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我们通过采集中国东部南北样带(NSTEC)上112个样点的102种植物叶片样品,分析了植物叶片氮浓度对植被功能型(PFTs)以及环境因素的响应特征。研究结果表明:(1)植物叶片氮浓度均值为17.7mg.g^-1,最大值和最小值分别出现在落叶阔叶植物和常绿针叶植物中。对乔木而言,叶片氮浓度表现为落叶植物〉常绿植物,阔叶植物〉针叶植物;乔木和灌木的叶片氮浓度显著高于草本植物,而乔木和灌木之间则无显著差异。(2)叶片氮浓度与年均温度(MAT)呈现凸型二次曲线关系,与年均降水量(MAP)则呈现显著的线性负相关关系,与土壤氮素浓度(Nsoil)则线性正相关,并且这种关系并不随着植被功能型的改变而改变。(3)PFTs,气候和Nsoil共同解释植物叶片氮浓度空间格局变异的46.1%,其中PFTs,气候和Nsoil可分别独立解释植物叶片氮浓度空间格局变异的15.6%,2.3%,4.7%。该研究结果表明,气候和土壤氮素对植物叶片氮浓度的影响主要是通过作用于生态系统中的物种组成,而非直接作用实现的。这种基于较大区域尺度上的野外观测分析有助于我们准确的理解植被功能型和环境因素对叶片氮浓度变异的影响机制。  相似文献   
Zooplankton samples were collected using 505, 160 and 77 μm mesh nets around a power plant during four seasons in 2011. We measured total length of zooplankton and divided zooplankton into seven size classes in order to explore how zooplankton community size-structure might be altered by thermal discharge from power plant. The total length of zooplankton varied from 93.7 to 40 074.7 μm. The spatial distribution of mesozooplankton(200-2 000 μm) populations were rarely affected by thermal discharge, while macro-(2 000-10 000 μm)and megalo-zooplankton(10 000 μm) had an obvious tendency to migrate away from the outfall of power plant.Thus, zooplankton community tended to become smaller and biodiversity reduced close to power plant.Moreover, we compared the zooplankton communities in three different mesh size nets. Species richness,abundance, evenness index and Shannon-Wiener diversity index of the 505 μm mesh size were significantly lower than those recorded from the 160 and 77 μm mesh size. Average zooplankton abundance was highest in the 77 μm mesh net((27 690.0±1 633.7) ind./m~3), followed by 160 μm mesh net((9 531.1±1 079.5) ind./m~3), and lowest in 505 μm mesh net((494.4±104.7) ind./m~3). The ANOSIM and SIMPER tests confirmed that these differences were mainly due to small zooplankton and early developmental stages of zooplankton. It is the first time to use the 77 μm mesh net to sample zooplankton in such an environment. The 77 μm mesh net had the overwhelming abundance of the copepod genus Oithona, as an order of magnitude greater than recorded for 160 μm mesh net and 100% loss through the 505 μm mesh net. These results indicate that the use of a small or even multiple sampling net is necessary to accurately quantify entire zooplankton community around coastal power plant.  相似文献   
四川锦屏落水洞岩溶地下水示踪   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
在岩溶水文地质调查的基础上,进行钼酸铵示踪试验。结果显示,落水洞沟水在落水洞附近进入地下含水层后,沿T2z / T1 岩层接触边界或断层( F6- F9)分成两股,一股向东排向磨房沟东大理岩地下水排泄带,另一股向南转西南、西北分别排向景峰桥- 牛圈坪沟段西雅砻江河床。磨房沟泉流域地下水向西袭夺造成该流域西部地表、地下分水岭不一致。而西雅砻江示踪段构造裂隙发育,地下水主要沿具有双重含水介质(稀疏裂隙和少量岩溶管道)的大理岩流动,天然条件下地下水流动缓慢。其中的局部大型溶蚀裂隙或串珠状溶洞成为主要地下水储水空间,其疏干性突水对工程施工有一定影响。   相似文献   
The geographical distribution of dominant plant species in China was georeferenced and climatic variables were interpolated into all grids.Accordingly,the percentage distributions of principal pollen taxa based on 1860 surface pollen sites in China were selected and the related climate values were interpolated with the same method. The geographical and climatic comparison between the two data-sets indicated that the climate threshold of most pollen taxa from surface pollen is coherent with plant distributions. The climatic envelopes of dominant plant are mostly accordant with those of pollen taxa at certain levels. However, some distinct offsets of the climate ranges exist between the two datasets for most pollen taxa identified at family level, such as Ericaceae,Asteraceae, Poaceae and Chenopodiaceae. The present study provides for the first time rich information on temperature and precipitation in relation to pollen and plant distribution based on the datasets on a continental scale useful for global ecological modeling and Quaternary palaeoclimate reconstruction.  相似文献   
以初重(0.22±0.01)g的凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)为研究对象,在室内流水式养殖系统中进行为期8周的摄食生长实验。研究使用复合植物蛋白源(双低菜粕∶大米蛋白粉∶玉米蛋白粉=5∶3∶2)替代凡纳滨对虾实用饲料中的鱼粉(占饲料百分比为22%)对其生长和饲料利用的影响。设计了6组等蛋白质(37.96±0.39)%、等脂肪(7.39±0.57)%的实验饲料,分别是0%、20%、40%、60%、80%和100%鱼粉蛋白替代组(用D0、D20、D40、D60、D80和D100表示)。结果表明,各组对虾的成活率无显著性差异(P0.05)。与D0组相比,鱼粉蛋白替代水平从20%上升到80%未显著影响凡纳滨对虾的特定生长率;当替代水平上升到100%时,特定生长率显著降低(P0.05)。同样,各替代蛋白组中只有D100组的饲料系数高于D0组。各替代蛋白组的蛋白质效率均与D0组没有显著差异(P0.05)。凡纳滨对虾的体组成在各处理间没有明显的变化规律。由此可见,在本实验条件下,利用该复合植物蛋白源可以最高替代80%的饲料鱼粉蛋白,而不显著影响凡纳滨对虾的生长、成活和饲料效率。  相似文献   
卢林 《化工矿产地质》1997,19(2):115-121
福建省前峰硫 多金属矿的形成具明显的层控特征。矿体赋存于上石碳统─下二叠统船山组及栖霞组灰岩中,成矿作用是多期叠加的、复杂的。在与生物礁有关的沉积阶段,生物吸附提供了主要硫源,后期热液改造对沉积成矿作用有着继承性,区域动力变质热液及其派生的分泌、分异成矿热液,以及与岩浆有关的热液多期次参与矿床的变质改造,而这些热液活动均与政和 大埔深大断裂有关。  相似文献   
Introduction High mountain ecosystems are comparatively thrilling and sensitive at least at the upper elevation levels, and are determined by abiotic climate related ecological factors. Therefore, the ecosystems at the low temperature limits of plant life are generally considered to be particularly sensitive to climate changes (Koerner 1999). As temperature is a key factor for high mountain plants (Koerner and Larcher 1988, Gottfried et al. 1998), an upward migration of species must be conse…  相似文献   
孙宗席 《探矿工程》2012,39(12):32-35
介绍了甘肃文县阳山矿区泡沫冲洗液和HJ-YS系列冲洗液的研制与应用。以42线ZK706孔和51线ZK3002、ZK3016、ZKN3084、ZK0204钻孔为例,首先介绍了泡沫冲洗液在孔壁失稳地层的应用效果;其次介绍了低固相植物胶HJ-YS系列冲洗液对破碎强烈、多溶洞、易漏失、水敏性强、采心困难的复杂地层所具有的良好的润滑减阻和护壁堵漏效果。  相似文献   
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