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探究影响水产养殖动物体质量的关键生物学表型性状组合,进而揭示其体质量增长对策,对指导水产养殖动物的种质甄别与科学养殖具重要现实意义。随机选取象山西沪港海域板式网箱内养殖3个月的褐菖鲉幼鱼同生群个体60尾为研究对象,以全长(X1)、体长(X2)、体宽(X3)、体高(X4)、头宽(X5)、侧线长(X6)、尾柄高(X7)、体质量(BW)、净体质量(NW)、内脏质量(W1)、肠质量(W2)、肝质量(W3)、胃质量(W4)、鳃质量(W5)、心质量(W6)为生物学测定指标,采用多元分析方法定量研究了体尺性状和称量性状对体质量的影响效应。结果表明:(1)经统计,所涉称量性状测定值较体尺性状更显离散,两者变异系数的波动范围分别为38.27%~89.86%和13.86%~17.78%,排序分别为W4>W1>W6>W2>W5>W3>NW>BW和X3>X4>X6>X5>X2>X7>X1;经计算,消化脏器与内脏间的质量比呈W3>W4>W2 (P<0.05);(2)相关分析显示,所涉体尺性状和称量性状均与BW呈极显著相关(P<0.01),两者相关系数波动范围分别为0.414~0.990和0.899~0.961,排序分别为NW>W3>W1>W6>W5>W2>W4X1>X4>X2>X5>X6>X3>X7;(3)经通径分析,被保留的称量性状组合和体尺性状组合的直接作用排序分别为NW>W3>W2>W4>W6X4>X5>X6>X7;经决定程度分析和复相关分析,称量性状组合对BW的总决定系数和复相关指数均为0.989,体尺性状组合则均为0.961;(4)经偏回归分析,分别获得了基于称量性状组合和体尺性状组合的BW估算方程。研究结果可为褐菖鲉速生型种质遴选与科学养殖提供参考。  相似文献   
In the Strait of Messina (Sicily, Central Mediterranean Sea) strong tidal currents, very irregular hydrological regime and related solid load, and local seismic activity cause sediment instability; this area represents therefore a case‐study of a naturally disturbed soft‐bottom environment. In this paper, mollusc and polychaete assemblages of the northern part of the Strait were described. Composition, community structure, eco‐ethological features, trophic guilds and sediment‐type relationships were studied in 64 stations sampled located between 3.5 and 50 m depth in October 1992 by means of a Van Veen grab. A total of 131 species (65 molluscs and 66 polychaetes) were identified. A dense population of the tubicolous polychaete Ditrupa arietina was recognized, together with the occurrence of other species tied to a high sedimentation rate, such as Corbula gibba and Tellina distorta, as well as widespread, mud‐tolerant species (e.g.Chone spp., Hyalinoecia tubicola). Diversity (H′) showed a peak at intermediate depths (10/20 m) and a clear decrease beyond this depth, corresponding to the Ditrupa core population. Multivariate comparison between sediment features and community composition throughout the bathymetric gradient showed a narrow ecocline between two environments subjected to opposite hydrodynamic constraints. In the shallower zone, a wide typology of trophic‐ethological guilds was related to community patchiness, in contrast to a greater functional uniformity of the deeper assemblage, dominated by sessile, semi‐infaunal suspension feeders. A possible role played by a phase of increased rainfall to increase bottom instability, locally emphasized by a previous human activity, is also discussed.  相似文献   
本文采用欧盟ERICA框架下评估电离辐射生态风险的ERICA综合法,选用ERICA工具数据库中的参数数据,计算了我国大亚湾等核电站液态放射性流出物中主要的18种放射性核素的环境安全浓度限值。当核电站排水口附近海域中放射性核素浓度低于推荐的环境安全浓度限值时,放射性核素造成的辐射风险被认为是在海洋生态环境所能承受的范围之内。  相似文献   
With the global wanning and sea level rising, it is widely recognized that there is an increasing tendency of typhoon occurrence frequency and intensity. The defenses code against typhoon attacks for nuclear power plant should be calibrated because of the increasing threat of typhoon disaster and severe consequences. This paper discusses the probabilistic approach of definitions about "probable maximum typhoon" and "probable maximum storm surge" in nuclear safety regulations of China and has made some design code calibrations by use of a newly proposed Double Layer Nested Multi-objective Probability Model (DLNMPM).  相似文献   
海北化工厂已停产15年之久,但Cr6+污染依旧十分严重.调查得知,海北化工厂原生产废液排放及堆存废渣经降水淋滤作用下渗,是造成该区包气带和地下水Cr6+污染的主要原因.采用地下水质量法和污染指数法评价分析该区地下水Cr6+污染范围和污染影响程度.评价结果显示:Cr6+重度污染区面积0.75 km2,厂区包气带Cr6+平均含量67.67×10-6,平均超标指数1691.75,地下水中Cr6+浓度超过Ⅴ类水标准.在分析厂区周边水文地质条件的基础上,提出清除场地废渣废料并置换被污染的包气带、采用抽水法治理被污染的地下水的综合方案.  相似文献   
以托木尔区域为研究区,从景观生态学的角度,结合生态环境特征,选取分离度、分维数倒数、破碎度、植被覆盖指数和土壤侵蚀指数作为评价指标,探讨各景观类型区域生态环境脆弱度的空间分异规律,并依据生态环境的脆弱度等级结果进行区划。结果表明:(1)依据研究区海拔、坡度值划定地貌特征区,包括极高山、高山边缘区,南北部中山区,红层地貌区和南北部低山丘陵区;(2)建设用地的分离度最大,各景观类型的分维数倒数值差别不大,低覆盖度草地破碎度、景观类型脆弱度最大;(3)托木尔区域生态环境脆弱度指数具有强烈的空间自相关性,是自然因素和人为因素共同作用的结果;(4)区域生态环境脆弱度指数空间表现为“北低南高”的趋势,自然因素是影响生态环境高脆弱度区域(7~9级)的主导干扰因素;人类活动与自然因素共同作用于生态环境中脆弱度区域(4~6级);影响低脆弱度区域(1~3级)生态环境脆弱度的主要因素是人类活动;(5)根据研究区内生态环境脆弱度值,结合当地自然特征、社会经济发展现状,研究区可划分为保护区、限制开发区和可开发区,并对其实施差别化的政策管理与保护措施。  相似文献   
其宗水电站属峡谷区修建的高坝、大库,最大坝高达358 m左右。深厚覆盖层的钻探取样是了解其成因及工程地质特性的必需手段,也是水电水利工程地质勘察工作的重要手段。由于覆盖层厚度大,组成物质分选性差,给钻探取心工作带来了困难。而取心质量直接关系到工程地质勘察资料的准确和详实。通过特殊钻具及SM植物胶钻井液的运用,提高了深厚覆盖层取心质量。结合其宗水电站的工程实例,对该地区深厚覆盖层钻进与取心工艺进行了探讨。  相似文献   
多源大数据融合背景下的城市功能区识别是复杂非线性系统的模式识别问题,如何有效地从大规模的轨迹数据中提取出多粒度连续性时变和多尺度空间相互作用的信息是进行城市区域功能识别的关键。本研究设计实现了一种基于时序动态图嵌入的深度学习模型,在融合滴滴出行及兴趣点数据(Point of Interest, POI)基础上,提取城市区域存在的时间和空间上的隐式特征,结合聚类分析实现城市用地功能的语义识别。结果表明,成都市中心的用地功能趋向复合多样化的发展,且用地属性随时间发生作用范围和用地类型的变化,呈现出功能随着城市群体活动而变化的时空规律。与相关文献的对比实验表明,本文提出方法在更细粒度的时间段下进行功能区识别,得到的同一类功能区域内集聚度更高,能够更好的捕获复合型区域在不同时间模式下呈现出的用地功能变化。本研究为城市用地功能识别研究提供了新的技术方法,为城市规划研究人员全面理解城区结构属性提供了有效手段,对推动城市空间得到更合理高效的利用具有一定的价值。  相似文献   
This paper presents an experimental investigation on the seismic response of medical equipment supported on wheels and/or casters. Two pieces of equipment were tested: a large ultrasound machine and a cart carrying smaller medical equipment. In the first phase, the resistance of the wheels and casters of the equipment was characterized through a controlled‐displacement procedure on the shake table. In the second phase, an extensive shake table test program was carried out to investigate the seismic response of the equipment. The input signals for the shake table tests included floor motions of a four‐story steel braced‐frame hospital designed to satisfy seismic requirements of a site in the Los Angeles area. The results of 96 shake table tests reported in this study include the seismic performance of the equipment under both unlocked and locked conditions, located on various floor levels of the building. It was observed that engaging the casters' locking mechanism does not necessarily decrease the relative displacement. The displacement response was sensitive to the excitation intensity and the orientation of the equipment with respect to the input excitation. Based on the experimental observations, appropriate structural engineering demand parameters associated with the relative displacement and relative velocity demands of the equipment are proposed and used to develop conditional probability curves. Finally, in an effort to extend the results of this experimental study to similar equipment on wheels/casters, the performance of a simple numerical model in predicting the peak seismic demands is evaluated. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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