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铁板井绦矿床赋存于辉橄岩体中,辉橄岩体具有全岩矿化的特点,岩体及镍矿体的形成经历了三种不同的成矿过程:首先是岩浆深源液态重力分异作用,而后发生岩浆深源熔离-贯入(成岩、成矿)作用,形成岩体和镍矿体,最后在岩浆期后热液作用的叠加下完成整个成矿过程.该矿床是典型的主要由岩浆熔离作用形成的岩浆矿床.  相似文献   
Abstract. Nine allozyme and two minisatellite loci were used to investigate potential genetic differentiation among three samples of Mediterranean poor cod, Trisopterus minutus capelanus, from the Gulf of Lion, the Tuscan Archipelago and the Aegean Sea. Both types of markers showed consistent results, with FST values of 0.0262 and 0.0296 (P < 0.0015, after Bonferroni correction for multiple tests) for allozymes and minisatellites, respectively. Allele frequency heterogeneity tests between pairs of samples showed a clear separation between the two western Mediterranean samples (Gulf of Lion, Tuscan Archipelago) and the eastern one (Aegean Sea). The results indicate that at least two reproductively isolated populations of poor cod occur in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   
广东省五华县地质灾害形成特征及防治对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
五华县主要地质灾害类型有滑坡、崩塌、地面塌陷、水土流失等。其中以滑坡、崩塌为主,多分布在东南、南部花岗岩区、北部花岗岩风化土区等广大中低山及丘陵区,具有点多面广,灾害点个体规模小,稳定性差,活动频繁,地质灾害发育呈明显的地域性与季节性分布等特点。五华县地质灾害的形成与发生是多种致灾因素相互作用的结果。地层岩性是其形成的内在要素,它在一定程度上决定着地质灾害的发育程度与类型;地形地貌与植被是地质灾害形成的外在条件,它制约着崩、滑、塌等致灾地质作用的形成;大气降雨是地质灾害形成与发生的激发因素,决定着地质灾害发生的速度和时间;人类工程活动是影响地质灾害形成与发生的最主要、最直接的因素。对地质灾害的防治应采用避让、预防、监测及治理措施,做到避让与治理结合,以群测群防为基本手段,点状灾害以工程治理与生物防治为主;面状灾害以生物防治为主;采用点、面结合综合治理的方法。  相似文献   
张修脉 《山东地质》2008,24(2):18-20
该文分析研究了彩山小流域的区域坡度和土壤特性,并根据区内土壤性质划分出4个小区域,即:自然坡度在20°~25°内为V1区,15°~20°内为V2区,10°~15°内为V3区,5°~10°内为V4区,分别反映了不同的土壤等级及土壤抗冲能力。同时,也研究出了一个系统化、理论化的科学依据i=V(10/3)/5B,并对所有砂石山区水土保持治理工作具有借鉴性和实用性。  相似文献   
平山县泥石流的形成特征和机理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
平山县是河北省太行山区主要泥石流地质灾害频发区,每年7~8月份强降雨期间,沟谷源头侧壁岩土体在雨水的浸泡下失稳破坏,形成崩塌与滑坡,崩滑的岩土体与沟源洼地中积聚的洪水迅速混合形成泥石流。本文认真分析了该区泥石流的分布概况,研究了泥石流灾变的形成特征,并从泥石流形成的物源条件和动力条件两方面分析了泥石流发生的机理和崩滑转化机制。  相似文献   
Raju J. Das 《Geoforum》2002,33(1):55-72
The paper deals with the effects of the green revolution (GR) technology on poverty both conceptually and empirically. It provides a brief overview of the GR debate and then presents a `slice' of this debate in detail - in particular, Lipton's and others' views on the supposed positive and negative benefits of the GR for the poor. The paper then provides a provocative critique of this literature for its underlying neo-Malthusianism of a specific type, for ignoring class issues in the analysis of the GR-poverty relation, and for treating this relation as a necessary relation. It subsequently presents an alternative statement on the GR-poverty issue, arguing that it is class relations that set limit within which population and technology work and affect poverty and that the GR-poverty relation is a contingent one, rather than necessary. In the light of the paper's criticisms and the alternative view it provides, a statistical analysis of the relation between the GR and the population factor on the one hand and poverty level and poverty reduction on the other in India is performed. This analysis is generally consistent with the paper's critique of the Liptonian framework.  相似文献   
This paper explores links between transport and housing security issues for the urban poor using the example of the Klang Valley in Malaysia. The interface between these issues is identified as a gap in the literature, including policy debates, on both housing and transport. A number of linkages are shown to be important and likely to be relevant in many cities of the South, especially those with rapid motorisation and large numbers of "squatters". A simple framework for understanding these linkages is presented. Key examples include displacement to make way for transport infrastructure and the impact on transport problems for the poor of policies affecting the location of urban poor housing, including relocation sites and transit accommodation. The case study of the Klang Valley is used to illustrate and test the relevance of a focus on this issue and the utility of the conceptual framework. Some policy implications of the investigation and case study are suggested.  相似文献   
对东部欠发达地区的特征,原因进行分析和研究,不仅有助于这些地区经济早日腾飞,对中西部地区的开发与发展也会有较大的参考价值。本文以河北省沧州市为例,分析了东部欠发达地区的特征和原因,并在此基础上提出东部欠发达地区经济发展的对策。  相似文献   
宁夏盐池县土地沙质荒漠化的发展趋势及其防治   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
曲志正  王峰 《中国沙漠》1997,17(2):173-179
宁夏盐池县是我国北方农牧交错带沙质荒漠化强烈发展的地区之一。通过分析该区土地沙质荒漠化的发展趋势及其成因,认为该区土地沙质荒漠化有日趋扩大、日益严重的发展趋势;在潜在自然因素的基础上,人为因素是造成该区土地沙质荒漠化的主要因素。针对该区土地沙质荒漠化的发展趋势及其成因,结合沙质荒漠化土地的农林牧综合开发,提出了防治土地沙质荒漠化的目标、实施步骤及基本对策。  相似文献   
为了探索复杂滑坡轨迹结构演化及其稳定性定量分析计算的新途径,本文利用分形分维理论,分析三峡库区巴东县城附近滑坡边界轨迹的几何分形结构,并采用盒维数法分别求得巴东县城附近11个滑坡边界轨迹的分维值,计算结果表明:每个滑坡的轨迹结构具有其特征性的分维值,轨迹结构越复杂,结构层次越清楚,分维值越高;其中,榨房坪滑坡和黄腊石滑坡的分维值最高,分别为1.50和1.483,西壤口和谭家湾滑坡的分维值最低,分别为0.925和0.732;而黄土坡和赵树岭滑坡的分维值介于二者之间,分别为1.111和1.091。结合典型滑坡边界轨迹结构演化与滑坡稳定性关系的定性分析及前期滑坡稳定性定量计算和模拟分析,初步揭示:滑坡边界轨迹结构与稳定性是密切相关的,滑坡边界轨迹宏观扩展增值越明显,轨迹结构越复杂,分维值越高,其稳定性条件也越差,因此,分数维可作为衡量滑坡轨迹结构复杂性和稳定性的重要标志;滑坡边界轨迹宏观扩展变形存在一个极限,超过这个极限滑坡的局部失稳就转化为整体滑动;而滑坡边界轨迹则记录了滑坡变形扩展现象和信息,因此,相对应地滑坡轨迹分形结构的分维值也应存在一个极值,在极值点滑坡体处于临滑状态;滑坡边界轨迹结构的极限分维值大致为1.4~1.5,此时滑坡接近于整体极限失稳状态,而分维值在1.1~1.3之间则表示滑坡处于整体稳定,局部存在潜在失稳状态,分维值小于1则表示滑坡处于相对稳定状态。  相似文献   
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