations of Africa found in ten introductory human geography textbooks. Recent research in communications studies cites the common tendencies of the U.S. media to represent Africa in rhetorical tropes of disaster that are ahistorical and rife with geographical abstraction and misrepresentation. The main textbooks in geography tend to avoid ahistorical and geographical simplification, yet they often repeat stereotypes and misleading media imagery concerning Africa. A broad body of works by geographers in the last decade that offers critical scholarly analysis of both African crises and African everyday life is generally underrepresented in the discipline's introductory textbooks, although some encouraging exceptions do exist to that generalization. It is suggested that geographers need to critically re-examine the ways in which African examples are utilized to teach fundamentals of human geography.  相似文献   
在全球环境变化和经济快速发展的背景下,经济发展与资源环境保护之间的矛盾日益激化,为解决或减弱这一矛盾,管理者需要新的知识体系和科学的决策工具。自然地理综合研究以自然地理要素空间变化及交互过程为主要研究内容,肩负着提供管理者所需新知识体系和科学决策工具的责任。流域作为空间上相对封闭的自然地理单元,其相对独立性为管理者的决策提供了天然的空间单元。流域内各地理要素的空间分布及其过程的交互机理自然成为管理者解决日益激化的矛盾所需的新知识体系,而流域系统综合模拟恰恰为建立这样的知识体系提供了极为有效的研究方式;在管理者评价各种决策的成效时,必须知道各种决策所产生的经济和环境效益,基于流域系统综合模拟的情景分析为管理者提供了所需要的科学决策工具。因此,从解决经济发展与资源环境保护之间矛盾的角度出发,流域系统综合模拟与情景分析应该成为新时代背景下自然地理学综合研究的新范式。文章结合2个小流域情景分析的研究案例,探讨了以流域系统综合模拟与情景分析为核心的现代自然地理综合研究需要解决的科学挑战,即流域系统综合模拟的系统化、空间化、定量化、易用化和决策化。  相似文献   
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