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依据多目标区域生态地球化学调查已经取得的部分成果(如:国土环境质量状况、农田区土壤肥力和营养状况、规划特色优势农作物产地、部分地方病分布区和影响因素等),从发展循环经济、提高土地管理水平和发展现代化农业等方面提出了深化调查成果的意见和方向。  相似文献   
Observed pollutants are of both primary and secondary origins, influenced by local topography and meteorology. Identifying sources and relative contribution often require vast detailed data collection and complicated models. This study applied a statistical time series analysis to two selected pollution events, spring and fall, at two sites in northern Taiwan. Vector moving average representations were used to quantitatively examine relationships among chemical pollutants and estimate their lifetimes. Results from impulse responses show that wind direction change alters the characteristic of pollution observed in opposite sites of Taipei City, from chemical dominant system to transport dominant one and vice versa. Chemicals are clearly separated into photochemical pollutants and primary pollutants. Results pointed out that Taipei City is the major source of photochemical smog, but not these primary pollutants. Derived chemical lifetimes at same location vary from 20% to four times under different meteorological condition. Estimated concentrations of hydroxyl radical range between 2 to 8 × 107 cm−3. Photochemical pollutants are responsible for parts of PM10 collected in both station observed. Oxidation of SO2 is only important in PM10 observed at one station. This study provides a simpler tool to derive information usually from complex models, therefore, is suitable as complement in decision-making process.  相似文献   
Results of lithostratigraphic and mineral magnetic analysis of two surficial sediment cores (21 cm and 45 cm in length) collected from the Southern basin of Lake Baikal at a water depth of 1390 m, are presented. The sediments have been measured for a wide range of mineral magnetic parameters in order to assess their value in the identification of turbidite layers. Particle size and geochemical data are also presented and these explain some of the down core variations in magnetic mineralogy. It is suggested that changes in the particle size frequency distributions down core may be related to fossil diatom shells. One of the cores has been dated using 210Pb. The sediment cores were cross-correlated using low frequency magnetic susceptibility (f) and these cores can also be correlated with a nearby core collected earlier in 1992. Changes in the magnetic parameters of lf, IRMs and HIRM210 suggest that there are significant changes in the concentration of ferrimagnetic minerals in the sediment cores, indicating changing sediment sources and/or increasing concentrations of spheroidal carbonaceous particles and the dissolution of minerals through reduction below the oxidised layer within the sediment core.  相似文献   
能源基地地下水已受到不同程度的污染,随着基地大规模开发建设,地下水污染将更加严重。对基地一些地区地下水的污染特征、污染途径和污染源进行了分析研究,并在此基础上提出了相应的防治措施和建议。  相似文献   
滨海湿地作为一种具有多种功能和蕴含丰富资源的生态系统,是人类重要的生存环境之一。湿地土壤重金属污染问题是当前湿地科学领域内的热点话题。为研究河北省滦南滨海湿地重金属污染特征,本文利用单因子指数法、内梅罗综合污染指数法和地累积指数法对重金属污染状况进行评价。结果表明:铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)、铬(Cr)、铅(Pb)、镉(Cd) 的单因子质量指数均小于1.0,说明研究区重金属含量小于土壤背景值,土壤未受到污染。内梅罗综合指数法Cu、Zn、Cr、Pb、Cd 指数均小于0.7,表明滦南湿地土壤重金属污染水平处于未污染。湿地各区域重金属地累积指数为无污染或较轻污染,其中Pb 污染为较轻污染,监测点主要与人类活动有关。利用地累积指数分析认为Pb 在湿地北区为轻度污染水平,经调查发现该区域主要为居民点,人类活动频繁,其他重金属均无污染。河北滦南滨河湿地土壤未受到重金属污染,湿地土壤环境较好。  相似文献   
Upper North Grain (UNG) is a heavily eroding blanket peat catchment in the Peak District, southern Pennines, UK. Concentrations of lead in the near‐surface peat layer at UNG are in excess of 1000 mg kg−1. For peatland environments, these lead concentrations are some of the highest globally. High concentrations of industrially derived, atmospherically transported magnetic spherules are also stored in the near‐surface peat layer. Samples of suspended sediment taken during a storm event that occurred on 1 November 2002 at UNG, and of the potential catchment sources for suspended sediments, were analysed for lead content and the environmental magnetic properties of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM). At the beginning of the storm event, there is a peak in both suspended sediment and associated lead concentration. SIRM/ARM values for suspended sediment samples throughout the storm reveal that the initial ‘lead flush’ is associated with a specific sediment source, namely that of organic sediment eroded from the upper peat layer. Using the magnetic ‘fingerprinting’ approach to discrimination of sediment sources, this study reveals that erosion of the upper peat layer at UNG is releasing high concentrations of industrially derived lead (and, by inference, other toxic heavy metals associated with industrial particulates) into the fluvial systems of the southern Pennines. Climate‐change scenarios for the UK, involving higher summer temperatures and stormier winters, may result in an increased flux both of sediment‐associated and dissolved heavy metals from eroding peatland catchments in the southern Pennines, adversely affecting the quality of sediment and water entering reservoirs of the region. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Storm events are major transporters of faecal microbial contaminants, but few studies have reported storm loads or concentration dynamics in relation to discharge or other pollutants, notably fine sediment. Episodically, high loads of faecal contamination during storm flows impact downstream uses of water bodies, particularly contact recreation and shellfish harvesting. We examined the storm dynamics of Escherichia coli, turbidity and discharge in the mixed land use Motueka catchment (2047 km2; 60% forest and 19% pasture) to gain insights into E. coli sources and transport. We also explored different approaches for calculating E. coli loads. Discharge and field turbidity were recorded continuously, and E. coli concentrations were sampled during events, over a 13‐month period near the mouth of the Motueka River. E. coli loads were estimated by interpolation, averaging estimators and by using linear regression with smearing correction of the log‐transformed variables: discharge, turbidity, and both turbidity and discharge. The annual E. coli load was dominated (~98%) by export during events. Comparison of monthly monitoring with the intensive storm monitoring campaign suggests that simple stratification of the sampling into storm and baseflow would greatly improve export estimates. E. coli peak concentrations always preceded discharge and turbidity peaks (which had similar timing). Turbidity can be a useful surrogate for faecal microbes in smaller catchments, but in the Motueka turbidity was no better for predicting E. coli concentration than discharge. Runoff from grazed pasture and direct deposition from livestock are probably the ultimate E. coli sources in the Motueka catchment. However, in‐channel stores seem to dominate E. coli dynamics during events and account for the typical feature of bacterial concentrations peaking ahead of discharge and turbidity. This study demonstrates the importance of storm events to faecal microbial loads and shows that E. coli concentration dynamics may contrast with those of turbidity. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用溶胶凝胶法自制了碳纳米管和纳米二氧化钛的复合光催化剂,采用投射电子显微镜和X光衍射仪对粉体的粒径、物象、形貌和热稳定性等进行表征。通过研究光照条件、催化剂的投加量、油的初始浓度、催化剂制备的煅烧条件等因素,考察了自制碳纳米管和纳米二氧化钛的复合催化剂对降解模拟海洋柴油污染的海水去除率的影响。研究发现,在可见光照条件下,400℃煅烧2 h的复合催化剂,投加量为0.4 g/L、柴油的初始浓度为0.6 g/L、反应的光照时间为4 h时效果最好,去除率可达到67.65%。  相似文献   
通过对陕西省泾惠渠灌区现场调查及土壤样品的采集,分析了灌区土壤中Hg、Cd、Cr、Pb、As、Cu、Zn等7种元素的含量,应用地质累积指数对灌区土壤进行了评价。结果表明:从区域分布看,阎良区、临潼区、高陵县所属采样点污染较严重;Hg污染最严重,地质累积指数为1.007~3.117,58%的采样点级别为3级,属中度污染到强污染,38%的采样点级别为2级,属中度污染;Zn污染程度次之,地质累积指数为-0.407~1.644,71%的采样点级别为1级,属无污染到中污染;Cd污染变异程度最大,地质累积指数为-2.705~3.312,70%的采样点级别0级,属无污染,但个别采样点达到了强污染;Cu的地质累积指数为-0.535~0.421,Pb为-1.119~-0.144,Cr为-1.005~-0.458,As为-0.562~0.077,除个别点外这些重金属污染级别皆为0级,属无污染。  相似文献   
流域-河口-近海系统氮、磷营养盐输移研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
综述了流域-河口-近海系统氮、磷营养盐的主要来源、营养盐输移的影响因素等方面的研究,介绍了当前营养盐输移研究的主要方法,并概括了氮、磷营养盐在流域-河口-近海系统的整体性研究。在此基础上,提出了该领域研究存在的主要问题及未来展望,强调了将流域、河口与近海系统作为一个整体,并充分发挥分布式模型的优势开展营养盐输移研究的重要性。  相似文献   
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