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Geological, geophysical, geochemical and remote sensing comprehensive studies show that big ore-prospecting potentiality is contained in the eastern section of the Gangdise Mountains, Tibet.There are various mineralization types with dominant types of porphyry and exhalation. According to their relations with tectonic evolution, they are divided into four kinds of metallogenic series as follows:magnmtic type (Cr, Pt, Cu, Ni) and exhalation type (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag) ore deposit series related to Neo-Tethys oceanic crust subduction action (125-96 Ma); epithermai type (Au, Ag, Pb, Zn, Sb), altered fractured rock type (Cu, Mo) and skarn rock type (Cu) ore deposit series related to arc-continental collision; porphyry type (Cu, Mo), cryptoexplosion breccia type (Cu, Au, Pb, Zn), shear zone type (Au, Ag, Sb) and skarn rock type (Cu, Fe) ore deposit series with relation to post-orogenic extensional strike-slip. From subductive complex to the north, zoning appears to be crystallization differentiation type (segregation type)-shear zone type (altered rock type)-skarn rock type, epithermai type-porphyry type-porphyry type and exhalation type-exhalation type-hydrothermai filling-replacement type.The ore deposit is characterized by multi-places from the same source, parity and multi-stage, hypabyssal rock from the deep source and poly genetic compound as a whole.  相似文献   
Women in many rural areas of the US often engage in small-scale businesses as one of several avenues for contributing to household incomes. In those geographical areas that contain a significant minority population, many of the women's businesses display the cultural diversity of the regions in which they live. Likewise, women's roles as economic providers as well as wives and mothers are reflected in the manner in which they operate their businesses. Candida Brush suggests that women's strategies for operating their businesses are highly integrative because women's business decisions are intertwined with familial responsibilities, household economic demands and desires to contribute to their communities. Hispanic and Native American women in the Four Corners region of southwestern US and African American women in central Virginia participated in interviews in which they responded to numerous short answer and open-ended questions about their businesses and decision-making strategies. From these interviews an image emerges of rural minority business women who are operating their businesses at the nexus of family obligations, economic necessities, cultural ties and with a commitment for serving their communities. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
城市社会空间结构模型可以从整体上、宏观上反映和把握城市社会空间变迁规律,是城市规划、城市管治重要的科学依据。从研究理论、内容、方法3个方面回顾和分析了国内外城市社会空间结构经典模型,发现国内在城市社会空间结构研究(理论、方法)上与西方国家存在较大差距,即国内仍缺乏学科理论整体框架的建树和研究方法上的突破。并探索性的提出中国今后应以(1)按城市规模分析、建构城市社会空间结构的综合模型;(2)在户籍制度、住房制度、城市管理制度以及市民行为等因素变迁过程中的城市社会空间结构模型构建与特征分析;(3)根据针对不同规模城市的实证研究,探讨建国以来多因素综合作用下的中国城市社会空间结构的阶段模型及主要影响因素的作用机理,作为国内城市社会空间结构模型研究的重点领域。  相似文献   
过去2000年中国气候变化研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
总结了中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所在过去2000年中国气候变化研究方面的主要进展,并对未来研究动向进行了展望。在过去10余年中,中科院地理资源所的历史气候变化研究在已有基础上,面向国际本领域研究的前缘科学问题,开展了大量研究工作,在代用资料的收集、整理与数据库建设,温度与降水变化重建以及气候变化的时空特征分析等方面取得了许多新成果。未来不但需要进一步利用历史文献、树轮等气候变化重建手段,加强高分辨率的气候变化重建工作,加密气候变化代用资料的空间覆盖度,并结合历史气候模拟等手段,深入开展气候变化动力学机制研究;而且还需要进一步利用地理资源所在本领域已积累的研究优势,开展历史时期的气候变化与人类相互作用等方面的研究。  相似文献   
This article studies how burglars select a house to burglarize. We draw on the rational choice perspective to investigate how burglars select a target by relying on house-related attributes to optimize a combination of perceived rewards, efforts and risk. It extends current applications of the discrete spatial choice framework to burglary target selection by adopting the house as the spatial unit of analysis and studies burglars' target selection process in a larger and more diverse study area than that of earlier studies. Using data on 650 residential burglaries and on approximately 500,000 residential properties in the Belgian province East Flanders, we consider a discrete spatial choice model of burglary target selection to establish which house-related attributes influence burglars' target selection process. Our findings demonstrate that terraced houses, houses without a garage, houses that have not been outfitted with a central heating and/or air-conditioning system and houses nearby burglars' residences are more likely to be selected. Overall, our analysis suggests that burglars rely on effort-related attributes to distinguish between targets while higher perceived rewards actually decrease the odds of a house being burglarized. Risk-related attributes are unimportant for burglars' target choice.  相似文献   
Similar to every process involving quantitative research, the study of migration heavily depends on the data available for analysis. The available movement data limit the type of questions that can be asked, and as a result, certain aspects of human spatial mobility have yet to be examined. The development of information and communication technologies and their widespread adoption offers new datasets, methods and interpretations that make it possible to study social processes at a new level. For example, mobile positioning data can aid in overcoming certain constraints embedded in traditional data sources (such as censuses or questionnaires) for study of the connections between daily mobility and change of residence. This study presents a framework for mapping changes of residence using data from passive mobile positioning and an anchor point model to better understand the limits of these methods and their contribution to understanding long-term mobility. The study concludes that the most important considerations in monitoring change of residence using passive mobile position data include the continuity of the time-series data, the varying structure of the mobile tower network and the diversified nature of human mobility. The fine spatial and temporal granularities of passive mobile positioning data allow us to study human movement at a detailed scale.  相似文献   
中国国际河流研究进展及展望   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
我国因发育了亚洲大陆的主要国际河流而成为全球最重要的上游水道国。近30年来,在全球化趋势下,国际河流的合理利用与保护、生态变化与跨境影响、地缘合作与安全维护等,广受国际关注,成为地理、生态和地缘政治等学科交叉研究的热点。本文按“国际河流”、“跨境水资源”、“跨境生态安全”等关键词,从《地理学报》及其英文版J. Geographical Sciences中检索近30年来发表的相关文献,以此为主要依据,回顾地理学对我国国际河流研究取得的主要进展,判识存在的问题和所面临的挑战;在此基础上,结合科学发展的趋势和我国地缘合作等重大需求,展望研究前景。  相似文献   
中国周边国家银(含银)矿床主要分布于原苏联、蒙古、日本、朝鲜、菲律宾、缅甸、印尼等国家。有5种类型银(含银)矿床可与中国相应地区银(含银)矿床进行类比,即①陆边缘带陆相火山岩型(金-)银(-多金属)矿床;②火山(-次火山)热液型含银黄铁矿型铜或多金属矿床;③斑岩型银或含银金-铜(铅-锌-锡)矿床;④变质热液交代型金-银矿床(穆龙套型)或银-铅-锌矿床;⑤矽卡岩型含银磁铁矿或多金属矿床。并提出我国相应地区银矿找矿前景。  相似文献   
城镇化过程中,人口集疏是区域空间结构演化的根本动力。基于四普、五普、六普及2015年人口抽样数据,从多维视角分析京津冀地区近25年人口空间分布特征与集疏态势,研究发现:①京津冀地区人口总体分布仍呈西南稠密而东北稀疏格局,交通干线沿线人口地理集中度高;1990—2015年区县尺度上数量差异加剧,且在空间上存在强相关性:人口热点分布呈现以京、津和沿海区域为轴的“T”形结构,冷点区域则小幅扩张呈“C”形结构;②1990—2015年,京、津两市人口集疏空间表现出明显圈层特性,且人口扩散表现“核心-边缘”特性;河北各市人口集中在市辖区,且其周边区县人口流失程度呈阶段性加重。③综合城市规模等级与行政等级视角,城市规模与行政等级挂钩,城市行政等级越高其人口规模越大,人口集聚能力越强;主体功能分区视角下,开发区人口份额在提高,生态功能区人口份额在下降;京津冀地区人口集疏空间在2010年后发生转变,向沿海地区集聚趋势突出,表现出显著临海性。  相似文献   
基于空间与区域视角的生态系统服务地理学框架   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
李双成  王珏  朱文博  张津  刘娅  高阳  王阳  李琰 《地理学报》2014,69(11):1628-1639
生态系统服务研究现已成为国内外的研究热点。回顾生态系统服务研究的历程可以发现,研究范式正在从自然科学研究范式向自然科学与社会科学综合研究范式转向。生态系统服务研究更加重视时空异质性、更加关注流动性与区域效应,更加强调生态系统服务对人类福祉的作用。在生态系统结构、过程与功能─服务─人类收益与福祉级联框架中,地理学的主要分支都可以找到自身的研究议题。在此过程中,逐渐建构起来的生态系统服务地理学,不仅可以为生态系统服务研究提供学科支撑,同时可以丰富和拓展地理学的研究内容。本文在评述生态系统服务研究历程和发展趋势的基础上,分析了地理学参与生态系统服务研究的逻辑必然性以及面临的机遇与挑战。为了推进生态系统服务研究的“地理化”转向,我们提议发展生态系统服务地理学,并初步描绘了生态系统服务地理学的学科框架,包括定义、研究范畴、研究内容及主要研究议题等。  相似文献   
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