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曹广忠  刘涛 《地理学报》2011,66(12):1631-1643
改革开放30 年来,中国持续快速的经济发展和城镇化受到了世界关注.由于政策环境和地理基础的差异性,地带间差异成为中国城镇化空间差异的主要特征:在多元动力的共同推动下,东部十省的快速城镇化为全国的城镇化进程贡献了49%.新世纪以来,随着西部大开发、东北老工业基地振兴和中部崛起三大区域发展战略的相继提出,政策和地理基础的地带间差异逐步缩小,国内外投资重点向内陆转移,外出务工人员的回流与创业成为人口流动的新特征,带动中西部地区对全国城镇化的贡献迅速提升,中国城镇化的重心向内陆转移,省区城镇化趋同现象比较明显.这些新现象在2005 年以来更加强化.实证结果表明,区域发展战略的提出促进内陆省份对全国城镇化的贡献率提高了8.7%,但并没有对中国省区城镇化的动力机制产生影响;沿海地区产业转移和国际市场的开拓将成为内陆地区城镇化的重要依托.  相似文献   
An inherent tension exists between legal approaches to nature conservation and fisheries management in the European Union, as the former remains the remit of Member States while the latter is under the exclusive legislative jurisdiction of the European Community (EC). This tension is of particular importance when addressing the conservation of habitats or species that are under threat from fishing activities. This article examines recent developments in offshore marine conservation in the North-East Atlantic in light of the legislative developments and political frameworks that are currently evolving. By analysing the emergency closure of the Darwin Mounds area of cold-water corals and the UK pair-trawl ban, it becomes evident that the precautionary principle is a key factor in the tension between fisheries management and marine nature conservation, and is not always taken into account.  相似文献   
灾害学定义之下的土壤盐碱化风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为改善灌区中低产地的产量、提高其田间管理及粮食综合生产能力、防止土壤盐碱化灾害的扩展,在土壤盐碱化灾害学研究的基础上,建立了土壤盐碱化灾害风险评价指标体系。选用基于熵权的灰色关联评价方法来构建土壤盐碱化灾害风险评价模型,根据标准自然灾害风险原理,建立土壤盐碱化灾害风险指数计算模型。在松原灌区土壤盐碱化灾害风险评价中的应用表明,灌区各灌片盐碱灾害风险值为0.10~0.36,属于中度风险和重度风险区,风险值由小到大排序为:前郭片、安字片、有字片、龙海片、水字片、大布苏片、潜字片、套浩太片、戎字片、红星片、洪字片。该模型与灌区实情符合较好,客观性较强,表明所建模型可用于土壤盐碱化灾害风险评价。  相似文献   
我国资源利用现状及节约机制框架的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于资源的态度无非"开源"、"节流"2种,"开源"由于其较高的成本和有限性使得"节流"逐渐受到人们的重视.资源的可持续性是一个长期困扰人类的全球性问题,尤其对我国这样的人多地少、资源匮乏的国度而言,更是关系到生存与发展的迫在眉睫的问题.在分析了我国能源、水、土地、矿产等资源利用特点及供求矛盾的基础上,提出了对我国建设资源节约型社会的关键是有效地激励与约束机制的观点,并且构建了从法律法规、政策、经济、监督等角度建立约束机制,从产权、经济和声誉的角度建立激励机制的思路.  相似文献   
王淑芳  闫语欣  孟广文 《地理科学》2022,42(7):1187-1195
中国境外经贸合作区的建设是国内特殊经济区发展经验在空间上的延展。基于东道国独特的发展条件,需要将国内园区的建设经验进行调整,再运用到中国境外经贸合作区以适应东道国本地化发展。构建政策移动的理论框架,采用案例分析和比较研究法,以天津经济技术开发区与中埃·泰达苏伊士经贸合作区为例,将国内园区与境外经贸合作区的相关政策进行对比分析,验证政策在不同国家“土壤环境”中的适应性。研究发现:① 根据政策施行的影响因素和不同作用,政策移动可以分为政策移植、政策调试和政策创新;② 规划建设经验、运营管理经验、环保政策、人才政策等可直接进行政策移植;发展模式和文化政策要进行政策调试;法规政策、晋升政策和优惠政策需要进行政策创新;③ 园区的共性体现在国内园区成熟经验的借鉴、人才的培育与储备、园区生态环境的保护以及基础设施和配套设施的完善;④ 园区的个性体现在文化的求同尊异、园区品牌的打造、晋升制度的创新和协调机制的建立等。创新性地运用政策移动性理论将国内和国外园区进行关联研究,揭示了境外经贸合作区的移植、调试和创新国内园区政策的过程,深化了政策移动理论的内涵,丰富了境外经贸合作区的理论研究成果。  相似文献   
This research presents a case study on perceptions of local people on the use of Nyabrongo river wetland and its conservation in Rwanda. It critically examines the potential implications of a shift in wetland use and management practices for local people and presents empirical data from a household survey, group discussions, and observations from transect walks. Results showed that the change in the use and management regime of Nyabarongo river wetland poses substantial loss for local people in terms of provision of resources, income, and access to the wetland, so that the majority of the participants are not happy with the current use of the wetland. Research concluded that there should be participation of all stakeholders, including local people, during policy development in order to shift from command-and-control toward local stakeholder integration in decision making.  相似文献   
我国沙漠化研究的若干问题--1.沙漠化的概念及其内涵   总被引:62,自引:33,他引:62  
王涛  朱震达 《中国沙漠》2003,23(3):209-214
荒漠化就是土地退化,主要由沙漠化、水土流失和盐渍化3个部分组成,其中沙漠化是中国北方广大地区主要的土地退化形式。在简要回顾了国际国内对沙漠化概念研究和认识的基础上,根据20多年来在中国北方土地退化区域的研究与实践,作者认为:沙漠化是干旱、半干旱及部分半湿润地区由于人地关系不相协调所造成的以风沙活动为主要标志的土地退化。并在时间、空间、成因、景观、发展趋势和造成的结果等内涵方面给予了概括性的描述;同时,从形成演变的时空差别、成因、过程和防治利用的不同等方面将原生沙漠、戈壁与沙漠化土地区分开来,认为沙漠的形成演变主要受控于气候变化,而人类既是沙漠化的导致者,也是沙漠化的受害者,更是沙漠化的防治者。所以,沙漠化的研究应主要侧重在人地关系及其相互作用等方面。  相似文献   
文章收集了428份由公共部门发布的粤港澳大湾区协同发展政策,根据政策主体拓扑关系测度城市间的大湾区协同政策供给强度,绘制基于协同发展政策关系的大湾区空间联系格局,结果发现:1)单向惠港惠澳的政策措施是当前主要的政策供给方向;2)政策供给高度集中于公共服务与产业领域;3)区县及以下层级和地方专业部门尚未充分进入大湾区协同发展政策网络;4)港、澳、广、深四大中心城市与大湾区其他主体间的政策关系与空间联系方式各异;5)大湾区城市间的政策联系在都市圈尺度内互动频密,跨都市圈政策联系相对松散。最后,提出以下建议:粤港澳大湾区可进一步加强邻域城市、邻域区县、专业部门间以及广深2个中心城市之间的双向政策联动,统筹对港、对澳政策,使得政策供给进一步适应大湾区的治理结构。  相似文献   
陈驰蕊  何峰  汤放华 《热带地理》2022,42(4):579-591
以湖南省花垣县十八洞村为案例地,以“留守”农户和“返乡”农户为研究对象,基于情感地理视角,通过深度访谈法和参与式观察法探究了精准扶贫政策影响下农户情感重构及其重构机制。结果表明:1)脱贫村农户情感重构主要包括归属感、幸福感、风险厌恶感、相对剥夺感和失落感5个维度的重构,这些维度相互影响、相互制约。2)精准扶贫政策的实施使得脱贫村农户地方归属感上升,幸福感增强,风险厌恶感下降。然而,扶贫力度的不均衡导致农户间的相对剥夺感增强,传统文化的消解和社会关系的重构等使得农户产生失落感。3)在脱贫村农户情感重构过程中,农户认知是核心力量,政府行动起主导作用,企业行动发挥辅助作用。政府和企业行动通过重构乡村地域系统的物质空间、经济空间和社会空间刺激乡村地域主体即农户认知转变,继而引发情感的重构。  相似文献   
Secure property rights are widely understood as critical for socio-economic development and sustainable land management in forested areas. Policies and programs, ranging from devolution of specific resource rights to formal land titling, have therefore been implemented to strengthen forest tenure and property rights in countries around the world. Despite the prevalence and importance of these efforts, however, systematic understanding of their effects on poverty remains lacking. We address this gap by systematically reviewing evidence on the impact of forest property rights interventions on poverty worldwide. We drew from a systematic map of evidence on forest-poverty links (Cheng et al., 2019) and used a population-intervention-comparator-outcome (PICO) framework to identify relevant studies. Our final dataset included 61 articles published from 2002 to 2016 comprising 91 case studies across 24 countries. Of these, only 11 articles (22 cases) used quasi-experimental methods to control for confounders. We find that almost all studied interventions (n = 88; 97%) focused on rights to access a forest area or withdraw resources from it. Relatively few studied interventions supported the more extensive property rights of exclusion (32%) and alienation (10%). Overall, reported impacts on both income/consumption and capital/assets dimensions of poverty were generally positive or mixed. Results from more robust quasi-experimental assessments showed greater variation, with case studies as likely to report negative as positive impacts on both poverty dimensions. We find tentative support for the economic theory that more secure property rights yield positive welfare effects. However, the paucity of evidence from more robust impact assessments constrains our ability to draw generalizable conclusions about the poverty impacts of different kinds of forest property rights interventions.  相似文献   
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