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This modelling study deals with the time‐dependent behaviour of rockfill media, which is of particular interest during the life of rockfill dams. Breakage of rock blocks and crack propagation are the main processes responsible for rockfill creep and collapse. The modelling procedure presented here is performed on two scales: on the rock block scale, where the grain is taken to be an assembly of rigid particles initially endowed with cohesive bonds, and on the rockfill scale, which is taken to involve a set of breakable grains interacting via contact and friction processes. The grain breakage process is described in term of a thermodynamically consistent damage interface model, where the damage is a gradual delayed process. This model was implemented in a non‐smooth contact dynamics code. The effects of the main parameters involved were analysed by performing numerical studies. The ability of the model to predict the creep behaviour of rockfill media is confirmed by presenting several simulations. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
用随机介质模型方法描述孔洞型油气储层   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孔洞型储集层具有强烈的非均质性,在空间分布上变化剧烈,规律性差,其地球物理参数(如速度、密度、弹性参数等)在空间上的变化很难用传统的层状介质模型进行刻画.本文借助随机模型方法,研究孔洞型储层中不同孔洞尺度、分布密度与模型参数的关系,建立反映实际孔洞油气储层介质地球物理参数空间分布统计特征的随机介质模型,以更方便地对孔洞型油气储层进行描述,并为碳酸盐岩孔洞型储层地震反射特征的研究提供有效的方法途径.  相似文献   
李尧  崔志文  张玉君  王克协 《岩土力学》2007,28(8):1595-1599
针对流体与孔隙介质边界可能出现闭孔边界的情况,研究了从理想流体入射到黏滞流体饱和孔隙介质的弹性波反射问题,计算考察了采用顾及喷射流动动力学机制的BISQ模型下介质参数对反射系数的影响,并与开孔边界的情况和采用Biot模型的结果进行了对比。结果表明边界状况对采用BISQ模型的反射系数影响更明显。  相似文献   
In this paper, a progressive asymptotic approach procedure is presented for solving the steady-state Horton–Rogers–Lapwood problem in a fluid-saturated porous medium. The Horton–Rogers–Lapwood problem possesses a bifurcation and, therefore, makes the direct use of conventional finite element methods difficult. Even if the Rayleigh number is high enough to drive the occurrence of natural convection in a fluid-saturated porous medium, the conventional methods will often produce a trivial non-convective solution. This difficulty can be overcome using the progressive asymptotic approach procedure associated with the finite element method. The method considers a series of modified Horton–Rogers–Lapwood problems in which gravity is assumed to tilt a small angle away from vertical. The main idea behind the progressive asymptotic approach procedure is that through solving a sequence of such modified problems with decreasing tilt, an accurate non-zero velocity solution to the Horton–Rogers–Lapwood problem can be obtained. This solution provides a very good initial prediction for the solution to the original Horton–Rogers–Lapwood problem so that the non-zero velocity solution can be successfully obtained when the tilted angle is set to zero. Comparison of numerical solutions with analytical ones to a benchmark problem of any rectangular geometry has demonstrated the usefulness of the present progressive asymptotic approach procedure. Finally, the procedure has been used to investigate the effect of basin shapes on natural convection of pore-fluid in a porous medium. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
武文华  李锡夔 《岩土力学》2008,29(5):1152-1158
结合化学反应方程式,并应用多孔多相介质溶混污染物输运过程的数值模型,对多孔多相介质中含均相/非均相化学反应传质过程进行了数值模拟。化学反应主要包含均相快速/慢速和非均相快速/慢速等5种化学反应过程,溶质输运行为的控制机制主要考虑对流、扩散及降解、吸附等。基于原有的隐式特征线Galerkin离散化的有限元方法,求解模型控制方程的边值初值问题,求解过程中把均相化学反应物质中按照反应物和生成物分开,非均相反应物质按照固相和液相分开,对均相反应物及非均相液相物质浓度耦合求解,而均相生成物和非均相固相物质独立求解。使方程组按照其不同类型进行分类,同时可减少未知数的个数。对于含有非线性内状态变量的右端项进行迭代求解。数值例题结果验证了所提出的数值方法的有效性、计算精度和稳定性。  相似文献   

Making and sharing maps is easier than ever, and social media platforms make it possible for maps to rapidly attain widespread visibility and engagement. Such maps can be considered examples of viral cartography – maps that reach rapid popularity via social media dissemination. In this research we propose a framework for evaluating the design and social dissemination characteristics of viral maps. We apply this framework in two case studies using maps that reached wide audiences on Twitter. We then analyze collections of maps derived from and inspired by viral maps using image analysis and machine learning to characterize their design elements. Based on our initial work to conceptualize and analyze virality in cartography, we propose a set of new research challenges to better understand viral mapmaking and leverage its social affordances.  相似文献   
VTI介质多波速度与各向异性系数求取及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对具有垂直对称轴的横向各向同性(VTI)介质,研究了多波速度与地层各向异性系数之间的关系。采用适应大偏移距以及强各向异性介质的双平方根方程,进行速度和各向异性系数分析,并将批量计算与交互解释相结合,实现了高精度各向异性介质多波速度与各向异性系数提取,并形成了一套利用多波地震资料求取地震波纵、横波速度及各向异性系数的方法和软件。所求取的参数可用于多波地震资料处理,提高多波资料的成像质量,也可为地层地质解释提供参考。实际资料的应用效果证明了该方法和软件的正确性及有效性。  相似文献   
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