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本文指出了"信息确定性"所涉及的信息的不可 修改性、信息"保真性"是认识观念的重大变革。 以取消数量稳定性限制条件,得出了非线性不稳 定具有特殊性信息及其周期性,并可解释翁文波 的"可公度"法是运用了特殊性信息的特殊规律, 在物质演化问题上不能将数量的一般规律拓广至 特殊性信息中;由此涉及了当代科学没有解决物 质演化的"时间"、特殊性、非惯性系及其数量分 析伪造信息等问题。信息的客观存在性和不可修 改性,已实质上表明了将近代的"信息科学"的 信息分析等同于当代科学的数量处理是认识上的 误解。即"信息"不能等同于"数量"。  相似文献   
Causes of Forest Encroachment: An Analysis of Bangladesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deforestation is a major cause of environmental degradation. Tropical countries with huge population pressure and widespread poverty are main frontier of deforestation. Bangladesh, being one the most densely populated country with diminishing tropical forestland, supports lowest per capita forestland. The forests are depleting mainly due to illegal logging and conversion to non-forestry uses. In this paper encroachment of forestland by individuals has been dealt with. The socioeconomic causes and pattern of encroachment have been analyzed. Limited land availability and unemployment have been identified as the major proximate causes of encroachment and, if no measures are adopted within next three decades the existing natural forests might be encroached.Part of thesis of the first author submitted for the partial fulfillment of the Master of Science in Forestry in the Khulna University, Bangladesh in 2001 (Iftekhar, 2001). Some of the findings have been presented in the World Forestry Congress XIII, Canada, held from 21 to 28 September 2003 (Iftekhar et al., 2003).  相似文献   
地图内容质量特征和数量特征概括的数学模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在分类的定义下,根据概念外延的包含关系,给出了质量特征概括的数学模型。在定义数量的基础上,推导出级距概念,并根据两个不同级距的偏序集中大级距子集包含多个小级距子集的关系,给出了数量特征概括的数学模型。本文给出的地物质量特征和数量特征概括的数学模型,可对地图编制过程中诸如随地图比例尺缩小而缩减分类,扩大级差等经验事实,作出定量的描述和理论阐释。  相似文献   
JJG 2001-1987《线纹计量器具检定系统》是我国线纹计量器具进行量值传递的检定系统表,但其存在着许多不足,已无法满足当今计量检定的需要。此处对该检定系统表进行详细分析后给出修订建议,并介绍了目前国际上有关动向,提出了一些有益建议。  相似文献   
利用Micaps常规资料,对2011年1月2—4日包头地区冬季首次降雪过程进行了分析。结果显示:此次降雪过程是受高空短波槽和地面倒槽共同影响所致,低空有充沛的水汽输送,并与西路小槽引导的冷空气在河套地区交汇;低空河套以东地区有强烈的辐合上升运动,有利于此次降雪天气过程的发生、发展。  相似文献   
河南省北部一次大雾天气过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用地面观测和探空资料以及NCEP1°×1°再分析资料,分析了2007年12A25-27日河南省北部大雾的成因,结果表明:由于降水后低层相对湿度较大,大气层结稳定,地面处在均压场里,风速较小,且大气低层为弱的上升运动、中高层为强的下沉运动,有利于低层水汽聚集,使湿层达到一定的厚度,从而使垂直能见度变差,雾的浓度变大。  相似文献   
We explore strategies among farmers in semi-arid Tanzania to cope with drought, and investigate if access to a local supplemental irrigation system (the Ndiva system) can improve coping capacity. Results show high dependency on local ecosystem services when harvests fail, and indicate that farmers commonly exhaust asset holdings during droughts. Ndiva access did not have any direct effects on coping capacity, but seemed to have some indirect effects. Drawing on our findings we discuss the complexity of escaping persistent dryland poverty, and outline the circumstances under which small-scale water system technologies, such as Ndiva irrigation, may help.  相似文献   
徐华  王斌  张聪  李凡  杨艳艳 《海洋科学》2021,45(11):105-117
为了解调水调沙期间黄河口及邻近海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼群落结构的动态变化,作者分别于2011年和2018年黄河调水调沙期间(6月—7月),利用大型浮游生物网对该海域的鱼卵、仔稚鱼进行表层水平拖网调查。结果表明:2011年3个航次共采集鱼卵1 280粒,仔稚鱼5 973尾,隶属于7目11科13属;2018年3个航次共采集鱼卵4 104粒,仔稚鱼237尾,隶属于7目11科13属。优势种以斑鰶(Konosirus punctatus)、鳀(Engraulis japonicus)和赤鼻棱鳀(Thryssa kammalensis)等短生命周期、低营养层级的小型中上层鱼类为主。靠近黄河入海口处站位的鱼卵、仔稚鱼密度相对较高,鱼卵、仔稚鱼分布范围向黄河入海口门处集中。鱼卵、仔稚鱼的多样性指数在调水调沙过程中出现波动,过后又恢复至调水调沙前水平。环境因子Pearson相关性分析表明,鱼卵数量与环境因子间无显著相关性(P0.05),仔稚鱼数量与叶绿素a的含量呈极显著正相关(R=0.870,P<0.01)。两个年度调查结果对比发现,总体来说调查期间黄河口及邻近海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼种类数变化不大,在适温类型组成上均以暖温种为主;2018年鱼卵、仔稚鱼采集数量均小于2011年,但是鱼卵、仔稚鱼的均匀度指数(J’)和多样性指数(H’)均大于2011年,除6月上旬航次外,其他两个航次丰富度指数(D)也均大于2011年。本研究补充了黄河口及邻近海域鱼类早期补充资源的基础数据,旨为黄河口邻近海域及渤海的渔业资源评估和养护提供依据。  相似文献   
Over recent decades, sustained economic growth in Indonesia has lifted many millions of Indonesians out of poverty. But despite these developments, 28 per cent of the population still live below the official poverty line and many more remain vulnerable to falling into poverty. Coastal and fishing communities represent some of the poorer populations across Indonesia, their livelihoods increasingly threatened by deleterious environmental impacts and overfishing. This paper draws on an analysis of household surveys from two Sama Bajo fishing settlements in coastal Southeast Sulawesi. A predominantly maritime language community, Sama Bajo livelihoods are shaped by seasonal patterns of fishing and marine based harvesting and trading. Using a modified poverty survey instrument, the paper explores comparative patterns of poverty and prosperity in these two communities with a focus on livelihood dynamics, seasonality effects, and the enduring patron‐client relationships that sustain their market‐oriented way of life. Key findings highlight the vulnerability of female headed households given the highly gendered access to fishing success, and the significance of relational co‐dependencies between patron‐client networks that sustain the current patterns of fishing livelihoods. The paper highlights the need for more focussed livelihood research among vulnerable populations in Indonesia and smallholder fishing communities in particular.  相似文献   
精准扶贫战略实施以来,以收入标准衡量的农村贫困人口大幅下降,但贫困具有多维性、动态性的特点,开展农户贫困动态变化研究对新时期农村贫困的有效治理具有重要的指导意义。论文基于2010—2018年河南农村固定观察点数据,从收入、生活条件、教育3个维度构建农户多维贫困评价指标体系,并运用马尔科夫概率转移矩阵和面板Logit模型对贫困状态类型转移及家庭陷入贫困的影响因素进行实证分析。结果表明:① 多维贫困比单维贫困(尤其是收入贫困)更能准确反映农区贫困状况;② 2010—2018年间,单维贫困发生率与多维贫困发生率之间差距不断扩大,这很大程度与教育贫困发生率大幅上升,而生活条件贫困、收入教育贫困和三维贫困明显下降有关;③ 单维贫困家庭更易转入教育贫困,多维贫困家庭更容易转入教育生活条件贫困;④ 农户贫困的发生是户主特征、家庭特征和村庄特征共同作用的结果,但不同类型贫困发生的影响因素有显著差异。与单维贫困发生相比,多维贫困发生受到更少因素的显著影响,并且各影响因素的作用更大。上述结论意味着新时期扶贫工作重点转向多维贫困的同时,应依据贫困类型制定具体扶贫措施,尤其重视教育等公共服务的供给。  相似文献   
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