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关于跨越式发展的理论思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹毅哲 《吉林地质》2001,20(4):50-54
中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,经济的发展与发达国家存在一定的差距,为了赶超世界先进水平,利用现在的大好机遇,党的十五届五中全会明确提出中国要实现生产力的跨越式发展。本文从马克思主义理论出发,着重探讨了跨越式发展理论提出的理论来源和实践基础,阐明了实现跨越式发展的几大途径;要划清跨越式发展与“大跃进”的区别;要利用好和平与发展、知识经济、经济全球化等机遇;努力发展高科技;发展地方特色经济;建立配套机制和措施,保护生态环境;创新观念等等。  相似文献   
The response of climatic jump in summer in north china to global warming   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
To reveal climatic variation over North China, the climatic jumps in summer in Beijing are analyzed using the data of precipitation of summer (June, July, August) during the period of 1841-1993, in which those missed before 1950 were reconstructed by the stepwise regression method with minimum forecast error. The climatic jumps at different scales are analyzed using different diagnostic methods with different decade (10-100 years) windows. Some new methods and ideas are proposed. The variance difference, the linear tendency difference, and the difference of power spectral distribution between the samples before and after the period at the moving point in the center of the series are compared with other methods (for example, Mann-Kendall test, t-test, and accumulative anomaly etc.). Considering the differences among the statistics above, a synthetic jump index is also proposed in order to get the definite jump points in the moving series. The results show that the climatic jumps in the area occurred in the 1890’s, the 1910s and the 1920s, and mostly in the 1920s, which suggests that the local climatic jumps in North China have a simultaneous response to the global warming in the hundred-year scales.  相似文献   
Abstract Sandstones from the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene succession of Central Palawan are rich in quartz grains and acidic volcanic rock fragments. Potassium feldspar grains and granitic rock fragments are commonly observed. The moderate to high SiO2 and low FeO plus MgO contents of the sandstones support the proposal that clasts were derived from a continental source region. Southern China (Kwangtung and Fukien regions) is inferred to be the source area of the sandstones. The sedimentary facies of the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene succession consist of turbidite and sandstones, suggesting that they were deposited in the deep sea portions of submarine-fans and basin plains situated along a continental margin. These features indicate that the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene succession of the Central Palawan were derived and drifted from the southern margin of China. The tectonic history related to the formation of Palawan Island is also discussed.  相似文献   
姜谙男  陈勇 《岩土力学》2007,28(4):774-778
露天底境界顶柱优化是露天转井下过渡时期的重要课题,该优化问题包括多个决策变量和多个评价指标,已有方法的优化效果不够理想。针对露天转井下境界顶柱优化特点,将遗传算法与三维数值模拟相结合,研究了境界顶柱全局优化的进化数值模拟方法,给出优化的指标和步骤,并将该方法用于大杏山铁矿的露天转井下境界顶柱的优化。工程应用表明所提出的井下境界顶柱优化方法是可行的。获得的最优方案对该矿山露天转井下的采矿设计具有指导作用。  相似文献   
Early-warning indicators of rangeland health can be used to estimate the functional integrity of a site and may allow sustainable management of desert rangelands. The utility of several vegetation canopy-based indicators of rangeland health at 32 Great Basin rangeland locations was investigated. The indicators were originally developed in rangelands of the Chihuahuan Desert. Soil resources are lost through wind and water-driven erosion mainly from areas unprotected by plant canopies (i.e. bare soil). Study sites in Idaho had the smallest bare patches, followed by sites in Oregon. The more arid Great Basin Sagebrush Zone sites in Utah had the largest bare patches. Several vegetational indicators including percent cover by vegetation, percent cover by life-form, percent cover by sagebrush, and percent cover by resilient species were negatively related to mean bare patch size and are potential indicators of Great Basin rangeland condition. Plant community composition and the range of bare patch sizes were different at sites in the three locations in Idaho, Oregon and Utah. Therefore, expected indicator values are location specific and should not be extrapolated to other locations. The condition of study sites were often ranked differently by different indicators. Therefore, the condition of rangeland sites should be evaluated using several indicators.  相似文献   
张华  李晓云  荔克让 《中国沙漠》2000,20(Z2):141-145
油桃设施促早栽培是国内近年来兴起的一项高新农业技术,为了促进油桃设施栽培在豫北沙地的稳步发展,使之成为沙地高效开发的果产业之一,本文根据果树设施栽培环境因子的变化规律,借鉴国内油桃设施栽培的成功经验,结合豫北沙地自然、社会经济的状况,建立沙地油桃高效设施栽培模式,提出适宜的设施类型、结构,适栽品种,配置模式,栽植密度及配套栽培管理技术。  相似文献   
干旱地区植被指数(VI)的适宜性研究   总被引:28,自引:10,他引:18  
以位于典型干旱区的甘肃河西地区石羊河下游的民勤绿洲为例,对NDVI、SAVI、MSAVI和GEMI等4种VI(植被指数)受土壤背景光谱影响的程度和探测低盖度植被的能力进行了对比研究。通过分析VI提取植被信息时植被土壤噪音比的变化发现,植被覆盖较低条件下VI提取植被信息总体受土壤背景光谱影响程度较低,相比而言,GEMI提取植被信息中受土壤背景影响最小,其他3种VI的区别不太明显。通过分析不同VI随植被覆盖度增加的反映速率变化及不同覆盖条件下不同VI的取值范围的变化发现,NDVI探测低盖度植被的能力最强,GEMI次之。GEMI可能是干旱地区植被探测较适宜的植被指数。  相似文献   
北京城市内部居住空间分布与居民居住区位偏好   总被引:44,自引:9,他引:35  
张文忠  刘旺  李业锦 《地理研究》2003,22(6):751-759
在对北京城市内部居住空间分布现状和居民个人居住区位选择偏好的调查基础上,分析了北京城市内部居住空间分布的基本特征、居民居住空间偏好以及居民个人属性特征与居住空间偏好的关系。结果显示:北京城市内部居住空间分布城北明显高于城南,居民购房也多倾向于选择城北;从居民居住空间偏好看,三、四环之间仍是居民购房的首选空间。  相似文献   
用土工合成材料治理道路翻浆的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
介绍了各种土工合成材料的排水、隔离、渗滤、加筋等功能作用。根据路基土的物理力学性能和水力性能与土工合成材料的材料特性,决定采用复合土工膜、沥青玻璃布、沥青棉胶布、竹排等,工程实践表明,采用了土工合成材料后,大大减轻了路基冻害现象,不失为一种较为理想的治理路基翻浆冒泥的方法。土工合成材料治理道路翻浆,可以使路基的破损程度降到最低,为车辆运行提供平坦的路面。  相似文献   
对江苏胥溪河成因及其开发利用的新探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胥溪河东坝北岸7508钻孔柱状剖面中-3.7~-5.8 m深处2 m厚的砂夹泥砾土层和东坝至下坝间的8179号孔下部存在4.5 m厚的中、粗、细粒砂层表明,在春秋吴国开凿胥溪运河之前,该处就存在规模较大的天然河流;胥溪河沿岸薛城遗址、朝墩头遗址和下家宕新石器时代遗址的存在,以及胥溪河两岸1 km范围内地表数米之下厚达数十米的淤泥层更是古中江在胥溪河一带存在的重要证据。目前胥溪河东坝所建的船闸不利于水阳江和太湖水系的沟通,也不利于发挥胥溪河流域灌溉和航运的应有作用。若能及早开发芜 (湖) -太 (湖) 运河,即进一步拓宽芜湖→固城湖→胥溪河→东坝→溧阳→宜兴→太湖的水运航道,清除水阳江和太湖水系之间由坡积物构成的分水岭岗地堆积物,不仅可缩短长江入太湖的水上航线,还可分流长江航运船只、保证安全通航率、开发古河道砂砾石资源、稳固长江堤防,解决长江下游灌溉、分洪、排涝和冲污等一系列现实问题,推动胥溪河流域经济可持续发展。  相似文献   
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