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孙三百  张青萍  李冉  张可云 《地理学报》2022,77(6):1411-1429
当前,“共同富裕”问题备受各界关注,中国2035年远景目标纲要明确要求“共同富裕”取得实质性进展,因而测度收入与净财富不平等程度、识别地区“共同富裕”的路径差异与成因具有重要意义。本文根据2011—2019年中国家庭金融调查(CHFS)数据,使用基尼系数、洛伦兹曲线和计量模型分析地区收入不平等和净财富不平等的演变模式、成因与地区“共同富裕”的路径差异。研究发现:① 虽然2011—2019年全国收入不平等程度下降,但净财富不平等维持在高位,而各地区收入和净财富不平等变化存在明显空间差异,其各分位点上的收入或净财富累计占比变化呈现不同态势。② 进一步检验地区不平等与经济发展的关系,发现经济发展水平与收入不平等呈近似倒“U”型关系,与净财富不平等呈近似倒“N”型关系。③ 各地区“共同富裕”的路径存在差异,发达省市区正逐步推进“共同富裕”,而落后省市区这一迹象并未显现。本文为中央与地方政府“共同富裕”政策的制定提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   
Much of the debate on climate policy in the USA focuses on the gain or loss to the macroeconomy of alternative policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, the economy is made up of multiple individuals, not a single representative agent. This article reports the results of alternative ways of distributing emissions allocations across citizens. Macroeconomic effects interact with the policy for distribution, but the distributional weights are more important for the welfare of individual agents than the economy-wide effects of the emissions reductions. Egalitarian distributions of the emissions allowances have the potential to increase the welfare of most people, even if significant emissions reductions are mandated. Focusing on the distribution of emissions allowances (or the revenues generated from an emissions tax) rather than on aggregate GDP may provide guidance in identifying and implementing politically viable solutions to the climate change mitigation problem.  相似文献   
长沙市居民出境旅游需求的收入分异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收入水平在很大程度上影响人们出境旅游消费,分析不同收入城市居民出境旅游需求差异具有重要的现实意义。运用抽样调查方法获得基础数据,将收入水平与城市居民出境旅游出游方式和意愿变量进行交叉分析,得出城市居民出境旅游需求出游方式差异不大,出境旅游意愿存在较大的差异。将收入水平与出境旅游目的地、决策影响因素、停留时间等变量进行对应分析得出:不同收入城市居民在出境旅游目的地,决策影响因素的选择差异不大,在出境花费意向、停留时间、出境旅游目的等存在较大的差异。  相似文献   
不同环境下农户自主发展能力对收入增长的影响   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
采用改进的信息熵值法和多元线性回归法对河南11个村1251农户调研数据进行处理,基于时空耦合的概念,定量分析了不同地理环境条件下农户自主发展能力与农户持续增收的内在关系.得出如下结论:①农户自主发展能力影响农户农业收入,但耕地和地形等地理因素的影响更为突出,且耕地增长的贡献度存山区最大,丘陵次之,平原最小,能力增长的贡献度恰好相反.②农户自主发展能力和家庭劳动投入显著影响农户非农收入,地理因素对家庭非农收入没有直接影响.地域通达性通过影响家庭自主发展能力间接影响家庭非农收入.③不同阶段农户自主发展能力对农户非农发展的贡献度不同.初级阶段,农户非农发展几乎完全依赖劳动投入的增长,能力增长几乎没有起作用;中级阶段.能力增长和劳动增长的贡献各半;高级阶段,能力的贡献度又跌至15%.④农民非农收入报酬率的增长依赖农户能力增长和地域通达性提高.在低报酬阶段,能力的贡献度约占2/3,但进入中下报酬阶段后,报酬的增长完全依赖地域通达性的增强,进入中上报酬阶段后,地域通达性的作用开始下降,到达高报酬阶段后下降到零,这时报酬的增长完全依赖能力的增长.  相似文献   
西南边疆民族地区农户收入的地理影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州13个县(市)、273个村庄、2774户农户的微观数据集,设计了一个两水平农户收入函数模型,实证分析地理因素对农户收入影响,得出以下主要结论:①样本农户收入61.25%的总变异由农户居住村庄的外部环境导致的,农户的人均耕地面积、受过农业技术培训的人数和生产经营结构对农户收入的影响效应在农户之间存在差异,可以利用地理因素进行部分解释。②地理因素导致农户耕地、林木等资源禀赋差异,直接影响农户收入。平原村农户比山区村农户的人均纯收入高14.53%;5km以内村庄农户比5km以外村庄农户人均纯收入高30.63%。③在控制地理因素和劳动力负担系数后,农户的物质资本、生产经营结构和人力资本中的劳动力素质对农户收入具有显著的正向影响,而劳动力数量具有显著的负向影响。④地理因素影响了农户的农业基础设施条件、外出务工等,从而间接影响了农户人均耕地、受过农业技术培训劳动力人数和生产经营结构对收入的效应。并提出了增加农户收入的政策建议。  相似文献   
根据泰尔系数和基尼系数可按地域和收入来源进行分解的特性,对我国1997—2009年间各省份农民收入时空差异进行地域和因子结构双重解析。结果表明,省际间农民收入呈小幅波动增大态势;三大地带内差异是构成农民收入差异的主导部分,尤其是中部地带内省际间差异和贡献居首要地位;因子结构分解则显示工资性收入对总体非均衡程度的贡献最高。着力加快中、西部地区的工业化、城镇化进程,推进农业剩余劳动力向城镇转移或向非农产业转移,提升其工资性收入水平,并从政策、财政和科技等方面支持落后地区加快发展家庭经营是缓解农村地区省际收入差距并促进农村经济区域协调发展的有效途径。  相似文献   
Using data from a survey carried out in six tobacco growing villages across Malawi in 2004–5, this paper summarizes some main differences found in subsistence production and income levels between male‐ and female‐headed households and the disparities among female‐headed households in the light of economic liberalization policies of the past two decades. The disadvantaged position of female‐headed households in terms of land and labour endowment, together with the high cost of inputs since the structural adjustment programmes and removal of subsidies since the 1980s has prevented poorer female‐headed households not only from attaining maize self‐sufficiency, but also from engaging in high‐return agriculture such as tobacco production. Although livelihood diversification is adopted by both male‐ and female‐headed households, many female‐headed households still depend on low‐entry‐barrier activities such as agricultural waged labour and are unable to break out of the poverty cycle. However, female‐headed households are a heterogeneous category and factors such as the availability of nonfarm income opportunities, social networks to access labour and capital, land acquisition through flexible applications of patrilineal inheritance rules, and the existence of formal channels for credit and informal tobacco trading have enabled some to improve agricultural productivity and achieve high incomes.  相似文献   
从土地综合价值出发, 将一般用于宏观研究的情景分析法引入微观领域, 根据社会、经济、环境效益的最佳、最差和最可能情景模式, 确定工业用地和居住用地开发的情景过程及其对比特征。研究表明, 福建省长汀腾飞经济开发区最可能情景下的工业收支比经过16 年才能达到平衡, 居住和商业用地最可能情景下收支比可以维持在3~5 左右的稳定发展水平, 在前5 年, 居住用地的收支比8~10 倍于工业用地, 然后差距逐步缩小, 降低到20 年期2 倍的水平。这一情景表明, 腾飞经济开发区要缩小规模, 分步、分阶段地把没有进行开发的闲置土地和3 年左右依然处于亏损的企业用地置换出来, 工业用地应该由目前的2.5 km2 缩减 到1~1.5 km2。  相似文献   
Population urbanization is the core of new urbanization in China and is an important task in the long term. Based on mediation effect models, spatial panel data econometric models, and coupling coordination models, this study attempts to identify the direct and indirect effects of the proportion of rubber-planted areas and the indications of population urbanization using panel data of counties on Hainan Island, explaining the mechanism. The results show that rubber plantations dominated by state-owned farms weakly impacted farmers' income in 1992-2002 (first phrase), and the effects became positive in the period of smallholding expansions from 2003 to 2013 (second phrase) at a statistically significant level of 10%. However, the effects became negative between 2013 and 2020 (third phrase) due to the continuously low prices of natural rubber compared to the second phrase; the regions with higher share of rubber plantations had less local fiscal revenues per capita—especially in the third phrase—mainly because of the short industrial chain of rubber in producing regions. Shares of rubber-planted areas in the city or county (defined as rubber-planted intensity, RPI) were negatively related to proportions of staff in the non-private sector (SNS) and nonrural employees (NRE) compared to people with jobs and census registered population urbanization rates (PUR). The reversed connections between RPI and NRE became weaker over time; a 10-percentage point increase in PRI might have led to a 10.3-percentage point decrease in NRE in the first phrase, but it reduced to 3.3 percentage points in NRE with no statistical significance in the third phrase. Conversely, the negative correlation of RPI with SNS and PUR became stronger from the first to third phrase; the farmers' income and local fiscal revenue could ease the negative relationships between RPI and SNS or NRE, but they turned to enhance the relation of RPI with PUR in the second and third phrase. The evidence from Moran's I and Geary's c indices proved the existence of obvious spatial correlations in the distribution of natural rubber and farmers' income and indicated that GDP per capita and other variables are also spatially related. The estimated spatial panel data models with adjacent, geographical and economical distance matrices indicated that the direct influences of RPI on SNS, NRE, and PUR were almost negative in all phrases, but the spillover and total effects can be positive in some situations, such as in the second phrase with adjacent and geographical distance matrices of PUR; this means that an increase in rubber-planted areas may promote nonfarm job market of adjacent regions mainly due to rural labor mobility. The coupling coordination degrees between the intensity of rubber planted and population urbanization of Haikou and Sanya reach 0.96 and 0.87, respectively, in the second and third phrases—much higher than those of other regions. Compared to the first phrase, the margin of increases in the degrees of coupling coordination in the second and third phrases are reducing from the east to west in Hainan Island. The key routes to mitigate the negative links are to improve labor productivity and extend the industrial chain of natural rubber along with the nonfarm job creation, and Hainan's population urbanization should consider many other possible angles across the island. © The Author(s) 2023.  相似文献   
中国农民收入区域差异及影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
姜会明  孙雨  王健  吉宇琴 《地理科学》2017,37(10):1546-1551
利用2004~2015年全国31个省(市)农民收入的有关数据,采用泰尔指数(Theil Index)测算出全国农民收入差距,将中国分为粮食主产区、粮食主销区、粮食产销平衡区三大功能区域,分解出三大功能区域组间差距和组内差距,并计算组间差距和组内差距分别对总收入差距贡献率。结果表明:2004~2006年全国各省农民收入差距变大,而2007~2015年逐渐缩小。经过进一步计算,组间差距对全国农民收入差距的贡献率达到70%,组内差距达到30%,可以看出,中国农民收入在粮食主产区、粮食主销区、粮食产销平衡区中区域间差距远大于区域内差距。用多元回归模型分析全国农民收入差距的影响因素,得出第一产业占GDP的比重、城镇化率、农村金融发展规模等指标与泰尔指数呈负相关,工业化率、比较劳动生产率与泰尔指数呈正相关,据此提出相应对策建议。  相似文献   
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