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Till is of common occurrence in the marine environment and can be both subglacial and proglacial in origin. Former glacial margins are often represented by till tongues, that are interbedded with stratified glaciomarine sediment, and the relationship is readily mappable using seismic reflection techniques. It is inferred that within individual till tongues, sediment-gravity flow deposits form transitional contacts with till of subglacial origin, but these contacts cannot be distinguished on seismic profiles. These unstratified, gravity-induced deposits formed in close proximity to the glacial source at the grounding line are considered to be secondary tills (flow-till complex) in terms of the INQUA classification of tills. Till-tongue successions and till deltas are large, ice-marginal depocentres associated with floating front ice-margins, and appear to be closely related in origin. Tabular and hummocky moraines of the mid-Norwegian Shelf also are considered to be products of floating-front margins and represent a large proportion of the retreat tills formed during ice recession. Seismostratigraphic evidence for channelisation in ice-marginal deposits appears to provide a means of distinguishing between former tidewater and floating-front margins.  相似文献   
In Ostrobothnia, western Finland, buried fossil soils have been recognised in a number of places in the sandy sediments that occur between glaciofluvial deposits and overlying till. Samples from the soil horizons as well as below and above them were taken for optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. The same sites were also sampled for thermoluminescence (TL) dating. Altogether five TL dates and seventeen OSL dates were obtained. The OSL dates can be grouped into two age classes, (i) 120-163 ka and (ii) 76-106 ka, whereas all TL dates are of the order 135-155 ka. A comparison between the results obtained from the two dating methods shows that OSL dates are generally younger than the TL dates for the same sample. The discrepancy may arise partly from problems of setting a correct residual level in TL dating. If this is the case then the TL dates may indicate an upper limit for the true age. The results support the geological interpretation that the fossil soils were formed during the last interglacial, that the soil-forming processes possibly also continued during the first Early Weichselian stadial and interstadial (Brørup sensu lato), and that in general the till-covered glaciofluvial sequences, interpreted as eskers in Ostrobothnia, were deposited during the Saalian or Early Weichselian deglaciation.  相似文献   
贡嘎山海螺沟冰川冰舌地段的泥石流   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
海螺沟冰川冰舌地段1976年以来发生过两次大的冰雪雨水泥石流。1989年7月8日和26日观景台西沟的泥石流通过1.7km长的冰面后,在冰川末端前形成一个5.5×10~4m~3的扇形地;1976年8月长草坝3号冰川下部冰碛体边坡的两处滑坡泥石流在开阔地上扩散堆积后,达1317.8m~3/s的泥石流和洪水下到冰川上。今后每年雨季还有可能发生更大规模的泥石流,值得人们警惕。  相似文献   
This paper presents and applies a new acoustic imaging approach to quantitatively determine geophysical parameters of complex inhomogeneous sediment layers. The concept is called an Acoustic Sub-seabed Interrogator or ASI and it is based on optimising the criteria of temporal and spatial resolution and of coherence by utilizing broadband, narrow beam calibrated sources and fixed receivers on a stationary platform.The ASI concept was experimentally tested over a complex pseudo-glacial till built at a scale of 20:1. Compressional velocity, attenuation losses and thickness values were easily attained using the ASI's coherent spatial scanning approach and through a discrete application of the Hilbert transform in the post processing of data. The simulations provided indepth insight into the model's physical and spatial variations and by statistical distribution emphasized the depositional processes involved in creating the layer. It is believed that the fundamental internal information elucidated by the ASI for the pseudo-till structure and illustrated in the resultant acoustic core cannot be attained using current marine geophysical and geotechnical techniques.  相似文献   
The continental shelf of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, is an open shelf area located 5°S and 35°W. It is influenced by strong oceanic and wind-driven currents, fair weather, 1·5-m-high waves and a mesotidal regime. This work focuses on the character and the controls on the development of suites of carbonate and siliciclastic bedforms, based on Landsat TM image analysis and extensive ground-truth (diving) investigations. Large-scale bedforms consist of: (i) bioclastic (mainly coralline algae and Halimeda) sand ribbons (5–10 km long, 50–600 m wide) parallel to the shoreline; and (ii) very large transverse siliciclastic dunes (3·4 km long on average, 840 m spacing and 3–8 m high), with troughs that grade rapidly into carbonate sands and gravels. Wave ripples are superposed on all large-scale bedforms, and indicate an onshore shelf sediment transport normal to the main sediment transport direction. The occurrence of these large-scale bedforms is primarily determined by the north-westerly flowing residual oceanic and tidal currents, resulting mainly in coast-parallel transport. Models of shelf bedform formation predict sand ribbons to occur in higher energy settings rather than in large dunes. However, in the study area, sand ribbons occur in an area of coarse, low-density and easily transportable bioclastic sands and gravels compared with the very large transverse dunes in an offshore area that is composed of denser medium-grained siliciclastic sands. It suggests that the availability of different sediment types is likely to exert an influence on the nature of the bedforms generated. The offshore sand supply is time limited and originates from sea floor erosion of sandstones of former sea-level lowstands. The trough areas of both sand ribbons and very large transverse dunes comprise coarse calcareous algal gravels that support benthic communities of variable maturity. Diverse mature communities result in sediment stabilization through branching algal growth and binding that is thought to modify the morphology of dunes and sand ribbons. The occurrence and the nature of the bedforms is controlled by their hydrodynamic setting, by grain composition that reflects the geological history of the area and by the carbonate-producing benthic marine communities that inhabit the trough areas.  相似文献   
冰碛土三轴数值模拟试验方法探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
徐鼎平  汪斌  江龙剑  曹作忠 《岩土力学》2008,29(12):3466-3470
由于冰碛土粒度组成和沉积结构的特殊性,无论室内试验还是原位试验,均难以获取冰碛土体可靠的强度和变形指标,因而强度值的合理选取一直成为冰碛土体工程设计和评价的瓶颈。采用元胞自动机方法模拟冰碛土体结构,构造仿真的大型试体,借助于FLAC3D,对模拟试体进行了三轴数值模拟试验,并依据常规三轴试验的力学公式求得了冰碛土体的强度和变形参数,从而为岩土体强度试验提供了一种崭新方法,为虚拟岩土实验室的建立作出了有益的尝试。  相似文献   
Fabric ‘shape’, based on the relative values of three eigenvalues calculated from fabric data, has been used to differentiate sediment facies and infer deformation histories. The eigenvalues are based on samples drawn from parent populations, and as such are subject to statistical variance due to sampling effects. In this paper, the degree of statistical variance in fabric data for two types of subglacial till from Breidamerkurjøkull, Iceland, is investigated using ‘bootstrapping’ techniques, in which empirical ‘confidence regions’ are built up by repeated resampling of the original data. The experiments show that, for each till type, the observed between‐sample variability in the fabrics lies within the boundaries associated with random variations, indicating that the observed range of fabric shapes within each till type is likely to be entirely the product of sampling effects. Differences in fabric shape between till types are generally greater than that associated with random variations, indicating that their fabric shape characteristics, as measured by eigenvalues, are significantly different. Nevertheless, the results suggest that great care should be exercised when using a‐axis fabric data to differentiate sedimentary facies, or to infer subtle differences in physical processes or conditions. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & ­Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A thin sequence of in situ fossiliferous gravels and silts overlain by a glacigenic bed is described from a temporary exposure in a working silica sand quarry. The sequence directly overlies unweathered Mercia Mudstone. Locally the bedrock surface forms a shallow palaeovalley some 15 m deep and almost 1 km wide. The sequence in question lies close to the valley axis. The silts, pollen, plant macrofossils, Mollusca, Coleoptera, and Ostracoda assemblages each suggest a similar environment of sedimentation: a shallow pool within a treeless open landscape. Much of the bedrock within the working quarry appears to be draped by the Oakwood till and this unit is co-extensive with the glacigenic sediments over the silts and gravels. In parts at least, the till has been subject to redeposition and its upper surface has scattered ventifacts. Above this wind-deflation horizon lies the Chelford Sands Formation, in the middle of which is the Chelford Interstadial stratotype, the Farm Wood member. The biota preserved in the gravels and silts suggest a stadial prior to the Early Devensian Chelford Interstadial. This is the first unambiguous stratigraphic evidence from Cheshire of a glacial event antedating the Chelford Interstadial.  相似文献   
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