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对黄河口胜利油田某油井附近沉积物进行石油污染状况调查研究,采用坑探试验现场调查污染范围,发现油井沉积物在一定范围内存在石油污染,污染多在0.2~1.5 m深度内,水平距离在140~440 m之间.原位测试污染沉积物强度,取样进行室内石油浓度和沉积物物理力学指标测试.石油污染沉积物物理力学性质与未污染的有较大差别,污染后沉积物的重度、渗透系数和强度等均有所降低.污染后的沉积物结构,多成块状和板状结构.  相似文献   
等深流沉积研究现状与展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文根据国内外等深流及其沉积的研究成果,概述了它们的研究进展,且详细阐述了等深流沉积特征和沉积类型,并指出等深岩丘的发现是该领域最为重要、最具特色的突出成果以及等深流沉积研究的油气勘探意义.虽然随着深海钻探计划和大洋钻探项目的开展,等深流沉积研究取得了较大进展,但现代等深流沉积和古代等深流沉积的研究在一定程度上发展尚不平衡,仍存在着较多问题,尤其是在古代等深流沉积研究方面显得更为薄弱.最为重要的是,等深流沉积的识别是该领域研究的最大难题.因此,在其未来研究上,应注意运用地震波识别、遥感等现代科技调查手段,进行多学科综合研究,尽快建立一套完善的识别标志,如沉积学标志、古生物标志等,以促使其逐渐成为海洋沉积学中一个更为完善的研究领域.  相似文献   
本文在简要介绍燕山水库工程地质环境的基础上,分析论述了可能产生的环境工程地质问题。指出水库淹没及浸没、水库诱发地震、坝基渗透变形及膨胀土体稳定问题是该水库的主要环境工程地质问题,并提出了进一步研究的途径。  相似文献   
每一位海洋地质工作者都非常重视外业调查及第一手资料的获取,而这些往往得益于海洋地质调查仪器的帮助.以前我们常用的表层沉积物取样仪器,有普通蚌式抓斗、小箱式取样器、多管取样器等.这里介绍一种深海新型取样仪器--电视抓斗.目前,它在深海及大洋洋中脊资源调查,特别是在深海底块状硫化物、多金属结核、锰结壳调查等勘测中扮演着重要...  相似文献   
Although much of the world's petroleum resource-base is associated with marine systems, regionally lacustrine petroleum systems are important. Individual accumulations may exceed several billion barrels. In each of these cases the oil is derived from a lacustrine source rock and may be produced from either nonmarine or marine reservoir rocks. The purpose of this paper is to describe the factors that control lacustrine source rock development and the nature of lacustrine reservoirs. Lacustrine oils display different physical and chemical characteristics than their marine counterparts. These differences can be related to the nature of their precursor material. Although the nature of the products are different, the geochemical threshold criteria for defining source rocks in both settings are the same because of common expulsion requirements. Commercially significant lacustrine systems require the presence of large, long-lived lakes. Such lake settings are tectonic in origin and restricted to climatic settings where precipitation exceeds evaporation. Within these large lake systems three primary factors determine source rock potential and quality. These factors are primary productivity level, organic preservation potential, and matrix sedimentation rate, which controls the dilution of preserved organic matter. Source rock potential is maximized where both productivity and preservation potential are maximized and sedimentation rate is minimized. To some degree these factors can compensate for each other. Hydrocarbon reservoir potential within lacustrine basins is partially impacted by overall tectonic setting. Within extensional settings, transport distances tend to be limited, with much of the sediment being transported away from the basin. The sediments delivered to the lake are poorly sorted and sedimentologically immature, commonly resulting in poor reservoirs due to both primary properties and their susceptibility to diagenesis. Within rifts better reservoirs tend to develop along platform or flexural margins. Stacking of reservoirs is important in lacustrine systems but baffles and barriers are often present between individual sand units. These barriers form as a result of lake level fluctuations. In compressional settings transport distances tend to be longer, resulting in more mature, better sorted sediments leading to higher quality reservoirs. These reservoirs typically develop in fluvial-deltaic and wave-dominated shoreline settings. Lacustrine carbonate reservoirs are locally important. These carbonates tend to develop during lake level lowstands and are dependent on diagenesis (dissolution and karstification) for porosity and permeability development. Lacustrine reservoirs are often stratigraphically and areally limited and display low individual well production rates. Within pure lacustrine systems exploration opportunities appear to be often restricted by either reservoir presence or quality (i.e., production rates). The best exploration opportunities in lacustrine basins appear to be associated with hybrid systems where a lacustrine source and marine reservoir exist.  相似文献   
结合三维地质建模的应用,分析面向三维地质建模的领域本体的组成和层次结构.结合地质语义的特点,提出突出概念间关系的五元组逻辑结构和基于迭代思想的构建方法.该逻辑结构由概念、概念间语义关系、概念间层次关系、属性和实例组成.基于迭代思想的构建方法分为需求分析、领域共享词语的字典库构建、本体表示、本体集成和本体评估等步骤.以OWL语言描述工具,结合正断层本体实例探讨了面向三维地质建模领域本体逻辑结构的描述和构建方法.  相似文献   
受流域来水来沙条件变化及河口大型工程建设的综合影响,长江口呈现新的冲淤格局,为预测未来演变趋势,本研究基于前期研究中建立的长江口年代际冲淤演变预测模型(Delft3D),未来情景考虑不同来沙量条件和相对海平面上升速率。预测结果表明,到2035年长江口整体以冲刷为主,口内河段主槽和浅滩边缘冲刷较明显,仅高滩局部淤积;到2050年口内河段保持净冲刷状态,拦门沙地区在现状来沙量条件下略有淤积,但在极端低来沙量条件下转变为净冲刷状态,海平面上升对拦门沙地区冲刷具有一定抵消作用,但不会使冲淤状态产生本质改变。本研究分析认为,长江口局部区域未来冲淤趋势可能对河口综合治理与保护产生不利影响,针对新格局条件下的滩槽河势稳定、重要洲滩保护、重大工程安全评估、冲刷致灾研判以及海堤防护标准再评估等方面提出了对策建议,可为新时期长江口综合治理与可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   
台西南盆地地质构造特征及油气远景   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
本文从盆地的基本地质特征入手,分析了台西南盆地的地层、沉积、构造特征及油气条件,在进行盆地的定性分析的基础上,对盆地内的次级构造单元进行了类比,对盆地的含油气远景进行了评价,提出了该盆地的油气勘探方向。  相似文献   
利用数据挖掘技术分析海洋地质调查数据,以获取其中隐藏信息,对推进海洋地质数据的科学高效利用具有重要意义。在模块化设计原则下,利用Python语言开发海洋地质数据挖掘相关的核心功能,利用WinForm搭建人机交互界面,并通过参数交互的方式实现了界面和后台功能间的互动。基于综合地质地球物理资料,利用软件预测了太平洋海山年龄。预测结果精度高于利用传统克里金插值方法所得结果的精度。应用结果表明,所开发软件的数据预处理、指标分析、综合评价等功能具有很好的实用性。  相似文献   
近年来,计算机技术飞速发展,不断地在不同领域得到广泛应用。在分析《构造地质学》这门课程特点的基础上,引入了Suffer软件,介绍了Suffer软件在编制构造图中的应用;分别就平面图的勾绘及三维地质模型展布的应用进行了分析。  相似文献   
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