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Water resources in residential areas are negatively affected by floods. In addition, many aquifers are contaminated as a result of urbanization. Great damage caused during earthquakes are partly attributed to the residential pattern which ignores the potential effect of groundwater. Hydrogeological and hydrological surveys must be carried out in the residential areas to determine the interaction between water and residential development of all types.Recent hydrogeological and hydrological investigations regarding the impact of urbanization were made for the city of Burdur (Turkey). To evaluate the effect of earthquakes on groundwater, groundwater isohypse and groundwater isopach maps were prepared showing most of the buildings within the Burdur city boundaries, which are in the areas where groundwater depth is less than 10 m. This is considered a critical depth for liquefaction during an earthquake. Lowering of the groundwater table has to be considered as one of the alternatives in reducing earthquake hazards. The chemical makeup of groundwater was also determined to consider its relationship to contamination and possible effects upon the foundations. Streams flowing across the Burdur residential area formed a flooding risk. Results of the peak flow analysis can be used to design improvements for the city. Maps of the best residential development areas have been prepared by using hydrological and hydrogeological results.  相似文献   
沙区绿洲人地系统演进探讨——以民勤盆地为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
资源与环境问题已成为当代人类生存与发展的重大问题,它通过人地系统中人与地之间的相互联系,以各种方式和强度作用于人类。人地系统有其运行规律和演进机制,要建立协调的人地关系、促进沙区绿洲的可持续发展,就必须清楚地了解其人的地系统的动态演进机制。通过分析民勤盆地人地系统的演进过程,提出了人地系统演进的机制和驱动力,从而为更好地调控沙区绿洲人地系统的演进提供依据。  相似文献   
张招崇  李树才 《岩石学报》2000,16(3):327-336
镜泊湖地区全新世玄武岩分布在镜泊湖西北方向的“火山口森林”地区和蛤蟆塘地区。这两个地区相距只有15km,但其玄武质岩石在岩石学上具有明显的区别,前者为碱性橄榄玄武岩,后者为白榴石碱玄岩,并且具有钛角闪石、金云母和歪长石巨晶,而前者则没有这些巨晶。对它们的地球化学特征研究表明,两个地区的玄武夺石虽然均属于偏钠质的碱性玄武岩,但是白榴石碱玄岩相对于碱性橄榄玄武岩总体上具有高的Al2O3、Na2O、K2  相似文献   
赣南地区煤矿分布规律及找煤方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赣南地区各含煤岩系及煤矿(田)产布特征,具有东西向成片、北北东向成行,受东西向与北北东向推昨合控制的分布规律。因此,深入研究推覆构造系统的特点及其控煤规律,从而确定出煤系“构造窗”、覆于煤系之上的“飞来峰”,甚至辨认出覆于煤系之上的大片外来岩席(包括花岗岩外来岩席),是确定找煤方向和预测隐伏煤矿(田)的重要途径。  相似文献   
1 Spacial Organization Optimizing Theory 1.1 The centeral place theoryThe "centeral place theory" hypothesizes that there is a region: (1) the region is a uniform plain; (2) the motion of economic activities in regions can be carried through in every directions forever; (3) the purchasing power of residents is a successive and uniform distribution; (4) the movement of consumers has rationality in space, namely, proceeding by the shortest distance. The rural settlements as the central place of…  相似文献   
Gully erosion of cultural sites in Grand Canyon National Park is an urgent management problem that has intensified in recent decades, potentially related to the effects of Glen Canyon Dam. We studied 25 gullies at nine sites in Grand Canyon over the 2002 monsoon–erosion season to better understand the geomorphology of the gully erosion and the effectiveness of erosion‐control structures (ECS) installed by the park under the direction of the Zuni Conservation Program. Field results indicate that Hortonian overland flow leads to concentrated flow in gullies and erosion focused at knickpoints along channels as well as at gully heads. Though groundcover type, soil shear strength and permeability vary systemat‐ically across catchments, gradient and, to a lesser degree, contributing drainage area seem to be the first‐order controls on gully extent, location of new knickpoints, and ECS damage. The installed ECS do reduce erosion relative to reaches without them and initial data suggest woody checkdams are preferable to rock linings, but maintenance is essential because damaged structures can exacerbate erosion. Topographic data from intensive field surveys and detailed photogrammetry provide slope–contributing area data for gully heads that have a trend consistent with previous empirical and theoretical formulations from a variety of landscapes. The same scaling holds below gully heads for knickpoint and ECS topographic data, with threshold coefficients the lowest for gully heads, slightly higher for knickpoints, and notably higher for damaged ECS. These topographic thresholds were used with 10‐cm digital elevation models to create simple predictive models for gully extent and structure damage. The model predictions accounted for the observed gullies but there are also many false‐positives. Purely topographical models are probably inadequate at this scale and application, but models that also parameterize the variable soil properties across sites would be useful for predicting erosion problems and ECS failure. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Relationships between riverbed morphology, concavity, rock type and rock uplift rate are examined to independently unravel the contribution of along-strike variations in lithology and rates of vertical deformation to the topographic relief of the Oregon coastal mountains. Lithologic control on river profile form is reflected by convexities and knickpoints in a number of longitudinal profiles and by general trends of concavity as a function of lithology. Volcanic and sedimentary rocks are the principal rock types underlying the northern Oregon Coast Ranges (between 46°30′ and 45°N) where mixed bedrock–alluvial channels dominate. Average concavity, θ, is 0·57 in this region. In the alluviated central Oregon Coast Ranges (between 45° and 44°N) values of concavity are, on average, the highest (θ = 0·82). South of 44°N, however, bedrock channels are common and θ = 0·73. Mixed bedrock–alluvial channels characterize rivers in the Klamath Mountains (from 43°N south; θ = 0·64). Rock uplift rates of ≥0·5 mm a−1, mixed bedrock–alluvial channels, and concavities of 0·53–0·70 occur within the northernmost Coast Ranges and Klamath Mountains. For rivers flowing over volcanic rocks θ = 0·53, and θ = 0·72 for reaches crossing sedimentary rocks. Whereas channel type and concavity generally co-vary with lithology along much of the range, rivers between 44·5° and 43°N do not follow these trends. Concavities are generally greater than 0·70, alluvial channels are common, and river profiles lack knickpoints between 44·5° and 44°N, despite the fact that lithology is arguably invariant. Moreover, rock uplift rates in this region vary from low, ≤0·5 mm a−1, to subsidence (<0 mm a−1). These observations are consistent with models of transient river response to a decrease in uplift rate. Conversely, the rivers between 44° and 43°N have similar concavities and flow on the same mapped bedrock unit as the central region, but have bedrock channels and irregular longitudinal profiles, suggesting the river profiles reflect a transient response to an increase in uplift rate. If changes in rock uplift rate explain the differences in river profile form and morphology, it is unlikely that rock uplift and erosion are in steady state in the Oregon coastal mountains. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
王春得  赵忠贤 《地下水》2006,28(6):87-89
渭干河灌区的水土环境及水文地质条件在克孜尔水库建成后发生了一定的变化,本文结合灌区12年来的水盐监测资料,对灌区地下水的埋深变化规律、水质演变趋势、灌区的排水效果及目前存在的问题进行了分析与探讨,并为今后灌区排水措施和保持水土环境的良性发展提出了建议.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯风沙滩地区土壤凝结水试验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
鄂尔多斯风沙滩地区,常年干旱少雨,蒸发强烈,地下水资源消耗主要源于表土蒸发.而土壤凝结水的形成与转化又与表土蒸发之间存在着十分密切的关系.作者在内蒙古自治区乌审旗气象局院内,采用自制的笼屉式测渗仪进行土壤凝结水的观测试验研究,测量方法为称重法.并同步观测地表以上50cm处的空气温湿度以及地表和地表以下5cm、10cm、15cm、20cm、30cm、40cm、50cm处的土壤温度.通过试验,初步探明了该区土壤凝结水的形成与转化的基本过程,以及土壤凝结水的转化与气象因素之间的相关关系.  相似文献   
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