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沉积矿物是记录物源信息和古气候变迁的良好载体。通过显微镜碎屑矿物鉴定和黏土矿物X射线衍射峰能谱分析对芝罘岛黄土状黄土2 个剖面13 个样品进行处理, 并对数据进行数学统计分析。结果表明, 芝罘岛黄土状黄土矿物种类、矿物形态特征、磁铁矿和岩屑的高含量等都揭示了黄土来源的多源性和近源性, 末次冰期时的海底平原沉积物以及洪积、残积物是芝罘岛黄土状黄土的重要物源, 而西北内陆沙漠吹来的细颗粒物质相对较少。普通角闪石、绿帘石含量较高的黄土堆积后期是以远源沉积为主, 且以风力搬运为主; 磁铁矿、岩屑含量较高的早、中期是以近源沉积为主, 搬运动力较复杂。根据黄土状黄土的剖面层序特征, 碎屑矿物以及黏土矿物垂相变化特征, 说明黄土堆积的早期, 气候是相对温暖湿润的, 之后变得寒冷干燥, 后来又逐渐回暖, 然后再转冷, 呈现出末次冰期该地冷暖交替的气候旋回。  相似文献   
The article describes a new form of transnational environmental conflict that developed in the wake of globalisation. Activist in this new type of conflict still act as proxies of groups under pressure but in contrast to transnational environmental conflicts hitherto the target of their protests is rather their own society at home than the location of the pressured group. Despite these conditions it is claimed that this type of metaphorical conflict is going to become more frequent as alliances are built along the oppostion to a dominant discourse. According to the model, conflicts of values are easier to transfer on stages abroad or across the Atlantic than conflicts of interests and motivation for activists is higher as the return is affecting their home society. Dynamic and features of this type of conflict are explained with help of discourse theory.  相似文献   
青藏高原北缘古近纪石英砂表面特征及其古环境意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国西北干旱化和风成记录的研究已取得重要进展,但对亚洲内陆干旱化和亚洲冬季风开始时间的认识目前仍存在分歧。利用扫描电镜,通过对青藏高原北缘广大典型地区古近系中类似风成堆积的红色砂层石英砂微形态详细研究,发现这些红色砂层中绝大部分石英砂颗粒表面具有流水搬运和改造的磨光面与V型坑微形态特征组合,与现代塔克拉玛干沙漠、阿尔金山北缘洪积扇上的现代风沙沉积物石英砂颗粒表面的麻面与蝶形坑组合不同。粒度分析也显示这些沉积物的粒度曲线特征与风成黄土和现代沙丘粒度曲线有明显差别。结合沉积特征认为青藏高原北缘古近纪期间不存在大范围的风沙沉积物,推断亚洲冬季风此时可能尚未激发,而该期的干旱环境可能是由行星风系副热带高压控制的干旱炎热气候以及全球变冷事件造成。  相似文献   
During the last decades, several integrated studies of Tethyan Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary sections from different countries were published with the objective to indicate problems for the selection of biological, chemical or physical markers suitable for identification of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary e the only system boundary within the Phanerozoic still not fixed by GSSP. Drawing the boundary between the Jurassic and Cretaceous systems is a matter of global scale discussions. The problem of proposing possible J/K boundary stratotypes results from lack of a global index fossils, global sea level drop, paleogeographic changes causing development of isolated facies areas, as well as from the effect of Late Cimmerian Orogeny. This contribution summarizes and comments data on J/K boundary interval obtained from several important Tethyan sections and shows still existing problems and discrepancies in its determination.  相似文献   
星罗棋布的热带珊瑚作为海洋环境的信息载体,具有分辨率高、时间跨度大、记录连续完整、体系封闭性好、蕴涵的信息丰富、可选择的代用指标多、测定简便和易于定年等特点。珊瑚有效地记录了全球环境变化的诸多信息,已成为研究过去(如末次间冰期以来)和近代(如数十至数百年以来)的气候—环境变率和可预测性(PAGES CLIVAR)领域重要的环境载体。以全球变化为背景,对近年来珊瑚环境代用指标的研究成果进行评述。重点讨论了珊瑚氧同位素和微量元素比值等指标在海表温度(SST)变化、海气交换程度、季风强弱、厄尔尼诺—南方涛动(ENSO)发生的频率和强度,以及它们之间的相互作用等全球变化的核心问题上的研究进展,并展望了南海珊瑚在高分辨率全球变化研究中的地位与方向。  相似文献   
详细介绍了8 Ma以来全球气候变化的规律,研究表明地球上主要发生过3次冷气候事件:第一次冷气候事件大约发生在距今7 Ma,一股强烈的干冷气流刮过欧洲大陆,穿越赤道地区直达非洲大陆,使得原始森林开始萎缩,面积的缩小导致古猿与人类发生演化分异;第二次冷气候事件大约发生在距今4.2 Ma,那时干冷气候持续发展,非洲大陆的原始森林进一步萎缩,并逐渐演化为稀树草原,出现了南方猿人和傍人;第三次冷气候事件大约发生在距今2.3 Ma,全球气候变化波动较大,冷-暖气候交替发育,地球上出现了真正意义上的人(人属),并逐渐演化成现代人。根据目前的研究,人类的起源和演化与古地理、古环境和古气候变化密切相关,人类演化历史大致可分为7个时期:撒海尔猿人—原初猿人时期、地居猿人时期、南方猿人—傍人时期、能人—鲁道夫人时期、匠人—直立人时期、先驱人—海德堡人时期和智人时期。  相似文献   
The Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (GDGTs) occur ubiquitously in a wide range of environments, such as loess, peat, lake, soil, and ocean, which vary compositionally in response to environmental changes, and provide a series of biomarker proxies for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. This paper introduced the structures and biological sources of GDGTs, and reviewed the recent progresses of the application of the GDGTs proxies in the paleoenvironmental reconstruction of loess deposits. The main progresses include: The GDGTs proxies have been widely used in reconstructing the climate changes in loess deposits, and have established the temperature changes of last 800 ka for the Chinese Loess Plateau; Temperature variations in Chinese Loess Plateau displayed significant correlation with the Northern Hemisphere insolation, which may be also regulated by the surface vegetation conditions; and In the Chinese Loess Plateau, the increase in monsoon precipitation during the last deglaciation significantly lagged behind the rise of temperature. However, problems still exist in the current studies. For instance, the GDGTs-based temperature is likely overestimated, probably reflecting the temperature of warm season, and relationships between GDGT indices and climate factors are still unclear. In the future, the development of new proxies and more accurate regional calibrations based on the separation of 6- methyl GDGTs are expected to provide more reliable paleoenvironmental information, and will provide essential evidence for the evolution of hydrothermal pattern and mechanisms behind climate changes in different regions.  相似文献   
Carbon Preference Index (CPI values) of higher plant-derived long-chain n-alkanes extracted from 62 surface soil samples in eastern China exhibited a specific pattern of variations, namely gradual increase with the increasing latitudes. Such regular variations existed in both forest soil and grassland soil. Our data implied that CPI values of higher plant-derived long-chain n-alkanes had a certain connection with climatic conditions, and such a connection was not influenced by vegetation types. Together with previous data from marine sediments, loess/paleosol sequences, tertiary red clay and modern plants, our observation made us conclude that CPI values of higher plant-derived long-chain n-alkanes may be used as an excellent proxy for paleoclimatic studies.  相似文献   
浙江天台地区赖家组的划分与分布   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
柴达木盆地是中国目前保存较为完整的、连续的、巨厚的河-湖相沉积记录的盆地,通过对ZK701+801,水6孔,涩中6和涩深1井等典型剖面孢子花粉组合特征和分布规律的研究,详细地论述了第四纪孢粉组合带及其所代表的植被,气候演变进程,自1.87MaB.P.以来共识出了59个孢粉组合带,划分出29个完整的冷暖气候旋回,并且同中国西北第四纪黄土-古土壤系列的37个气候旋回以及深海钻孔氧同位素气候旋回进行了较好的对比。  相似文献   
姚远  张恩楼  沈吉  蒋庆丰 《沉积学报》2008,26(2):294-299
通过对属都湖湖心钻取的短岩芯Esdr1进行放射性核素137Cs和常规的元素分析,利用137Cs建立精确的年代标尺,开展地球化学记录环境演变与器测资料的对比研究。器测资料表明,近50年来,该地区主要的气候变化特征:1958~1983年,气候偏冷湿;1983~2002年,气候逐渐暖干化,这些气候波动特征被沉积岩芯忠实记录。研究表明属都湖沉积物地球化学代用指标指示的气候演化特征与器测资料可很好的对比印证,属都湖沉积岩芯完整的记录了区域气候变化的信息  相似文献   
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